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Name _____________________________ MOD _____
1. Select the best response and write it on the line to the left.
_____ I. Any differences between organisms in the same species is a(n)
A adaptation.
B option.
C relationship.
D variation.
_____ II. A common defense of turtles is to pull their head and legs into their shells when
they are threatened. Snapping turtles are unable to do this, but do have a large,
sharp jaw for which they were named. How did natural selection allow for this
adaptation to occur in the snapping turtle?
A All sharp-jawed turtles were eaten because they could not pull in their legs.
B Turtles with sharp jaws were able to survive predation and reproduce.
C Turtles with sharp jaws were less attractive to look at than non-sharp jawed
D Turtles with sharp jaws were more attractive to look at than non-sharp jawed
2. Marine iguanas and green iguanas were once the same species, but are now classified as two
separate species. Review the traits of the marine and green iguana from Activity A. Use what
you have learned about natural selection and evolution to agree or disagree with the following
statement. Choose one of the features from Activity A to support your decision.
“Over a long period of time, natural selection can lead to evolution. Helpful variations
slowly occur in the species, while unnecessary variations disappear.”