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The Endocrine System
 ___________________-messenger system of the body
 Uses ____________________ messengers (____________________) that are released into the
 Hormones control several major processes
 ____________________________
 ____________________ and development
 Mobilization of body ______________________
 Maintenance of much of ___________________________
 Regulation of _____________________________
Hormone Overview
Hormones are produced by specialized cells
____________ secrete ___________________ into extracellular fluids
_________________ transfers hormones to ________________ sites
These hormones _________________ the ________________ of other cells
Mechanisms of Hormone Action
 Hormones affect only certain ___________ or _____________ (target cells or target organs)
 _________________ cells must have specific _______________ _________________
 Hormone-___________________ alters cellular ____________________
Effects Caused by Hormones
Changes in plasma membrane __________________________ or electrical state
Synthesis of ____________________, such as ___________________
Activation or inactivation of ____________________
Stimulation of ______________________
Promotion of __________________________ activity
The Chemistry of Hormones
 __________ mechanisms in which hormones act
 _________________ __________ activation
 ____________________-messenger system
Major Endocrine Glands and Hormones
Control of Hormone Release
 ___________________ levels in the blood are mostly maintained by __________________
 A _______________ or low hormone levels in the blood triggers the release of more
 Hormone release stops once an ______________________ level in the blood is reached
Hormonal Stimuli of Endocrine Glands
 Most _________________ stimuli
 ___________________ glands are activated by other ________________
 Examples:
 _________________ ___________________ hormones
 Changing ____________ levels of certain _______ stimulate hormone release
 ___________________ indicates various body _____________ such as blood and bile
 Examples:
 ___________________ hormone
 ___________________
 ___________________
Neural Stimuli of Endocrine Glands
 _____________ impulses stimulate ___________________ release
 Most are under the control of the ____________________ nervous system
 Examples include the release of _____________________________ and epinephrine by the
_________________ ___________________
Major Endocrine Organs
________________________ gland
________________________ gland
________________________ glands
________________________ glands
________________________ gland
________________________ gland
____________________ (Ovaries and Testes)
Pituitary Gland
Size of a _________
____________ by a stalk from the ________________________ in the brain
Protected by the sphenoid bone
Has __________ functional lobes
 _______________________ pituitary—____________________ tissue
 _______________________ pituitary—____________________ tissue
 Often called the “____________________ endocrine gland”
Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary
 ____________ anterior pituitary ____________________
 Two affect non-endocrine targets
 _______________ hormone
 ________________
 Four stimulate other endocrine glands (tropic hormones)
 ________________-___________________ hormone (thyrotropic hormone)
 ____________________________________________ hormone
 Two _________________________________ hormones
Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary
 Growth hormone
 General ____________________ hormone
 Major effects are directed to growth of _______________ muscles and long _______________
 Plays a role in determining final body size
 Causes amino acids to be built into __________________
 Causes ___________ to be broken down for a source of ____________
 Growth hormone (GH) disorders
 Pituitary ____________________ results from ___________________ of GH during childhood
 ___________________ results from _____________________ of GH during childhood
 _________________________ results from ____________________ of GH during adulthood
Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary
 _____________________ (PRL)
 Stimulates and maintains _________ _____________________ following childbirth
 Function in males is ___________________
 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (____________)
 _________________ endocrine activity of the _____________ cortex
 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (_________)
 Influences ____________ and activity of the ________________ gland
 ________________________ hormones
 Regulate _______________________ activity of the gonads
 Follicle-stimulating hormone (__________)
 Stimulates ______________ development in ovaries
 Stimulates ______________ development in testes
 Luteinizing hormone (_________)
 Triggers _____________________ of an egg in females
 Stimulates ___________________ production in males
Pituitary–Hypothalamus Relationship
 Hypothalamus produces __________ hormones
 These hormones are _____________________ to cells of the _______________________
 _____________________
 _____________________ hormone
 The posterior pituitary is not strictly an endocrine gland, but does release hormones
Hormones of the Posterior Pituitary
 ________________________
 Stimulates ___________________ of the _____________ during labor, sexual relations, and
 Causes ____________ ejection in a nursing woman
 Antidiuretic hormone (___________)
 _______________ ________________ production by promoting water reabsorption by the
 In large amounts, causes vasoconstriction leading to _____________________ blood pressure
 Also known as vasopressin
Thyroid Gland
 Found at the base of the ________________
 Consists of two ____________ and a connecting ________________
 Produces two hormones
 _________________ hormone
 _________________
 Thyroid hormone
 Major _____________________ hormone
 Composed of two active _____________-containing hormones
 ____________________ (T4)—secreted by thyroid follicles
 Triiodothyronine (_____)—conversion of T4 at target tissues
 Thyroid hormone disorders
 ___________________
 Thyroid gland _______________ due to lack of __________________
 Salt is iodized to prevent goiters
 ______________________
 Caused by hyposecretion of ____________________
 Results in ___________________ during childhood
 ______________________
 Caused by hypothyroidism in adults
 Results in physical and mental _____________________
 _______________ disease
 Caused by ____________________________
 Results in ______________________ metabolism, heat intolerance, rapid heartbeat,
weight loss, and exophthalmos
Thyroid Gland
 _________________________
 __________________ blood calcium levels by causing its deposition on bone
 Antagonistic to _________________________ hormone
Parathyroid Glands
 Tiny masses on the ____________________ of the _________________
 Secrete parathyroid hormone (________)
 Stimulate osteoclasts to ___________ _________________ from bone
 Stimulate the kidneys and intestine to absorb more calcium
 _____________ __________________ levels in the blood
Hormonal Regulation of Calcium in Blood
Adrenal Glands
 Sit on top of the __________________
 Two regions
 Adrenal _______________—outer glandular region has three layers
 Mineralocorticoids secreting area
 Glucocorticoids secreting area
 Sex hormones secreting area
 Adrenal _______________—inner neural tissue region
Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex
 ___________________________________ (including cortisone and cortisol)
 Produced in the ________________ layer of the adrenal cortex
 Promote _______________ cell metabolism
 Help resist long-term _______________________
 Released in response to _____________________ blood levels of ______________
 Sex hormones
 Produced in the ________________ layer of the adrenal cortex
 Small amounts are made throughout life
 Mostly ______________________ (male sex hormones) are made but some
__________________ (female sex hormones) are also formed
Adrenal Glands
 Adrenal cortex disorders
 ____________________________ disease
 Results from _____________________ of all adrenal cortex hormones
 _________________ skin tone, muscles are ___________, burnout, susceptibility to
 ___________________________________
 May result from an ACTH-releasing tumor
 Excess water and sodium are retained leading to high blood pressure and edema
 ___________________________ syndrome
 Results from a tumor in the middle cortical area of the adrenal cortex
 “____________ face,” “________________ hump” on the upper back, high blood pressure,
hyperglycemia, weakening of bones, depression
 ___________________________
 Results from _____________________________ of sex hormones
 Beard and male distribution of hair growth
Hormones of the Adrenal Medulla
 Produces two similar hormones (catecholamines)
 __________________________ (adrenaline)
 __________________________ (noradrenaline)
 These hormones prepare the body to deal with short-term ______________ (“fight or flight”) by
 __________________ heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose levels
 Dilating small passageways of lungs
Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex
Pancreatic Islets
 The _______________ is a mixed gland and has both ______________ and
____________________ functions
 The pancreatic islets produce hormones
 __________________—allows glucose to cross plasma membranes into cells from beta cells
 __________________—allows glucose to enter the blood from alpha cells
 These hormones are __________________________ that maintain blood sugar
Pineal Gland
 Found on the third ventricle of the brain
 Secretes ______________________
 Helps establish the body’s ___________ and ______________ cycles
 Believed to coordinate the hormones of fertility in humans
Thymus Gland
 Located posterior to the _____________________
 _____________________ in infants and children
 Produces ___________________________
 Matures some types of white blood cells
 Important in developing the __________________ system
 _______________________
 Produce eggs
 Produce two groups of steroid hormone
 _____________________
 _____________________
 ______________________
 Produce sperm
 Produce _____________________, such as testosterone
Hormones of the Ovaries
 Estrogens
 Stimulate the development of secondary female characteristics
 Mature female reproductive organs
 With progesterone, estrogens also
 Promote breast development
 Regulate menstrual cycle
 Progesterone
 Acts with estrogen to bring about the ____________________ cycle
 Helps in the implantation of an __________________ in the uterus
 Helps prepare breasts for lactation
Hormones of the Testes
 Produce several androgens
 Testosterone is the most important androgen
 Responsible for adult male secondary sex characteristics
 Promotes growth and maturation of male reproductive system
 Required for sperm cell production