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KINGDOM MONERA (monerans) – Think: Mono means one; one celled
*1 cell
*no true nucleus - prokaryote (genetic material scattered and not enclosed by a
*some move (flagellum); others don't
*some make their own food (autotrophic); others can't make their own food
*examples - bacteria, blue-green bacteria (cyanobacteria)
People who study this are microbiologists.
People who study the plant version are called
KINGDOM PROTISTA (protists) – Think: Scientist protested over whether they are
animals or plants.
*1 cell
*have a true nucleus - eukaryote
*some move (cilia, flagella, pseudopodia); others don't
*some are autotrophic; others are heterotrophic
*examples - amoeba, diatom, euglena, paramecium, some algae (unicellular), etc
Major Phylums are
People who study the animal version of this are also called microbiologists.
KINGDOM PLANTAE (plants) – Think: It’s a plant, ey?
*have nuclei
*do not move
*autotrophic (make own food)
*examples - multicellular algae, mosses, ferns, flowering plants (dandelions, roses, etc.),
trees, etc
People who study this are Botanists.
KINGDOM ANIMALIA (animals) – Think: Animals
*have nuclei
*do move
*heterotrophic (eat other organisms)
*examples - sponge, jellyfish, insect, fish, frog, bird, man
People who study this are Zoologists.
What are Monerans?
Monerans are bacteria, which are simple single-celled organisms that are Prokaryotic
(have no nucleus and few organelles). They are believed to be the first organisms to
evolve on the planet over 3 billion years ago. They are ecologically essential to planet
Earth for many reasons. Some are photosynthetic, such as the Cyanobacteria. Others,
such as decomposers, breakdown organic materials which recycles nutrients back into the
environment. Of course, there are the Pathogens that cause disease. Learn much more
about bacteria by checking out the links below.
Monerans are no longer considered one kingdom. The two previous phyla are now two
separate kingdoms, Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.
The Archaebacteria are organized into three phyla of bactreria that are found
mainly in extreme habitats where little else can survive. All known
Archaebacteria live without oxygen(anerobic) and obtain their energy from
inorganic molecules or from light. The following is some basic information on the
three phylum.
1. Methanogens: This type of bacteria produces methane. Many such species live
in the intestines of animals. They help breakdown food in the intestines and also
provide essential nutrients. In return, the bacteria get a source of energy. This is
an example of a symbiotic relationship, which is when two organisms work
together to survive.
2. Halophiles: This type of bacteria can only live in bodies of concentrated salt
water. such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah and the Dead Sea in the Middle East.
3. Thermoacidophiles: A third phylum includes bacteria that are found in the hot,
acidic waters of sulfur springs. These amazing species can handle temperatures
near 80 degrees Celcius and pH levels as low as 2.
Eubacteria, the second group of Monerans, make up their own Kingdom.They live
in a wide variety of habitats and obtain their energy needs in a variety of ways.
The main phylum are orgainzed by how they obtain energy.
1. Heterotrophs: This type of bacteria is found just about everywhere. These
bacteria need organic molecules as an energy source but are not adapted for
trapping the food that contains these molecules. Thus, some live as parasites,
absorbing nutrients from living organisms. Others live as saprobes, organisms that
feed on dead organisms or organic wastes. Saprobes help recycle the nutrients
from decomposing organisms back into the environment, so those nutrients can be
used for new or existing life.
2. Autotrophs: These bacteria are photosynthetic autotrophs. An autotroph is an
organism that can make its own food. This is done through photosynthesis, a
process that uses the suns energy to make sugar molecules. Most Cyanobacteria
are blue-green in color, which is why they are often called blue-green bacteria.
They are common in ponds, lakes,streams and moist areas of land. They are
composed of chains of bacteria cells, an exception to the rule that Monerans are
unicellular. These chains and the existence of Chlorophyll (photosynthetic
pigment) help provide evidence for bacteria being the ancestors of plants.
3. Chemotrophs: The third phylum is the chemosynthetic autotrophs. These
bacteria obtain their energy from chemosynthetic breakdown of inorganic
(nonliving matter - no carbon) substances such as sulfur and nitorgen compounds.
Some of these bacteria are important in converting nitrogen in the atmosphere to
forms that can be used by plants.
Kindom Protista contains eukayotic cells (with a nucleus) and many types of organelles
within the cell. Eukaryotic cells predictingly evolved about 1.5 billion years ago, but
aquired their organelles over a period of time. Eukaryotes are multicellular and have
specialized tissues to carry out their processes. In Kingdom Protista, there are three basic
groups that are classified by their means of obtaining nutrition. Protozoans – that are
heterotrophic and digest their food.