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Global Studies 9
Ancient Greece – notes
I. Minoan Civilization
A. Crete (Knossos)
B. ~2200 BC – 1400BC
C. highly advanced
1. was it Atlantis?
D. destroyed in natural cataclysm
II. Mycenae
A. Hellas - centered on Aegean Sea
B. ~1400 BC – 1,100 BC
C. Age of Heroes, Homeric Age, Classic Mythology
1. Iliad & Odyssey by Homer
2. Trojan war was real
a. Heinrich Schliemann – archeologist that found Troy
D. Bronze age technology
III. Dorians
A. Greece
B. ~1,100 BC – 800 BC
C. Northern “barbarians” that invaded & conquered Mycenae
1. Iron age technology
D. Dark Age
IV. Recovery
A. Hellas
B. ~800 BC – 600 BC
C. Growth of Polis’s (city states)
1. very rugged geography in Hellas (lots of mountains and bays)
2. all spoke Hellen (Greek)
3. followed similar mythology
a. wasn’t a religion, more of a way to explain the unexplainable
V. Golden Age
A. Hellas
B. ~600 BC – 336 BC
C. Hellenic Culture - Greek
D. Hellas became dominated by two polis
1. Sparta
a. militaristic – dominated by army
b. monarchy (hereditary dictators) – two kings
c. women very important to replenish soldiers, had some power
Global Studies 9
Ancient Greece – notes
2. Athens
a. financial – dominated by trade
b. democracy (gov’t where people vote for laws) –
only rich men could vote
c. women had no power & treated badly
d. classic golden age
1. science – Euripides, Hippocrates
2. art – Sophocles, Herodotus, sculpture, theater
3. philosophy – Socrates, Plato, Aristotle,
the Hedonists, the Sophists
5. architecture – Greco style, columns, Parthenon
VI. Glorious War
A. Phalanx
B. Persian Invasions
1. 490 BC
a. Darius I
b. Battle of Marathon
2. 480 BC
a. Xerxes
b. Salamis & Thermopylae
C. Peloponnesian War
1. 431 BC – 404 BC
2. Sparta vs. Athens
a. Sparta won
b. destroyed entire generation of Greeks
VIII. Empire
A. Phillip II of Macedon
1. Conquered Greece in 336 BC
B. Alexander
1. taught by Aristotle
2. went to war w/Persia in 334 BC
3. conquered entire Persian empire by 323 BC
4. dies and his empire implodes
C. Hellenistic Civilization
1. mixture of Greek, Egyptian and Persian cultures
2. New Golden Age
a. science – Archimedes, Pythagoras, Euclid
b. philosophy – the Stoics
D. Hellas was conquered by the Romans
1. 146 BC