Download Snapping Turtle - Invasive Species 101

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Chelydra serpentina
Alias: The Common Snapping Turtle
Description: They are gray with long necks. They have a Large head, a Jagged Tail
and a small Serrated shell.
Habitat: They Prefer Shallow, Muddy-bottomed lakes with a very dense area of
aquatic vegetation. They live from northern California to British Columbia, Canada.
Niche: Snapping Turtles are omnivores will eat or prey on anything they can swallow
such as Many invertebrates, Fish, birds, small reptiles such as snakes and other turtles,
frogs and other small mammals. They don't have many Natural Predators.
Criminal Record: They were released into the wild from un-knowing pet owners and
take up critical habitat and food sources from native species of turtles. They also eat
many native species food and take up their habitat.
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