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Blood •  The life stream of the body, affec4ng every cell and system we have. •  The blood is an accumula4on of many different elements, each working in a specific way to keep us alive. Blood •  A circula4ng connec4ve 4ssue consis4ng of several types of cells suspended in a fluid medium known as plasma. Blood •  Func4ons of blood: –  Supply oxygen to 4ssues –  Supply nutrients such as glucose, amino acids and faDy acids to 4ssues –  Removal of wastes such as CO2 , urea and lac4c acid from 4ssues –  Immunological func4ons, including circula4on of white cells, and detec4on of foreign material by an4bodies Blood •  Func4ons of blood con4nued: –  Messenger func4ons, including transport of hormones and signaling of 4ssue –  Coagula4on, part of body's self-­‐repair mechanism –  Regula4on of core body temperature –  Regula4on of body pH and ion concentra4ons Blood •  What percent of your body is blood? •  How much blood do we contain? –  On average 4-­‐6 liters –  We contain about a pint of blood for every 15 pounds of body weight •  ComposiBon of Blood: –  What percent of your blood is cellular? 45%
–  What percent of your blood is plasma? 55%
Blood •  What is plasma? –  A clear, straw colored fluid –  What percent of plasma is water? 90%
–  What’s in plasma? Plasma
(55% of whole blood)
Buffy coat leukocytes
and platelets
(<1% of whole blood)
(45% of whole blood)
Dissolved gasses l  Vitamins l  Minerals l  Salts l  Nutrients l 
Enzymes l  Hormones l  Waste products l  Plasma proteins l 
Layering of blood components in a centrifuged blood sample
Blood •  The cellular components are: –  red blood cells (erythrocytes) –  white blood cells (leukocytes) –  platelets (thrombocytes) •  Blood cells are formed in bone marrow Blood •  Red Blood Cell CharacterisBcs –  (RBC)-­‐ Erythrocyte –  Biconcave disks –  No nucleus –  Contain the iron based pigment hemoglobin which binds with oxygen to transport it –  Life span about 120 days –  5 billion/1mL of blood = most numerous –  Are very small Blood How RBC’s transport oxygen....Hemoglobin .…
the iron containing pigment Hemoglobin makes red blood cells red Blood •  White Blood Cell CharacterisBcs –  (WBC)-­‐ Leukocyte –  No definite shape –  Have nucleus –  Protect body against infecBon –  Life span varies (3 days-­‐a few months) –  7,000/1mL of blood –  Numbers increase if infecBon is present –  Larger than RBC’s Blood •  Platelet CharacterisBcs: –  Thrombocyte –  RBC fragments –  Irregularly shaped –  No nucleus –  150,000-­‐400,000/1mL –  Life span about 7-­‐11 days –  Have a sBcky surface –  Responsible for blood cloang (injury healing) Blood •  This is an actual picture of White Blood Cells, in with some red blood cells. The platelets are stained purple, a T-­‐Lymphocyte white cell is stained green, and a Monocyte white cell is stained gold as seen through a scanning electron microscope. Blood •  Red blood cells and platelets are the most numerous. •  Of the leukocytes, neutrophils are the most numerous •  Lymphocytes are the predominant cell type responsible for immune responses. Blood Cloang Steps in Blood Cloang: Let’s simplify platelets clump this shall we? platelets release thromboblasBn thromboblasBn produces thrombin •  thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin •  fibrin causes a clot • 
Blood Cloang •  Blood vessel is injured. •  Platelets clump at the site and produce a substance that produces strands of fibrin. •  Fibrin strands help to clog the opening or hole in the vessel. Blood Cloang Needed to
Blood Types •  ABO Blood Groups: •  Red blood cell membranes may contain an4gens – a substance that triggers an immune response in blood that does not contain the same an4gen. •  Blood plasma may contain an4bodies, specialized proteins that bind to non-­‐self an4gens to destroy them. •  It is important to prevent the mixing of red cells that contain an an4gen with plasma that contains the corresponding an4body. Blood Types Antigens
Blood Types Type
Antigen Receive
A or O
A or AB
B or O
B or AB
Blood Types Blood Transfusion –  The process of transferring blood or blood-­‐based products from one person into the circulatory system of another –  For blood loss due to trauma, surgery, or severe anemia –  Can be life-­‐saving Blood Types What Happens When Mixing Wrong Blood Type? •  An4bodies in blood will aDack the foreign blood. •  They will cause the blood cells to clump…. agglu4na4on. •  Will stop the blood from moving. •  Circulatory system shuts down Blood Types: Rh Factor •  An addi4onal an4gen found on the surface of red blood cells. •  Rh + Means that the person carries the an4gen. •  Rh -­‐ Means that the person DOES NOT carry the an4gen. Blood Types: Rh Factor Percentage of the Popula4on With Each Blood Type Rh+
38.5% 6.5%
34.3% 5.7%
The Rh, or rhesus, factor was discovered in 1940 when tes4ng blood with a rhesus monkey. The Rh system was named a_er rhesus monkeys, since they were ini4ally used in the research to make the an4serum for typing blood samples. Blood Types: Rh Factor Rh-­‐negaBve Woman with Rh-­‐posiBve fetus Rh-­‐negaBve Woman and Rh-­‐posiBve man conceive a child Cells from Rh-­‐posiBve fetus enter woman’s bloodstream Woman becomes sensiBzed-­‐ anBbodies ( + ) from to fight Rh-­‐posiBve blood cells In the next Rh-­‐posiBve pregnancy, maternal anBbodies adack fetal red blood cells