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The Spanish-American
War and the Growth of
America as a World
Four stances on foreign policy
 Isolationism- Strict non-involvement in the
affairs of other nations
 Collective Security- Working with other
countries to influence world affairs
 Internationalism- Intervening in other countries’
affairs to promote important national interests
and/or to safe guard national security
 Imperialism- Extending power by acquiring
territory around the globe or exploiting weaker
nations to serve national interests
U. S. Expansionism in the 1800s
A. Manifest Destiny
1. Notion Americans were a superior people and had the right to
control the North American continent2. Americans purchased land from France
3. Americans purchased Florida and Alaska
4. Gained Oregon Territory, Texas, and California
5. Used negotiations and bloodshed
led to Native Americans being killed or forced off their land.
6. Civil War interrupted expansion,
7. By 1890, conquering and settling the continental United States
was complete.
U. S. Expansionism in the 1800s
A. The Turn to Expansionism
1. late 1800s, economic expansionism part of the American
2. Communication and travel improved.
3. Businesses began to export goods to foreign markets and
developed foreign trade
important to the country’s economic health and prosperity.
4. Political leaders began to develop new foreign policy based on
U. S. Expansionism in the 1800s
B. From Expansionism to Imperialism
1.desire new economic markets = idea of an American empire.
2. investing in and trading with foreign markets would give profits
3.Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan,
a . believed that to be strong U. S. must sell its products to a global
b. the nation needed an improved, enlarged, and powerful navy
c. navy would require colonies for overseas naval bases.
d. book propelled the modernization of the U.S. Navy in 1883.
4. Americans’ belief in a moral obligation to spread democratic and
Christian values to other lands.
5. Reverend Josiah Strong,
a congregational minister
b. author of book Our Country
1. Americans were a special, God-favored Anglo-Saxon race
2.should “lift up” other societies.
U. S. Expansionism in the 1800s
C. The Debate over Imperialism
1. anti-imperialists
a. trade should lead to the domination of one nation over
b. empire might weaken institutions at home and invite a war
2. imperialists and anti-imperialists fiercely debated which course
U.S. foreign policy should take
Revolution in Cuba
A. Trouble Brewing in Cuba
1. Island 90 miles off tip of Florida.
2. Involvement brought U.S. into potential conflict with Spain.
3. From 1868 the Cuban people struggled for independence from Spain.
B. U.S. Interest in Cuba
1. Some believed Cubans’ fight for independence was similar to ours
2. Others Cuba as a natural extension of U.S. territory.
3. Cuba’s productive sugar plantations attracted the attention of those
interested in its economic potential.
4. Cuban expatriate Jose’ Marti gathered arms, money, and men in New
York to fight Spanish rule.
5. 1894 the United States imposed a tariff on sugar
a. Sugar prices fell
b. Cuban economy was hurt
C. De Lome letter
1. Published by New York Journal
2. Written by de Lome- Spanish minister to U.S.
3. Criticized President McKinley
4. Angered Americans
Revolution in Cuba
D. The Revolution Begins
1. Marti launched a revolution from the U.S.
a. A destructive war resulted
b. Marti’s followers
1) burned sugar fields
2) destroyed mills
3) fought Spanish soldiers
c. Spanish troops
1)under the command of Valereano “Butcher” Weyler
2)forced hundreds of thousands of Cubans into
“reconcentration” towns
a)Horrifying conditions existed in the camps,
b) deaths of tens of thousands of Cubans
c) Cuba’s economy fell apart
Revolution in Cuba
E. Americans Keep Watch
1. Investments in plantations and sugar refineries nearing $50 million
2. Cuban exports to the United States plummeting
3. Conditions of the reconcentration camps reported in American
4. Americans began to side with the Cubans and grow angry toward
F. McKinley Wants to Avoid War
1. William McKinley elected president in 1896
a. sought to avoid was with Spain
b. a new government came to power in Spain in 1898
1) proposed reform in the reconcentration policy and the
promise to some autonomy for Cubans
The Maine Incident
A. The Maine Explosion
1. In 1898 Spanish troops rioted in the Cuban capital city, Havana.
2. In January, President McKinley ordered the battleship Maine to
Havana Harbor to protect American citizens and property
3. February 15, the Maine was destroyed by an explosion in Havana
-killed 260 American officers and crew.
4. Headlines in American papers called for revenge:
-“Remember the Maine! To War with Spain!”
5. Most Americans believed the Spanish had blown up the Main,
a. there was no evidence
b. naval board concluded that a mine had caused the explosions.
c. investigation by Spanish officials reported the explosion had been internal and
presumably, accidental.
(In 1976 U.S. admiral Hymn Rickover conducted a study of the sinking of the
Maine and concluded that an internal accident, probably a faulty boiler, had
caused the explosion.)
Yellow Journalism Pushes the
United States Toward War
A. Yellow Journalists Push for Military Action
1. In response to Maine incident, American newspapers featured
articles against Spain and their role in Cuba.
2. Some American journalists resorted to “yellow” journalism
a. sensational headlines and stories with little attention to facts
b. designed to grab the attention and stir up the emotions of
c. fabricated stories of Spanish cruelty in Cuba that did not exist
d. called for U.S. intervention in Cuba.
4. Key proponents of the yellow journalism
a. William Randolph Hearst, publisher of the New York Journal
b. Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of The World
5. Critics claimed that yellow journalists pressed U.S. politicians into
calling for war.
Yellow Journalism Pushes the
United States Toward War
B. McKinley Calls for War
1. March 1898 McKinley sent Spain an ultimatum
a. demanding an armistice,
b. ending reconcentration, and
c. appointing himself as arbiter.
2. Spain’s insufficient concessions,
3. April 11, asked Congress to use force against Spain.
4. April 19 Congress declared Cuba’s independence
5. Spain responded with its own declaration of war five days later
6. April 25, McKinley signed a congressional declaration of war with
The Outbreak of War in Philippines
A. War began in Spanish colony of Philippine Islands.
B. Commodore George Dewey
1. moved six U.S. ships to prepare to invade the Philippines.
2. May 1 Dewey attacked the Spanish squadron
3. In seven hours, all ten Spanish ships sunk
C. The Storming of Manila
1. Dewey blockaded the harbor and waited for ground troops.
2. 11,000 reinforcements arrived,
3.Dewey collaborates with Filipino patriot Emilio Aguinaldo,
a. Led an uprising against Spain in 1896.
b. Ousted Spanish rule in all territories except Manila.
4. U. S. captured Manila on August 13, 1898.
The War Moves to Cuba
A. U.S. Troops Land in Cuba
1.Under command of General Nelson A. Miles and General
William R. Shafter,
2. 17,000 troops landed near Santiago, the base of the Spanish
-included many African Americans
3. Fighting on the island began on June 20, 1898.
The United States Defeats Spain
A. The Battle of San Juan Hill
1. 1st major land Battle of the War,
a. turned out to be the last.
B. U.S. blockade of Santiago Harbor
1. July 3- Spanish fleet tried to run
2. U.S. Navy destroyed the Spanish fleet
-ended Spanish resistance in Cuba.
C. U.S. turned to Spanish-held Puerto Rico
1. easily conquered in July.
The United States Defeats Spain
D. The War’s Toll on U.S. Soldiers
1. 385 Americans were killed in action.
2. 5,000 died of tropical diseases and the effects of bad food
3. Many of the troops had to be quarantined when they came back to
4. The Treatment of African Americans
a. as troops passed through the South
1) called epithets and were refused service in restaurants
2) some not allowed to go ashore to bathe or exercise unless
they were escorted by an officer.
b. race riots occurred in June 1898.
The United States Emerges as an
Imperialist Power
A. Spain signed a cease fire on August 12, 1898,
1. A day before Dewey and his ground troops, unaware that the war
was over, captured Manila.
2. Treaty of Paris October 1898.
a. Permanent settlement
b. Granted independence to Cuba
c. Ceded Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United
States for a payment of $20 million.
- This added 100,000 square miles and close to 10 million
people to the American empire.
The United States Emerges as an
Imperialist Power
B. Continuing U.S. Influence in Cuba
1. U.S. involvement did not end with the war
2. President McKinley set up a military government to administer Cuba.
3. Cubans began to draft a constitution,
a. U.S. insisted that it included the Platt Amendment.
1. Limited Cuba’s foreign interaction
2. gave U.S. right to establish naval stations on the island, and
if necessary, to send troops to keep order.
The United States Emerges as an
Imperialist Power
C. The Philippines Become a U.S. Colony
1. President decided the Filipinos were “unfit for self-government.”
- Best choice was for U.S. to “educate Filipinos, and uplift and
civilize and Christianize them.”
2. Most Filipinos Catholic and wanted self-government.
-They were refused.
3. 3 year battle between Filipinos and U.S. ended in 1901
- U.S. crushed the revolt.
D. The U.S. Emerges as a World Power
1. By 1899 U.S. expanded its control to include
a. Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, Hawaii (1898)
b. Many other Pacific Islands, including Samoa (1899).
The United States Emerges as an
Imperialist Power
E. Anti-Imperialism
1. unhappy and angry about the United States’ new imperial status
2. included both Democrats and Republicans and members of all
social classes.
3. Some driven by moral and humanitarian sentiments.
-Rejected the exploitation of indigenous peoples
4. Other cautioned the United States to stay out of the colonialism
and militarism.
-Feared that U.S. intervention, abroad would lead to war
5. Others feared that dark-skinned peoples
a. might detract from “Anglo-Saxon purity”
b. they would never embrace democracy,
c. their labor might reduce the value of American workers.
The United States Emerges as an
Imperialist Power
F. The Anti-Imperialist League
1. Organized by prominent U.S. leaders
2. Opposed U.S. control of the Philippines
3. Supported an amendment to the Treaty of Paris
a. promising Filipinos independence as soon as they formed a
stable government.
b. amendment was narrowly defeated
4. Democratic and anti-imperialist candidate William Jennings
Bryan lost the presidential nomination in 1900
U.S. Imperialism in the Early
A. U.S. Influence Abroad Grows
1. In the first two decades of the twentieth century,
a. U.S. presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft,
and Woodrow Wilson all involved the United States in the
affairs of various Latin American and Asian countries.
U.S. Imperialism in the Early
B. Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Policy
1. Became president when McKinley was assassinated
a. He was elected in his own right in 1904.
2. Pushed for greater U.S. involvement in world affairs.
a. His policy actively meet any challenge to national interest.
b. Advocated peaceful resolutions with other nations
c. Wanted a strong international presence that would insure
American prosperity.
3. Roosevelt’s foreign policy best summarized by the West African
proverb that became one of his favorite sayings: “Speak softly and
carry a big stick.”
U.S. Imperialism in the Early
C. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
1.asserted the right of the United States to act as international police
power in Latin America.
2. From 1900 to 1917, the Roosevelt Corollary was used to justify
a. In Dominican Republic, Panama, Cuba, Nicaragua,
Honduras, Mexico, and Haiti.
b. Included sending troops, controlling governmental budgets,
running elections, and beginning construction of the Panama
U.S. Imperialism in the Early
D. “Big Stick” Policy in Asia,
1. Roosevelt fostered “Open Door” policy,
a. called for equal commercial opportunity for all nations
trading with China
b. preservation of China’s independence.
E. Boxer Rebellion
1. Chinese led rebellion to oust foreign influence from China
2. Roosevelt sent troops to join the Japanese, British, and others to
squash the rebellion
U.S. Imperialism in the Early
F. Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy”
1. Name given to his foreign policy
2. Encouraged U.S. Businesses to invest in foreign countries.
a. strong economic role-using dollars, not bullets-would
advance U.S. authority and prosperity while promoting
worldwide stability.
3. He ordered troops to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico,
4. He justified the use of force to teach other nations how to establish
law and order.
U.S. Imperialism in the Early
G. Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy”
1.Wanted to secure U.S. economic interests abroad,
2. also maintain that U.S. should champion democracy around the
3. U.S. help maintain world peace.
4. Emphasized American ideals such as self-determination.
5. Let U.S. continue to meddle in and dominate affairs of Latin
America and Asia.
6. Under Wilson, U.S. continued to develop an empire by expanding
its political and economic influence around the world.