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The Byzantine Empire
Review: Constantine
Constantine begins rule in _______________ A.D.
Constantine becomes _______________ and stops persecution of Christians in Empire
Constantine decided to build a new capital city
Constantine chose _______________ (Eastern Roman Empire)
In 330 A.D. _______________ renamed _______________ (City of Constantine)
By early 500’s, Constantinople had large _______________, _______________, _______________, a _______________,
a _______________, _______________and a _______________ (or circus)
Although the name of their city had changed the people who lived there were still called _______________.
Eastern Roman Empire
Emperors who followed Constantine continued to rule the Eastern half from _______________
The Eastern half was far stronger than the Western half
The Byzantine _______________ was the strongest in the world
Byzantines also had a strong _______________ network.
The Fall of the Western Empire
As Rome was falling to invaders, strong _______________ and an excellent _______________ protected Constantinople.
With the Western Empire now gone the Eastern Empire became known as the _______________ Empire
The Byzantine Empire
The early Byzantine Empire had many excellent _______________ who were wise as well as popular.
They encouraged _______________ and made _______________ to laws and government.
This also helped strengthen the Empire.
The Age of Justinian
One of the greatest Byzantine Emperors was _______________
Justinian was a _______________ ruler who rarely gave up on a task until it was completed
The Byzantine Empire
He had been born into a _______________ family and was known to listen to all his subjects (rich and poor)
Emperor Justinian
One of Justinian’s most lasting contributions was a system of _______________
When Justinian became emperor, the empire was using a disorganized system of old _______________ laws.
Justinian appointed a team to _______________ and _______________ centuries of Roman laws.
Justinian’s Code
_______________ _______________ became a organized collection and explanation of Roman laws for use by the
Byzantine Empire
Eventually this code became the basis for the legal systems of most modern _______________ countries
Reuniting the Roman Empire
Justinian also wanted to reunite the entire “_______________”
He re-conquered all of _______________ and began to make his way into Northern and Western Europe
A lack of _______________ and _______________ stopped Justinian's conquests
Empress Theodora
_______________, wife to _______________, came from humble beginnings.
Her father was a _______________ in Constantinople's Hippodrome
Theodora's marriage to Justinian gave her great _______________.
Many of Justinian's decisions were made with her _______________
Theodora worked to improve _______________and helped change _______________to protect women.
Hagia Sophia
Commissioned by Emperor _______________
It took _______________workers _______________ years to build the Hagia Sophia cathedral.
Hagia Sophia means _______________.
Byzantine Culture
The Byzantine Empire
In addition to preserving the principals of Roman law, Byzantine scholars also kept and copied the works of the ancient
At its peak, Byzantine civilization blended _______________, _______________, and _______________ influences.
Later Byzantine culture will heavily influence the Italian _______________.
The Empires Later Years
After the death of Justinian the Byzantine Empire began to _______________
Later emperors had to fight wars against many neighboring enemies
_______________ and _______________ to the East, _______________ to the South and _______________ peoples to
the North and West.
The Byzantine Empire was shrinking in both _______________ and _______________
A Religious Dispute
Although most Byzantines were _______________, they did not practice Christianity the same way as people from
Western Europe
The Byzantines rejected the authority of the _______________ (leader of the church in Rome)
They Byzantine Emperor had to approve church officials in Constantinople
_______________ was the language of the Byzantine Church, while _______________was the language of the Roman
Use of Icons
At this time many Christians prayed to saints or holy people, represented by _______________
In the 700’s a Byzantine Emperor _______________ the use of Icons, saying they violated Gods commandments
The Pope disagreed, and _______________ the emperor from the Church.
The Great Schism
Byzantines felt the Pope did not have the authority to banish the emperor
This led to a schism, or _______________, in the Christian church in 1054
Now there were two distinct forms of Christianity: the ______________________________in the west and the
______________________________in the east.
The Byzantine Empire
A Second Golden Age
Lasted from about _______________ until the _______________
_______________ increased and merchants came from all over
This caused the _______________, _______________ and _______________ to grow.
The long reign of Emperor _______________ (976-1025) was the most exceptional rule since Justinian.
The Empire regained some of its land it had lost and there was a burst of creativity in the arts.
The Fall of Constantinople
During the 1000’s _______________ peoples to the East were gaining power
By 1100’s, _______________ had taken the inland areas of Asia Minor
Byzantines were also threatened by the _______________
In 1171, disagreements over trade led to war and Constantinople was attacked by ______________________________
______________________________ruled the city for 50 years.
In 1261, the Byzantines regained their capital, but little was left of their empire.
The Fall of the Byzantine Empire
In 1453, a force of about 70,000 _______________ surrounded Constantinople.
They came by both _______________ and _______________ and brought cannons to attack the city’s walls
The defending force, which numbered 7,000 held out for _______________ months.
Then the Byzantine capital finally fell.
Constantinople Today
Like Constantine before them, the new rulers would rebuild the city and make it an imperial capital.
Renamed _______________, the city became a great center of _______________ culture and the capital of the