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Plant Descriptions
Acacia redolens Prostrate Acacia
This robust evergreen ground cover can spread to 20 feet and does well in poor soils. Its grey-green
leaves are long and narrow while its yellow flowers bloom in small puffy balls during the spring. It is
very drought and heat tolerant.
Achillea spp. Apple Blossom Yarrow, Salmon Beauty Yarrow
This perennial produces bright pink flower heads. It is drought tolerant once established and can act
as a fire retardant. It is sometimes used for its herbal qualities.
Aesculus californica California Buckeye
This deciduous tree needs a lot of room. It can grow to be 40 feet high and 50 feet wide. The fragrant
flowers bloom in spear-shaped clusters in April and May. The leaves fall in July to expose silvery bark
and round pods.
Agapanthus africanus Lily of the Nile
The flower stalks of this evergreen shrub can stand two to three feet high and produce white or blue
blooms . It is adaptable and drought tolerant when established.
Arbutus menziesii Madrone
This California native can grow to be 20 to over 100 feet tall. It has broad, deep green leaves and
reddish bark. It grows well in full sun and requires deep but infrequent watering.
Arbutus unedo var. compacta Strawberry Tree
This tree, which can grow to be eight to 35 feet tall, needs little water once established. It has
shredding, reddish-brown bark and dark green oblong leaves. The flowers are white and the fruit is
Arctostaphylos densiflora Howard McMinn Manzanita
A Sonoma County native, this evergreen shrub grows in mounds and produces whitish-pink flowers. It
can spread up to seven feet and reach five to six feet in height, becoming very dense.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry
This small shrub grows to be 14 inches tall and produces dense, bright green vegetation. The leaves
are elliptical and shiny. The pale pink, urn-shaped flowers appear in March.
Armeria maritima var. californica Sea Thrift
This evergreen perennial grows in mounds and produces small white to rose-pink flowers in round
clusters during the spring.
Aspidistra elatior Cast Iron Plant
This evergreen perennial is extremely tolerant of conditions that are adverse to other plants. It will
grow in dark shaded areas as well as in filtered sunlight. It can tolerate some drought and is also
used as a houseplant.
Aster frikartii Wonder of Stafa Aster
This perennial flowering shrub can grow to be two feet tall. It produces abundant, lavender to violet
blue fragrant flowers from May through October. It will bloom almost all year if dead flower heads are
removed regularly. This shrub should be planted in full sun and should be watered regularly.
Aucuba japonica Japanese Aucuba
This evergreen shrub, which can grow to be six to 10 feet tall, has distinctive yellow splotching on its
leaves. It produces minute, dark maroon flowers in March. It performs best in deep shade and is
drought tolerant once established.
Baccharis pilularis Dwarf Coyote Bush
This dense ground cover grows to be eight to 24 inches high and spreads to six feet wide. The small
oval leaves are thick and bright green. The flowers are off-white and fuzzy. This plant is drought
tolerant and can grow in a wide range of ecosystems.
Berberis thunbergii Japanese Barberry
This deciduous shrub, which can grow to be four to six feet tall, has spiny, arching branches which
produce bright red berries from fall through winter. It enjoys full sun or light shade.
Carpenteria californica Bush Anemone
This native evergreen shrub can tolerate sun, but does best in partial shade and is very drought
tolerant once established. It grows slowly and can reach three to six feet in height. The white flowers
bloom from May through August.
Ceanothus spp. Blue Jeans Ceanothus (Wild Lilac)
This drought tolerant, evergreen shrub can grow to be seven to nine feet tall and produces pale blue
flower clusters in the early spring.
Ceanothus spp. Joyce Coulter Ceanothus (Wild Lilac)
This evergreen shrub grows to be two to five feet tall and 10 to 12 feet wide. It produces three to five
inch spikes of blue flowers. It is a fast grower, always looks lush and tolerates shearing.
Ceanothus gloriosus Anchor Bay Ceanothus (California Wild Lilac)
This ceanothus can grow as a very dense shrub, small tree or ground cover. It lives for five to 10
years and produces deep blue flowers in the spring. It should be planted out of reach of sprinklers
and should be watered with a hose through the first dry season.
Ceanothus griseus horizontalis Yankee Point Ceanothus (California Wild Lilac)
This ceanothus makes an excellent ground cover. It can grow to be three feet tall and can spread to
eight feet in just two seasons. Its profuse sea blue flowers appear in April and May.
Ceanothus rigidus Snowball Ceanothus
This evergreen shrub boasts profuse white flower clusters that appear in early spring. It grows to be
six to 10 feet tall and eight to 12 feet wide and can be trimmed as a small garden tree.
Cerastium tomentosum Snow-in-Summer
This low growing perennial can be planted as a ground cover or used to fill in spaces between rocks
or stepping stones. It needs little water once established and can be planted in full sun or partial
Cerastostigma plumbaginoides Dwarf Plumbago
This perennial, wiry-stemmed ground cover grows to be six to 12 inches tall. Its leaves are bronze to
dark green and turn red with frost. The one-half inch wide, intense blue flowers bloom from July until
the first frost. It is a very hardy plant that naturalizes easily. It provides nice color in the late summer.
Cerastostigma willmottianum Chinese Plumbago
This semi-evergreen shrub grows to be two to four feet tall and produces deep green leaves which
turn yellow or red after a frost. The bright blue, one-half inch wide flowers bloom from June through
November. Stems should be cut back in the early spring. This shrub enjoys sun or partial shade and
is fairly drought tolerant once established. It provides good garden color.
Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud
This fast growing, deciduous tree can reach six to 18 feet in height. It needs a lot of water until it is
established. A member of the pea family, it produces bright pink and red flowers in the spring.
Cercocarpus betuloides Mountain Mahogany
This evergreen shrub or tree can grow to be five to 20 feet tall. It is very drought tolerant and can be
planted in full sun or light shade. Its distinguishing feature is a long-lasting, small fruit topped by a
long, twisted, feathery, tail-like plume that "sparkles" in the sunlight.
Chaenomeles spp. Red Flowering Quince
This deciduous shrub grows to be eight feet tall. Large red, ruffled flowers appear in early spring. It is
drought tolerant once established.
Chaenomeles cultivai Toyo Nishiki Flowering Quince
This quince is similar to the red flowering quince, except that it produces pink, white, red and pink and
white bicolored flowers in the early spring.
Cistus purpureus Purple Rockrose
This compact evergreen shrub grows to be four feet tall and has dark green leaves which are hairy on
the underside. The large purple-pink flowers, which have a red spot at the base of each petal, appear
in June and July. This is a very drought tolerant plant.
Cistus salvifolius Sageleaf Rockrose
This sun-loving, fast growing, drought resistant shrub can grow to be two feet high and six feet wide.
Its white and yellow-spotted flowers emerge in late spring. This plant makes a good ground cover.
Cotoneaster dammeri Bearberry Cotoneaster
The white flowers of this prostrate evergreen ground cover bloom in sun or shade. It can grow to be
three to six inches high and 10 feet wide and produces red berries.
Crocosmia hybrids Montbretia
This corm has long, one-half inch wide, sword-shaped leaves and produces orange crimson flowers.
It should be planted in partial shade and is drought tolerant once established.
Dietes bicolora African Iris
This evergreen perennial grows in two foot clumps. The flowers are light yellow and are marked with
maroon splotching. This plant is drought tolerant once established.
Dietes vegeta Fortnight Lily
This evergreen perennial grows to be four feet tall. It is very drought resistant and produces white
flowers with orange, brown and purple markings.
Diplacus hybrids Monkey Flower
Also know as Mimulus, these drought tolerant perennials have tubular flowers which bloom over a
long period during the late spring and early summer. Many need sun, but some can tolerate the
shade. Many different colors are available.
Dryopteris erythrosora Autumn Fern
This fern is drought tolerant and prefers partial shade. It is one of the few ferns that shows a seasonal
color change - new fronds start out reddish and slowly turn green as spring progresses to summer. It
grows to be one and one-half to two feet tall.
Echium fastuosum Pride of Madeira
This perennial shrub grows to be three to six feet in height. Its fuzzy grey-green leaves form dense
foliage. The purple flowers bloom in spectacular large spikes.
Eriogonum umbellatum polyanthum Sulfur Buckwheat
This perennial shrub forms broad mats four to 12 inches high. As the leaves and yellow flowers age
they turn rust-colored. It grows best in full sun with little or no water.
Eschscholzia californica California Poppy
This perennial native is the official state flower of California. Its leaves are finely branched and bluegreen in color. The flowers, which close up at night, have satiny petals that range in color from
creamy white to deep red.
Eucalyptus sideroxylon var. rosea Eucalyptus
This fast growing tree can reach 100 feet in height and needs little or no water once established. It
has reddish-brown bark and its leaves are quite aromatic.
Festuca californica California Fescue
This ornamental grass is bluish in color and grows in clumps.
Fremontodendron spp. Flannel Bush
This fast growing, very drought tolerant shrub can grow to be six to 20 feet tall. It has very hairy
leaves and is covered in large yellow flowers in May and June.
Galvezia speciosa Island Bush Snapdragon
This shrub can grow to be three to four feet tall and five feet wide. Its bright tubular flowers bloom all
year long.
Gaura lindheimeri Gaura
This two to four foot tall perennial produces branching flower spikes that sport one inch white
blossoms all summer long. It requires little care and is fairly drought tolerant.
Grevillea noellii Grevillea
Producing red and pink flowers that bloom in clusters all year long, this shrub has a rounded shape
and long graceful branches. It prefers good drainage.
Helictrichon sempervirens Blue Oat Grass
The foliage of this arching grass is bluish in color. It grows to be two feet tall and prefers full sun, but
will tolerate partial shade. It is drought tolerant once established.
Hemerocallis hybrids Daylilies
These perennial tuberous lilies can grow to be one to six feet tall and can produce flowers from May
to October which are yellow, pink, white or bicolored. Some varieties are evergreen, while other die
back. They can grow in full sun or partial shade.
Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon
This evergreen shrub produces small white flower clusters which attract bees. The berries that follow
attract birds. It does well in full sun or partial shade, and although drought tolerant, it benefits from
some summer water. It is susceptible to fireblight.
Iris douglasiana Pacific Coast Iris
This evergreen plant has long slender leaves and flowers that can vary in color from creamy white to
blue and deep purple. It does well in both shade and sun but prefers well-cultivated soil.
Juniperus horizontalis Prince of Wales Juniper
This drought tolerant, evergreen shrub produces bright green feathery foliage. It can grow to be six
inches tall and makes a good rock garden foundation plant.
Lagerstroemia f. var. tuscarora Crape Myrtle
This slow growing deciduous shrub has a high resistance to powdery mildew. It has smooth grey or
light brown bark that flakes off to reveal smooth, pinkish inner bark. Spring foliage is light green tinged
with a bronzy red, while in the fall it may turn yellow, orange or red.
Leptospermum laeuigatum Australian Tea Tree
This large shrub or small tree produces white flowers in the spring. It needs little care if planted in
well-drained, slightly acidic soil. Solitary plants can grow to be 30 feet high. If grown close together,
these plants do not branch and will grow to be only one and one-half to six feet tall.
Limonium perezii Sea Lavender
This evergreen perennial has a rich green basal leaf clump and produces purple flowers on 12 to 36
inch tall stalks throughout the summer. It freezes at 25 degrees Fahrenheit but can reseed itself.
Lupinus arboreus Lupine
This five to eight inch tall plant has palmate leaves and pea-shaped flowers that occur in dense
spikes. Flowers vary in color from yellow to blue to bluish-white and bloom from March to June. It
reseeds itself readily.
Mahonia aquifolium Oregon Grape
This evergreen shrub has spiny, glossy green leaves that may turn purplish or bronzy in the winter. It
can grow to be two to five feet tall and does best in light shade.
Mahonia repens Creeping Mahonia
This ground cover, which enjoys full sun or partial shade, spreads by underground stems and grows
to be three feet high. Its spine-toothed leaves have a blue-green tint and turn bronzy in winter. Yellow
flowers precede blue berries.
Myoporum parvifolium var. prostratum Prostrate Myoporum
This fire retardant ground cover has small green leaves and produces white flowers which bloom
during the summer. It grows to three inches high and can spread to nine feet.
Nandina compacta Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo
This bamboo is similar to "Harbour Dwarf," except that it turns a purplish color in winter.
Nandina domestica Harbour Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo
The delicate foliage of this compact evergreen shrub is green in summer and reddish-orange to
bronzy-red in winter. This ground cover provides nice color in the winter. It is drought tolerant once
Nepeta faassenii Cat Mint
This drought tolerant perennial mounds up to two feet in height. It has aromatic leaves and lavender
blue flowers that appear in early summer. It is used for its herbal qualities.
Nerium oleander Petite Salmon Oleander
This evergreen shrub can grow to a maximum height of 12 feet. It has elongated dark green leaves
and aromatic clusters of flowers which range in color from white to shades of pink and red. The
flowers bloom from early summer to mid-autumn. All parts of this plant are poisonous.
Oenothera berlanderieri Mexican Evening Primrose
This is a good perennial ground cover for dry slopes. It grows to be 10 to 12 inches high and
produces rose pink or white flowers. It can be invasive if not controlled and is susceptible to powdery
mildew. Annual shearing to the ground in the spring or fall may be required.
Oenothera missourensis Evening Primrose
This prostrate perennial grows to be 10 inches high and sports soft velvety leaves and three to five
inch yellow flowers. It dies back in the fall and is a drought tolerant, low maintenance plant.
Pennesetum cupreum Fountain Grass
This perennial grass grows in dense rounded clumps up to four feet tall. It is drought resistant, can
tolerate any type of soil and will grow in full sun. Coppery pink or purplish flower spikes top the grass
in the summer.
Phormium tenax Dwarf New Zealand Flax
This large evergreen perennial can grow to be three to four feet tall. Its flower stalks bear many dark
red to yellowish flowers. It thrives in any amount of sunlight.
Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache
The wispy deciduous leaves of this tree provide brilliant fall color. It grows to be 60 feet tall and does
best in well drained soils.
Pinus mugo Mugho Pine
This very hardy dwarf pine can grow to be four feet tall. Young specimens are compact and
symmetrical, while older ones have spreading branches. This pine is a good rock garden specimen.
Plumbago auriculata Cape Plumbago
This fast growing shrub can reach two to six feet in height and four to 10 feet in width. The small
flowers bloom in clusters during the summer and virtually cover the entire bush in a blue or white
Prunus ilicifolia Holly Leaf Cherry or Islay
This small tree has slightly serrated leaves, similar to holly. It produces light pink blossoms in early
spring before the leaves appear. The blossoms scatter like a snowfall as the leaves begin to grow.
Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak
This majestic California native is a common sight in many yards and open spaces. The limbs often
spread to create a crown that is wider than the tree is tall. This evergreen has a rounded form and
can grow to be 80 feet tall. The main limbs of large specimens are sometimes cabled to one another
or to the trunk to give added strength.
Rhamnus californica Eve Case Coffeeberry
This evergreen shrub can be low and spreading or can grow upright to four to eight feet. It enjoys full
sun or partial shade and is drought tolerant, although it likes a bit of summer water.
Rhus lancea African Sumac
This slow growing evergreen tree can reach 25 feet in height. It is drought tolerant but can also
withstand lawn watering. The yellow or red berry-like fruit grows in clusters on the female trees.
Ribes sanguineum Pink Winter Currant
This deciduous shrub produces drooping clusters of deep pink to red flowers which are followed by
bluish-black berries. It prefers full sunlight or light shade and is fairly drought tolerant. Hummingbirds
like this plant.
Ribes speciosum Fuchsia Flowering Gooseberry
From January to May, this deciduous shrub produces deep crimson to cherry red drooping flowers
that resemble the blooms of the fuchsia. It is drought and heat tolerant once established, although it
prefers a bit of shade. It is an excellent barrier planting.
Robinia ambigua var. idahoensis Idaho Locust
This deciduous tree can grow to be 40 feet tall. It is one of the showiest locust trees because of its
bright magenta flower clusters.
Rosmarinus officinalis var. prostratus Huntington Blue Rosemary
This fast-spreading, evergreen ground cover can grow to be one and one-half inches tall and has
small aromatic leaves. It produces deep blue flowers in late winter and early spring and again in the
fall. Once established it needs little or no watering. It provides good garden color.
Salvia leucantha Mexican Sage
This drought tolerant shrub grows to be three to four feet tall. The small white flowers bloom in the
summer and fall on velvety-purple or rose colored spikes.
Salvia uliginosa Sage
This wispy evergreen perennial can grow to be three to four feet tall and produces foliage in a basal
clump. The tall flowers stalks bloom with light blue flowers in late summer. This plant needs little care.
Sambucus caerulea Blue Elderberry
As a shrub, blue elderberry can grow to be four to 10 feet in height; as a tree, up to 50 feet. Its white
flowers bloom in rounded clusters in the spring. The edible blue berries will attract many species of
birds to your yard.
Schinus molle California Pepper
This tree grows to be 25 to 40 feet tall. Its long slender leaves and drooping branches give it a willowy
appearance. It produces inedible, reddish-pink peppercorns.
Scilla peruviana Peruvian Scilla
This hearty perennial grows from a bulb and has rich green, strap-like leaves. Fifty or more bluishpurple flowers bloom in large dome-shaped clusters in May and June.
Sedum telephium Autumn Joy Stone Crop
This succulent perennial has upright or slightly spreading stems which produce coppery-rose colored
blooms. If the stalks are not cut after the blooms fade, seed pods will form on top of the bare stalks.
Solanum jasminoides PotatoVine
This evergreen is related to the potato. It has delicate foliage which can climb to 30 feet. The pure
white flowers bloom almost perpetually. It can tolerate full sunlight or partial shade and should be cut
back severely to promote new growth. Because the pollen is poisonous to bees, it makes a good pool
side planting.
Sollya heterophylla Australian Blue Bell Creeper
Climbing to six to eight feet, this evergreen shrub or vine likes partial shade. It produces clusters of
one-half inch long, brilliant blue, bell-shaped flowers throughout most of the summer.
Thymus vulgaris Thyme
This perennial, prostrate, evergreen herb is a hardy ground cover that attracts bees and needs only
periodic watering in the heat of summer. It grows well in full sun or partial shade. The aromatic leaves
are prized for their herbal qualities.
Tulbaghia violacea Sliverlace Society Garlic
This perennial produces leaves and flower stems that smell of garlic when crushed. Eight to 20 rosylavender flowers bloom on one to two foot long stems. If the garlic odor does not offend you, these
make good cutting flowers.
Watsonia pyramidata Watsonia
This deciduous perennial grows from corms and, unlike some of its relatives, blooms from late spring
to early summer. The two and one-half inch long rose-pink to rose-red flowers bloom in spike like
clusters that can be four to six feet tall.
Zauschneria californica California Fuchsia/Hummingbird Flower
A perennial California native, this plant can withstand dry, hot summers and enjoys full sun. From
summer through fall it produces pretty red flowers which are set against handsome grey foliage. It
does well in an informal setting.
Zephyranthus candida Zephyr Flower
This bulb is good for use in rock gardens or as a potted plant. The crocus-like flowers appear from
late summer into the fall, often soon after a rain.