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Vocabulary: Circulatory & Respiratory Systems
1. Blood – The fluid tissue of the body contained within the circulatory
20. Aorta – The largest artery in the body.
21. Superior Vena Cava – The large vein that carries blood from the upper
part of the body to the heart.
2. Plasma – The liquid component of the blood.
22. Inferior Vena Cava – The large vein that carries blood from the lower
part of the body to the heart.
3. Red blood cells – Cells in the blood containing hemoglobin; carry
23. Pulmonary Arteries – The arteries that carry deoxygenated blood from
the heart to the lungs.
4. Hemoglobin – An iron-containing molecule in red blood cells; used in
transporting oxygen.
24. Pulmonary Veins – The veins that carry oxygenated blood from the
lungs to the heart.
5. White blood cells – Colorless blood cells that protect the body from
6. Platelets – Cell fragments in the blood; help form blood clots.
7. Heart – A muscular organ that pumps blood.
1. Cellular respiration – Process in which energy is released from glucose
molecules in the cell.
8. Atrium – One of the upper chambers of the heart.
2. Breathing – Process in which air moves into and out of the lungs.
9. Ventricle – One of the lower chambers of the heart.
3. Nasal cavity – Opening through which air first enters the body; moistens
and cleans air.
10. Valves – Structures in the heart or veins that close to prevent blood
from flowing backwards.
4. Trachea – Transfers air in a tube from the pharynx to the bronchi.
11. Septum – A muscular wall that divides the heart into two sides.
5. Epiglottis – Flap of tissue that covers the trachea.
12. Arteries – Vessels that move blood away from the heart.
6. Larynx – Structure between pharynx and trachea to which the vocal
cords are attached.
13. Capillaries – Microscopic blood vessels that connect arteries and veins.
14. Veins – Vessels that move blood towards the heart.
15. Pulmonary circulation – The flow of blood from the heart, to the lungs,
and back to the heart.
16. Systemic circulation – The flow of blood from the heart, to all body
tissues (except the lungs), and back to the heart.
17. Blood pressure – The pressure or force of blood as it moves through the
18. Hypertension – The condition that occurs when blood pressure is higher
than normal for long periods of time.
19. Pulse – Expansion and contraction of an artery as blood surges through
7. Bronchi – Two tubes of the trachea that carry air into the lungs.
8. Bronchioles – Small tubes that connect the bronchi to the alveoli.
9. Alveoli – Clusters of tiny sacs where O2 and CO2 are exchanged.
10. Pharynx – Region where your nasal passages and mouth meet.
11. Diaphragm – Muscle beneath the lungs that helps move air in and out of
the lungs.
12. Gas exchange – Process of moving O2 and CO2 through the capillaries in
the lungs and other body tissues.
13. Inspiration – Taking air into the lungs.
14. Expiration – Air leaving the lungs.