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Weight and Mass - Answers
weight = mass  gravitational field strength
Not so Tricky
On Earth, the gravitational field strength, g, is 9.81 N/kg
1. Calculate the weight of the following objects on Earth:
a. W = mg = 22 × 9.81 = 216 N (to 3 SF)
b. W = mg = 1110 × 9.81 = 10 900 N
c. W = mg = 0.3 × 9.81 = 2.94 N
d. W = mg = (1.2 + 5 × 0.5) × 9.81 = 3.7 × 9.81 = 36.3 N
e. W = mg = 0.058 × 9.81 = 0.569 N
2. Calculate the mass of the following objects (the weight as measure on Earth is given):
a. m = W/g = 490/9.81 = 49.9 kg
b. m = W/g = 9.81/9.81 = 1.00 kg
c. m = W/g = 2500/9.81 = 255 kg
3. Complete the following table:
Weight, W
Mass, m
Girl on a scooter
589 N
Gravitational Field
Strength, g
9.81 N/kg
Moped and rider
1800 N
183 kg
9.81 N/kg
28 N
100 kg
0.28 N/kg
1.96 × 10-3 N
200 milli-grams
9.81 N/kg
5500 kN
561 000 kg
9.81 N/kg
3 kN
1 gram
3 × 106 N/kg
g on surface of
Ceres (Dwarf planet)
Dose of medicine
Airbus A380 (maximum
take-off weight)
g on surface of a
White-Dwarf star
4. An astronaut, with her space-suit, has a mass of 80 kg. The gravitational field strength on
the Moon is one sixth that on Earth.
a. W = mg = 80 × (9.81/6) = 131 N
b. It stays the same (i.e. 80 kg)
c. g = W/m = 296/80 = 3.7 N/kg
d. Her weight would increase since the gravitational field strength at the surface of
Jupiter is much higher than Earth (it’s approximately 25 N/kg). So she would feel
2.5 times heavier than she does on Earth.