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Biology Human Inheritance Review Sheet - Academic
1. What are gametes?
2. What is the diploid number for a human cell?
3. What is the haploid number for a human cell?
4. During fertilization the egg & sperm come together to for this:
5. If an organism has a diploid number of 10 after it undergoes meiosis what will the chromosome number be?
6. Which type of blood type is known as the universal donor?
7. Define antigens.
8. Define antibodies.
9. Define fertilization.
10. What is meiosis?
11. How many chromosomes does a human egg cell contain?
12. When the egg & sperm unite, how many chromosomes does the new cell contain?
13. If a person has type A blood which types of blood can they donate to?
14. If a mother and father have type A blood, what are the chances they will have a kid with type O?
15. If a man and a woman have type B blood, what are the possible blood types of their children?
16. What does ‘2n’ refer to?
17. What does ‘n’ refer to?
18. How many pairs of sex chromosomes are found in a human cell?
19. What are the sex chromosomes of a male?
20. What are the sex chromosomes of a female?
21. Which disorders are caused by nondisjunction?
22. How many pair of autosomes do humans have?
23. What is Muscular Dystrophy?
24. Which disorders are sex-linked disorders?
25. What is the most common fatal genetic disease in the U.S.?
26. What is Trisomy 21?
27. How many chromosomes does a human sperm cell contain?
28. What is albinism?
29. What is huntington’s disease?
30. What is Tay-sachs disease?
31. What is Turner Syndrome?
32. What is neurofibromatosis?
33. Which genetic disorders are autosomal recessive?
34. What is PKU?
35. What is cystic fibrosis?
36. What is the karyotype of a person with Klinefelter’s syndrome?
37. Define autosomal recessive disorder.
38. Define autosomal dominant disorder.
39. Define pedigree.
40. Define karyotype.
41. Define nondisjunction.
42. Define and give an example of incomplete dominance.
43. If a female that is heterozygous for colorblindness and a male that is colorblind have a child, what are the chances
that child will be colorblind?
44. If a female has type AB blood and a male has type A blood, their children can have______.
45. If a female is a hemophiliac and a male is normal, what are the chances that they will have a child with hemophilia?
46. What blood type would be considered to be the universal recipient?
47. What happens during crossing over?
48. What is the difference between fraternal and maternal twins?
49. What would you expect if you crossed a roan bull with a white cow?
50. What disorders are illustrated by the karyotypes below?
51. What can you say if two parents with dominant phenotypes produce an offspring with a recessive phenotype?
52. What are the end products for meiosis in males? For females?
53. What inheritance pattern is illustrated by the pedigrees below?
For questions 46 – 56, determine which category each disorder is using the choices below
a. sex-linked
b. autosomal recessive disorder
d. autosomal dominant
c. chromosome number disorder
e. c’some number disorder
53. ____cystic fibrosis
54. ____turner syndrome
56. _____Huntington disease
57. _____albinism
58._____duschenne muscular dystrophy
61._____down syndrome
62._____kleinfelter’s syndrome
64._____turner syndrome
65._____klinefelter’s syndrome
Short Answers:
66. What is the difference between a autosomal genetic disorder and a sex-linked (X-linked) disorder?
67. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.
68. In tomatoes, the texture and color of the skin matter a great deal. The smooth texture (S) is dominant to
the peachy texture (s) and the red color (R) is dominant to yellow ( r ). The Pittston variety has tomatoes
that are smooth and red in color, but the Wyoming variety has the not so popular smooth and yellow in
color. So, complete a dihybrid cross between a Pittston tomato that is heterozygous for both traits and a
Wyoming tomato that is heterozygous smooth and yellow in color. Determine the phenotype ratio