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Women continue to be paid less than men on average
in equal positions T/F
A person born with male and female sex organs is
called: a) homosexual b) multisexual c) intersexed
Marriage is a social institution T/F
Approximately how many Japanese-Canadians were
interned during WWII: a) 22 000 b) 85 000 c) 250 000 d)
500 000
The Study of _________ focuses on the individual.
The “purple ribbon” campaign held every year in
December is in memory of _________
Marx was influenced early on by what philosopher
He is credited with inventing the term ‘sociology.’
The majority of female labour is in the secretarial and
sales market: T/F
The Death Penalty is proven to be effective in
deterring violent crime: T/F
The Rwandan Genocide was an attempt to eliminate:
a) Hutu’s b) Tutsi’s c) Africans d) Burundians.
Residential Schools were used in Canada to encourage:
a) assimilation b) conformity c) the use of English by
natives d) all of the above.
The study of __________ concerns itself with humans
as species and members of a culture.
Which classical sociological theorist wrote an extensive
essay on fashion?
__________ is the act or attitude of hostility towards
another person
Auguste Comte insisted on the rigid application of the
scientific method in order to arrive at the truth in
sociology. What did he call this?
The Criminal Code is an example of a social institution:
The hatred of Jews is called: a )Anti-Semitism b)
antijudism c) jewism d) racism
Over 90 000 native survivors view Residential Schools
as a form of _______________ genocide
This theorist focused on the things which were similar
among societies, rather than difference.
Many modern schools are based upon the same
architectural policies that were intended for prisons:
the attempt to eliminate a race or ethnicity is called: a)
genocide b) holocaust c) murdercide d) ethnocide.
A ____________ role is one you are born into
Who is considered the founder of modern sociology?
Alienation was a recurring theme in the work of Marx:
Residential Schools existed in Canada up until the mid
1990s: T/F
Which of the following is not an achieved role: a) a
Prince b) Scholar c) Teacher d) Athlete
Communication is defined as: the act of transmitting
information b) the art of chit chat c) the act of
speaking to one another d) the transfer of voices
The ________ experiment wanted to determine if
people in America would follow orders just like
Germans did during WW11.
Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto with
“Deviance” is a social construction: T/F
Displacement refers to the act of: a) losing something
b) moving something out of the way c) taking out pentup aggression on an innocent d) the forced movement
of minorities in the power structure of society.
Over 850 000 people were killed in ___________ days
in the Rwandan Genocide
He concluded that societies held together because
their members realized that individual because their
members realized that individual survival depended
upon their cooperation with each other.
Durkheim believed that crime was an essential part of
all societies: T/F
A large social grouping that shares the same
geographical territory and is subject to the same
political authority and dominant cultural expectations
is called: a) community b) nation c) country d) society
The industrial revolution began in__________.
He wrote about the concept of the “Iron Cage”
Expected behaviours in a society are called
According to Marx, in what order would the following
social economic systems emerge? Communism,
capitalism, socialism.
Natives only received full voting rights in the 1960s:
The sociological/philosophical search for meaning is
called: a) Existentialism b) phenomenology c)
postmodernism d) functionalism
A _________________ is any sort of human group that
supports social practices or behaviours that society has
generally agreed to promote and obey.
Durkheim determined what 3 categorizations of
It was once illegal for aboriginals to operate
mechanized farm equipment: T/F
What is conformity: a) the tendency of people to adopt
the norms of another person or group b) the twisting
of outlooks c) the bending of an object to fit a space d)
Moral standards of right and wrong are called _______
What theory states that society works in a logical
manner and protects the interests of all or most of its
Differential association argues that aggression and
violence are learned behaviours. T/F
The inability of an individual or a group to share in the
values of society is called : a) anomie b) altruism c)
alienation d) assimilation
_______ are the traditional customs of a people or
social group
What theory sees society as one in which media and
information technology feed individuals a vast number
of images yet offer few clear or comprehensive
solutions to life’s problems?
Auguste Comte did not believe that scientists and
sociologists working together were more capable of
social understanding that the church or politicians, or
that they should make all major decisions in society:
Which is not a real form of Capital: a) Cultural capital
b) financial capital c) personal capital d) social capital
The first sociology department in Canada was founded
at __________ University.
What theorist popularized the notion that sociology
could be reformed and improved? Weber
Social dynamics are the stages through which societies
pass as they experience change. T/F
Emile Durkheim believed that harsher punishment was
more effective than reform. T/F
Homophobia is the hatred and persecution of: a)
homosexuals b) homosapien c) homogeny d) homedwellers
This program was designed to increase the number of
women, visible minorities and other disadvantaged
groups in powerful positions: a) affirmative action b)
reconciliation c) reparations d) betterment
The lifelong process by which we are moulded by
society is called ________________
This theory suggests that individuals will give in to the
descriptions that others place upon them and act in
accordance to how they are labelled
_____________ refers to the focus on the inequalities
and divisions of power and wealth.
Max Weber believed that the Protestant ethic was the
root to the emergence of what economic system?
Social Statics is the study of the customs institutions
and laws of a society and how they interact with one
another T/F
Karl Marx believed that revolution was the only way
the redistribution of wealth need for society to be
equal could be achieved. T/F
Michel Foucault wrote about: a) The panopticon b)
prisons c) the insane d) all of the above
This term was often used to describe Canadian Society
by early researchers: a) melting pot b) cultural mosaic
c) culturing d) WASP
The concept that all cultures are welcome in Canada is
often referred to as ___________
What theory posits that societies develop as people
struggle for power and money?
The branch of sociology that studies crime is called
Michel Foucault is considered by many as what kind of
Alienation is the inability of an individual or a group to
share in the values of society is called T/F
Which of the following was is not considered
important to the evolution of Canadian Sociology: Carl
Dawson, John Porter, Wallace Clement or Jane
Theorists such as Marx, Durkheim and Weber were
greatly influenced by the social and technological
upheaval during the time in which they lived. This era
is called ___________________.
Out of Marx, Durkheim and Weber, who was the only
one who believed social change could be effectively
brought about without revolution