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Name ___Key__________________Date ________________
Period ______
Review: Digestion and the Interaction of the Nervous, Endocrine, and Reproductive Systems
(Test: Fr 10/17)
Tools for Digestion: Match the part to its description
1. _J__ Organ where food is digested mechanically and chemically.
It contains hydrochloric acid which helps digest proteins
and mucous to protect it from the acid.
2. _F__ Secretes enzymes that aid in digestion and it makes insulin
3. _G__ Organ that stores waste until it is ready to leave the body
4. _K__ Flexible organ of the mouth that helps move food toward
teeth or down the throat
5. _D___ Organ that takes most of the water out of undigested food
A. anus
B. esophagus
C. gall bladder
D. large intestine
E. liver
F. pancreas
6. _H__ Organs that produce fluid that enters the mouth and moistens
food and begins digestion
G. rectum
7. _C__ Stores biles
H. salivary glands
8. __A__ Opening at the end of the digestive tract through which
solid waste leaves the body
I. small intestine
9. __B__ Muscular tube that serves as a passageway for food
10. __E__ Organ that produces bile
J. stomach
K. tongue
11. _I__ Long, winding organ where final digestion occurs and food
is in a form that can be absorbed into the blood
12. List the organs where mechanical digestion occurs. Mouth and stomach
13. List the organs where chemical digestion occurs. Mouth, Stomach, Small Intestine
14. What breaks down fats in the small intestine? ____Bile produced by the liver______
15. Where does digestion begin? _____Mouth_(saliva from the salivary glands )__ ____
16. Where does the majority of digestion and absorption occur? __Small Intestine__________
17. What type of energy is stored in food? ___Chemical____________________
18. What are some causes of vomiting? Viruses, bacteria, choking, motion, etc.
Terms: Match the term with its description
19. _B_ Breakdown of food into small molecules so they can be
absorbed by the body
20. _C___ Type of protein that speeds up the rate of chemical
reactions in the body
A. chemical digestion
21. _H___ Finger-like projections in small intestine that
increase surface area to help with absorption of nutrients
22. __G___ Waves of muscular contractions that move food through
the digestive system
B. digestion
C. enzyme
D. insulin
E. mechanical digestion
23. _F__ Very tiny molecules that are broken down from large
molecules to be absorbed and used by body cells
F. nutrients
24. __D___ Hormone that allows glucose to move from the blood into
cells (regulates blood sugar)
G. peristalsis
H. villi
25. __E__ Food is physically broken into smaller pieces, but its
chemical structure is not changed
26. _A__ Food is broken into smaller molecules by chemical reactions.
Its chemical structure is changed
Nutrients: Match the nutrient with its basic part
27. _C__ Made up of amino acids
28. _A__ Made up of simple sugars
29. _B___ Made up of chains of fatty acids
A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Proteins
30. List the order of organs that food passes through as it is digested:
Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
31. How does blood work with the digestive system? Nutrients are absorbed into and carried by
the blood to cells
32. What happens to large molecules during digestion? Broken down into smaller molecules
33. Digestion transforms chemical_ energy into _mechanical_ energy and some _thermal (heat)
energy is given off
42 salivary glands
35 tongue
43 esophagus
36 liver
44 stomach
37 gall bladder
45 pancreas
38 large intestine
39 small intestine
46 rectum
40 anus
45. Gas produced during digestion is evidence of _Chemical__ change
46. What is evidence of physical change in digestion? Food is changed in size and shape not