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Cells (Major Organelles and their Functions)
Nucleus – contains cell’s genetic material. Center of the cell
Nucleolus – inside the nucleus, where a cell begins to make ribosomes (proteins)
Ribosome – makes proteins, little dots located throughout the cell especially on the rough ER
Endoplasmic Reticulum – serves as passageways (delivery system) in a cell. Breaks down drugs.
Golgi Apparatus or Complex - packages proteins to leave the cell
Lysosomes – contains enzymes that break down wastes.
Mitochondria – location of cellular respiration; makes ATP (energy)
Chloroplast – location of photosynthesis; uses light to make food for plants (producers) only in plant cells
Large vacuole – stores water in plants
Diffusion – particles that move from high concentration (or density) to low concentration (or density)
Osmosis – water that moves from high concentration (or density) to low concentration (or density)
Levels of organization: cells → tissues → organs → organ systems → organism
Photosynthesis equation (takes place in the chloroplast)
Carbon Dioxide, CO2, + water, H2O, + in the presence of Sunlight yields Glucose (sugar or food) C6H12 O6 + Oxygen O2
Cellular respiration (takes place in the mitochondria)
Glucose, C6H12 O6 + Oxygen, O2 yields Water,H2O + Carbon dioxide, CO2 , + ATP (energy)
Heredity/ Flower Parts
Genes are located on chromosomes which ar located in the nucleus of a cell.
 Dominate Traits are represented by a capitol letter
 Recessive traits are represented by a lower case letter
 Genotype = All the genes that are passed on to offspring, represented by letters.
Phenotype = The physical appearance, traits, that are visibly seen
When a dominate allele is in a genotype that trait will be seen in the phenotype
Heterozygous = Capital letter and a lower case letter, Ff
Homozygous = 2 uppercase, FF or 2 lowercase letters, ff
Flower Parts
Stamen = male reproductive parts including anther and filament
Pistil = female reproductive parts including, Stigma, Ovary, Style and Ovules
Sepal = protects flower before it blooms
Pollination = when pollen moves from the anther to the stigma
Fertilization = When the pollen travels down the pollen tube into the ovary and the sperm and egg unite.
Newton’s Laws of Motion
1) Law of Inertia…object at rest stays at rest; object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by another force.
2) F = m x A or A = F/m - Acceleration is dependent on the amount of mass and force that is applied to that object.
3) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (action/reaction)
Transverse wave – particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to the path of the wave.
Longitudinal wave - particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the path of the wave. Like a slinky. EX. Sound waves
Electromagnetic Waves = a transverse wave that can travel through a vacuum = dead space (does not need a medium)
Examples of electromagnetic waves are x rays, radio waves, tv waves, micro waves, light waves
Surface Waves = both longitudinal and transverse waves. Like ocean waves coming into the shore.
Earth Science
Minerals are classified by looking at physical properties. Those are density, Mohs hardness, streak, luster, color, and
breakage (cleavage or fracture).
Rocks have 3 main types.
Sedimentary – formed by weathering, erosion, deposition, cementation and compaction.
Igneous – formed from melting into magma then cooling. Intrusive igneous cools inside the earth while extrusive
igneous cools on the outside (lava that has cooled outside of the earth)
Metamorphic – are any type of rocks that experiences extreme heat and pressure and changes into a different rock.
Rock Cycle:
Earth’s 3 Layers
1) Crust = We live here
2) Mantle = Very top is solid rock, the rest acts like a liquid, but is also a solid. Acts like silly putty. 67% of earth’s
3) Core = Inner core is a solid, outer core is a liquid. Both made of nickel and iron. 33% of the earth’s mass
Physical Structure of the Earth:
Lithosphere – Top of the Mantle
Asthenosphere – The middle part of the mantle where convection currents cause the tectonic plates to move
Mesosphere – lower part of the mantle
Outer Core – liquid nickel and iron
Inner Core – solid nickel and iron
Tectonic plate movement
Tectonic plates move in centimeters per year. Made of the crust and the upper mantel (lithosphere)
Divergent – moves apart. Creating seafloor spreading. New crust is formed
Convergent – plates collide creating mountains and volcanoes
Subduction - one plate slides under another plate into the mantle causing volcanoes
Transform – slide by each other causes earthquakes.
Human Body Systems & Functions
Circulatory or Cardiovascular – transports oxygen to cells and returns carbon dioxide. Also transports nutrient; through
blood. Heart, blood vessels, blood.
Muscular – Moves the body, makes the heart beat, and provides movement for other internal organs. Skeletal muscles,
tendons, smooth muscles.
Respiratory – Exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and external environment. Nose, mouth,
esophagus, lungs, diaphragm
Skeletal – Moves, supports, and protects internal organs of the body. Bones, cartilage, ligaments.
Endocrine – Secretes hormones to regulate body functions. Glands: Pituitary, hypothalamus, thymus thyroid, adrenal
Nervous – detects and responds to changes in the environment. Transmits information throughout the body. Brain,
spinal cord, nerves
Lymphatic (Immune) – Protects against disease. Lymph nodes, lymph vessels, white blood cells
Digestive – Breaks down food into nutrients the body can use. Mouth, tongue, teeth, esophagus, stomach, intestines
Urinary - Removes liquid wastes from the body. Kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra
Integumentary – Provides a barrier between the body and the external environment. Skin, hair, nails
Inquiry, Technology, Engineering Design Process
Independent variable - the variable that you change (you change it)
Dependent variable – the change that results from you manipulating the independent variable. (Changes on its own)
Control group – In a controlled experiment the group that you compare the things being tested against.
*Can only have one variable at a time.
Bias = To influence someone’s decision in an unfair direction
Assistive Technologies – devices for people with disabilities that enable them to perform functions that would otherwise
be difficult or impossible. Ex. Wheel chairs, artificial limbs or fall detectors.
Adaptive technologies – describe products, materials, equipment, or inventions that have been MODIFIED FROM THEIR
ORIGINAL DESIGN. Ex. Closed captioning on TV programs, ethanol fuel (made from corn) for vehicles, biofuels in
general, irradiating fruits and vegetable to kill bacteria.
Irradiating means to affect or treat by radiant energy (as heat); specifically : to treat by exposure to radiation (as
ultraviolet light or gamma rays)
Scientific Method = Ask a question, Form a hypothesis, Test the hypothesis, Analyze results, Draw conclusions,
Engineering Design Process
Define the problem and ask questions about the problem.
Imagine, brainstorm ideas or solving the problem and determine the best solution
Draw a model or build a prototype
Create the product and test it.
Improve what does not work, then retest