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Villa Maria Academy
World Language Department
Topics for Mastery for Placement to Level 2 Language
French 1: Mastery Skills needed for Placement in French 2 A. Unit 1 Bonjour tout le monde! 1. Greetings; nationalities; introductions; asking someone’s name; 2. Ça va? Asking how things are going and responding; saying good‐bye; 3. Locations; parents; extending, accepting, and refusing invitations; 4. Skills: pronunciation (French alphabet, French accents); recognizing/identifying cognates; social register in speaking and writing; B. Unit 2 Les passe‐temps 1. Pastimes; Olympic sports; weather; food; asking what someone likes to do; saying what one likes to do; saying what one does not like to do; 2. More pastimes; adverbs; asking how much someone likes to do something; saying how much one enjoys doing things; 3. Nouns – sports, music, pastimes; numbers 0‐20; stating preferences; asking what someone prefers; agreeing and disagreeing; 4. Skills: subject pronouns; present tense “‐er” verbs; stem‐changing verbs; gender of nouns; placement of adverbs; definite articles; negation; C. Unit 3 À l’ecole 1. Classroom objects; numbers 20‐100; expressing needs; stating what something costs; 2. Classroom subjects; adjectives; time expressions; describing a class; asking for a description of someone; describing someone; 24‐hour clock; classes and exams; the lycée and the bac; 3. Places in school; places in the city; asking where someone is going; asking when someone is going somewhere; establishing a place and time to meet; la cantine and school meals; 4. Skills: indefinite articles; plurals of articles and nouns; present tense of the irreg. verbs aller, avoir, and être; expressions with avoir (avoir besoin de); telling time; irregular plural forms of nouns and adjectives; agreement and position of regular adjectives; à + definite articles; forming questions with est‐ce qu;e D. Unit 4 Le weekend ensemble 1. Soccer; soccer clothes; the métro; giving a reason; setting a time and place to meet; suggesting a different time; soccer in France; soccer clubs; 2. Food and drink; numbers 100‐1,000; understanding what the server will ask; ordering food; asking for the bill; cafés and bistrots; 3. Movie genres; early, on time, and late; making a prediction; responding to a prediction; French cinéma; 4. Skills: the near future (aller + infinitive); forming questions (est‐ce que; inversion; intonation); more expressions with avoir (avoir faim/soif); present tense of the irreg. verbs prendre and voir; interrogative adjectives (quel); E. Unit 5 Les gens que je connais 1. Family members; physical descriptions; numbers 1,000‐1,000,000 2. Months of the year; birthdays; descriptions of character; asking someone’s age; telling one’s age; telling what gift one is giving; 3. French‐speaking African countries and nationalities; professions; finding out someone’s profession; asking where someone comes from; telling where one comes from; 4. Skills: possessive adjectives; indefinite articles in negative sentences; present tense of regular verbs ending in “‐ir”; more expressions with avoir (expressing age); present tense of the irregular verbs offrir and venir; de + definite articles; C’est vs. Il/Elle est; F. Unit 6 La rue commerçante 1. Articles of clothing; colors; what to ask the salesperson; what the salesperson says; shopping online; 2. Stores and grocery items; quantities; sequencing my activities; superstore vs. small shop; 3. Fruits and vegetables; making a purchase at the market; responding to questions from the vendor; outdoor markets; 4. Skills: present tense of the verb acheter (stem‐changing verb); present tense of the irreg. verb vouloir; present tense of regular verbs ending in “‐re”; demonstrative adjectives; expressions of quantity; the partitive article; G. Unit 7 À la maison 1. Stories in a building; rooms in a house; furniture in the kitchen and living room; giving a tour of a house or an apartment; asking where someone lives; agreeing and disagreeing; housing in France; bathrooms in France; 2. Meals; table setting; giving directions in the kitchen; 3. The bedroom and bathroom; computers and other technology; saying that one does not understand; talking about computers; technology and French youth; 4. Skills: ordinal numbers; comparative of adjectives; present tense of the irreg. verbs pouvoir, devoir, and mettre; H. Unit 8 À Paris 1. Weather; seasons; pets; extending, accepting, and refusing an invitation; 2. Places in the city; monuments in Paris; excusing oneself; describing actions in the past; sequencing past events; 3. Time expressions; expressing actions that took place in the past; sequencing past events; 4. Skills: present tense of the irreg. verb faire; expressions with avoir (avoir chaud/froid/envie de); passé composé with avoir and être ; irregular past participles ; position of adverbs in the passé composé ; TEXTBOOK : T’es branché? EMC Publishing (2014) Spanish 1: Mastery Skills needed for Placement in Spanish 2 A. Unit 1 ¿Cómo te llamas? 1. Greetings; greet people and say good bye; ask for and give names; 2. Nationalities; ask or tell where someone is from; 3. Age; ask for and state age; 4. Time; ask for and state the time; 5. Asking how things are going; Skills: Spanish alphabet; (pronunciation and accent); puntuation marks in Spanish; numbers 0‐
30; the verbs ser and tener; definite articles; cognates; the use of formal and informal you; B. Unit 2 En mi colegio 1. Identify people; 2. Describe classroom items and clothing; 3. Discuss school schedules and daily activities; 4. Ask how someone feels and location; Skills: Subject pronouns and the verb ser; definite and indefinite articles with nouns; using adjectives to describe; present tense of the ‐ar verbs; the verb estar; C. Unit 3 ¡Vamos a la ciudad! 1. Talk about places in a city; 2. Make introductions and express courtesy; 3. Ask and answer questions; 4. Discuss how to go somewhere; 5. Say some things people do and where someone is going; 6. Understand what the server will ask; ordering food; asking for the bill; Skills: Making introductions using te, le, les; asking questions using interrogative words; the uses of the verb ir: saying where someone is going and talking about the future; present tense of the –er verbs; D. Unit 4 Mi familia y mis amigos 1. Talk about family and relationships; 2. Seek and provide personal information; 3. Express possession; 4. Describe people and thing they do; 5. Express an opinion; likes and dislikes; Skills: adjectives; present tense of the –ir verbs; describe people and things with estar; using the verb gustar to state likes and dislikes; the verb ser vs. estar; E. Unit 5 Una Semana Típica 1. Describe everyday activities; 2. Seek and provide personal information; what someone is going to do; where someone is coming from; 3. Write about everyday life; 4. Talk about dates and holidays; days of the week and months of the year; asking for and giving the date; Skills: Saying what someone has; the use of the verb tener; the expression que +adjective/noun; direct object pronouns; the personal a; the verb venir; using the numbers from 101‐999,999; F. G. H. Unit 6 En Casa Identify vocabulary related to the house; Express obligations, wishes, and preferences; state an opinion; Talk about everyday activities; discuss food and table items; Describe a household; point out people and things; tell what someone says; Skills: Expressing obligation with the verbs tener and deber; stem changing verbs e‐ie; Demonstrative adjectives; the verb decir, expressing wishes with querer or gustaría; stem changing verbs: e‐i; Unit 7 El tiempo libre Talk about leisure time activities; discuss sports; Describe what is happening; say what someone can do; Identify and apply vocabulary related to seasons and weather; Discuss length of time and indicate order; Using ordinal numbers; Skills: Stem changing verbs o‐ue; u‐ue; expressions with hace; present progressive; using the present progressive with direct object pronouns; verbs that require special accentuation such as: esquiar, enviar, and continuar; present tense of dar and poner; describing people using –dor, ‐ista; Unit 8 Mis quehaceres Talk about household chores; Say what just happened; Ask for and offer help; Talk about the past; Identify and describe foods; Discuss food preparation; Make comparisons; Skills: Direct and indirect object pronouns; present tense of oir and traer; preterite tense of –
ar verbs; preterite tense of dar and ser; I.
Unit 9 La ropa Describe clothing and discuss size and fit; Discuss prices and payment; Identify parts of the body; Express disagreement; Talk about the past; J. Skills: Adjectives as nouns; talking about the past: preterite of –er and –ir verbs; preterite tense of ir and ser; affirmative and negative words, diminutives; preterite tense of leer, oir, ver, decir, hacer and tener; Unit 10 Un año más Discuss past actions and events; Talk about everyday activities; Express emotions and indicate wishes and preferences; Describe personal characteristics; Write about past actions; Talk about the future; Make polite requests; Skills: Application of present and preterite tense and vocabulary studied in previous chapters. Textbook: Aventura 1, 2nd edition, EMC Publishing (2013) Latin 1 : Mastery Skills needed for Placement in Latin 2 I.
Verbs - Mastery of indicative of all six tenses, active and passive voice, for all five conjugations - Synopsis of the above (12 pieces) - Imperative: singular and plural, all five conjugations II.
Nouns - First, second, and third conjugations III.
Adjectives - First, second, and third conjugations - Positive, comparative and superlative degree IV.
Adverbs: their formation from adjectives - Introduction of comparative and superlative degree V.
Case usage ‐Nominative: subject, predicate nominative (subject complement) ‐ Genitive: of possession, partitive genitive ‐Dative: indirect object ‐ Accusative: direct object, subject of infinitive, place to which, time of duration, object of certain prepositions ‐ Ablative: of means, of agent, of place where, of place from which, of accompaniment, of duration, ablative absolute VI.
Translation: individual sentences and short sentences VII.
Vocabulary from Latin for Americans, Units 1 – 9, Glencoe/McGraw‐Hill, 2003.