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Italy: Birthplace of the
  SSWH9 The student will analyze change and continuity in
the Renaissance and Reformation.
  Why Florence?
  Who were Machiavelli, Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo?
  What is humanism?
  EQ: What factors led to Italy being the birthplace of the
  Vocabulary: Renaissance, humanism, secular, patron,
Renaissance man, the Medici
  Warm Up: The Renaissance was a time of great
creativity. Describe ways you show your own creativity.
  Renaissance Notes
  Identify and place in order of importance the
characteristics of the Italian city-states that helped
create the Renaissance.
  Establish an opinion about the Medicis that is
supported by facts.
  How did Humanism influence Renaissance ideas?
  Why did church leaders and wealthy merchants support
the arts?
The Italian Renaissance
  The word Renaissance
means rebirth.
  Occurred between 1300
and 1600.
  Began in Italy and spread
to the rest of Europe.
  Revival of the classical
traditions of the Greeks
and Romans.
Why did the Renaissance begin
in Italy?
  Italy had a tremendous amount of overseas trade.
  Thriving cities (urban areas where ideas can be freely
  There was a wealthy merchant class.
  Access to the classical heritage of Greece and Rome
Characteristics of the Renaissance
  The Renaissance was an age
of recovery from disasters of
the 14th century.
(Black Death)
  As a result of this new view
of human beings, people
began to place an emphasis on
individual ability.
  Society focused on the secular
or worldly rather than the
The Italian States
  The major Italian city-states were Milan, Venice, and
  Italian traders conducted business with merchants from the
Islamic world to as far away as England and the
  Milan was the richest of the trading cities.
  All three major city-states were run by powerful merchant/
aristocrat families.
  Identify and place in order of importance the characteristics
of the Italian city-states that helped create the Renaissance
The Medici Family
  Banking family who
ruled the city-state of
Cosimo de Medici won
control of the gov t by
giving large loans to the
ruling council.
  Lorenzo the Magnificent
ruled following his
fathers death as a
dictator but kept up the
appearance of an elected
gov t.
  An intellectual movement based upon the study of the
classics of Greece and Rome.
  Humanists studied the liberal arts -- grammar, rhetoric,
poetry and philosophy.
  Encouraged citizens to take an active role in their
government & focused on human potential and
  Had a profound effect on education.
  Renaissance writers introduced the idea that educated people
were expected strive to master almost every area of study.
  A man who excelled in many fields was praised as a
“universal man.” Later ages called such people “Renaissance