Download Lesson 3.01: Isolationism, Intervention and Imperialism The Big

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Lesson 3.01: Isolationism, Intervention and Imperialism
The Big Ideas
How did the U.S. feel about expanding the country in the late 1800s and how was this different from what most
European countries were doing?
What did Turner and Mahan say the US should do?
How did industry in the U.S. lead to the need for the U.S. to take over new territories?
Frederick Jackson Turner- (What was his thesis?)
Events (Describe the event, its causes and effects)
Open Door Policy in China
Purchase of Alaska
Alfred T. Mahan – (What ideas did he have about sea
McKinley Tariff of 1890 (Hawaii)
President Theodore Roosevelt – (What were his
U.S. Gaining Control of Pacific Islands
Vocabulary (fill in examples from the lesson where possible or put the definition in your own words)
Big Stick Policy - foreign policy under Theodore Roosevelt that used U.S. power to police foreign nations,
particularly those in Latin America
Dollar Diplomacy - foreign policy under William Howard Taft that used U.S. economic power to try to shape
international affairs
Imperialism - policy of creating colonies in weaker nations in order to generate raw materials and have access to
new markets
Intervention - involvement by a foreign power in the affairs of another nation, typically to achieve the stronger
power's aims
Isolationism - a policy of remaining apart from the affairs of other nations
Monroe Doctrine - statement issued by President James Monroe stating that the Western Hemisphere was off
limits to further European intervention
Roosevelt Corollary - policy put forth by Roosevelt stating the United States would intervene in Latin America on
behalf of foreign powers if Latin American nations did not meet their agreements
Lesson 3.01: Isolationism, Intervention and Imperialism