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By Andrea .K 2012 Grade 3
There are many different systems that help
us exercise and the three main systems are
the respiratory system which is about how
we breathe, the circulatory system which is
about how are heart works and the
muscular system which is about are
Respiratory system
One system involved in exercising is the
respiratory system. The respiratory system
includes three main parts breathing, lungs and
The first thing that happens in the respiratory
system is breathing. We inhale a gas called
oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. We
automatically breathe every second of every
second of every day.
I bet you’re wondering were oxygen goes next.
Well secondly, oxygen travels down your trachea
(also called wind pipe). Inside are little
microscopic hairs called cilia, they pick up mucus
and dirt. While they filter they move gently.
Okay, the time you’ve been waiting for the
muscle that a dome, the diaphragm. When we
inhale the diaphragm contracts and the lungs
inflate. When we exhale the lungs deflate and
diaphragm relaxes. The diaphragm is located under
your lungs.
The main muscle in the respiratory system is the
lungs. The lungs are located in your chest, on
your diaphragm and behind your rib cage. The rib
cage protects your lungs.
The lungs are pink and
squishy. The left lung is smaller than the right to
make room for the
When trachea splits into two it’s called the
bronchus. The bronchus’ job is to transport the
air into the lungs. The plural for bronchus is
bronchi. The bronchi leads into your lungs and are
connected to little thin tubes called bronchioles.
Bronchioles are tiny tubes that get oxygen alveoli
at the end of them. There are 30,000 in each
lung and keep getting smaller.
Alveoli are tiny air sacks clumped together at the
end of each bronchiole. The alveoli jobs’ is to
transport oxygen to the blood and alveoli are
surrounded by tiny blood vessel called
Capierllieas. There are 600,000,000
alveoli altogether.
Capierllieas are blood vessels that surround the
alveoli. The capillaries are so small that the blood
cells are in a single file. The blood gets rid of a
gas called carbon dioxide and the blood takes the
oxygen around the body.
When you exercise your respiratory system goes
faster. You need 3 litres or more of air, 50 times
a minute, that‘s 450 litres per minute.
Circulatory System
By Andrea
The second system involved not only exercise but
every day, every second of every hour is the
circulatory system. The circulatory system is the
circulation of blood around your body.
The heart is the main organ (muscle) in the
circulatory system. It is located in your chest, on
the left, near the middle. It is in that that
particular location because it close to all
important organ, it also easier pump blood to the
upper body. It is behind your rib cage and in a
sack located at in your left lung. The rib cage
provides protection.
The heart is the size of its owner’s clenched fist
and looks a reddish colour. The heart is a hollow
bag with four chambers in side also known as
cardiac muscle. This is a special and different
muscle, it never gets tired.
There are 4 chambers within the heart. There
are two sides of the heart, left and right which
are separated by a muscle layer called
interventircula septune.
Firstly, the left side pumps blood around the
body. There is a left atruim,its job is to receive
oxygenated blood from the lungs and send it to
the left ventrical. The bicuspid valve, is the valve
between the left atrium and ventrical, it opens,
letting the blood into the left ventrical. From
here it’s pumped to the aorta and finally around
the body. The process is the same on the right,
except it receives deoxygenated blood from the
body and sends it to the lungs. The valve is
called the tricuspid valve.
You want to know what tells your heart to beat,
nerves! The nerves the make the heart beat
faster are called the sympathetic nerve and the
nerve that tells are heart to beat slowdown is
called parasympathic nerve. Do you know how it
works? Well the brain sends little impulses
(messages) to make your heart beat and this
happens automatically. This is called autonomic
nervous system.
3 circulations
Within the circulatory system there are three
smaller circulations. One of them is the coronary
circulation it is the circulation from the body to
the heart. The vessels around the heart are called
coronary vessel vessels. Their job is to deliver
nutrients and oxygen to the heart muscle, it also
carries away waste away to the kidneys and its
always working.
The second circulation is pulmonary circulation
which is the circulation of blood to and away from
the lungs. There’s a smaller circulation of blood
to larger airways of the lungs called bronchial
circulation. This supplies nutrients and oxygen to
larger airways.
The third and last circulation is called systemic
circulation. This is the circulation of blood around
the body. It also is how the blood gets its
nutrients and oxygen to the body cells. It also
disposes of waste.
Another important part of the circulatory system
is blood vessel. There are three different types.
First I will talk about what a blood vessel made
of. The first blood vessel is the artiers. The
artiers have four layers and is surrounded by
nerves. The first layer is the tunica adventitia,
this is the outer layer and is surrounded by
nerves. The second layer is tunica media, it is a
muscle layer. The muscle is thick so it can create
a higher pressure. There’s one more layer called
tunic intima, it is the inner lining and is made out
of endothid cells. In veins and arteries there’s a
hollow centre called lumen. Lumen is smaller in
artiers to create a higher pressure.
The second blood vessel is called capillaries.
Capillaries have only one layer of endothial cell.
Its job is to get oxygen to the blood and take
out carbon dioxide from body cells.
The last blood vessel is veins they transport
deoxygenated blood back to the heart and to the
lungs. The veins have same structures but with
some differences. The lumen is wider because it is
a low pressure system. The tunica media is
thinner and like the lumen it is a low pressure
system. It contains valves to stop blood from
going in the wrong direction and act as a
reservoir, to allow the blood to pool. It has a
muscle pump to pump the blood along.
The appearance of a blood vessel is different to
what you might think. Blood vessel appear red
and blue in text book this is to separate arteries
and veins. However, are actually white. Veins that
are under the skin appear blue because light can’t
penetrate the skin.
As we know there are different types of blood
vessel arteries, capillaries and veins
First of them are the arteries they make a system
called arterial and run deep in the body to
protect them. They transport oxygen around the
body and have a higher pressure to pump the
blood. Arteries synchronized with the heart so
when the pump the arteries pump too, you feel
this as a pulse. Arteries actually become smaller
and turn into arterials. Everyone’s arteries are in
the same place. If you cut artery because there
is so much pressure it will squirt like a water gun.
The second blood vessel is capilliaries. Arteries
filter blood into capillaries, capilliaries then
deposits oxygen to body cells. Cells also send
carbon dioxide and waste back through the
capillaries into the blood.
The last blood vessel is veins. They make up the
venous system. Veins carry deoxygenated blood to
the heart and to the lungs. Unlike arteries they
have a low pressure system and if they were cut
they would dribble. They keep getting bigger from
capilliaries and become venules then veins. Most
of them are just beneath the skin.
Blood vessels are not just around your body,
they’re around your heart too. The first of them
is the pulmonary artery. This carries
deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to
the lungs. Another blood vessel is the pulmonary
vein, this carries oxygenated blood from the lungs
back to the heart. The third blood vessel is the
aorta. The aorta is the largest artery in your
body. It job is to take oxygenated blood from the
left ventricle and send it around the body. And
the last blood vessel is the vena cava. It has two
main veins. One vein returns blood from the upper
body to the heart, this is called superior vena
cava. The other returns blood from the lower body
to the heart, this is called the inferior vena cava.
Blood travels inside your blood vessel where it’s
safe. There are four main parts in the blood. The
first is the red blood cells. The red blood cells
are what makes the blood red and it also delivers
oxygen to body cells and takes carbon dioxide
back to the lungs. They make over half the
volume of blood. The second blood cell is the
white blood cell. They fight off viruses and germs
and helps clean the blood. It is the biggest cell
in your blood. The third blood cell is platelets,
they are the smallest cell in your blood, and they
help your blood to clot when you get a cut. The
last part is actually a liquid and is called plasma.
Plasma is a watery substance and carries nutrients
to give to the body cells. The other parts of the
blood float around in the plasma. The plasma also
carries waste to the kidneys and body control
substances like hormones.
Blood doesn’t just deliver nutrients and oxygen,
it also heats your body. Blood heats body by
taking heat from busy places, like your heart,
lungs and liver. Your blood spreads this heat
around your body evenly.
Kidneys aren’t really in the circulatory system,
but play important part. The kidneys clean the
blood of physical waste and send to the bladder.
Our body disposes of it through urine.
The kidneys have some feature as well as the
heart does. You might have guessed it, but you
have two kidneys, however you can live with one,
but is more effient to have two. They are located
in your back below the middle and are a shape of
a bean. The kidneys have 1,000,000 filters
called nephrons and are located in the cortex in
your kidneys. The tube that lets waste dribble
into your bladder is called ureter.
When you exercise your circulatory system
accelerates and your hearts pumps faster.
Your blood disposes of more waste and your
body’s cell’s need more nutrients and oxygen.
Swimming is exercise
This book will tell you about what
goes on in your body when you
exercise. Can you guess the three
main systems? That is right the
respiratory, circulatory and
muscular system.
By Andrea