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Spanish American War Before the War NAME__________________________________ — US growing as a _____________________________________ — Actually backed up Monroe Doctrine and got the ______________________ to leave South America in the 1880’s — Cuba= __________________territories — Cuban ________________________-­‐ since 1868 there had been dozens of rebellions against the Spanish (want to be their own country) — In 1895 Cuba’s economy collapsed= more rebellion, Spain sent 150,000 troops-­‐ those troops set up _______________________________________-­‐ the lack of food and diseases killed an around 200,000 Cubans Leading to the War — Cubans began attacking U.S. _____________________________ in protest for help with the rebellion — _____________________________________ — Highly exaggerated stories-­‐ even not true, that urged the U.S. to go to _____________ the Cuban Rebellions — New York newspapers arouse “Jingoism”-­‐ intense __________________________________ and aggressive foreign policy What are the 4 steps to war after the US moves the USS Maine into Havana Harbor in 1898? Describe each in at least one sentence! The War — Lasted only _________________________-­‐ called the “splendid little war” — US Navy defeats whole Spanish Pacific Fleet in _______________________ in a surprise attack in the Philippians (another Spanish territory) in ___________________________, May 1, 1898 — The Navy destroyed the rest of Spanish Navy in Cuba by July 3, 1898 and had victories in the field like San Juan Hill — Rough Riders-­‐ TR — _______________ US soldiers died in Action, 5000 dies from __________________ and food poisoning Treaty of Paris
What did the United States get from Spain? (3 things) _________________________________________________________________________ What did Spain give to Cuba? (1 thing) ________________________________________ What did Spain get from the United States? (1 thing) ____________________________________ When was the treaty ratified (passed)? _________________________________ Unofficial Results •
US becomes a __________________________________ •
____________________________ elected Vice President in 1900 and becomes President in 1901 when McKinley is shot What to do with the new US Territories? Cuba — President McKinley installed a military government to protect American __________________________________________ — Cuba drafted a constitution in 1900 that _____________ allow for U.S. __________________________________. — The U.S. government only agreed to remove its troops if Cuba included the ______________________________________________. — The Platt Amendment allowed for U.S. _____________________________________ on the island and intervention whenever necessary. remained in place until 1934 (Mostly gotten rid of) Puerto Rico — Not independent, United States _____________________________________________________________ — Today Puerto Rico has tried to become a state, Puerto Ricans are citizens but Constitution doesn’t apply to them Other Additions — Hawaii-­‐ 1887 __________________ treaty and lease Pearl Harbor — Hawaiian _________________________ took over the government from the Hawaiian king — In 1893 when the king’s sister had taken power-­‐ the planters lead by Sanford Dole _________________________ the new queen from power with the US ____________________________ help — US ________________________ (added territory, not a state yet) in 1898-­‐ “Manifest Destiny” Samoa — When did the US first make a treaty with Samoa? _______________________________ — Who did the US compete with for Samoa? ____________________________________________________________________________________ China — What is a sphere of influence? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ — What was the Open Door Policy trying to accomplish? _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________