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(CANCER RESEARCH 51. 26.16-2641. May 15. 1991| Loss of the Intrinsic Heat Resistance of Human Cells and Changes in Mt 70,000 Heat Shock Protein Expression in Human x Hamster Hybrids1 Robin L. Anderson, Kathy J. Fong, Tim Gabriele, Pablo Lavagnini, George M. Hahn, James W. Evans, Charles A. Waldren, Thomas D. Starnato, and Amato J. Giaccia2 Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford I'nirersily, Stanford, California 94305 [K. J. F., T. G„P. L., G. M. H., J. W. E., A. J. G.]; Radiology and Radiation Biology, Colorado State I'nirersily, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 ¡C.A. H'.J; Lankenau MédicalResearch Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19151 [T. D. S.]; Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, 4X1 Little Lonsdale St., Melbourne, l'ictoria 3000, Australia ¡R.I.. A.] ABSTRACT Since mammalian cells vary widely in their intrinsic thermoresistance, we have investigated the genetic basis underlying this phenomenon in human and rodent cell lines. Typically, human cells are considerably more resistant to killing by heat than rodent cell lines. To determine whether the heat-resistant phenotype is dominant or recessive and to locate the chromosome(s) bearing determinants for heat resistance, we have prepared hybrids of heat-resistant human HT1080 cells and heatsensitive Chinese hamster ovary (CUO) cells to test their response to heat. For both mass hybrid cultures and individual clones, the heat response of the hybrids was similar to that of the CHO parent. Analysis by in situ hybridization revealed the presence of five to 20 human chromosomes per cell in the mass hybrids and four to eight intact chromosomes plus some fragments in individual clones isolated from the hybrid cell population. A similar result was obtained using a different human cell line, AC 1522. These data suggest that heat resistance is a recessive trait. Consistent with this conclusion are the results from a study of a fusion of HT1080 to a CHO mutant, BL-10, which was found to be hypersensitive to heat-induced killing. These hybrids had a normal CHO heat response and not the more heat-resistant phenotype of HT1080 cells. Two hybrid clones, H2 and H4, from the HT1080/BL-10 fusion were studied in more detail. Both clones possess similar amounts of M, 70,000 heat shock protein (HSP70), despite the fact that H4 contains three human chromosomes (Nos. 6, 14, and 21) which carry HSP70 genes while 112 contains only one (chromosome 6). Both hybrid cell lines have the same response to heat. Although we found a wide range of sensitivities to heat, all cell lines contained a similar amount of constitutive HSP70, suggesting that HSP70 levels per se are not the critical determinant of intrinsic heat resistance. INTRODUCTION An understanding of the different genetic mechanisms un derlying intrinsic cellular thermoresistance is essential for the development of more effective hyperthermic treatment of tu mors. The rationale for the use of hyperthermia in cancer therapy has come largely from studies on the effects of heat on rodent cell lines in tissue culture and on model tumor systems in rodents. However, recently it has been shown by us and others that human tumor cells grown in tissue culture tend to be more resistant than rodent cell lines (1). The increased resistance is displayed over the whole of the relevant tempera ture range for clinical hyperthermia (40-46°C) and, typically, the breakpoint in an Arrhenius curve for hyperthermic killing is 1-1.5°Chigher in human cells (1). cell It is unclear why human cells should be more resistant to heat than rodent cells. Since it is not known whether the Received 12/17/90; accepted 3/5/91. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 17.14 solely to indicate this fact. ' Supported in pan by Grant CA 44665 from the National Cancer Institute (G. M. H.). Grant CA 45277 to T. D. S.. and Gram CA 36447 to C. A. \V. 2 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at Dept. of Radiation Oncology. CA CBRL. Room GK1I5. Stanford University. School of Medicine. Stanford". 94305-5468. differences in intrinsic thermoresistance result from new HSP3 gene expression or differential regulation of preexisting HSPs, we decided to take a genetic approach and measure the heat response of hybrid cells derived from the fusion of rodent and human cells. From such an analysis, we can determine whether the heat-resistant phenotype of human cells is dominant or recessive and, if dominant, determine the human chromosome(s) and subsequently the gene(s) bearing determinants for heat resistance. This paper describes the results of studies in which we fused heat-sensitive CHO cells to two different heat-resistant human cell lines and compared the heat response of the hybrids with that of the parent cells. By in situ hybridization with biotinylated human genomic DNA of human x hamster metaphase spreads, we could determine the number of human chromo somes in the hybrids. In addition, we have identified a mutant hamster cell line, BL-10, which is hypersensitive to killing by heat. Hybrids formed between BL-10 and HT 1080 cells exhib ited a heat response similar to that of CHO and not HT 1080 cells. We also present data on the levels of HSP70 in the parent and hybrid cells. HSP70 measurements were included because of the widely held belief that the level of HSP70 is an indicator of the level of heat resistance exhibited by cells (2). Although two-dimensional gel electrophoresis clearly demonstrates the induction of the human HSP70 gene, the CHO-human hybrid H4 still possesses a heat response similar to that of rodent cells and not human cells. These results will be discussed in relation to what is already known about heat resistance in mammalian cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cell Culture. The following cell lines were used: CHO cells, subline HA-1; BL-10/6TGR/OuR, a heat-sensitive mutant of CHO cells, ini tially isolated for its sensitivity to killing by bleomycin (3), carries genetic markers for resistance to 6-thioguanine and ouabain (4); CHO/ 6TGR/OuR. a derivative from CHO-K1 cells, carries genetic markers for resistance to 6-thioguanine and ouabain (4); HT 1080, human fibro sarcoma cells, and AG 1522, normal diploid human fibroblasts. All drug resistance markers were obtained spontaneously without the use of mutagens. Cells were maintained in a-MEM containing 10% fetal calf serum and grown at 37°Cin a humidified incubator in an atmosphere of5%CO2/95%air. Cell Fusion. Hybrids were obtained using a modification of the fusion protocol of Davidson and Gerald (5). Approximately 1 x IO6 CHO/ 6TGR/OuR or BL-10/6TGR/OuR cells were plated into a T25 flask along with a 6-thioguanine- and ouabain-sensitive human or hamster cell line (HT1080, AG1522, or CHO HA-1) and allowed to attach overnight. The cells were then washed twice with serum-free a-MEM 3The abbreviations used are: HSP, heat shock protein; HSP70, M, 70,000 heat shock protein; CHO, Chinese hamster ovary; «-MEM,^-minimal essential medium; HATO, hypoxanthine (1 x 10~4M):aminopterin (4 x 10~7M):thymidme (1.6 x 10"* M):ouabain (1 x 10~' M); ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. 2636 Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on June 17, 2017. © 1991 American Association for Cancer Research. HEAT RESISTANCE LOSS IN HUMAN CELLS and exposed to fusogen-45% Polyethylene Glycol 1000 and 7.5% dimethyl sulfoxide for 1.5 min, followed by 3 washes in a-MEM containing 20% fetal calf serum. After 12 h, the cells were trypsinized and replated in drug-selective medium («-MEMcontaining 10% fetal calf serum and HATO). The medium was replenished every 3 days. These selection conditions only permit hybrids formed between drugsensitive and drug-resistant cells to survive. Hybrid colonies appeared after 2 to 3 wk of growth in HATO medium. Mass hybrid cultures were composed of 100 to 1000 individual clones. Individual colonies were subcloned using glass cloning cylinders and transferred into T25 flasks for further analysis. Chromosome Analysis. Cells were prepared for cytogenetic analysis by incubation with 0.1 ng/ml of Colcemid for 1 h, followed by mitotic shake-off, swelling in 0.075 M KC1 containing 10% fetal calf serum for 30 min at 37°C,and fixation in methanohglacial acetic acid (3:1). Fluorescent in situ hybridization was performed by the procedure of Giaccia et al. (6) using biotinylated human DNA for the identification of human genetic material present in a rodent background. The hybrids H2 and H4 were characterized by Giemsa-trypsin banding (7) and Giemsa-11 staining (8) to identify their human chromosome content. Measurement of Heat Response. Exponentially growing cells were heated as monolayers in specially designed incubators that were tem perature controlled to ±0.1°Cand in an atmosphere of 5% CO2/95% 20 RESULTS Our initial experiments started with testing the heat response of hybrids between CHO/6TGR/OuR and HT 1080 cells. The heat response of the hybrid cells was measured within 2 wk of fusion to minimize the loss of human chromosomes that occurs during culturing of hybrid cells (11). These freshly prepared hybrids had a human chromosomal content which ranged from 5 to 20 chromosomes per cell and displayed a heat response similar to that of CHO cells (Fig. 1). The survival data shown are for cells heated at 45°C.However, this result is not specific to 45°Cheating, as hybrids heated to 43°Calso have the same response as CHO cells (data not shown). In an attempt to find a thermorésistant clone, we performed a heat selection on the hybrids by exposing them to 60 min at 45°Cand allowing regrowth of the survivors. After 4 cycles of selection, the heat response of the survivors was still the same as that of CHO cells (data not shown). 60 80 Fig. I. Clonogenic heat sun ¡valof recently fused hybrids (D) of HT 1080 (O) and CHO/6TG*/OuR (•)cells. The hybrids were tested in mass, without cloning. For comparison, the response of tetraploid CHO cells (•)is included. In this and in subsequent figures showing survival data, results are averaged from 2 to 6 separate experiments, and the error bars show the standard deviation of the mean. air. The pH was maintained between 7.2 and 7.4, and the medium was changed before heating. To measure survival, the cloning assay of Puck and Marcus (9) was used. The anticipated number of cells to give approximately 100 clones was plated into 6-cm Petri dishes and left to grow for 10 days at 37°C.At this time, the colonies were fixed, stained and counted. Measurement of HSP70. An ELISA has been developed to quantitate the levels of HSP70 in cell homogenates (method to be published elsewhere). Briefly, the cells were disrupted in phosphate-buffered saline containing 1 HIMATP and sonicated, and aliquots containing known amounts of protein were placed in wells of a 96-well plate. A monoclo nal antibody against HSP70 (N6 from Dr. W. Welch) was added, and the amount of bound antibody was quantitated by the rate of enzyme activity of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin G which was subsequently added to the wells. Gel Electrophoresis. For two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, expo nentially growing cells were incubated at 37°Cfor 2 days in «-MEM containing 10% fetal calf serum and 2 ¿iCiof [35S]methionine (Amersham Corporation, Arlington Heights, IL; specific activity, >1000 Ci/ mmol) per ml as previously described by Anderson et al. (10). First dimension isoelectric focusing was performed in 3-mm-diameter tube gels in 3.5% acrylamide prior to molecular weight separation on a 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide slab gel (10). After second-dimen sion electrophoresis, the gels were stained with Coomassie blue, destained, dried, and exposed to Kodak XAR-2 film for 7 to 12 days. 40 Time at 45 C (min) I 10 1020 40 80 Time at 45°C(min) Fig. 2. Clonogenic heat survival of individual clones isolated from the mass fusion shown in Fig. 2. •clone 3; o, clone 8; A, clone 18; D, clone 25; •, clone 29; x, clone 30; O. HT 1080; •.CHO. Interestingly, chromosome ploidy has little effect on resist ance of mammalian cells to heating. Since the chromosome content of human x hamster hybrids is hyperdiploid, but their parent lines are diploid, the response of these interspecies hybrids was compared with that of near-tetraploid CHO cells prepared by fusion of CHO/6TGR/OuR to wild-type CHO cells (modal number of 21 chromosomes). The heat resistance of the near-tetraploid CHO line (modal number of 41 chromosomes) is slightly greater than that of the diploid cells, but still much less than the HT 1080 cells (Fig. 1). This result suggests that gene dosage itself is not the critical factor that determines heat resistance. A series of individual clones was isolated from the CHO/ HT 1080 fusion described above. The heat responses of the clones varied slightly, but all were similar to that of the hybrid line from which they were derived (Fig. 2). The human chro mosome content of the clones was measured by fluorescence in situ hybridization of biotinylated total human genomic DNA to metaphase chromosomes (Fig. 3). In Fig. 3, the hamster chromosomes appear red due to staining with propidium iodide (gray), and only human chromosomes stain bright yellow white due to efficient hybridization with biotinylated probe. Fluores cent in situ hybridization of chromosomes with biotinylated genomic DNA is specific for human chromosome material and does not cross-hybridize to hamster chromosomes (6). The number of human chromosomes varied from 4 to 8 intact chromosomes, with a variable number of fragments integrated into the hamster genome (Table 1). To check whether the failure of the heat-resistant phenotype to dominate was a general feature of human x hamster hybrids 2637 Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on June 17, 2017. © 1991 American Association for Cancer Research. HEAT RESISTANCE LOSS IN HUMAN CELLS 10 I ÃŒ 20 40 60 Time at 45 C (min) Fig. 4. Clonogenic heat survival of recently fused hybrids (•)of AG 1522 (O) and CHO/6TGR/Ou" (D) cells. The hybrids were tested in mass, without cloning. a " 40 60 80 Time at 45 C (min) Fig. 5. Clonogenic heat survival after varying times at 45°Cof two characterized hybrid clones, H2 (Ãœ)and H4 (x), from a fusion of human HT1080 (O) with BL10/6TG"/Ou" cells (•).For comparison, the response of CHO HA-1 cells (•)is shown as well. Fig. 3. Fluorescence in situ hybridization of metaphase spreads from hybrid clones from a HT 1080 x CHO fusion (clones i.A. and 25.Ä). The human chromosomes, in white, are tagged with biotinylated total human genomic DNA. human chromosomes in the hybrids (Fig. 4). We further studied the restoration of heat resistance in hy brids of a variant CHO heat-sensitive line, BL-10 with a human fibrosarcoma cell line, HT 1080. Originally, BL-10 cells were isolated for their sensitivity to killing by bleomycin, but their response to other DNA-damaging agents is normal (3). Com plementation studies between BL-10 and HT 1080 have shown that the gene that corrects the defect in BL-10 resides in human chromosome 6.4 The development of two different BL-10 x HT 1080 hybrids with known human chromosome content gave us the opportunity to measure their heat response and compare Table 1 Human and total chromosome content of six hybrid clones derived from it with the parent lines. Such data are presented in Fig. 5. The a HTI080 x CHO fusion results represent the average of 2 to 6 experiments per curve. There is a marked difference in response to 45 °Chyperthermia Intact human chromosomes are seen, as well as fragments integrated into hamster chromosomes. The number was scored by counting the chromosomes in between BL-10 and HT 1080 cells. A heat treatment of 30 min the metaphase spreads as shown in Fig. 3. at 45°C,which results in a survival of only one cell in IO4 in Chromosome content BL-10, causes little if any killing in HT1080 cells. The two hybrid lines, designated H2 and H4, show the same response no.(range)32-5338-6033-5228-6426-4224-82 Clone3g18252930Modal no.447845HumanFragments645553Total to heat as do wild-type CHO cells. It is noteworthy that H2 contains human chromosomes 5, 6, 9, and 11, while H4 con tains chromosomes 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15,19, 21, 22, and X. Thus, we could complement the specific defect of the BL-10 cells, but only to the level of heat resistance of CHO cells. Since wild-type CHO cells (HA-1 strain) have the same heat response as do H2 and H4 (Fig. 5), this further strengthens our conclu sion that the fusion of human cells to hamster cells, whether or a specific feature of the hybrids derived from HT1080 cells, CHO, HAI or BL-10, results in a cell possessing the heat another fusion to CHO cells was performed, this time using a sensitivity of the hamster cell, rather than the human cell. normal human fibroblast line, AG 1522. Once again, the result As some investigators consider the concentration of HSP70 ing hybrids had a heat response similar to that of the CHO to be important in the intrinsic heat response of cells (2), the cells. The hybrids were tested within 2 wk of performing the ' A. J. Giaccia et al., unpublished data. fusion and were not cloned, thus maximizing the number of 2638 Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on June 17, 2017. © 1991 American Association for Cancer Research. HEAT RESISTANCE LOSS IN HUMAN CELLS Table 2 Relative amount of HSP70 present in the various cell lines as measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a monoclonal antibody against HSP70 Both constitutive levels and the amounts present 17 h after a heat shock of 10 min at 45'C are presented. The data are pooled from 3 separate experiments and plasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and removing damaged or denatured proteins from the cell via lysosomal degradation (18, 19). After heat shock or other stresses, including exposure to are standardized against the relative amount of HSP70 found in CHO cells. It is arsenite, transition metal ions, ethanol, and release from hypreferable to present the data this way as the rate of color development in the ELISA varied between experiments, but within one experiment, consistent results poxia and mutagens (20), the levels of these proteins are in were obtained. creased. In parallel, and with a good temporal correlation, cells Relative amount of HSP70 develop a transient resistance to heat, known as thermotolerH/C°ratio ance (21-23). The reason why proteins with the properties Cell line Control 1.2±0.5" described above should be stress inducible and whether under HT1080 5.0 H4 0.9 ±0.4 5.5 stress the induced proteins perform the same function is un H2 1.2±0.4 6.7 clear, although the increase in denatured proteins caused by the BL-10 1.0 1.4 ±0.5 CHO-HA1 stress would necessitate increased levels of HSP70 to facilitate 1.0 2.3 " H, amount present 17 h after a heat shock of IO min at 45°C;C, constitutive removal. Indeed, microinjection of denatured protein into frog level. oocytes has been shown to induce HSP70 (24). * Mean ±SD. However, a simple correlation between levels of HSP70 and resistance to heat is not evident when different rodent and levels of this protein were measured by immunoassay. The human cell lines are compared (1). In fact, the relatively heatconstitutive levels of the protein and the amounts present 17 h sensitive murine RIF-1 cells contain as much total HSP70 as after a heat shock of 10 min at 45°Care shown in Table 2 for the far more resistant human HT 1080 cells (1). Similarly, we have shown that heat-sensitive hamster cells have as much HT1080, CHO, BL-10, H2, and H4. Several interesting results HSP70 as HT 1080 cells (Table 2). It must be pointed out that were obtained, (a) H4 cells, which contain 3 of the human these measurements are based on total amounts of HSP70. chromosomes that bear HSP70 genes (chromosomes 6, 14, and Individual isoforms may prove to be more important in protec 21), have nearly the same constitutive level of HSP70 as H2 tion from stress. Further, it appears that if only levels of HSP70 with only chromosome 6(12, 13). Interestingly, chromosome 6 has been shown to possess three HSP70 genes (14, 15). (¿>) are manipulated (e.g., by appropriate transfection of cells with HSP70 genes), then increased levels of this protein do indeed All five cell lines have a similar constitutive level of HSP70, but vary widely in their sensitivity to heat. HT 1080 cells are far reflect increased heat resistance. These studies suggest that the more resistant than the others, while BL-10 cells, which seem levels of HSP70 are only one of several parameters that affect heat resistance. to contain slightly more HSP70, are much more heat sensitive. There are also differences in the expression of the heatIn the study reported here, we used a novel approach to inducible isoforms of HSP70. After a heat shock of 10 min at explore the basis of heat resistance by using hybrid cells formed 45°C,the CHO parent shows a 2- to 3-fold increase in HSP70, by the fusion of heat-resistant human cells with heat-sensitive a result similar to that shown by others (2). Surprisingly, BL- hamster cells. By measuring the heat response of the hybrids, 10 cells were unable to show any increase in HSP70 levels we hoped to learn more about the genetic basis of the heat(Table 2). HT1080 cells, in contrast, increase HSP70 levels 5- resistant phenotype. If this phenotype was dominant, we could fold and, after more severe heat treatments, increases of 15- to determine the chromosomal location of the determinant(s) and, 30-fold are seen (1). Furthermore, hybrid cells H2 and H4 from there, isolate the gene(s) involved. With time after fusion, display a HSP70 increase similar to that of the human parent, it has been shown that the hybrids selectively lose human despite their greater heat sensitivity. We have verified this chromosomes (11), thus permitting the isolation of a family of increase in the inducible HSP70 isoform by two-dimensional hybrid lines each containing only a few human chromosomes. gel electrophoresis (Fig. 6). Surprisingly, we found that the phenotype of human x ham ster hybrids is more similar to that of the thermosensitive hamster cell than that of the human cell lines. This conclusion DISCUSSION is based on three independent findings, (a) When we fused a heat-sensitive CHO line (BL-10) to HT 1080 cells, we were able The molecular determinants of heat resistance in mammalian to restore the normal CHO heat response, but not confer extra cells are not known. Much interest has centered around a group resistance to heat, (b) Hybrids of wild-type CHO cells and of inducible proteins known as the heat shock, or stress, pro either HT1080 or AG1522 cells, both of human origin, dis teins. These proteins can be divided into several subgroups played the same phenotype as the CHO parent, (c) Finally, based on their molecular weight on reducing gels. One or more further heat selection of CHO x HT 1080 hybrids failed to members of each group are present as constitutive proteins. reveal any clones with increased heat resistance. The possibility Some of these are further inducible by heat and other stresses, remains that the human chromosome necessary for conferring while others are synthesized de novo (16). Of the major families thermoresistance to CHO cells segregated before testing. This with molecular weights of 110,000, 90,000, 70,000, 60,000, and 28,000, most knowledge has been obtained about the M, is unlikely, as mass hybrid cultures, which were analyzed by in situ hybridization, possessed a human chromosome content 90,000 and M, 70,000 groups, as these are major cellular that ranged from 5 to 20 human chromosomes. The interpre proteins in the absence of stress, and recently, some of their functions have been defined (16). The functions of the M, tation of these results is complex. It is possible that several proteins located on different chromosomes must work in con 90,000 group center on binding to and maintaining steroid cert to increase the heat resistance of hamster cells. This is not receptors and various protein kinases in an inactive state until the hormone ligand or appropriate substrate is present (17). likely, as selection of mass hybrids that possess almost every The A/r 70,000 group function as housekeeping proteins, bind combination of human chromosomes did not result in any ing to nascent proteins, translocating proteins to the endothermorésistant clones. It is also possible that the lack of 2639 Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on June 17, 2017. © 1991 American Association for Cancer Research. HEAT RESISTANCE LOSS IN HUMAN CELLS pH5 pH7 B A 94- 67- 43- C 9467- 43 — Fig. 6. Two-dimensional gel analysis of ("S]methionine-labeled proteins from HAI and hybrid H4 cells before and after heating at 45°C.A ', actin; • -, constitutive HSP70, <. inducible. A, HAI, control; A, HAI, 45"C for 20 min; C, hybrid H4, control; D, hybrid H4, 45°Cfor 20 min. thermoresistance in the hybrids can be attributed to suppression of critical genes or production of nonfunctional proteins caused, for example, by a lack of correct post-translational modifica tion. This possibility is currently being investigated by protein gel electrophoresis for the major heat shock proteins. Alterna tively, instead of focusing on the isolation of the human gene that confers resistance, we will aim to isolate, by DNA transfection and replica plating, the hamster gene that confers ther mal sensitivity. The chromosomal location of several of the human HSP70 genes has been established. So far, genes have been found on chromosomes 6, 14, and 21, but the location of genes of other members of the family, of which there are at least 8, has yet to be established (12-15). In any case, as shown in Table 2, there is no correlation between constitutive levels of HSP70 and heat response of the cells listed. In the absence of heat shock, hamster, hybrid, and human cell lines have nearly the same constitutive levels of HSP70. After a heat shock of 10 min at 45°C,the HSP70 levels of the hybrid cells respond in a similar way to that of the human parent, showing a 5- to 7-fold increase in HSP70 levels. CHO cells typically show a 2- to 3-fold increase in HSP70 after this heat dose (2). Certain isoforms of HSP70, most notably HSP68 (10, 25), are strongly heat-inducible and thus the molar ratio of the isoforms will be different after heat shock. The immunologie quantitation of HSP70 does not allow us to distinguish the constitutive form from inducible forms. Therefore, we used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to help distinguish the multiple isoforms. We found that the hybrid cell lines do indeed acquire a large increase in the HSP68 gene after heating, whereas HAI cells did not. These results suggest either that the inducible form is not involved in protection against heat, or more likely, that the amount of new HSP70 produced in re sponse to stress is not correlated with the cytotoxicity of the inducing heat dose. A surprising and as yet unexplained observation was the failure of BL-10 cells to increase their levels of HSP70 after a heat shock of 10 min at 45°C.Further experiments using different heat treatments will determine whether this lack of induction of HSP70 is a general response to heat shock and whether these cells can develop thermotolerance. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Dr. W. 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Loss of the Intrinsic Heat Resistance of Human Cells and Changes in Mr 70,000 Heat Shock Protein Expression in Human × Hamster Hybrids Robin L. Anderson, Kathy J. Fong, Tim Gabriele, et al. Cancer Res 1991;51:2636-2641. Updated version E-mail alerts Reprints and Subscriptions Permissions Access the most recent version of this article at: http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/51/10/2636 Sign up to receive free email-alerts related to this article or journal. To order reprints of this article or to subscribe to the journal, contact the AACR Publications Department at [email protected]. To request permission to re-use all or part of this article, contact the AACR Publications Department at [email protected]. Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on June 17, 2017. © 1991 American Association for Cancer Research.