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Explain the main function of the
Respiratory System.
Passes oxygen from the air to the blood
What major organ is responsible for
the exchange of gases for the body?
How are the circulatory system and
respiratory system related?
Respiratory system takes in oxygen and the
Circulatory system carries the oxygen
throughout the body (blood)
Write the path that an oxygen atom
takes as it enters the body and travels
to the body cells?
Lungs Heart ArteryCapillaryCell
Define Breathing
The movement of the chest that brings oxygen
into the lungs and release carbon dioxide
Define Cellular Respiration. What is
produced during cellular respiration?
Oxygen is used by the cells to release energy
from glucose
What is the waste product produced
during cellular respiration?
CO2 and H2O
Explain the main function of the
Excretory System.
Remove body wastes through the skin and
through the digestive, circulatory, respiratory
and urinary systems
What are two ways liquid wastes are
removed from the body?
Through the Skin and Urinary system
Write the path of the urinary system?
Name respiratory system disorders
discussed in class.
Cold, flu, pneumonia
Lung Cancer
How much of your blood passes
through your kidneys each day?
All of it
Give the function of the diaphragm
Muscle that contracts and relaxes to move gas
into and out of the lungs
Describe the function of the following
organs of the respiratory system.
Pharynx-passageway for food, liquid and air
Describe the function of the following
organs of the respiratory system.
Epiglottis- tissue flap to prevent food or liquid
from entering the airway
Describe the function of the following
organs of the respiratory system.
Larynx- air passes through and contain the voice
box (vocal cords)
Describe the function of the following
organs of the respiratory system.
Trachea- held open by cartilage rings
Describe the function of the following
organs of the respiratory system.
• Bronchi- branching of the trachea
Describe the function of the following
organs of the respiratory system.
• Alveoli- surrounded by capillaries in the lungs.
Place where oxygen and carbon dioxide are
Describe the function of the following
organs of the urinary system.
• Kidneys – filtering units of the body
• Ureter – tube connecting kidneys and bladder
• Bladder – store unit for urine
• Urethra – passes urine from the bladder out of
the body
What does the urine produced by your
kidneys contain
Urea, Salts, Wastes and Water
Be able to label a respiratory system
diagram and a urinary system diagram
A. Nasal Cavity
B. Pharynx
C. Trachea
D. Alveoli
E. Lungs
F. Bronchi
G. Diaphragm
Be able to label a respiratory system
diagram and a urinary system diagram
A. Kidney
B. Ureter
C. Bladder
D. Urethra