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GCSE Humanities
Source Questions
How do I answer GCSE Humanities exam questions?
Each section is worth 36 marks and is made up of:
 2 mark source Question
 4 mark source Question
 12 mark source Question
 2 mark Knowledge Question
 4 mark Knowledge Question
 12 mark knowledge Question
Culture and Beliefs Practice Questions
2 mark knowledge questions:
What is culture? Use your own studies to answer.
Give two examples of primary agencies of socialisation. Use your own studies to answer.
Give two examples of gender roles. Use your own studies to answer.
Give two examples of rites of passage. Use your own studies to answer.
Using your own knowledge, name two groups that have migrated into the UK.
Give an example of two different cultures. Use your own studies to answer
From your own studies name two religions.
What do you understand by ‘the media’? Use your studies to answer.
From your own studies, give two example of religious traditions
From your studies, explain the term ‘belief’
From your own studies, give two examples of beliefs
From your own studies, explain the term tradition.
4 mark knowledge questions:
Identify and briefly explain the influence of two secondary agencies of socialisation on children’s
behaviour. Use your own studies to support your answer.
Briefly explain two effects of immigration into the UK. Use your own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two possible effects of nurture on an individual’s development. Use your own
studies to answer.
Briefly explain two ways in which the mass media can influence an individual’s identity. Use your
own studies to answer.
Using your own knowledge, briefly explain two effects of immigration into the UK.
Briefly explain two religious practices of any religion (4 marks)
Explain why mutual respect and understanding are important in multicultural societies. Use your
own studies to answer.
From your own studies, explain how belonging to a peer group may influence a person’s behaviour.
From your own studies explain how the family influences a person’s identity.
12 mark knowledge questions:
Assess whether nature and nurture play an equal part in human development. Use your own studies
to support your answer.
Choose a cultural, moral, political, religious or social issue you have studied. Explain the different
views on this issue.
Explain how the UK has developed into a multicultural society. Use your own studies to answer.
Describe and explain which human rights and freedoms exist in a democratic society. Use your own
studies to answer.
Using your own knowledge, explain what is meant by ‘culture and society in the UK today’. How is it
different from culture and society in another European country?
Religion can be important in the teaching of morals and values. How important is religion compared
to other factors?
Explain how the culture and beliefs of people living the UK are changing. Use information from
your studies to answer. You might include issues such as; customs and traditions, religion,
multiculturalism, gender roles, media.
Explain how cultures differ. You could include: gender roles, norms, social organisation, types of
communication, technology.
From your own studies, compare two cultures. One of these must be found in the UK. You could
include; gender roles, norms, social organisation, types of communication, attitudes and values.
Explain the advantages of a multicultural Britain.
Environmental Issues Practice Questions
2 mark knowledge questions:
Give two examples of fossil fuels. Use your own studies to answer.
Name two alternative energy sources.
Give two examples of renewable resources. Use your own studies to answer.
Give two materials that can be recycled. Use your own studies to answer.
Using your own knowledge, name two environmental pressure groups.
Give the meaning of the term ‘conservation’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘pollution’. Use your own studies to answer.
What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources? Use your studies to
What are two causes of pollution? Use your studies to answer.
Give two disadvantages of renewable for making electricity.
Explain what is meant by ‘energy gap’
Name two non-renewable sources of energy
Name two environmental issues
Name two methods used by environmental pressure groups to change people’s attitudes on an
environmental issue
4 mark knowledge questions:
Identify and briefly explain how using two alternative sources of energy will help to preserve our
environment. Use your own studies to support your answer.
Briefly explain what is meant by urbanisation and industrialisation. Use your own studies to
What is recycling? Briefly explain, using your own studies.
Briefly explain two effects of industrialisation. Use your own studies to answer.
Using your own knowledge, briefly explain two methods employed by environmental pressure
In what ways can we reduce the amount of landfill?
Briefly explain two methods used by Greenpeace.
Briefly explain two ways in which a large scale ecosystem is being destroyed. Use your own studies
to answer.
Explain how pollution can be reduced. Use your own studies to answer.
Using examples from your own studies, explain what is meant by conservation of natural resources.
Using examples from your studies, explain what is meant by sustainable development.
From your own studies explain how natural resources can be conserved.
Using an example from your own studies, explain how successful one environmental pressure group
has been in influencing people’s attitudes and behaviour.
12 mark knowledge questions:
Assess the view that tourism can be developed without damaging the environment. Use your own
studies to support your answer.
What can individuals and families do to reduce their carbon footprint to help the environment?
Explain, using your own studies to answer.
Explain why individuals and groups have different attitudes to global environmental issues. Use
your own studies to answer.
How successful are environmental pressure groups in reducing or solving environmental problems?
Use your own studies to answer.
Using your own knowledge, explain how individuals and groups interact with a large ecosystem.
Choose either a rainforest or a marine ecosystem.
How successful have Greenpeace and other environmental pressure groups been in saving the
Explain why it important for people to be responsible in their use of the world’s natural resources.
Use your own studies to answer.
Explain how business organisations and environmental pressure groups try to influence attitudes
towards environmental issues. Use your own studies to answer.
Explain the impact of tourism. Comment on positive and negative effects.
Groups can influence people’s attitudes and behaviour towards environmental issues. Explain the
methods these groups can use. Use your own studies to answer.
Why is it important to conserve the natural environment? Use your studies to answer.
Explain why the Amazon Rainforest is an environmental issues that needs action.
Using examples from your studies, explain what methods are used by environmental pressure
groups to influence people’s attitudes and behaviour on an issue
Explain why the way humans use the natural environment is a global issue.
From your studies, explain why pollution is a global issue.
Conflict and Co-operation Practice Questions
2 mark knowledge questions:
Give the meaning of the term ‘authority’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘power’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give two ways in which organisations such as Amnesty International can protect human rights.
What is the meaning of ‘sanctions’? Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘responsibility’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘UN Declaration of Human Rights’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘Amnesty International’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘United Nations’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘negotiations’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘arbitration’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘pacifism’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘force’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘protest’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘counselling’. Use your own studies to answer.
mark knowledge questions:
Briefly explain two examples of human rights that people have in a democracy. Use your own
studies to answer.
Briefly explain two effects of individual or small group conflict. Use your own studies to answer.
Many groups try to resolve conflict by negotiation or by arbitration. Briefly explain the difference
between ‘negotiation’ and ‘arbitration’. Use your own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two examples of responsibilities that people have in a democracy. Use your own
studies to answer.
Briefly explain two social effects of a national conflict or an international conflict. Use your own
studies to answer.
Briefly explain two political effects of a national conflict or an international conflict. Use your
own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two moral effects of a national conflict or an international conflict. Use your own
studies to answer.
Briefly explain two economic effects of a national conflict or an international conflict. Use your
own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two social effects of a local conflict or conflict at an individual level. Use your own
studies to answer.
Briefly explain two political effects of a local conflict or conflict at an individual level. Use your
own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two moral effects of a local conflict or conflict at an individual level. Use your own
studies to answer.
Briefly explain two economic effects of a local conflict or conflict at an individual level. Use your
own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two short-term effects of a national conflict or an international conflict. Use your
own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two short-term effects of a local conflict or conflict at an individual level. Use
your own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two long-term effects of a national conflict or an international conflict. Use your
own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two long-term effects of a local conflict or conflict at an individual level. Use your
own studies to answer.
12 mark knowledge questions:
Explain how the United Nations can help to resolve national or international conflict. Use your own
studies to answer. You should write about at least two of the following:
● force
● negotiation
● arbitration
● sanctions.
Explain why democracy can help to protect the freedom of individuals. Use your own studies to answer.
You should write about at least two of the following:
● authority
● rights
● responsibilities
● dictatorship.
Describe and explain the short-term and the long-term effects of one national or international
conflict. Use your own studies to answer.
Describe and explain the causes of one national conflict or international conflict. Use your own studies
to answer. You should write about two of the following:
religious causes and social causes
political causes
economic causes
long-term causes and/or short-term causes.
Describe and explain the causes of one local conflict or conflict at an individual level. Use your own
studies to answer. You should write about two of the following:
religious causes and social causes
political causes
economic causes
long-term causes and/or short-term causes.
Prejudice and Persecution Practice Questions
2 mark knowledge questions:
Give the meaning of the term ‘nationalism’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘persecution’. Use your own studies to answer.
Give the meaning of the term ‘genocide’. Use your own studies to answer.
What is the meaning of ‘systematic persecution’? Use your own studies to answer.
Explain the meaning of the term prejudice.
Give the meaning of the term discrimination
Give the meaning of the term prejudice
Give the meaning of the term scapegoat
Give the meaning of the term stereotype
Give one example of stereotyping
Explain the meaning of the term institutional discrimination
4 mark knowledge questions:
Briefly explain two ways of reducing persecution. Use your own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two effects of discrimination. Use your own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two examples of Equal Opportunities legislation in the UK. Use your own studies to answer.
Briefly explain two ways in which the actions of governments and states could lead to persecution of
individuals. Use your own studies to answer.
Explain two examples of discrimination.
Explain two ways in which individuals can challenge prejudice
Explain two ways in which stereotyping can be reduced
Explain two examples that show that stereotyping is a form of prejudice
Describe two examples which show how some people have been used as scapegoats
Explain two types of prejudice
Explain two forms of discrimination
Give two reasons why some people are prejudiced
Explain two forms of action that can help reduce prejudice
12 mark knowledge questions:
Explain how equal opportunities legislation can help to reduce prejudice and discrimination. Use your own
studies to answer. You should write about at least two of the following:
Explain how the level of prejudice in society can be influenced by the media. Use your own studies to
answer. You should write about at least two of the following:
the role of socialisation
Describe and explain two methods that can be used to reduce prejudice and discrimination at an individual
level and/or a local level. Use your own studies to answer.
Describe and explain how prejudice can lead to discrimination. Use your own studies to answer. You should
write about two of the following:
Explain how schools can reduce prejudice and discrimination. Use examples and information from your own
studies. You could write about one or more of the following situations:
within lessons
out of lessons
whole-school activities
school activities within the community.
Explain why many people see the police force as institutionally racist. Use your own studies to answer
Explain how conflicts caused by discrimination can be resolved. Use examples and information from your
own studies. You could write about conflict at any of the following levels:
Explain how prejudice and discrimination can affect people in the United Kingdom. Use examples and
information from your own studies. You could include any of the following levels:
Individual or personal level
Community level
National level
International level
Explain how prejudice can lead to discrimination. Use examples and information from your own studies. You
could include any of the following levels:
Using examples and information from your own studies, explain how discrimination can be reduced in the
UK. You could include any of the following levels of action:
Using examples and information from your studies, explain how persecution can affect an individual or
group. You could include any of the following effects: