Download A Family Tree of the Greek Gods

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Why were Myths Created?
 Early Greeks did not understand everyday events that
happened in nature so they attributed them to divine
 Myths (stories) were created over the years about
unseen beings that seemed to rule the natural word
Ancient Greek Worldview- 5th century BCE
The Myths are Recorded
 Myths were passed down orally from generation to
generation until the Greeks began writing
 Homer, the blind Greek poet from the 9th century BCE,
was the first person to actually describe the physical
characteristics and personalities of the gods and
 Hesiod, Greek poet from the 8th century BCE,
presented a family tree of the gods and goddesses
Cronus (one of 12 Titans)
Apollo Artemis
Poseidon Hades
Ares Athena
Cronus as king
 Uranus, Cronus’ father, had said that he would be
overthrown by one of his own children, just as Cronus
had banished Uranus
 To prevent this, Cronus swallowed all of his children,
except for the sixth child, Zeus
 Rhea, Cronus’ wife, could not bear the thought of her
husband swallowing another child so she tricked
Cronus into swallowing a stone, which he thought was
Zeus and had Baby Zeus taken to the island of Crete to
be raised by nymphs & a magical goat
Mount Ida in Crete today
Painting of Magical Goat
Zeus Assumes Power
 When Zeus was grown, he returned to the gods’ palace
at Mount Olympus and became a royal cup-bearer
 He served Cronus a poisonous drink that made him
vomit the other 5 children (now full grown) that he
had swallowed
Zeus Assumes Power (continued)…
 The brothers (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades) drive their father
 They also free the Cyclops (their uncles/aunts) from the
Underworld, where they had been banished by their father
(Uranus) because of their monster-like qualities
 The Cyclops were grateful so they gave the brothers gifts
Lightningbolt for Zeus
Forked Trident for Poseidon
Magical Helmet for Hades
The Kingdom is Divided
 Poseidon- god of the sea
 Hades- god of the Underworld
 Zeus- supreme god, commands the heavens, and head
of all the gods & goddesses
 Demeter- goddess of the harvest
 Hestia- goddess of the hearth
 Hera- goddess of women & childbirth
Mount Olympus
Zeus & his siblings lived in a palace on Mount Olympus.
Mount Olympus is the tallest mountain in Greece, with an
elevation of 9,577 feet
Zeus’ Most Important Children
 Apollo- god of music, health, prophecy
 Artemis- goddess of the hunt
 Ares- god of war
 Hephaestus- god of metalworking
 Athena- goddess of wisdom
 Heracles- not a god because his mother was a mortal
(regular human); better known by his Roman name,
 Aphrodite- (goddess of love) came from the sea
The Olympians Mirror Greek
 Ancient Greeks imagined that the family of Olympic
gods resembled those of their leaders
Thought of Zeus as a powerful monarch
(king), just like early Greek gov’t
Zeus had many wives, just like powerful
leaders could have many women
Most Olympic gods & goddesses were
thought to be handsome or beautiful
Gods ate nectar & drank ambrosia
Gods Play an Active Role in
Human Events
 Greeks believed that the gods would help humans who
pleased them or caused them pain and suffering to
those who angered them
 Greeks were always trying to please the gods
Offered prayers & sacrifices to them before
they did something important
animal sacrifices to gods
Local Traditions
 Each city had its own patron gods & local gods besides
the Olympian gods
 Each town had a hearth to honor Hestia
 Annual festivals held to honor the gods
Olympic Games
Greek theater
Religion as a Civic Activity
 Few priests
 Greek temples
considered the home of a god
rectangular, stone structures
 Lack of moral code in ancient Greek religion
gods & goddesses sometimes acted in an
immoral way
Greeks cared about the sin of Hubris
(excessive pride or arrogance)
Greek Concept of Death
 Greeks believed that after death a person’s body went
to the Underworld
 Peoples’ souls could end up in 1 of 3 places
Tartatus- gloomy place for wicked people
Asphodel Fields- most people ended up in this grey, boring
Elysian Fields- really good people ended up here, where they’d
live in sunlight forever
Compatibility of Religion &
 Most ancient Greeks did not question religion when
they learned about science
 It wasn’t until later in Greek civilization that lots of
people began to question the existence of the