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SDV1 Second Semester
TEST 1 – Physiology II
11 March 2012 (Time 10:00 – 11:00 AM)
Name ……………………………….…………..
Matric No. ……………………………
Answer briefly.
1. List the functions of blood.
(6 marks)
- Nutrients absorbed from GI tract
- O2 – from lungs to cells of whole body
- CO2 - – from metabolized cells to lungs
- Wastes - from metabolized cells to kidney
- Hormones – from endocrine glands to target cells
Body temperature control
Maintenance of body fluid pH (Buffering action)
Prevent blood loss (coagulation)
Prevent diseases (phagocytosis and antibody production)
2. What is PCV. Discuss the conditions that can change PCV value.
(6 marks)
PCV =Hematocrit; described in percentage of RBCs in the blood.
Conditions causing changes in PCV
High PCV
High altitude
old age
3. How can edema occur in the interstitial tissue?
(6 marks)
Normally there is a higher net filtration pressure than reabsorption pressure.
It has a tendency to cause fluid accumulation in the interstitial tissue spaces (edema).
Under normal physiological condition, it is prevented by absorption of fluid by lymphatic vessels.
Therefore, blockage of lymphatic vessels will be one of the major factors causing edema
in addition to other causes as imbalance of plasma and lymphatic proteins.
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4. Auto-rhythmicity of the heart
(6 marks)
The ability of heart to contract rhythmically without external stimulations,
i.e, the heart beats automatically without any influence from outside. The stimulation
comes inside the heart itself from a location in right atrium, called sino-atrial node.
It is also known as pacemaker.
5. Hypovolumic shock
(6 marks)
Shock due to low blood volume
Most common cause of shock
Traumatic blood loss (intraperitoneal, intrathoracic)
Non traumatic blood loss
GI (melena)
Immediate treatment is electrolyte therapy (usually normal saline).
Mark squares with “T” if the answer is true or “F” if the answer is false.
Note: there can be more than one true or one false answer in each question.
1. Normal blood pH is
A. 5.0 – 5.5
B. 5.5 – 6.0
C. 6.2 – 6.5
D. 6.5 – 7.15
E. 7.35 – 7.4
(1 mark)
2. One Hb molecule in a RBC can carry
A. One O2 molecule.
B. Two O2 molecule.
C. Three O2 molecule.
D. Four O2 molecule.
E. Six O2 molecule.
(1 mark)
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3. Neutrophils are differentiated from
A. Megakaryoblast.
B. Myeloblast.
C. Monoblast.
D. Rubridblast.
E. Lymphoblast
(1 mark)
4. Erythropoietin is produced from
A. Kidney.
B. Bone marrow.
C. Spleen.
D. Lymph node.
E. Small intestine.
(1 mark)
5. Normal blood plasma contains
A. Immunoglobulins.
B. Glucose.
C. Sodium.
D. Urea.
E. Hemoglobin.
(1 mark)
6. Iron necessary for erythropoiesis can be stored in
A. the liver.
B. the spleen.
C. heart.
D. muscle.
E. pancreas.
(1 mark)
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7. Starling’s law is related to the
A. stretching of the heart.
B. Contraction of the heart.
C. Conduction of the heart.
D. Rhythm of the heart.
E. Excitation of the heart.
(1 mark)
8. Which of the following are ectopic pacemakers
A. Sino-atrial node.
B. Atrioventricular node.
C. Stretchability of the heart.
D. Bundle of His.
E. Purkinje’s fibers.
(1 mark)
9. Blood flow is continuous rather than intermittent. It is due to
A. high pressure by left ventricle contraction.
B. contraction of skeletal muscles.
C. re-bouncing action of stretched elastic fibers of large arteries.
D. very low pressure in the veins.
E. osmotic effect of plasma proteins.
(1 mark)
10. Brain cells can survive without blood supply for
A. 1 hour.
B. 30 minutes.
C. 20 minutes.
D. 15 minutes.
E. 8 minutes.
(1 mark)
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