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The students will analyze the effect of the
Spanish American war on the U.S. They
will also examine the relationship the U.S.
had with South America and the
Homework #28
Answer the following
If a country is
question with a two page essay.
surrounded by a
If you were Roosevelt, how
large number of
would you have treated Latin
weaker countries, is America differently?
there a way it can
Give three specific things
treat them which
you would have done differently
with Latin America if you were
helps the strong
president instead of Roosevelt.
country and the
Explain why you would have
weaker countries?
done these things differently.
Dollar Diplomacy
One way in which European countries could control
other countries was economically. If they loaned a great deal
of money to a weaker country, or they started lots of
businesses in a country, they could have a huge say in what
goes on in that country. This was because they would end up
being the richest businesses in the country and people would
do what they wanted so they could get paid.
The U.S. began doing this as well and wanted to invest
even more money in Latin American countries in order to
keep European nations out of Latin America. The U.S.
invested massive amounts of money into countries like
Nicaragua and Haiti in order to keep European money, from
influencing these countries.
Roosevelt Corollary
Roosevelt wanted to make sure the U.S. would
cement its control over Latin America. The key to
doing this was to keep European countries out of
Latin American countries.
If a Latin American country started to have a
weak, unstable government, it could be weakened
enough for a European country to take it over.
Roosevelt declared in 1904 that the U.S. would
intervene militarily in order to make sure that these
countries would remain stable. This directly
resulted in the military occupation of Cuba
(1906-1909), Haiti (1915-1934), the Dominican
Republic (1916-1924), and Nicaragua (1909-1910).
Platt Amendment
The Platt Amendment was not an amendment to the
Constitution. In 1898, McKinley and Congress made an
agreement which set down rules for how the U.S. would
occupy and control Cuba. Senator Henry Teller wanted to
make sure that Cuba would not become a full part of the U.S.
He was from Colorado and wanted to make sure that Cuban
sugar crops wouldn’t compete with the beet sugar that was
grown in Colorado. This would hurt the economy of his state.
He created the Teller amendment to the law passed
giving McKinley permission to wage war against Spain. It
forbade the U.S. from making Cuba an American territory.
In 1902, this was changed by the Platt Amendment,
giving the U.S. more power over Cuba’s government. It
shaped relations with Cuba up until today because it gave the
U.S. the right to have control over Guantanimo Bay where we
still have a naval base.
The students will make a chart of the
three major elements of Latin American
imperialism of the early 20th century.
Platt Amendment
Dollar Diplomacy
Roosevelt Corollary
The students will look up the
information they need to complete their
charts and then determine which of these
three elements of American imperialism
had the greatest impact.
Use textbook pages 124-129 for more
Latin American Imperialism
What was it?
What was it?
What was it?
Why was it
Why was it
Why was it
What effect did
it have?
What effect did
it have?
What effect did
it have?
Did it help or
hurt the U.S.?
Did it help or
hurt the U.S.?
Did it help or
hurt the U.S.?
What was the U.S. trying to
accomplish with its policies
towards Latin America?