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NAME: HOUR: Chapter 16 World War Looms TOPIC: Dictators Threaten World Peace, 16.1 Main Idea: How did the rise of rulers with total power In Europe and Asia lead to DATE: QUESTIONS, Main Ideas, Thoughts… World War II? NOTES: events to make note of in your notes: 1. Totalitarian
2. Fascism
3. Nazism
4. Isolationism
5. Collectives
The Rise of Fascism in Italy •
The Nazis Take Over Germany •
Militarists Gain Control in Japan & Mussolini takes Ethiopia Joseph Stalin Transforms the Soviet Union •
6. Five-Year Plan
Failures of the World War I Peace Settlement Terms, people and •
Civil War Breaks out in Spain •
America Responds Cautiously SUMMARY: (You may either answer the main idea question OR explain the meaning of the content in your own words) Primary Source Activity: Read the selection on the handout, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Quarantine Speech” and answer the following questions in the space provided. 1. Why did Roosevelt believe the US could not isolate itself from the rest of the world?
2. What was the epidemic of “world lawlessness” that Roosevelt referred to in this speech?
3. Do you agree with the sentiments expressed in this speech? Explain your opinion.