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Energy Test Reivew Answer Key
1. What is energy? The ability to do work.
2. What are the 2 major forms of energy? Define them.
a. Potential – stored energy & energy of position
b. Kinetic – energy in motion
3. What are the four forms of potential energy? Briefly describe.
Mechanical (elastic) – Energy stored by force or tension
Chemical – Energy in the bonds of atoms & molecules (wood, coal, food, battery)
Nuclear – Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
Gravitational – Energy of place or position
4. What are the five forms of kinetic energy? Briefly describe.
Thermal (Heat) – the vibration or movement of atoms and molecules in substances
Motion – Energy of one substance moving another
Sound – the movement or vibration of molecules (in waves)
Radiant (Light or Electromagnetic) – energy that travels in electromagnetic waves
Electrical – movement of electrons
7. What are the 3 laws of conservation?
a. Energy cannot be created
b. Energy cannot be destroyed or used up
c. Energy can be changed from one form to another
8. What is wasted energy? Provide one example.
Energy that is not being used in a transformation.
Example: The heat from a lightbulb. The sound from a ticking clock. The heat from a TV.
9. Describe the energy transformations that take place from an outlet to a fan.
Electrical to motion, sound, and heat.
10. Draw a picture of 3 energy transformations. (This must include 3 different forms of energy.)
11. Briefly define Conduction and provide an example.
Heat transfer from direct contact. Ex. A pan on a stove.
12. Briefly define Radiation and provide an example.
Heat transfer through space. Ex. Sun heating up a candy bar. Microwave.
13. Briefly define Convection and provide an example.
Heat transfer through the motion of warm gas/liquids rising while cold gas/liquids fall. Ex. Heater in a
house. Oven. Boiling water.
14. Draw a picture of the three heat transfers above.
15. Heat transfer takes place from areas that are warm to areas that are cold .
16. Describe the movement of molecules in a solid, liquid & gas.
Liquid – molecules tumble around in random motion within the liquid
Solid – molecules lined up in a pattern, still move slightly/vibrate
Gas – molecules far apart, can move anywhere in space, not contained
17. Draw a picture of the molecules in a solid, liquid & gas.