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Physics 207 – Elementary Physics with Calc - Hokin
Physics Preconceptions Self-Quiz
Each statement below is either true, false, or partly true, depending on the situation. Mark each one
with “T”, “F” or “D” (depends) based on your current understanding of physics. Then, file this quiz so
you can compare it to another run at the end of the semester. Feel free to discuss it with your friends,
but please do so AFTER you've answered according to your own understanding. This is one way to
benchmark how your understanding of physics evolves over the course of Physics 207.
_____ History has no place in science.
_____ Acceleration and velocity are always in the same direction.
_____ Heavier objects fall at the same speed as light ones.
_____ There is no gravity in a vacuum.
_____ All objects eventually stop moving when the force is removed.
_____ Friction can act in the direction of motion.
_____ The Moon is in free fall toward the Earth.
_____ There are no gravitational forces in space.
_____ The gravitational force acting on the International Space Station is nearly zero.
_____ Weightlessness means there is no gravity.
_____ The Earth's spinning motion affects gravity.
_____ Something not moving can't have any energy.
_____ Momentum and kinetic energy are the same.
_____ Circular motion requires a force.
_____ An object moving in a circle with constant speed has no acceleration.
_____ Objects moving in a straight line can have angular momentum.
_____ All the planets move in their orbits with the same speed.
_____ Seasons are caused by the variation of the Earth's distance from the Sun during the year.
_____ Rockets need something (air) to push against.
_____ Black holes are big.
_____ Light always travels in straight lines.
_____ Things in space make sounds.
_____ If the Sun were to become a black hole, the Earth would get sucked into it.
_____ There is no lower limit on temperature.
_____ Sweaters make you warmer.
_____ Temperature is the measure of heat.
_____ Heat and cold flow like liquids.
_____ Pressure is the same as force.
_____ A pendulum accelerates through the lowest point of its swing.
_____ Waves transport matter.
_____ There must be a medium for a wave to travel through.
_____ All waves have energy.
_____ Light is a particle.
_____ Light is a wave.
_____ The speed of light never changes.
_____ A null result means that the experiment was a failure.
_____ Time is absolute.
_____ Time cannot be reversed.
_____ There exists a preferred frame of reference in the universe.
_____ A mass moving at the speed of light becomes energy.
_____ The gravitational force is the strongest force.
_____ Electricity and magnetism are the same force.
_____ None of the fundamental forces have been proven to exist.
_____ The electrical force is the same as the gravitational force.
_____ Electric charge is continuous and can occur in any amount.
_____ An electron is pure negative charge with no mass.
_____ Scientists always stumble upon discoveries.
_____ Voltage is energy.
_____ High voltage is dangerous.
_____ Designations of (+) and (-) are absolute.
_____ Current is the same thing as voltage.
_____ There is no conclusive evidence for global warming.
_____ Nuclear energy is inherently unsafe.
_____ Mathematics and physics are completely separate in origin.
_____ Electric vehicles have zero environmental impact.
_____ The energy needs of the United States cannot be supplied by solar energy.
_____ A large amount of energy is lost in transmission from power plant to end user.
_____ Nuclear reactors have to be large to be economical.
_____ Many scientific discoveries have resulted from the manned space program.