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Cladogram Practice
1. After which animals did mammary glands develop?
2. What animal does not have jaws? _____Hagfish___________________________
3. Which animals have lungs? _____salamander, lizard, pigeon, mouse, chimp_________
4. Which animals are probably predators? ___perch, salamander, lizard, pigeon, mouse, chimp_
5. After which animal did protection from the elements arise?__________after perch -- rest
are land dwellers and would need protection on land__________
6. What other animals would come after the chimp? ___primates______________________
7. Which animals would come before the hagfish? ____invertebrates____________________
Cladogram Practice 2
1. What does all life stem from according to this picture? ______true bacteria___________
2. What major group came before animals? _____MAJOR group -- plants, but could also say
fungi, though "major" would be arguable......______________________
3. What group are mammals from? __amniotes_________________________________
4. Which came first the chicken or the egg? _____the egg -- turtles have these, and branch off
before birds__
5. What is the first amniote? ______turtles_______________________________________
6. Which animals are considered vertebrates?___________cartilaginous fish, bony fish,
amphibians, turtles, snakes/lizards, crocs, birds, mammals__________________
7. What organisms are non-flowering plants closely related to?___________flowering see
8. What organisms are insects closely related to?