Download Imperialism and WWI Content Questions for Keynote

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Imperialism Content Questions
Directions: Answer the questions assigned to you and your group and present the
answers in a simple Keynote presentation. Be sure to provide images that connect to the
1. How did an oligarchy in Hawaii comprised of haole influence the
annexation of Hawaii to the United States as a territory?
2. How did the major world powers take into account what the
Venezuelan people wanted?
3. What reasons did McKinley use to go to war?
4. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris?
5. Create a chart for Imperialist arguments vs. Anti-Imperialist
Arguments. (2 arguments for Each)
6. What was the cause of the Boxer rebellion and how did the United
States react to it?
7. How does President Roosevelt’s view towards presidential authority in
regards to foreign policy still have an influence today?
8. What did the Platt Amendment provide for the U.S.? How was it
viewed by the Cubans?
9. How did the U.S. gain the right to build a canal across Panama?
10. How did the Roosevelt Corollary reinvigorate the Monroe Doctrine
and what did it establish the United States as?
11. Comment on the idea of Nationalist Mexicans having issues with the
U.S. in the first two decades of the 1900’s.
12. Comment on Roosevelt’s role in negotiating with the Japanese.
13. Comment on the special relationship between the United States and
Great Britain.
World War I Content Questions
Directions: Answer the questions assigned to you and your group and present
the answers in a simple Keynote presentation. Be sure to provide images that
connect to the analysis and information.
1. What factors led to WWI in Europe?
2. How was the U.S. essentially an ally of the Allied nations even though
they were a “neutral” nation?
3. What were the points of antiwar advocates?
4. Describe American soldiers and their experiences during the war in
terms of
a. Being drafted
b. Trench warfare
c. Shell shock
5. Describe the casualties of the war.
6. Why did some people criticize the cooperation between the gov’t and
business during the war?
7. What new opportunities arose for African Americans and women
during the war?
8. How did the National War Labor Board deal with organized labor
during the war?
9. How did the Committee on Public Information add to the war effort?
10. What did the Espionage and Sedition Act accomplish?
11. What was the significance and famous quote for the U.S. Supreme
Court case Schenck v. U.S.?
12. How were the labor strikes of 1919 tied to the fear of communism?
13. How did the Palmer raids violate civil liberties or freedoms of select
U.S. citizens?
14. Why was the summer of 1919 called the Red Summer? Provide
15. How did joining the movement of Marcus Garvey represent a new
black militancy?