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Visualizing and Enumerating Micro- to
OCN 626 Lecture 5 (Steward)
Light Microscopy (Transmitted Light)
• Advantages
• Can see internal
• inexpensive
• Disadvantages
• Limited resolving power
(ca. 0.25 µm)
Specimen on
• Performs poorly with
material on filters
Dinophysis spp. from Ross Sea, Antarctica
(Photo by Dawn Moran, Mark Dennett,
and Julie Rose, Woods Hole Oceanographic
glass slide
Tungsten Lamp
Light Microscopy (Traditional Epifluorescence)
• Advantages
• Can image cells on a filter
• Can also count viruses even though
they are not resolved
• Reveals chlorophyl containing
• Can detect presence and number
of any cells that can be specifically
labeled (fluorescence-based
• Disadvantages
• For most field samples, need to
Mercury Arc Lamp
Specimen on
glass slide
• Only stained or naturally
fluorescent structures are
• Adds expense to the cost of a light
Tungsten Lamp
Photo: Barry and Evelyn Sherr
Traditional Membrane Filters were Unsuited for
Epifluorescence Microscopy
Traditional Membrane Filters
Glass fiber (GF)
Polyethersulfone (PES) Cellulose acetate (CA)
Diatom, bacteria, viruses (SYBR Green I stain (Photo: J. Fuhrman)
Newer Very Flat Filters
polycarbonate track-etched
aluminum oxide
New: polystyrene (not yet on market)
Green = Eubacteria Probe!
Red = Archaea Probe!
Archaea and Bacteria Stained by polynucleotide Probe (Photo: E.
Light Microscopy (Photoactivated Localization
Microscopy or PALM)
Eric Betzig - Janelia Farm Research Campus
Jan Liphardt- Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
• Advantages
• Overcomes the resolution limit of traditional light imaging
• Disadvantages
• Expensive, great for studies of cellular structure; not a tool for routine
looking and counting
Light Scattering (Flow Cytometry)
• Advantages
Intensity of forward scatter varies as a function of size
• Limited sample preparation
• Small sample volume
• Fast, automated counting
• Multidimensional discrimination among
different cell types
• Possibility for sorting
• Disadvantages
• Does not provide an image
• Viruses near detection limit
Side scatter varies as a function of internal structure
Flow Cytometry - fluoresence/multidimensional
Can also measure fluorescence properties of
each particle using autofluoresence
(photosynthetic pigments) or fluorescent
Marie et al. Current Protocols in Cytometry 2001
Flow Cytometry - sorting
Zehr et al. Science 2008
Light Scattering (NanoSight)
• Advantages
• Abundance by light scatter and
sizing based on particle
• Can distinguish DNA- and nonDNA-containing
• Good for quick counts of
homgeneous or limited mixtures of
• Disadvantages
• Limited sensitivity - cannot resolve
biological particles < 40 nm
• Not suitable for larger cells
• Fluorescence sensitivity low
FlowCAM - combined flow cytometry and imaging
• Advantages
• Automated counting AND image capture
on the fly
• Disadvantages
• Limited to larger cells
Electron Microscopy (Transmission and Scanning)
• Advantages
• Much higher resolution than
light microscope (1 nm)
• Disadvantages
• Very expensive to buy,
operate, and maintain
Table Top!
Scanning (Hitachi)
Transmission (JEOL)
Electron Microscopy (Transmission)
• Advantages
• Very high magnification and resolution (1 nm)
• Can reveal detailed internal structure using
thin sectioning
• Disadvantages
• Expensive to buy, maintain, and operate
• Considerable sample preparation required,
esp. for sectioned material
Electron Microscopy (Scanning)
• Advantages
• Very high magnification 3D detailed views
• Excellent tool for taxonomy
• Disadvantages
• Resolution of very fine structure (nm scale)
can be obscured by the coating process
• Only see external structure
• Expensive to buy, maintain, and operate
Atomic Force Microscopy
• Advantages
• Highest Possible Resolution (individual
• Disadvantages
• External structure only
• Great for structure, not for routine counts
Impedance Pulse-based Instruments
• Advantages
• Simple, quick, direct sizing and counting
• Disadvantages
• Cannot distinguish cells or viruses from
detritus or organic colloids
Bead Standards
• Advantages
0.4 to 1200 µm
Easy, and accurate, precise
Does not distinguish cells from
Tunable nanopore
Works down to 50 nm
Requires frequent
Many viruses < 50 nm
Distinguishes based only on
Cell count
Salinas et al. Ann. Rheum. Dis.
Distinguishes only based on size
• Disadvantages
• Disadvantages
• Advantages