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AMER. ZOOL., 23:129-144 (1983) The Role of Lysosomes in Molluscan Inflammation1 THOMAS C. CHENG Marine Biomedical Research Program and Department of Anatomy (Cell Biology), Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina 29412 SYNOPSIS. Phagocytosis and related phenomena represent integral features of inflammation in all metazoans. Reviewed herein are the results of studies directed at understanding the role(s) of lysosomal enzymes synthesized and released from circulating hemocytes, especially granulocytes, of gastropods and bivalves as a result of challenge with exogenous, nonself materials. From what is known, most of the mechanisms underlying this inflammation-associated process parallel those of mammalian macrophages; however, immunoglobulins and most probably components of complement are not involved. The required energy for phagocytosis in molluscs appears to be derived from glycolysis alone. Furthermore, nitroblue tetrazolium reduction and the myeloperoxidase-H2O2-halide antimicrobial system, both characteristic of mammalian phagocytes, appear to be absent in molluscs. It is concluded that by studying phagocytosis by molluscan hemocytes, a great deal can be learned about the evolution of inflammatory response and its constitutent elements. rewarding. Specifically, studies involving Inflammation, as generally defined, is the molluscan hemocytes have been advantareaction of tissues to injury. The process, geous for elucidating the role of lysosomal regardless of the causative agent, is char- enzymes in inflammation. Prior to delving into what is currently acterized by local heat, swelling, redness, known about hemocytic lysosomal enzymes and pain. Furthermore, in mammals the pathologic picture involves primary vaso- in molluscs, it bears restating that during constriction followed by vasodilatation, acute inflammation in mammals, local veswhich result in the slowing down of cir- sel dilation allows influx of plasma proteins culation, accompanied by the accumula- and phagocytic cells into the tissue spaces, tion and emigration of leucocytes, exuda- which leads to swelling. Also, if the acute tion of fluid, and deposition of fibrin. As inflammatory response does not rid the host those interested in the comparative aspects of the causative agent, then phagocytic cells of inflammatory response will recognize, continue to be attracted to the inflamed these features of vertebrate, especially site, followed in some instances by formamammalian, inflammation are not all tion of an abcess. Continuing acute inflammation may applicable to invertebrates. Nevertheless, nonspecific cellular response does occur in become chronic. Chronic inflammatory these animals. At this point, a seldom responses are characterized by an infiltraremembered fact relative to inflammation tion of lymphocytes and cells of the monoin molluscs bears recalling. Specifically, cyte-macrophage lineage, which are Hurst and Walker (1933, 1935) have actively phagocytic. It is thus apparent that, reported that the body temperature of the as Metchnikoff emphasized in 1892, gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis is 2.7 times phagocytosis and associated phenomena higher in specimens infected with larval represent an integral part of inflammation. trematodes than in nonparasitized ones. In our laboratory we have been employThe intent of this contribution, hopefully, ing molluscan hemocytes as models in the is to point out that studying aspects of study of phagocytosis and related phenominflammation in invertebrates can be ena. Hopefully, it will become apparent why we have elected this system. Briefly, (1) molluscan hemocytes have been known to be phagocytic since the report by Haeckel 1 From the Symposium on Comparative Aspects of (1862); (2) molluscs, and all invertebrates Inflammation presented at the Annual Meeting of the for that matter, do not synthesize immuAmerican Society of Zoologists, 27-30 December noglobulins and all available evidences 1981, at Dallas, Texas. INTRODUCTION 129 130 THOMAS C. CHENG INTERNALIZATION CHEMOTAXIS RECEPTOR RESIDUAL BODY Fic. 1. Schematic, simplified diagrams showing sequence of events during the phagocytosis and intracellular degradation of a foreign particle. indicate that they do not have a complement system; therefore, one can study the phenomenon of phagocytosis without having to decipher if it is enhanced by antibodies or some component of complement; (3) from the standpoint of elucidating the evolution of cellular immunity, including phagocytosis, a great deal can be learned about the basic mechanisms involved along the protostomate schizocoelous line of invertebrates by studying molluscs. In that area of comparative immunology pertaining to the internal defense mechanisms of invertebrates, the greatest advances during the past decade have been made in understanding the molluscs and insects. Salt (1970) and Ratcliffe and Rowley (1979) have contributed authoritative reviews of the mechanisms operative in insects, especially what has been commonly designated as cellular immunity. Cheng (1967), Cheng and Rifkin (1970), and others have presented reviews of what was known about phagocytosis, encapsulation, and nacrezation in molluscs at the time those reviews were written. In this presentation, as indicated by the title, it is my intent to offer a synthesis of what has been learned during the past decade relative to one aspect of cellular immunity in molluscs, i.e., the role of lysosomes in inflammation. In his classic study, Stauber (1950) has demonstrated that foreign particles experimentally introduced into a mollusc, the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, are phagocytosed and subsequently are eliminated from the animal's body by the exomigration of particle-laden phagocytes across epithelial borders. Following Stauber, Tripp (1958, 1960) and Feng (1959, 1965) have extended their mentor's study to show that digestible foreign materials may also be degraded intracellularly within phagocytes. The reports by Tripp and Feng may be ROLE OF LYSOSOMES IN MOLLUSCAN INFLAMMATION 131 TABLE 1. Comparison of combined differential analyses of hemolymph cells of Crassostrea virginica in two experiments carried out in vitro at 22°C* Experiment Granulo- Hyalinocytes cytes % % Staphylococcus aureus x = 87.28 12.31 SD = 34.55 5.37 Escherichia coli x = 83.48 16.80 SD = 36.01 9.17 x = 87.49 12.85 Control (millipore filtered sea water) SD = 38.73 6.90 * The results are expressed as percent of total differential counts for each experiment. (After Foley and Cheng, 1975; with permission of Academic Press.) FIG. 2. Electron micrograph showing the presence of concentrically positioned digestive lamellae within phagosome of Crassostrea virginica that had phago- eated vesicles occur in the cytoplasm and these commonly enclose arrays of concentric lamellae (Fig. 2). Earlier, Cheng and considered the spring boards for studies Cali (1974) had demonstrated by electron aimed at understanding the cell biology of microscopy, and subsequently, Cheng and what is involved in intracellular degrada- Rudo (1976), by employing isotopic tracers, have confirmed, that glycogen is synthetion and related phenomena. sized in granulocytes that had phagocyCELL TYPES tosed carbohydrates. Apparently the comIt is well known that in mammalian mac- plex carbohydrates are first depolymerized rophages the degradation of phagocytosed to glucose and resynthesized as stored glynonself materials is dependent on the com- cogen. Also, Cheng and Cali (1974) had patible fusion of lysosomes with the pri- shown that foreign materials in the process mary phagosome and the release of lyso- of being degraded intracellularly are sursomal hydrolases into the phagosome (Fig. rounded by concentric digestive lamellae 1). Surprisingly, even as recently as 1974, within phagosomes (Fig. 2). Thus, it became and still true to some extent, there was no apparent that the occurrence of glycogen agreement as to how many types of he- granules and digestive lamellae are charmocytes occur in molluscs, let alone as to acteristic of granulocytes at a later phase which category of hemocytes is the most of the endocytosis-intracellular degradaactive from the standpoint of phagocytosis. tion process when the typical cytoplasmic In that year, Foley and Cheng (1974), who granules had been discharged via degranstudied the morphology and in vitro behav- ulation. Cheng (1981) has presented a ior of the circulating hemocytes of Merce- detailed account of molluscan cell types naria mercenaria, came to the conclusion based on functional attributes. that there are three categories of cells: granulocytes, hyalinocytes, and fibrocytes. PHAGOCYTIC CELLS This conclusion, however, was later Having ascertained that there are two emended by Cheng and Foley (1975) who general categories of circulating molluscan studied the fine structure of these cells. hemocytes, the next question that needed The basis of their drawing the conclusion to be answered was: Which type is the most that only two general types of cells occur, active in phagocytosis? Although most granulocytes and hyalinocytes, was the authors believed that granulocytes are most finding that what had been designated as active, it was not until Foley and Cheng fibrocytes consistently include large aggre- (1975) performed a quantitative study on gates of glycogen granules. Furthermore, the hemocytes of C. virginica and M. merlarge, electron-lucid, membrane-delin- cenaria that it was ascertained that all of cytosed Bacillus megaterium. 132 THOMAS C. CHENG TABLE 2. Mean numbers of Bacillus megaterium associated with hemolymph cells of Mercenaria mercenaria in vitro at three different temperatures (n = 50).* Experiment Granulocytes 28-1 Hyalinocyles <1 <1 x= — — SD = 2.56 x= 22°C 12.82 SD = 0.96 2.19 3.08 x= 37°C 17.88 SD = 1.60 8.57 <1 <1 x= Control (22°) — SD = — * After Foley and Cheng, 1975; with permission of Academic Press. 4°C 50 75 3 Saltconc.(mMxlO- ) FIG. 3. Effect of various salt concentrations on the lytic activity of Crassostrea virginica whole hemolymph lysozyme using NaCl ( • - • ) , KC1 (o-o), and MgCl2 (A—A). Lysozyme activity is expressed as AOD M0 / min X 10-2 at 25°C and pH 5.5. (After Rodrick and Cheng, 1974a; with permission of Academic Press.) the cells are phagocytic; however, the granulocytes are considerably more active. As indicated in Table 1, when C. virginica hemocytes were exposed to Staphylococcus aureus, 87.28% of the granulocytes as compared to 12.32% of the hyalinocytes had phagocytosed bacteria. Similarly, when sumption by M. mercenaria hemocytes exposed to Escherichia coli, 83.48% of oys- actively phagocytosing Bacillus megaterium. ter granulocytes as compared to 16.80% of The utilization of glucose and glycogen, hyalinocytes were associated with bacteria. coupled with the production of lactate and In the case of M. mercenaria, 12.82% of no increase in oxygen utilization indicate granulocytes as compared to 2.56% of that glycolysis is the energy providing pathhyalinocytes were associated with Bacillus way. This conclusion is strengthened by megaterium in in vitro exposure tests (Table the fact that KCN does not inhibit phagocytosis. It was also reported that nitroblue 2). tetrazolium reduction, characteristic of ENERGY REQUIREMENT mammalian phagocytes, is absent in M. Another question related to phagocy- mercenaria hemocytes. Also, the myelopertosis in molluscs that required answering oxidase-H2O2-halide antimicrobial system was: Since phagocytosis and related phe- of mammalian phagocytes is absent in Mernomena are energy expensive processes, cenaria phagocytes. what is the source of the energy? It is noted LYSOSOMES that biochemical studies on mammalian cells during the past two decades (Iyer et Since the major distinguishing characal., 1961; Cagan and Karnovsky, 1964; teristic between molluscan granulocytes Rossi and Zatti, 1964, 1966; Selvaraj and and hyalinocytes is the occurrence of large Sbarra, 1966; Sbarra et al., 1971; and oth- numbers of cytoplasmic granules in the ers) have contributed considerably to this former, the nature of these organdies and aspect of phagocytosis. Anderson et al. their possible association with intracellular (1973) were the only ones who had studied degradation following endocytosis had to energy production and utilization by inver- be ascertained. Consequently, Yoshino and tebrate phagocytes, in the roach Blaberus Cheng (1976), by employing acid phoscraniifer, prior to the report by Cheng phatase as a marker as has been advocated (1976r) on this topic as related to the bivalve by deDuve (1969), deDuve et al. (1955), Mercenaria mercenaria. It was reported that, and Novikoff (1963), have demonstrated unlike the situation in mammalian phago- at both the light and electron microscope cytes, there is no increase in oxygen con- levels that these prominent, cytoplasmic, ROLE OF LYSOSOMES IN MOLLUSCAN INFLAMMATION 133 3P- 205- 8- o 4 1.00.5- 2- 10 .20 40 80 160 320 Ionic cone. [mM| FIG. 4. Effect of ionic concentration on the lytic activity of Crassostrea virginica whole hemolymph at pH pH 8.0. Lysozyme activity is expressed as AOD510/ min X 10~2 at 25°C. • - • , ethylene diamine; o-o, Mg2+ FIG. 5. Effect of pH on the lytic activity ofCrassostrea as MgCl2; A—A, 1,4-diaminobutane. (After Rodrick and Cheng, 1974a; with permission of Academic virginica whole hemolymph lysozyme using 0,7 M acetate ( • - • ) , 0.1 M glycylglycine (o-o), and 0.1 Af phosPress.) phate (A—A). Lysozyme activity is expressed as AODM0/min X 10"2 at 25°C. (After Rodrick and Cheng, 1974a; with permission of Academic Press.) electron-opaque vesicles act as true lysosomes. It is noted that earlier, Cheng and Foley (1972) had demonstrated by use of scanning electron microscopy of ruptured C. virginica granulocytes that the cytoplasmic vesicles are membrane bound. LYSOSOMAL ENZYMES Concurrent with the cytochemical studies mentioned above, Rodrick and Cheng (1974a) carried out biochemical studies on the lysozyme from the hemolymph of C. virginica. It is noted that earlier McDade and Tripp (1967a, b) had reported the occurrence of this lysosomal hydrolase in the hemolymph of this oyster. However, Rodrick and Cheng (1974a) advanced our knowledge by reporting that lysozyme activity occurs in both the serum and hemocytes of C. virginica. When whole hemolymph was subjected to centrifugation at 4,000 and 10,000 X g, the enzyme activity was greater in both instances in the serum than in the cells. Furthermore, it was determined that the lytic activity of the mollus- centration (Fig. 4). The optimal pH of the molluscan enzyme, however, ranges from 5.0 to 5.5 (Fig. 5), depending on the buffer employed. When tested against a number of bacteria, the oyster lysozyme was found to be active not only against M. lysodeikticus but also against Bacillus subtilis, B. megaterium, Escherichia coli, Gaffkya tetragena, Salmonella pullorum, and Shigella sonnei, although it is less active against the last four mentioned. It was not active against Staphylococcus aureus. Rodrick and Cheng (1974a) have postulated that the serum lysozyme had its origin in the lysosomes of granulocytes and was released when these organelles ruptured. Subsequently, Foley and Cheng (1977) have demonstrated quantitatively that the lysosomes of M. mercenaria are released from granulocytes by degranulation as do those of mammalian macrophages. Degranulation occurs rapidly in actively phagocytosing cells and represents can lysozyme on Micrococcus lysodeikticus, like the morphological basis for the release of that of egg-white lysozyme, is salt depen- lysosomal enzymes. dent (Fig. 3), is relatively heat stable, and Along similar lines, Cheng and Rodrick is very sensitive to changes in ionic con- (1974) identified and characterized the 134 THOMAS C. CHENG 6- o x V o <] 25 75 100 125 150 Salt cone. <mMxlO"3) ' 20C FIG. 6. Effect of various salt concentrations on the lytic activity of the lysozyme in the whole hemolymph of Mya arenaria using NaCl (A), KCI (•), and MgCI2 (o). The lysozyme activity is expressed as AOD540/ Fic. 7. Effect of pH on the activity of the lysozyme min X 10"2 at 25°C and pH 5.5. (After Cheng and in whole hemolymph of Mya arenaria using 0.1 M Rodrick, 1974; with permission of Biological Bulletin.) glycylglycine (•), 0.1M Tris-HCl (o), 0.1 M imidazole (D), and 0.1 M phosphate (A) as buffers. The lysozyme activity is expressed as AODM0/min X 10~2 at 25°C. (After Cheng and Rodrick, 1974; with permission of lysozyme from the hemolymph of Mya Biological Bulletin.) arenaria. As is the case in C. virginica, they reported that the lysozyme activity is greater in serum than in cells. Further- allel studies on the lysozyme of Mercenaria more, the enzyme from M. arenaria is also mercenaria and found its characteristics to salt dependent (Fig. 6), relatively heat sta- be essentially identical to those from the ble, very sensitive to alterations in ionic two other marine bivalves. concentration and the presence of heavy Further studies from our laboratory on metals (Table 3), and has an optimal pH molluscan lysosomal enzymes have revealed of 5.0 when 0.1 M glycylglycine, 0.1 M the presence of lysozyme, alkaline phosimidazole, or 0.1 M phosphate buffers are phatase, acid phosphatase, /3-glucuroniemployed, but an optimal pH of 4.5 when dase, amylase, and lipase in the hemo0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer is used (Fig. 7). Also, lymph of the freshwater gastropod a Hill plot of the data resulting from salt Biomphalaria glabrata (Rodrick and Cheng, reactivation studies indicated that the lyso- 19746) and in the serum and hemocytes of zyme in M. arenaria hemolymph includes C. virginica and M. mercenaria (Cheng and at least 2.0 interacting binding sites for Rodrick, 1975). Some characterization of NaCl and KCI (Fig. 8). Like the oyster lyso- the /3-glucuronidase from the serum and zyme, that of Mya is active against several cells of C. virginica and M. mercenaria has species of bacteria, including Micrococcus been carried out by Cheng (1976a). It has lysodeikticus, Bacillus megaterium, Proteus vulbeen reported that the optimal pH of this garis, Salmonella pullorum, Shigella sonnei, enzyme is 4.5 when 0.2 M phosphate, 0.2 Bacillus subtilis, and Escherichia coli, althoughM glycylglycine, and 0.2 M acetate are it is most active against the first two species employed as buffers (Fig. 9). In the same listed. It is not active against Staphylococcus report, Cheng (1976a) has speculated that aureus. Since the reports by Rodrick and since /3-glucuronidase can hydrolyze acid Cheng (1974a) and Cheng and Rodrick mucopolysaccharides, which are constitu(1974) on the identification and character- ents of bacterial walls, it may play a role in ization of the lysozymes from C. virginim internal defense by acting on susceptible and M. arenaria, we have performed par- invading microorganisms. Similarly, since 135 ROLE OF LYSOSOMES IN MOLLUSCAN INFLAMMATION 8000 SD356O- •St»573 •NaCI n 2 3 • KCI n 2 8 g 7000 5 I 6000 8> 5000 | 4000 SIX268 "SD2S1-0 •S0455O S3000 | 2000 * 1 .2 .3 A .!> . W VI) Salt cone. ( m * x 1O'3 ) Fic. 8. Hill plot analysis of the effect of various concentrations of NaCI (A) and KCI (•) on the lytic activpH ity of the lysozyme in the whole hemolymph of Mya arenaria. The slope (n) is equal to the minimum num- Fic. 9. Specific activities of/3-glucuronidase in Merber of interacting binding sites. (After Cheng and cenaria mercenaria serum with 0.2 M phosphate Rodrick, 1974; with permission of Biological Bulletin.) (D-D), 0.2 M acetate ( • - • ) , and 0.2 M glycylglycine (o—o) buffers at several pHs. SD = standard deviations. The /3-glucuronidase activities are reported as modified Sigma units/100 ml. n = 25. (After Cheng, it is known that helminth teguments include 1976a; with permission of Academic Press.) acid mucopolysaccharides (Lee, 1966), /3-glucuronidase may play a role in the destruction of incompatible helminth parasites. In addition, this lysosomal hydrolase in cells may be correlated with cell proliferation. The details and evidences supporting this hypothesis have been presented by Cheng (1978, 1979). Relative to the possible role of lysosomal enzymes acting as defensive molecules against incompatible helminths, it is noted that Cheng el al. (19786) have reported that the levels of aminopeptidase activity in the hemocytes and serum of B. glabrata at 20 and 30 days post-exposure to irradiated miracidia of the trematode Echinostoma lindoense is significantly elevated at both time intervals when compared to the levels in control snails (Table 4). Furthermore, there is a significantly higher level of aminopeptidase activity in the serum of snails at 30 days than at 20 days post-exposure (Table 4). Earlier, Lie el al. (1975) had reported that£. glabrata (NIH albino strain) is capable of developing acquired resistance to E. lindoense larvae. Specifically, when susceptible snails are exposed to irradiated miracidia, the resulting sporocysts are destroyed in the ventricle by amoebocytic capsules and the snails become resistant to subsequent challenge with nonirradiated E. lindoense miracidia. Further- TABLE 3. The effects of sodium tartrate, zinc acetate, and lead nitrate on lysozyme activity in the hemolymph of Mya arenaria.* Sample Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh whole whole whole whole hemolymph hemolymph + 0.1 mM sodium tartrate hemolymph + 5 iuM zinc acetate hemolymph + 0.6 fiM lead nitrate AODM0/min Specific activity % inhibition 0.025 0.008 0.011 0.005 0.020 0.006 0.008 0.003 68.0 56.0 80.0 * After Cheng and Rodrick, 1974; with permission of Biological Bulletin. 0 136 THOMAS C. CHENG TABLE 4. Levels of aminopeptidase activity in serum and hemocytes of Biomphalaria glabrata collected at 20 and SO days postexposure to irradiated Echinostoma lindoense miraddia.' Aminopeptidase activity (sigma units/ml ± SD) Snail group 20-day 20-day 30-day 30-day controls (n = 19) postexposure (n = 6)b controls (n = 20) postexposure (n = 6)b Serum 0.0424 0.0955 0.0550 0.9850 ± ± ± ± 0.0457 0.0467 0.0565 0.9890 Cells 0.0035 0.0111 0.0051 0.0370 ± ± ± ± 0.0070 0.0167 0.0056 0.0479 " After Cheng et at., 19786; with permission of Academic Press. b The sample size of six represent two determinations on each of three pooled samples. more, these sensitized snails may be resensitized by exposing them to a large number of normal miracidia, resulting in development of a higher degree of resistance than in snails sensitized only once (Lie and Heyneman, 1976). Since it is generally accepted that molluscs are incapable of synthesizing immunoglobulins (Tripp, 1974; Cheng, 19766; and others), and there is some evidence that soluble molecules, in addition to cellular immunity, may play a role in acquired resistance, Cheng et al. (19786) have suggested that the elevated level of serum aminopeptidase may alter the surface proteins of secondarily introduced parasites and thus act as a form of acquired humoral immunity. It is noted that Cushing et al. (1971), Bayne (1980), Jeong etal. (1980), andSminiaand van der Knaap (1981) have also provided evidence of enhanced cellular and humoral reactions as a result of previous challenge with foreign materials. It is of interest to note that Ratanarat-Brockelman (1977) has identified a nematode inhibitor in the hemolymph of Helix aspersa; however, its chemical nature remains to be elucidated. It needs to be noted that enhancement of host reactions does not appear to be the case always. Exposure to nonself materials may enhance, suppress, or not effect molluscan internal defense mechanisms, depending perhaps on the nature and fate of the foreign material. Examples of enhancement have been cited. To the contrary, Lie et al. (1977) have reported that infection of B. glabrata by sporocysts of Echinostoma paraensei suppresses innate resistance to infection with Schistosoma mansoni. Furthermore, both Dondero et al. (1977), who challenged Lymnaea rubiginosa with irradiated miracidia of either Echinostoma audyi or Hypoderaeum dingeri, and Locker (1978), who initially challenged Lymnaea catascopium with irradiated miracidia of Schistosomatium douthitti, reported that none of these treatments altered the snails' resistance to subsequent infection with homologous, normal miracidia. In order to at least partially reveal the mechanism(s) underlying instances where suppression of host cellular reactions occur, Cheng et al. (1981) have demonstrated that hemocytes collected from C. virginica from 2 hr on post-challenge with Bacillus megaterium are significantly less chemotactic to this bacterium (Fig. 10). Since chemotaxis between molluscan hemocytes and nonself materials appears to be a prerequisite to effective phagocytosis (Cheng and Howland, 1979), the reported reduction could be an explanation of reduced cellular reaction. The following are three possible explanations for the reduction of chemotaxis between B. megaterium and oyster hemocytes as related to surface recognition: (1) There are qualitative differences in recognition sites or hemocyte surfaces which are capable of recognizing chemotactic signals. In oysters that had been prechallenged with bacteria, such sites on certain subpopulations of hemocytes may have been preempted by the chemotactic agent emitted by B. megaterium comprising the in vivo challenge and consequently are unavailable for subsequent recognition. As a consequence, these cells do not demonstrate chemotaxis. (2) There are quantitative differences in surface recognition ROLE OF LYSOSOMES IN MOLLUSCAN INFLAMMATION 137 80-, H|I 70- supernatant without B. megaterium pellet supernatant 10- hjn Z1 30- 1——1 1 pellet I. 1—|—1 >>60 with B megaterium Fic. 11. Distributions of lysozyme activity in the supernatant (serum) and pellet (cell) fractions of Mercenaria mercenaria hemolymph that had not and had TIME(hr) been incubated with Bacillus megaterium. The decrease Fic. 10. Mean number of hemocytes per oil-immer- of enzyme activity in the pellet fraction of hemolymph sion field from Crassostrea virginica preinjected with that had been incubated with B. megaterium is statislive Bacillus megaterium (A), preinjected with saline (•), tically significant (P < 0.01) as is the increase in the and left untampered (•). n = 60 in each instance. Ver- supernatant fraction (P < 0.01). (After Cheng et al., tical bars represent one standard deviation. (After 1975; with permission of Academic Press.) Cheng et al., 1981; with permission of Academic Press.) release of lysozyme from cells into serum (Figs. 11, 12). Subsequently, Cheng and Yoshino (1976a) have demonstrated that when Mya arenaria is challenged in vivo with B. megaterium, there is an elevation of lipase activity in both the hemocytes and serum (Table 5). The elevated level in serum is believed to have been released from cells. Similarly, Cheng and Yoshino (19766) have demonstrated that when whole hemolymph of B. glabrata is exposed to live and sonicated B. megaterium in vitro, there is an elevation in the lipase activity levels in both the cells and serum (Tables 6, 7). On the other hand, exposure to sonicated vegetative bacterial cells did not induce elevated lipase activity levels in either cells or serum. Thus, it would appear that the mechanism of induction of increased depoSOURCES OF SERUM ENZYMES Since elevated serum lysosomal enzymes sition of lipase in lysosomes and subsequent are believed to play a role in molluscan release of this enzyme into serum appears immunity, the question that needed to be to rest with whole bacteria. asked was: What is the source(s) of the Further evidence for the hypersynthesis serum enzymes? It is now known as a result of lysozyme and its subsequent release into of studies by Cheng et al. (1975) that when serum of gastropod molluscs was contribM. mercenaria hemocytes are induced to uted by Cheng et al. (1977) who demonengage in phagocytosis by exposure to strated that the in vivo challenge of B. glaBacillus megaterium, there is enhanced brata with B. megaterium results in an sites on subpopulations of molluscan hemocytes. According to this hypothesis, on some cells there are more of the specific recognition sites, and these are preempted by the bacterial chemotactic agent introduced by the in vivo challenge, and consequently, such cells are less responsive, if at all, to that agent during a subsequent challenge. (3) The introduction of bacteria may have in some qualitative and/or quantitative manner altered the composition of oyster serum and such changes, in turn, had caused a decrease in response on the part of hemocytes to the chemoattractant. Known instances of alterations in molluscan serum composition due to infection have been cited by Cheng et al. (1981). 138 THOMAS C. CHENG 80-| 70- £•» •fl so | 1001 2:1 20:1 Bacteria hemolymph cell ratio 200:1 Fic. 12. Distribution of lysozyme activity in the supernatant (serum) and pellet (cell) fractions of Mercenaria mercenaria hemolymph that had not (0:1) and had been incubated with Bacillus megaterium at three different bacteria: hemolymph cell ratios. As indicated, there is the tendency for the enzyme activity to decrease in the pellet fraction and increase in the supernatant fraction as the number of bacteria was increased. The differences between the levels of lysozyme activity in both fractions of hemolymph that had been incubated with bacteria and in nonexposed hemolymph are significant (P < 0.01). (After Cheng et al., 1975; with permission of Academic Press.) fact suggests that the phenomenon is not purely biologic, e.g., associated with bacterial cells; it may have a biophysical basis, for example, alteration in cell surface charges. Additional studies demonstrating hypersynthesis of lysosomal enzymes and their subsequent release during phagocytosis by molluscan hemocytes have been contributed by Cheng et al. (1978a) and Cheng and Butler (1979). These studies have revealed that there is hypersynthesis of aminopeptidase, lysozyme, and acid phosphatase in actively phagocytosing hemocyte of B. glabrata and these lysosomal enzymes are released into serum by degranulation. As a result of the studies reviewed up to this point, the pattern involving lysosomal hydrolases in hemocytes, particularly granulocytes, has been established. However, Yoshino and Cheng (1977) posed the question as to whether there may be other sources for serum lysosomal enzymes. As a consequence, it was ascertained that both the headfoot and the visceral mass of B. glabrata include subequal levels of aminopeptidase. Similarly, Cheng et al. (19806) have demonstrated that the tissues of the headfoot of the terrestrial gastropod Theba pisana also contains acid and alkaline phosphatases, lysozyme, and /3-glucuronidase. Since gastropods and pelecypods have open circulatory systems, it is possible that the serum aminopeptidase could have originated in the headfoot and visceral mass in addition to hemocytes. elevation of the activity of this lysosomal hydrolase in hemocytes at 1 hr post-challenge and in serum at 2 and 4 hr postchallenge (Table 8). These data, again, support our contention that during phagocytosis of foreign materials, there is the hypersynthesis of lysosomal enzymes and their subsequent release into serum. Of particular interest in the study by Cheng RECOGNITION SITES et al. (1977) is the fact that challenging B. glabrata with sterile distilled water also In light of our present knowledge of results in an elevation of serum lysozyme induction phenomena at the cellular level, activity at 1 hr post-injection (Table 8). This what has been stated thus far suggests that T A B L E 5. Specific lipase activities in hemolymph cells and sera of Mya arenaria that had not (controls) and had (experimentals) been injected with 30 X 10* heat-killed Bacillus megaterium." Control cells Experimental cells 0.16 ± SD 0.11 ( n = 19) 0.29 ± SD 0.16 (n=17) P < 0.01" Control serum Experimental serum 0.26 ± SD0.19 (n = 0.40 ± SD 0.24 (n = 0.05b ' All enzyme activities are reported as Sigma-Tietz units/milliliter of sample. The discrepancies between the sample sizes are due to the discarding of a few inadequate cell samples. (After Cheng and Yoshino, 1976a; with permission of Academic Press.) h Statistically significant. 139 ROLF, OF LVSOSOMES IN MOLLUSCAN INFLAMMATION TABLE 6. Lipase activities in the sera of Biomphalaria glabrata that had been challenged with sonicated and live Bacillus megaterium and incubated at 22° and 37°C compared with the activity in unchallenged control serum.' Treatment of hemolymph Lipase activity (Sigma-Tietz units/ml ± SD) Challenged with heat-killed, sonicated B. megaterium 0.037 ± and incubated at 22°C Challenged with heat-killed, sonicated B. megaterium 0.042 ± and incubated at 37°C Challenged with live B. megaterium and incubated 0.036 ± at 37°C. 0.021 + Unchallenged controls ' After Cheng and Yoshino, 1976i; with permission of Academic Press. b Statistically significant. Kest 0.038 P > 0. 05 0.048 P > 0 . 05 0.023 0.013 P > 0. 05" at least three categories of binding (or rec- cifically, Renwrantzand Cheng(1977a), by ognition) sites must occur. Specifically, (1) studying the interaction of Helix pomatia there must be one category on the surface hemocytes with various agglutinins (or lecof granulocytes that receives the signal tins) with known saccharide specificities generated by the challenge; (2) there must (anti-A and Anti-B antisera, phytohemagbe another category of binding sites on the glutinin, M form (PHA), concanavalin A nuclear surface which initiates the signal- (Con A), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), ling of intranuclear events, e.g., the acti- Limulus polyphemus agglutinin, Anguilla vation or enhanced activity of the genomes anguilla agglutinin (Anti-Heel), Dolichos responsible for the hypersynthesis of lyso- biflorus seed agglutinin (anti-ADB), Labsomal enzymes; and (3) there must be a urnum alpinum seed agglutinin (antithird category of signal-receiving sites on HLa), Cepaea hortensis albumin gland aggluthe surface of lysosomes the activation of tinin (anti-ACH), Helix pomatia albumin which induces degranulation, i.e., the gland agglutinin (anti-AHP), Soja sp. seed mechanism for lysosomal enzyme released agglutinin, Ricinus communis seed aggluti(Fig. 13). nin, Ulex europaeus seed agglutinin, EnvonA limited number of studies have been ymus europaeus seed coat agglutinin, Aaptos conducted to ascertain whether binding papillata agglutinin, Axinella polypoides sites occur on molluscan hemocytes. Fur- agglutinin, and Cerianthus sp. agglutinin), thermore, these have been carried out pri- came to the conclusion that binding sites marily in relation to understanding phago- exist and that the carbohydrate compocytosis. Nevertheless, such studies, as nents of these sites of Helix cells include indicated below, have revealed the occur- galactose, fucose, mannose or glucose or rence of binding sites on cell surfaces. Spe- both, and N-acetylneuraminic acid or poly- TABLE 7. Lipase activities in hemolymph cells o/Biomphalaria glabrata that had been challenged with sonicated and live Bacillus megaterium and incubated at 22? and 37°C compared with the activity in unchallenged control cells.' Treatment of hemolymph Lipase activity (Sigma-Tietz units/ml ± SD) Challenged with heat-killed, sonicated B. megaterium 0.016 ± and incubated at 22°C Challenged with heat-killed, sonicated B. megaterium 0.009 ± and incubated at 37°C Challenged with live B. megaterium and incubated 0.030 ± at 37°C 0.014 + Unchallenged controls ' After Cheng and Yoshino, 1976A; with permission of Academic Press. b Statistically significant. (-lest 0.025 P > 0.20 0.011 P > 0.10 0.021 0.013 P > 0.05 140 THOMAS C. CHENG TABLE 8. Levels of lysozyme activity in the serum and cell fractions of the hemolymph of challenged and nonchallenged Biomphalaria glabrata." Time postinjection Treatment of snail Lysozyme activity in serum Bacteria-injected Water-injected Sham-injected Noninjected Lysozyme activity in cells'" Bacteria-injected I hr 2hr 4 hr 0.997 ± 0.387(n = 10)0.948 ± 0.493 (n = 14)0.426 ± 0.312 (n = 10)- 0.291 ± 0.102c (n= 10)0.908 ± 0.405 (n = 5)0.844 ± 0.507 (n = 5)- b 0.860 ± 0.519 (n = 8)« 1.133 ± O.515c (n= 12)0.399 ± 0.156 (n= 10)d 0.624 ± 0.363 (n = 14)- 0.351 ± 0.483 1.936 ± 1.302' 1.147 ± 0.676 (n= 10)(n = 10)(n = 8)" Water-injected 0.092 ± 0.053 1.128 ± 1.583 1.208 ± 1.078 (n = 14)(n = 5)(n = 12)Sham-injected 0.296 ± 0.229 0.492 ± 0.580 0.334 ± 0.263 (n = 5)(n=10)(n= 10)d Noninjected 0.786 ± 0.948 (n = 14)' After Cheng el al, 1977; with permission of Academic Press. b The enzyme activities are expressed as micrograms of hen egg white lysozyme equivalents per milliliter of serum or per milliliter of cell homogenate. c Values significantly different from that of noninjected controls. - Each sample consisted of the pooled hemolymph fraction from five snails. galactose. Furthermore, in order to ascertain whether these binding sites serve the function of linking Helix hemocytes to exogenous cells, Renwrantz and Cheng (19776) performed rosette-formation tests to determine whether agglutinins known to bind molluscan cells will also bind to mammalian erythrocytes. These tests involved pretreatment of Helix hemocytes with each of 15 non-native agglutinins (lectins) and incubating them with human erythrocytes. It was found that of the agglutinins tested, WGA, as well as those from Ricinus communis, Axinella polypoides, Anguilla anguilla, Limulus polyphemus, and Con A caused rosette formation with erythrocytes (Fig. 14). In addition, it was found that a small number of Helix hemocytes are capable of direct binding to erythrocytes of mice, rabbits, rats, and sheep. In addition to Helix cells, Schoenberg and Cheng (1980) have tested the effect of eleven lectins on the attachment of human erythrocytes to hemocytes of two strains of Biomphalaria glabrata by employing micro- hemadsorption assays. As a result, it was determined that Con A, the type II-A agglutinin of Ricinus communis (RCA-120), and WGA strongly enhanced hemadsorption. Moreover, RCA-120 and Con A enhancement were restricted to what Schoenberg and Cheng (1980) have referred to as "type A" hemocytes, which have since been identified as granulocytes (Schoenberg and Cheng, 1981a). It is noted that the lectins from Helix pomatia (HPA), Lens culinaris (LCA), Tetragonolobus purpureas (TPA), and Ulex europeus (UEA-60) weakly enhanced hemadsorption. Also, LCA more strongly enhanced hemadsorption with hemocytes from one strain of B. glabrata (NIH albino) than with cells from another strain (10R-2). These findings suggest that gastropod hemocytes of different origins differ quantitatively in their arrays of cell surface oligosaccharides capable of lectin binding. Subsequently, Schoenberg and Cheng (1981ft) also have demonstrated the occur- ROLE OF LYSOSOMES IN MOLLUSCAN INFLAMMATION 141 FIG. 14. Rosette formation of human erythrocytes with agglutinin-pretreated Helix hemocytes.* FIG. 13. Schematic diagram showing positions of at least three recognition sites associated with lysosomal enzyme hypersynthesis and release (degranulation) in molluscan phagocyte. rence of specific lectin-binding sites on hemocytes of another pulmonate, Bulinus truncatus. Also, Cheng et al. (1980a), by employing several plant and animal lectins, ascertained that three subpopulations (1, 3, and 4) of C. virginica hemocytes were agglutinated with Con A and extracts of the albumin glands of Helix pomatia and Cepaea nemoralis while another subpopulation of hemocytes (subpopulation 2) was agglutinated with the same three lectins as well as wtih WGA. Furthermore, by applying the Con A-peroxidase cytochemical technique, it was determined that approximately 20% of the granulocytes of subpopulations 1 and 3 do not possess Con Abinding sites and only 18% of the large cells comprising subpopulation 5 possess such sites. This study represents the first to demonstrate that different subpopulations of molluscan granulocytes exist and in addition to differences in their dimensions and densities, they may be further subdivided by differences in specific surface binding sites. The implications of this finding relative to the recognition of exogenous stimulation is presently not known, although it is possible that different subpopulations of granulocytes are qualitatively a n d / o r quantitatively differentially stimulated by exogenous factors. It is noted that Sminia Agglutinins Erylhrocytesb Anti-ADb Anti-ACH Anti-ACN Anti-AHP Soja PHA WGA Ricinus Axinella Cerianthus Anti-H^, Laburnum Vlex Con A Limulus A A A A O O Rosette formation0 o o o o o o o o o "After Renwrantz and Cheng, 19774; with permission of Academic Press. b The letters designate the type of human erythrocytes. c — = no rosettes, + = rosette formation. et al. (1981), employing ultrahistochemical tests, have also demonstrated the presence of Con A-binding sites on the hemocyte surface of Lymnaea stagnalis. FUNCTIONAL ROLES OF LYSOSOMAL ENZYMES The question that remains to be completely elucidated is: What are the functional roles of the released lysosomal enzymes in molluscan inflammation? As stated thus far, there is some evidence that hypersynthesized enzymes released into serum play a protective role in destroying susceptible infectious, biotic agents. Thus, they may be important in the removal of inflammation-provoking agents. Also, elevated levels of serum lysosomal enzymes may alter the molecular configuration of the surface of exogenous cells, which otherwise would be immunologically recognized as self, and as a consequence become recognized as nonself and are attacked by phagocytes. Another possibility that must be considered is that elevated levels of serum lysosomal hydrolases may initiate autolysis in inflamed areas and this, in turn, serves to induce further inflammation as the 142 THOMAS C. CHENG degraded tissues become recognized as foreign. It is apparent from this review that lysosomes and their enzymes play a central role in molluscan inflammation, although numerous details and yet unknown aspects of the total phenomenon have yet to be elucidated. 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