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Weekly Class Newsletter
October 11, 2013
Learning journey
Unit of Inquiry
Where we are in time and place
An inquiry into orientation in place and time;
personal histories; homes and journeys; the
discoveries, explorations and migrations of
humankind; the relationships between and the
civilisations, from local and global perspectives.
Central idea: The earth is part of a vast solar
Key Concepts: Form, Causation
Our second unit with the transdisciplinary theme;
where we are in place and time started well with
lots of enthusiasm from the learners. Their
approach towards the unit gives the impression
that they are very excited and willing to put an
extra effort to investigate about the solar system.
During our “tune in” section, learners had the
opportunity to write down what they know and
what they wanted to know from the inquiry. In the
end different views which include we live in the
solar system, the sun is a star, the sun is the
hottest thing in the world, and sun is a ball of fire
etc. were shared by students. The Central Idea
and key concepts were also discussed.
Learners also learned about the names of the
planets in order, from the closest to the sun to the
farthest from the sun. Learners answered
questionnaires as they gather information from
posters of the solar system in the classroom.
Different educational videos about the solar
system were also shown to the class.
In our math activities learners started to observe
various types of plane shapes. We identified the
names, number of sides and vertices of the
shapes. Learners studied how different positions
create pathways.
inquiry into:
The earth’s place in the solar system
Other planets in the solar system
Exploring space
Students will next week continue to investigate
the solar system. This time we are going to find
out more about the movement planets, how the
moon get is light, the Milky Way galaxy, the job of
astronauts, and why the earth is a unique planet.
In a nut shell, we could say, we are going to
explore space.
English Language
Listening and Speaking: Talk about the
stories, writing, pictures and models they
have created.
Writing: Rereads written work in order to
make revisions and improve their writing
Shape and Space: Understand that
directions can be used to describe
Numbers: Find differences involving 2-digit
numbers including regrouping
Weekly Class Newsletter
October 11, 2013
In our grammar lessons we learned about Past
simple, regular and irregular verbs. Students
learned to understand that regular verbs in the
past simple add (-ed) and the past simple of the
irregular verb the word changes. Students used
words from our grammar activity to practice our
Development Talks/Three Way Conference is
scheduled between weeks 42 and 43. A sign-up
sheet with available times and dates is posted
outside the classroom door. Parents who are yet
to sign up are reminded to do that for the three
way conference.
Guided Questions
Below are suggested questions that could
help parents to engage their children in a
discussion on our current unit.
What is the solar system like?
Where is the earth?
How and when were the solar system
How do humans know about the solar
system and the location of the planet?
Homework will be issued on Fridays
11th October with the view to be
returned on Thursdays 17th October.
All homework will be contained within
a blue A4 folder.
We have observed that some students
come without P.E shoes or towels
during P.E. Parents are kindly
requested to double check their bags
to make sure all required items are
The PYP 5s will like to encourage all
students to support them in their
campaign to bike or walk to school on
Wednesdays for a healthy life and
Any contribution of solar system models,
games, posters, pictures that could be useful
to the class is welcomed from parents.
Key Vocabulary
Solar system, sun, planets, Inner planets, outer
planets, asteroid belt, gas giants, satellites,
orbit, ellipse, space, dwarf planet, Pluto,
atmosphere, geology, gravity, climate.
Samuel’s email: [email protected]