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AP Biology Fall Midterm Review
Behavior can be modified by:
the nature of the sign stimulus
the season of the year and the time of year
the level of circulating hormones
previous experience
all of the above
When ready to reproduce, the adult male stickleback fish develops a bright red belly, which he displays
aggressively to other males when staking out his nesting territory. Cardboard models of the fish placed in a
nesting male’s territory also elicit as aggressive display if the lower half of the model is painted red. The red
belly is an example of a/an:
sign stimulus
learned pattern
classical conditioning
Which one of the following best exemplifies an innate motor program?
a young child playing the piano
a baby learning to walk
food-choice behavior in rats
human speech
web-weaving by a spider
A just-hatched gull chick pecks vigorously at the red spot on the parent’s bill to elicit the feeding response.
This red spot is an example of:
trial-and-error learning
classical conditioning
a releaser
a supernormal stimulus
In many situations, a behavior that is positively reinforced (for example by a reward) becomes more
frequently practiced. This is known as:
classical conditioning
operant conditioning
Ivan Pavlov discovered that dogs would learn to salivate upon hearing a sound if the sound was paired with
the presentation of food over many trials. This type of learning is called:
classical conditioning
operant conditioning
cultural learning
A bird is hatched and raised indoors in complete isolation from other members of its own species. It
becomes imprinted on the student who raised it. When the bird is released to the wild as an adult, which one
of the following behaviors would you NOT expect it to have difficulty performing correctly?
singing its species-typical song
using star patterns in migratory orientation
finding a mate
Which of the following statements about imprinting is true?
responsiveness to the releasing object is lost after the sensitive period is over
it occurs only in mammals
it is typically reversible, in both lab and natural situations
it occurs early in the animal’s life
When we eat carrot sticks, we are acting as:
primary consumers
secondary consumers
tertiary consumers
In most food chains,
there are fewer individuals at the top predator level than at the second trophic level
there is less usable energy at the herbivore level than at the carnivore level
there are few individuals at the decomposer level
there is less energy at the autotrophic level than at the carnivore level
11) Assume that green plants in an ecosystem produce 1000 grams of dry mass per square meter per year and
there is an efficiency of 10 percent in each transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next. How many
total grams of dry mass will be produced by the tertiary consumers per square meter per year?
a. 100
b. 10
c. 1
d. 0.1
e. 700
12) Of the five elements that are most important constituents of living things, the only one that requires the action
of microorganisms to enter the living system is:
a. carbon
b. hydrogen
c. oxygen
d. nitrogen
e. phosphorus
13) Combustion of fossil fuels most directly affects the:
a. carbon cycle
b. water cycle
c. nitrogen cycle
d. phosphorus cycle
14) Important processes of the water cycle include all of the following except:
a. precipitation
b. evaporation
c. rock weathering d. percolation
e. none of these
e. transpiration
15) Though free nitrogen (N2) is abundant in the atmosphere, living organisms are unable to use it until it is
“fixed” into certain nitrogen compounds. Which one of the following statements best describes nitrogen
a. Only flowering plants are able to fix nitrogen.
b. Nitrogen is fixed by both free-living and symbiotic bacteria.
c. Only symbiotic bacteria, not free-living bacteria, fix nitrogen.
d. Most nitrogen is fixed by lightning during thunderstorms.
e. Animals, but not plants, are able to fix nitrogen
Biological magnification is:
the increase in size of organisms at higher trophic levels
the increase in number of organisms at higher trophic levels
the concentration of stable, nonexcretable chemicals in organisms at higher trophic levels.
the concentration of nitrates and phosphates in a polluted lake
the capture of small organisms by larger organisms at higher trophic levels
17) Fertilizer runoff interferes profoundly with the:
a. nitrogen cycle
b. carbon cycle c. phosphorus cycle
d. two of the above
e. all of the above
18) The cycle most important for modifying temperature fluctuation is the:
a. water cycle
b. phosphorus cycle
c. nitrogen cycle
d. carbon cycle
19) Large parts of North America are covered in coniferous forests. These regions are cold in winter and warm
in summer. This biome is known as:
a. tundra
b. taiga
c. grassland
d. deciduous forest
e. desert
20) To an ecologist, an “interbreeding group of individuals that occupies a specific geographic area” is a/an:
a. population
b. species
c. community d. gene pool
e. ecosystem
The BEST definition of a niche would be:
an organism’s habitat
the ways in which an organisms uses its environment to make a living
the relationship of an organism to other species
the physical limiting factors of an organism
22) Which one of the following population will show the greatest population increase in the next year, assuming
exponential growth?
a. population A, wit h 200,000 individuals, when r = 0.020.
b. population B, with 500,000 individuals, when r = 0.040.
c. population C, with 2 million individuals, when r = 0.008.
d. population D, with 10 million individuals when r = 0.002.
e. population E, with 30 million individuals when r = 0.001.
23) Suppose you study the growth of a population. You find that it increases in size exponentially and then
reaches steady state. Which of the following factors is highly unlikely to have been a factor in limiting the
a. predation
b. parasitism
c. fire
d. competition
e. emigration
24) Which one of the following would be most likely to act as a limiting factor for a population of insects showing
a boom-and-bust growth curve?
a. predation
b. competition
c. disease
d. a period of unfavorable weather
e. physiological changes induced by crowding
All of the following characteristics are typical of a high r-max species except that:
it lives in an unpredictable environment
it has a high reproductive rate
it is small in size
it has a long life span
it exhibits little or no parental care of young
Which of the following statements is correct?
two species may not live in the same habitat
the more dissimilar the niches of two species, the stronger is their competition
no two species can occupy exactly the same niche in the same geographical range
no two species may occupy the same ecosystem
Which of the following is NOT a trend in ecological succession?
an increase in the complexity of food webs
an increase in productivity
an increase in community stability
a decrease in nonliving organic material
an increase in species diversity
A nonpolar covalent bond occurs:
when one atom in a molecule has a greater affinity for electrons than another
when a molecule’s constituent atoms attract the electrons equally
when an electron from one atom is completely transferred to another atom
between atoms whose outer energy levels are complete
when a molecule becomes ionized
29) Which one of the following kinds of biologically important bonds requires the most energy to break in
aqueous solution?
a. van der Waals interactions
b. covalent bonds
c. hydrophobic interactions
d. hydrogen bonds
e. ionic bonds
30) Solution A has a pH of 4 and solution B has a pH of 8. The hydrogen ion concentration of A is
________________ times that of B.
a. 10,000
b. 1,000
c. 4
d. 0.001
e. 0.0001
31) The cohesiveness among water molecules is directly due to:
a. hydrogen bonds
b. polar covalent bonds
c. nonpolar covalent bonds
d. hydrophobic interactions
e. van der Waals interactions
32) Compounds with the same atomic content but differing structures and properties are called:
a. isotopes
b. isomers
c. ionic compounds
d. polar covalent compounds
e. nonpolar covalent compounds
The carbon atom can form so many different chemical compounds because:
its unstable nucleus easily gives up neutrons
its outer energy level contains four electrons
its electron shells are stable
it can form both ionic and covalent bonds
it tends to give up electrons to electron acceptors
34) All of the following are polymers with many subunits except:
a. fat
b. protein
c. starch
d. DNA
e. glycogen
35) Two classes of organic compounds typically provide energy for living systems. Representatives of these
two classes are:
a. fats and amino acids
b. amino acids and glycogen
c. amino acids and ribose sugars
d. fats and polysaccharides
e. nucleic acids and phospholipids
36) If two 5-carbon sugars are combined to form a disaccharide molecule with ten carbons, how many hydrogen
atoms will it have?
a. 10
b. 12
c. 18
d. 20
e. 22
37) Plants commonly store carbohydrates for an energy source as:
a. glycogen
b. starch
c. cellulose
d. sucrose
e. fat
38) Both DNA and RNA:
a. are single-stranded molecules
c. are polymers of amino acids
e. contain phosphate groups
b. contain the same four nucleotide bases
d. have the same 5-carbon sugar
39) Which of the following characteristics does not apply to a structural protein such as silk?
a. peptide bonds
b. specific primary structure
c. active site
d. hydrogen bonds between separate polypeptide chains
e. more than one kind of amino acid
40) The conformation of a protein molecule depends on several different types of bonds and group interactions.
Which of these remain intact when a protein is denatured?
a. peptide bonds
b. hydrogen bonds
c. ionic bonds
d. hydrophobic interactions
e. none of the above
41) The reaction A + B  C + D is exergonic. All of the following procedures are effective in accelerating the
rate of the chemical reaction except:
a. increasing the concentration of C and D
b. increasing the concentration of A and B
c. increasing the pressure on A and B
d. providing an appropriate catalyst
e. heating A and B together
Glucose will not burn in the air unless it is strongly heated. Why is heat required?
Heat provides activation energy
Heat acts as a catalyst
Heat lowers the average energy content of the molecules.
Heat increases the net amount of energy released by the reaction.
Heat changes exergonic reactions to endergonic reactions.
The enzyme succinic dehydrogenase normally catalyzes a reaction involving succinic acid. Another substance,
malonic acid, sufficiently resembles succinic acid to form temporary complexes with the enzyme, although malonic
acid itself cannot be catalyzed by succinic dehydrogenase.
43) In this example, succinic acid is:
a. the substrate
b. the active site
c. an inhibitor
44) Malonic acid is:
a. the substrate
b. a competitive inhibitor
d. a negative inhibitor
e. a coenzyme
d. the product
c. a positive modulator
45) An organelle surrounded by a double membrane is the:
a. lysosome
b. Golgi apparatus
c. centriole
d. chloroplast
e. ribosome
46) Membranes are found as part of all of the following subcellular structures except the:
a. endoplasmic reticulum
b. ribosomes
c. Golgi apparatus
d. mitochondria
e. lysosomes
The protein tubulin:
is a major component of the flagella of eukaryotic cells
assembles into microfilaments
is a major component of centrioles
forms the major component of intermediate filaments
two of the above are correct
48) All of the following structures are found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells except:
a. plasma membrane
b. Golgi apparatus
c. chromosomes
d. cell wall
e. ribosomes
Which of the following is FALSE regarding lysosomes?
They act as digestive systems of cells.
They function as storage vesicles for oxidative enzymes that catalyze certain condensation reactions
Lipid-digesting lysosomes sometimes lack a particular enzyme, resulting in Tay-Sachs Disease.
They are produced by budding form the Golgi apparatus.
They possess a selectively permeable membrane that allows certain substances to pass through but is
impermeable to the enzymes stored within it.
50) The relatively homogenous internal proteinaceous portion of the chloroplast is called the:
a. leucoplast
b. stroma
c. thylakoid
d. grana
e. vacuole
51) A structure found in both plant and animal cells but which has its greatest development in plant cells is a/an:
a. mitochondrion b. lysosome
c. vacuole
d. Golgi apparatus
e. ribosome
52) All of the following are found in prokaryotic cells except:
a. mitochondrion
b. plasma membrane
c. DNA
d. single circular chromosome
53) In the following comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, which item is INCORRECT?
a. nuclear membrane
b. chromosomes
c. mitochondria
d. ribosomes
e. flagella
lack 9 + 2 structure
DNA and protein
have 9 + 2 structure
54) All of the following organelles have chromosomes except:
a. ribosomes
b. nucleus
c. chloroplasts
d. mitochondria
Molecules move by diffusion. Diffusion is:
faster in a liquid than in a gas
faster in a solid than in a liquid
from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration
from a region of low concentration to a region of high concentration
e. ribosome
56) Which of the following would cross a cell membrane most easily? Assume there is no active transport or
facilitated diffusion.
a. amino acid
b. starch
c. protein
d. lipid-soluble substance
e. nucleotide
57) The concentration of potassium ions in a red blood cell is much higher than it is in the surrounding blood
plasma, yet potassium ions continue to move into the cell. The process by which potassium ions move into
the cell is called:
a. osmosis
b. simple diffusion
c. facilitated diffusion
d. active transport
e. pinocytosis
58) A dehydrated plant cell is place in pure water. Which of the following statements best describes what will
a. Water will enter the cell, but the cell will be prevented from bursting by the cell wall.
b. Water will enter the cell, and the cell will burst.
c. Water will be drawn out of the cell until the cell and the water are at equilibrium.
d. Water will be drawn out of the cell until the cell dies.
e. Water will not move either into or out of the cell.
59) The only way in which a very large molecule such as a protein could cross a cell membrane is by:
a. active transport
b. endocytosis
c. simple diffusion
d. facilitated diffusion
e. osmosis
According to the fluid-mosaic model of the cell membrane, the proteins are located:
in continuous layer over the outer surface of the membrane
in a continuous layer over the inner surface of the membrane
in a continuous layer over both the outer and inner surfaces of the membrane
in the middle of the membrane, between the lipid bilayers
in discontinuous arrangements, both on the surface and in the interior of the membrane
61) Among the cell structures and materials listed below, which one would be innermost if they were arranged in
proper order?
a. glycoproteins
b. plasma membrane
c. primary cell wall
d. secondary cell wall
e. pectin
62) You are studying the transport of a certain type of molecule into cells. You find that transport slows down
when the cells are poisoned with a chemical that inhibits energy production. Under normal circumstances
the molecule you are studying is probably transported into the cell by:
a. simple diffusion
b. facilitated diffusion
c. active transport
d. osmosis
e. exocytosis
63) Cell biologists have discovered special regions between cells, called gap junctions, where tiny channels run
from the cytoplasm of one cell to the cytoplasm of the adjacent cell. The equivalent structures between plant
cells are called:
a. pectins
b. middle lamellae
c. plasmodesmata
d. primary walls
e. secondary walls
64) In cellular respiration, where is ATP synthesized?
a. granum
b. thylakoid membranes c. matrix
d. outer membrane
e. cristae
65) In cellular respiration, where is the concentration of H ions the highest?
a. granum
b. thylakoid membranes c. matrix
d. inner membrane space
66) Where do the reactions of the Krebs Cycle take place?
a. granum
b. thylakoid membranes c. matrix
d. outer membrane
67) Where does glycolysis take place?
a. cytosol
b. inner membrane c. matrix
d. outer membrane
e. cristae
e. cristae
e. cristae
68) The glycolytic pathway from glucose to pyruvic acid involves a lengthy series of different chemical reactions.
Each individual reaction requires:
a. a molecule of ATP
b. a molecule of NAD
c. a molecule of ADP
d. a molecule of a specific enzyme
e. a molecule of NADP
69) What is the NET gain in ATP molecules produced during the reactions of glycolysis under anaerobic
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
e. 10
70) When a muscle cell is metabolizing glucose in the complete absence of molecular oxygen, which one of the
following substances is NOT produced?
b. ATP
c. pyruvic acid
d. lactic acid
e. acetyl-CoA
71) Which one of the following statements concerning glycolysis is false?
a. It proceeds in a step-by-step series of chemical reactions, each catalyzed by an enzyme.
b. Phosphorylation occurs during the process.
c. Oxygen is NOT required for the process to occur.
d. The end products are carbon dioxide and water.
e. ATP is formed.
72) Which metabolic pathway is a common pathway to both anaerobic and aerobic metabolism?
a. the electron-transport chain
b. the Krebs Cycle
c. the oxidation of pyruvic acid
d. glycolysis
e. none of the above
73) If two Acetyl-CoA molecules are fed into the Krebs Cycle, how many ATP molecules are synthesized directly in the
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 12
e. more than 20
74) If two Acetyl-CoA molecules are fed into the cycle, how many NADH molecules are produced?
a. 0
b. 3
c. 6
d. 12
e. 32
75) The final electron acceptor in respiratory electron transport is:
a. oxygen
b. water
c. carbon dioxide
d. NAD
e. FAD
76) Cyanide blocks the respiratory electron transport chain. As a result:
a. the Krebs Cycle speeds up
b. electrons and hydrogens cannot flow from NADH to oxygen
c. three ATPs are produced for every pair of electrons
d. production of water increases
e. glycolysis is inhibited
77) For a living animal, which of the following compounds has the greatest amount of energy per molecule?
a. ATP b. ADP
c. H20
e. pyruvic acid
78) When a molecule of glucose is completely broken down in a cell to water and carbon dioxide, some ATP molecules
are synthesized directly and some by chemiosmotic phosphorylation via the electron transport system. What
percentage of the total number of ATP molecules formed comes from the latter process?
a. 94 percent
b. 89 percent
c. 83 percent
d. 78 percent
e. 6 percent
79) When glucose is broken down to carbon dioxide and water during aerobic respiration, more than 60 percent of its
energy is released as:
a. oxygen
b. carbon dioxide
c. heat
d. ATP
e. NAD
80) What part of the leaf contains large numbers of chloroplasts that are active in photosynthesis?
a. stomata
b. vein
c. cuticle
d. mesophyll
e. guard cells
81) What part of the leaf delivers water and minerals to the cells of the leaf?
a. stomata
b. vein
c. cuticle
d. mesophyll
e. guard cells
82) What part of the leaf is where CO2 enters the leaf?
a. stomata
b. vein
c. cuticle
d. mesophyll
e. guard cells
83) What part of the leaf contains xylem and phloem?
a. stomata
b. vein
c. cuticle
d. mesophyll
e. guard cells
84) What part of the leaf regulates the opening and closing of the stomata?
a. stomata
b. vein
c. cuticle
d. mesophyll
e. guard cells
Of the basic processes of photosynthesis
cyclic photophosphoryation
noncyclic photophosphorylation
both light reactions (a and b)
Calvin Cycle
Both light and light-independent reactions
Which process (or group of processes) involves:
85) utilization of CO2?
86) oxidation-reduction reactions?
87) light-energized reactions?
88) production of NADPH?
89) synthesis of PGAL?
90) production of O2?
91) occurrence in stroma of chloroplasts?
92) splitting of water?
93) chlorophyll as both the initial electron donor and the ultimate electron acceptor?
94) In the reaction centers during photophosphorylation,
a. water is oxidized
b. NADP is reduced
c. light energy is converted into chemical energy
d. ATP is synthesized from ADP and P.
e. an electrochemical gradient is established
95) During cyclic photophosphorylation,
a. electron flow causes H ions to be transported into the thylakoid
b. NADPH is produced
c. water is split
d. both photosystems I and II are involved
e. oxygen is regenerated
96) The light reactions of photosynthesis take place within the:
a. plasma membrane of the cell
b. membranes of the mitochondria
c. membranes of the thylakoids
d. membranes surrounding the chloroplast
e. stroma of the chloroplast
97) The Calvin Cycle takes place within the:
a. membranes surrounding the chloroplast
b. thylakoids of the chloroplast
c. cytoplasm outside the chloroplast
d. stroma of the chloroplast
e. vacuole
98) Which of the following statements concerning noncyclic photophosphorylation is false?
a. Two different light driven events are necessary if electrons are to be moved all the way from water to NADP.
b. The pigment molecules that trap light energy are built into the thylakoid membranes
c. There are at least two different places in the overall noncyclic pathway where energized electrons are passed
energetically downhill via a series of electron-carrier substances.
d. one of the products of noncyclic photophosphorylation that help make possible the Calvin Cycle is NADPH.
e. Some of the energy released during electron transport is used to hydrolyze ATP to ADP and inorganic phosphate.
99) The “first step” in photosynthesis is the:
a. formation of ATP
b. energizing of an electron of chlorophyll by a photon of light
c. splitting of water into H and O components
d. addition of CO2 to a 5-carbon sugar
e. combining of two molecules of PGAL to form a molecule of glucose
100) What is the source of the electrons that reduce NADP during photosynthesis?
a. oxygen
b. water
c. light
d. ATP
101) The light reactions of photosynthesis:
a. provide CO2 for the light independent reactions
b. produce carbohydrate
c. provide the energy required for the light independent reactions
d. use O2 in the production of ATP
e. include two of the above
102) Which of the following occurs in noncyclic but not in cyclic photophosphorylation?
a. flow of electrons
b. synthesis of ATP through a H ion gradient
c. synthesis of NADPH
d. absorption of light by chlorophyll
103) The oxygen in our atmosphere is a product of:
a. the splitting of CO2 during photosynthesis
b. cyclic photophosphorylation
c. noncyclic photophosphorylation
d. both cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation
e. the Calvin Cycle
104) The electron transport molecules of photophosphorylation are:
a. built into the thylakoid membrane
b. built into the outer membrane of the chloroplast
c. located in the interior of the thylakoid
d. located in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion
e. located in the stroma
105) In the dark reactions of photosynthesis,
a. PGAL is synthesized
b. oxygen is produced
c. water is split
d. ATP is synthesized
e. electrons are returned to the chlorophyll molecule
106) Which one of the following compounds is involved in both noncyclic photophosphorylation and the Calvin cycle?
a. O2
c. CO2
d. chlorophyll
107) Two different principal mechanisms of initial CO2 fixation have been found in green plants – the C3 pathway and
the C4 pathway. Which one of the following statements concerning these is FALSE?
a. The C4 pathway is more common in tropical plants than in temperate-zone plants
b. The majority of temperate-zone plants fix CO2 by the C3 pathway
c. C4 plants are more efficient than C3 plants at fixing CO2 when the concentration of available CO2 is low and oxygen
d. The C4 pathway requires two different light-driven events, whereas the C3 pathway requires only one.
e. Some C4 plants are very important crop plants.
108) All of the following take place in both photosynthesis and respiration except:
a. electron flow along an electron-transport chain
b. splitting of water molecules
c. synthesis of ATP via a chemiosmotic gradient
d. transfer of electrons to acceptor molecules
e. establishment of a H ion gradient across a membrane
109) Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration?
a. Respiration is the exact reversal of the biochemical pathways of photosynthesis
b. Photosynthesis stores energy in complex molecules, and respiration releases it.
c. Photosynthesis takes place only in the light, and respiration takes place only in the dark.
d. Photosynthesis occurs only in plants and respiration only in animals.
e. ATP molecules are produced in photosynthesis and used up in respiraton
110) Which of the following statements about photorespiration is TRUE?
a. photorespiration increases the efficiency of the light independent reactions
b. photorespiration occurs when there is excess carbon dioxide
c. photorespiration occurs more frequently in C4 than C3 plants
d. photorespiration occurs more frequently in the tropics
e. photorespiration can be minimized by plants with Kranz anatomy