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Research Centre for Japanese Language and Linguistics
University of Oxford
オックスフォード大学 日本語研究センター
Daniel Trott
[email protected]
East Asian Linguistics Seminar
University of Oxford, 5 February 2013
◦ To show that the OJ -(i)-wor- construction does not
only denote activities, but also result states
◦ To discuss explanations of this multifunctionality
Previous accounts
Analysis of -(i)-worExplanations
 (i) for resultative-progressive multifunctionality
 (ii) for -(i)-wor- specifically
Old Japanese (8th century)
Early Middle Japanese (800–1200)
Late Middle Japanese (1200–1600)
Modern Japanese (1600–)
◦ Central (or Western) Old Japanese
◦ Eastern Old Japanese
Main sources:
◦ Man’yōshū (MYS), Kojiki (KK), Nihon shoki (NSK),
Bussokuseki (BS)
The Infinitive (連用形) of a verb followed by
the verb wor- ‘be sitting, be still’
◦ e.g. iri-wori, mati-woreba, kwopwi-wora-mu
There are only 54 attestations
◦ Compare: 948 attestations of Perfective -(i)n5
aspectual construal
aspectual potential
aspectual function(s)
An utterance has an aspectual construal
◦ the way an event is construed aspectually by the
◦ the same event can be construed aspectually in
different ways
result state
achievement (punctual directed change)
accomplishment (durative directed change)
In a subjective result state, the subject of an
intransitive verb is construed as having come
to be in a particular state:
In an objective result state, the object of a
transitive verb is construed as having come to
be in a particular state:
In a possessive result state, the subject is
construed as possessing the object in a
particular state:
An undirected activity is an activity that does not
tend towards a qualitative boundary, i.e. one that is
A directed activity is one that tends towards a
qualitative boundary, i.e. one that is telic:
-yer- and -(i)te ar- cannot express directed
activities (Kinsui 1995: 18)
A verb does not have a fixed aspectual type
◦ The same verb may be used in utterances with
different aspectual construals, cf:
 He’s broken his ankle. [result state]
 He broke his ankle. [achievement]
Instead, a verb has aspectual potential:
◦ the particular combination of construals it has in
different aspect constructions (Croft 2012)
Verbs with similar aspectual potential can be
grouped into classes
◦ In Old Japanese, the combinations of verbs with the
major aspect constructions produce five classes:
Constructions often allow more than one
aspectual construal
◦ E.g., the English Perfect is often analysed as having
current relevance of anterior event
recent past
anterior continuing
So the first step is to list the aspectual
construals of a construction
◦ Then to consider its function(s)
Three ways of analysing multifunctionality
(Haspelmath 2003):
◦ monosemy
◦ polysemy
◦ homonymy
The most reliable way to decide between
these is by psycholinguistic experiment
◦ I will remain uncommitted as to the nature of the
multifunctionality of -yer-, -(i)te ar-, and -(i)-wor-
Cross-linguistic comparison can tell us
◦ what combinations of functions are likely
◦ what changes are common
But constructions with the same name in
different languages are different
◦ It is not enough to say ‘This is a perfect’
◦ If cross-linguistic categories exist at all, they are
prototype categories (Dahl 1985; Bybee, Perkins,
and Pagliuca 1994)
-(i)-wor- is usually called a ‘progressive’, e.g.
by Vovin (2009) and Frellesvig (2010)
◦ It is seen as a construction formed on activity verbs
like the English Progressive be V-ing
◦ This is correct for the examples where it combines
with activity verbs (e.g. katarap- ‘talk’, mat- ‘wait’)
But it is also found with accomplishment,
achievement, and inceptive state verbs
◦ e.g. ir- ‘enter’, sok- ‘become parted’, komor- ‘be
shut up’
◦ In most cases these cannot be interpreted as
activities with -(i)-wor19
According to Watanabe (2008), the nonprogressive examples are lexical
◦ The verb wor- still means ‘be sitting’ or ‘be still’
This means that strings like iri wori must be
interpreted as sequential events, e.g. ‘go in
and be sitting’ or ‘go in and be still’
◦ But a resultative interpretation always makes better
sense than a ‘lexical’ one
According to Kinsui (2006)
◦ -(i)-wor- is always progressive
◦ non-activity verbs that appear with -(i)-wor- are
behaving as activity verbs in this construction
◦ These verbs (ir- ‘enter’, komor- ‘be shut up’) do
not behave like activity verbs in any other
 They are directed change or inceptive state verbs
◦ In this construction they do not denote activities
Like Stative -yer- and Periphrastic Stative
-(i)te ar-, the -(i)-wor- construction denotes
◦ undirected activities with activity verbs
◦ result states with accomplishment, achievement,
and inceptive state verbs
This is not unheard of, especially in Japanese,
and explains the data
The following verbs that -(i)-wor- combines
with appear to be activity verbs:
When -(i)-wor- combines with activity verbs
it denotes an activity:
The following verbs that -(i)-wor- combines
with appear to be accomplishment or
achievement verbs:
When -(i)-wor- combines with directed
change verbs it denotes a result state:
ki-iri-wori, iri-wori, and soki-wori here
denote result states
◦ A lexical interpretation of wori is less natural to the
sense of the poems
The following verbs that -(i)-wor- combines
with appear to be inceptive state verbs:
When -(i)-wor- combines with inceptive state
verbs it denotes a result state:
These verbs can denote both an achievement
and a state
◦ Here they denote states
◦ -(i)-wor- can be interpreted as denoting the result
state of the achievement sense
-(i)-wor- should be interpreted as denoting:
◦ activities with activity verbs
◦ result states with achievement, accomplishment,
and inceptive state verbs
Constructions that denote result states
(resultative constructions) and constructions
that denote activities (progressive
constructions) are both common
◦ But constructions that denote both are rare
The two functions can be united in some
formalizations of aspect
◦ E.g., they denote the rightmost extended temporal
phase of an event
◦ But the question of how they develop diachronically
is harder to answer
Ebert (1995) proposes that some of the activity
verbs found in resultative-progressive
constructions began as achievement verbs
◦ From being achievement verbs in resultative
constructions they were reanalysed as activity verbs
in progressive constructions
◦ This caused reanalysis of the construction as
allowing both result state and activity construals
She uses the example of nite iru ‘resembles’
◦ which presumably began as an achievement verb in
a resultative construction
But for reanalysis of the construction, tokens of
such verbs must have been frequent
◦ It seems unlikely that many of the OJ activity verbs
began as achievement verbs
Ebert (1995) proposes that alternatively
reanalysis could result from the ambiguity of
inceptive state or inceptive activity verbs
◦ So a verb like sak- ‘bloom’ could be reanalysed
from an achievement verb in a resultative
construction to an activity verb in a progressive
◦ Then the construction is reanalysed as denoting
result states and activities, and activity verbs can
begin to be used
But are there enough inceptive state verbs to
induce this reanalysis?
Similar to proposal (b)
◦ but with a different verb class
Activity verbs were first used in these
constructions to denote the result state of the
inception of an activity, i.e. the activity’s
◦ e.g. mati-woru ‘has begun to wait’
Then the construction was reanalysed to
express activities without the implication of
their having begun
◦ e.g. mati-woru ‘is waiting’
The ‘inception of activity’ construal of activity verbs
seems to have existed in OJ, especially with
Perfective -(i)n- ~ -(i)te-:
Sometimes Perfective -(i)n- seems to denote an
undirected activity:
These can be seen as the application of the result
state function of Perfective -(i)n- to the ‘inception
of activity’ sense of activity verbs
If activity verbs have a conventionalized
‘inception of activity’ sense, this could be
used as input to a resultative construction
◦ Kudō (1983) explains Uwajima dialect -(I)-tor- this
◦ He glosses arui-toru as ‘has begun to walk’
This need not be the correct synchronic
analysis of any resultative-progressive
◦ But it is a possible diachronic explanation
-(i)-wor- is different from -yer- and -(i)te ar◦ -yer-: 63% result state, 30% activity
◦ -(i)te ar-: 80% result state, 14% activity
◦ -(i)-wor-: 35% result state, 65% activity
Why do -yer- and -(i)te ar- express more result
states than activities, while -(i)-wor- is the other
way round?
What are converbs?
◦ ‘a nonfinite verb form whose main function is to mark
adverbial subordination’ (Haspelmath 1995)
◦ e.g. the Gerund and the Infinitive
Converbs play an important role in forming
periphrastic constructions
◦ Anterior converb + stative > result state
◦ Simultaneous converb + stative > activity
Converbs can change their meaning over time
◦ The Japanese Gerund broadened in LMJ from being only
an anterior converb to also expressing temporal
simultaneity (Ohori 1994)
The Infinitive shifted from denoting temporal
sequentiality to denoting temporal simultaneity at
some point pre-OJ (Frellesvig 2010)
◦ This made -(i)-wor- more iconic (and popular) as a
progressive than as a resultative construction
◦ -yer- was not affected, since its Infinitive origin was
◦ -(i)te ar- was not affected, since the Gerund still
denoted temporal sequentiality
-(i)-wor- could originally have been an alternative
to -yer◦ like -(i)-imas-
-(i)-wor- could denote both result states and
activities, like -yer- and -(i)te arIt probably began by denoting result states
and expanded to denote activities
◦ Possibly via denoting the ‘result state’ of the
inception of an activity
The changing function of the Infinitive caused
its progressive function to dominate
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Research Centre for Japanese Language and Linguistics
University of Oxford
オックスフォード大学 日本語研究センター
Daniel Trott
[email protected]