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(Chromolaena odorata)
Considered to be one of the worldʼs worst weeds.
This weed, first found in Australia in 1994, has
the potential to cause major damage to coastal
ecosystems. It has a spreading habit similar to
Lantana, but is more aggressive and invasive.
Normally forms dense tangled bushes 2–3 metres
high, but can climb up to 20 metres on trees.
Similar to Billy Goat weed (Ageratum spp.), but
crushed leaves have a sweet, pungent smell.
(Miconia spp .)
Miconia is an aggressive shrub or tree (up to
15 metres tall), native to tropical America. They
are grown in gardens for their large attractive
foliage (leaves can be 60-70cm long). Key
features are the 3 prominent veins on each
leaf and a purple colour that may develop on
the underside.
(Equisetum spp. )
Horsetail is a persistent and difficult to control
that affects many agricultural and
horticultural activities. It is toxic to stock,
particularly horses and sheep. Horsetail is a nonwoody, non-flowering perennial plant that
reproduces by spores and vegetatively. It
produces an extensive underground rhizome
system. It has also been found in herb nurseries
and markets.
A noxious weed is any weed that is declared noxious under the Noxious
Weeds Act 1993. To be declared, a weed must have a detrimental effect
or cause serious economic loss to agriculture or to the environment.
A weed meeting the above criteria will only be declared noxious if there
are reasonable and enforceable means of controlling the weed. Weeds
may be declared noxious on a local area basis or on a whole State
basis. Weeds may be declared or deleted from declaration, and weed
categories may change.
State Prohibited Weeds
Contact your local Council or Weed Authority for further details.
Class 1
Regionally Prohibited Weeds
These are noxious weeds that pose a potentially serious threat to primary
production or the environment and are not present in the state or are
present only to a limited extent. These are noxious weeds which must
be eradicated form the land and the land must be kept free of the plant.
Class 2
Regionally Controlled Weeds
These are noxious weeds that pose a potentially serious threat to primary
production or the environment of a region to which the order applies and
are not present in the region or are present only to a limited extent.
These are noxious weeds which must be eradicated from the land and
the land must be kept free of the weed.
Class 3
Locally Controlled Weeds
These are noxious weeds which pose a serious threat to primary
production or the environment of an area to which the order applies,
are not widely distributed in the area and are likely to spread in the area
or to another area. These are noxious weeds which must be fully
and continuously suppressed and destroyed.
Class 4
Restricted Plants
These are noxious weeds that pose a threat to primary production, the
environment or human health, are widely distributed and are likely to
spread in the area or to another area. The growth and spread of these
noxious weeds must be controlled according to the measures specified
in the relevant management published by Council.
Class 5
These are noxious weeds that are likely, by their sale or sale of their
seeds or movement within the state or an area of the state, to spread
either within or outside the state. These noxious weeds are prohibited
from sale.
The law requires that the landholders and /or occupiers of land must
control noxious weeds on land under their control. Occupiers may also
be responsible for the control of noxious weeds in a river or other
watercourse adjoining their property, even though the boundary may
be on top of the river bank. This requirement may also apply to
noxious weeds on adjoining unfenced road.
Local Weed Control Authorities: are either the Council of the Local
Government area or a County Council if noxious weed control
responsibility has been conferred on it.
Illustrations courtesy of NSW DPI. Full details of major noxious weeds are given in Primfacts publications.
• Siam Weed courtesy of QLD Dept of Natural Resources • Lantana, Mother-of-Millions,
Broad Leaf Pepper Tree, Small Leaf Privet courtesy of DLWC • Blackberry courtesy Taree City Council
& Gunnedah Shire Council • Celtis, Miconia courtesy Rod Ensbey
Designed & produced by Blue Pencil Publishing (03) 5253 1840
Copyright © 2008 This brochure may not be printed in any form without
permission in writing from the publisher.
(Alternanthera philoxeroides)
A floating, attached water weed introduced from
South America. Declared noxious throughout
Australia. Found in slow moving and stationary
waters, particularly flood plains and occasionally
on dry land subject to inundation.
confused with other species but leaves are
opposite and flowers are papery to the touch.
(Cabomba spp .)
Cabomba is a serious aquatic weed that has
great potential to spread in NSW. It is a fully
submerged aquatic plant and an aggressive
invader, particularly of nutrient rich, shallow
waters. It has long rhizomatous stems up to 5
metres, with feathery fan shaped leaves.
Flowers are solitary and raised just above the
water surface. Cabomba was introduced as an
aquarium plant.
(Gymnocoronis spilanthoides)
This is a potentially serious water weed. Its first
sighting in Australia was in Queensland in 1995.
It has the potential to become a major weed in
shallow and slow moving bodies of water in
tropical and sub–tropical environments.
It can grow up to 15cm per week and has the
potential to block waterways and affect fauna and
other flora.
(Anredera cordifolia)
Vigorous climber and ground cover producing new
stems from underground rhizomes. Mature stems
produce aerial tubers that form the main method of
reproduction. Leaves rounded and fleshy. Flowers
are small creamy-white forming in clusters in
Autumn. Thrives in many different environments
from hind dunes to rainforest. Significant
environmental weed.
(Genus Ipomea)
These are a group of vigorous hairless climbers with
twining stems and large funnel shaped flowers
varying from white in colour (Moon flower I.alba),
purple (I.purpurea), blue (I.indica) to whitish pink
(I.cairica). Leaves are large with varying degrees of
lobing. Capable of reproducing from seed or
vegetatively. Significant environmental weed.
(Macfadyena unguis-cati)
Tuberous aggressive perennial vine weed with
tendrils ending in three small sharp hooked claws
resembling a cats claw. Bright yellow flowers in
Spring. Produces long thin fruit capsules to 45cm in
Summer containing numerous papery winged
seeds. Significant environmental weed. Declared
noxious in Bellingen shire.
(Eichhornia crassipes)
A free–floating aquatic plant growing in deep or
shallow water and in mud. Spreads vegetatively
by fragmentation. One plant in one season can
spread to occupy about 300 hectares. Easily
recognised by its bright shiny pale green fleshy
leaves on swollen bladder like stems. Attractive
mauve flowers appear in summer and its seeds
may lay dormant for many years before
germinating. The plant threatens water use
generally, infestations may make water unfit for
domestic and stock use,
choke irrigation
systems, block drainage lines, hinder navigation
and seriously interfere with wildlife.
(Parthenium hysterophorus)
This plant grows up to 1.5 metres tall. It has
creamy–white flowers that grow in clusters, also
deeply lobed pale green leaves which branch
alternately on stems and are covered with soft,
fine hair. It can cause respiratory problems and
severe dermatitis in humans and animals.
Livestock carrying capacity is reduced. It is
found in neglected areas around yards and
buildings, roadsides, also in over stocked areas.
It is spread by seed through hay and grain,
contaminated vehicles and machinery.
(Gleditsia triacanthos)
A large spreading deciduous tree to 10m. Trunk
often covered in large thorns to 100mm. Leaf1029cm long divided into many small leaflets. Small
white/green flowers in Spring. Seed pods flattened
and red/brown in colour becoming twisted with age.
(Hygrophila polysperma)
A fast growing aquatic capable of growing both
submerged or above water and on stream banks. Its
rapid growth quickly shades out other submerged
plants. Stems are squarish and slightly hairy.
Leaves are elliptical in shape, green/brown in colour,
up to 80mm long covered in fine white hairs.
Flowers are blue/white and 50mm long. Plants
reproduce vegetatively by leaf or stem fragments.
(Pistia stratiotes)
A free floating, perennial, aquatic plant. The
plant spreads by producing underwater stems
(stolons) which form daughter plants. Spread is
very rapid. The leaves are a distinctive pale
yellow green, resembling fleshy lettuce leaves.
Seeds are only produced when plants are
crowded. Dense swards can deoxygenate water
resulting in fish kills, and damage to the
(Salvinia molesta)
An aquatic plant declared noxious throughout
New South Wales. A free floating fern with
slender stems, floating leaves and a root like
structure. Spreads vegetatively by fragmentation
and grows rapidly in warm conditions when it can
double in size in 2–3 days.
Occurs on still and slowly floating water, can
smother large areas of water causing problems to
other plants and aquatic animals, blocking
irrigation equipment and pumping apparatus and
reducing the use of waterways for recreation
and transport.
(Lantana camara)
A dense entwined woody shrub. There are a
number of strains of Lantana, including the
common pink strain. The red flowered strain is
toxic to sheep and cattle.
It can cause
photosensitisation and eventual death.
(Baccharis halimifolia)
A densely branched perennial, erect shrub
growing to 2.5 metres and sometimes as small
trees to 7 metres. Spreads readily from wind and
water borne seeds. Both female and male plants
flower in the autumn. Quickly invades bare
areas, over grazed country and disturbed soil.
Does not grow well under heavy timber.
(Chrysanthemoides monilifera)
There are a number of subspecies of this plant. Bitou
Bush grows mainly along the sandy coastal strip of
NSW and Southern Queensland.
It is a perennial sprawling shrub 1-2 metres high. It
tends to smother and kill out native species on sand
dunes. It is more an environmental weed rather than of
agricultural significance. It is now spreading into
ungrazed farming land.
(Rubus fruticosus (agg.) spp .)
A perennial plant with up to 6metre long
hookspined canes capable of forming new plants
where the cane tips contact the ground. The
crowns of the plant form new canes each year
and 2 year old canes bear white and pink flowers
at the ends which develop into black succulent
berries. The plant is widely spread by birds and
animals and causes problems in forests, creeks,
riverbanks and roadsides.
Stock carrying
capacity is severely reduced because of the
rambling nature of the plant.
(Cestrum parqui)
A straggling perennial shrub 2-3 metres tall. May
have one or more green brittle stems. Leaves are
shiny green to 10cm long, which when crushed have
a foul smell. Flowers from late spring to autumn, are
yellow trumpet shaped clusters (may have greenish
tinge) approximately 2.5cm long at the end of the
branches. Has an unpleasant smell during the day
but quite sweet in the evening. The fruit, arranged in
clusters are shiny black and egg shaped berries.
All parts of the plant are poisonous to livestock
particularly cattle and can be toxic to humans.
(Sorghum halepense)
A summer growing perennial sorghum up to
2 metres tall. Has long leaves with prominent
white midrib and an open seedhead. Seeds are
usually dark brown or black when mature and
unlike forage sorghum, has rhizomes (root
segments). Johnson grass, like all sorghums can
be toxic to livestock especially during periods of
new growth. Is a safety hazard along roadsides
restricting vision and a pollen contaminant of
sorghum and other crops.
(Sporobolus pyramidalis)
An unpalatable, free seeding grass that can
dramatically reduce carrying capacity and growth
rates, particularly in cattle. Closely related to
Giant Parramatta Grass and causes similar
concerns. It is mainly found on the coast but
because of its free seeding nature, the sticky
seed is readily spread by humans, vehicles and
stock. Do not let this plant devalue your country.
(Sporobolus fertilis)
An aggressive and competitive tussocky grass. It
can grow up to 2 metres but it is normally 60 to
150 cm tall. Characteristics are coarse leaves
and folded leaf sheaths at the base of the plant.
A high level of s ilicon in the leaves has an
abrasive effect on the teeth of cattle. Produces
enormous number of seeds which can be spread
by vehicles, machinery and stock.
(Ligustrum lucidum)
(Ligustrum sinense)
Is a small to large tree with oval shaped, soft
leaves. It is an aggressive invader of disturbed
bushland, roadsides and riparian zones. During
spring and early summer it produces large
amounts of pollen which causes allergic reactions
in some people
(Cortaderia spp .)
A long lived perennial tussock (2 metres high)
with flowerheads 4 metres high. Plants are either
female or hermaphrodite (bisexual). Female
plants can produce 100,000 seeds per
flowerhead per season if pollinated. Seeds
spread by wind. Plant can also be grown from
pieces of rhizomes (root segments).
Pampas grass is in widespread use as a garden
ornamental in residential areas. Produces large
quantities of flammable material and dense
infestations increases the bush fire hazard.
(Pueraria lobata)
A very vigorous creeper capable of covering a large
area growing from large underground tubers to 3m
long. Large leaves divided into 3 leaflets. Flowers
in summer usually purple but can be white or pink.
(Bryophyllum delagoense)
An introduced, smooth, succulent, perennial
herb. A garden escapee. It is quite toxic to cattle
and probably to humans, the main reason for the
declaration. Stems are pink to greyish. Pink to
salmon flowers are formed as drooping clusters
at the top of the stalks. Usually found around
disused homesteads and along road verges.
(Cytisus scoparius)
An erect shrub to 3 metres, but more commonly
to 2 metres high. It is an invasive weed of
disturbed soils, roadsides and neglected areas. It
tolerates a wide range of soils but not alkaline
soils. Once established it tends to dominate,
smothering other species.
(Celtis sinensis)
A deciduous tree to 25 metres tall, native to
eastern Asia. Flowers in spring, producing
thousands of small orange berries, dispersed by
birds. Celtis has been planted as a garden and
street tree at a number of locations. Invades
bushland areas, particularly riparian zones.
(Tecoma stans)
A shrub or small tree to 4 metres in height. It is
grown in gardens for its attractive heads of bright
yellow trumpet-shaped flowers. It reproduces
from seed.
It invades disturbed habitats,
roadsides and riparian areas.
(Ageratina adenophora)
An erect perennial shrub with numerous chocolatebrown coloured woody stems reaching a height of
1-2 metres. Broad trowel shaped toothed
leaves producing white flowers in spring. Normally
occurs in steep well drained land with little or
no frosting and especially on small farms where
horses are kept.
Poisonous to horses and access to the weed for
as little as 8 weeks will cause sickness and
permanent damage to the animals. Coughing is
the first sign of Crofton Weed poisoning made
more pronounced by exercise.
(Cinnamon camphora)
Large tree with greyish bark with prominent vertical
cracks on trunk. Leaves glossy above and dull
green underneath. Strong camphor smell when
crushed. Small pale white flowers in Spring. Mature
berries green aging to black.
(Xanthium spp .)
A robust summer growing annual plant usually
found on creekbeds, river flats or moist flood
prone areas. The plant can invade pastures and
cultivation, attains a height of 2 metres with
spreading branches to cover an area of 2 metres.
The alternate broad lobed leaves are on coarse
ribbed branches. The fruit ripens into a spiny
burr 2cm long densely beset with hooked spines
at end. The species is toxic to livestock and can
cause dermatitis and mechanical injury to both
humans and livestock.
(Schinus terebinthifolius)
A broad topped, fast growing multi stemmed tree
or shrub, 1-5 metres tall. Separate male and
female plants. Female produces dense panicles
of ivory flowers and green berries that turn bright
red when ripe. Is cultivated as a garden plant
and quickly establishes, invades and spreads into
neighbouring areas. Also has toxic properties.
(Caesalpinia decapetala)
Mysore Thorn is a robust, thorny sprawling shrub,
2-4 metres high or climber up to 10 metres or
higher. It forms dense impenetrable thickets
over native vegetation and suppresses pastures.
It produces bright yellow flowers during winter
and forms large seedpods (6-10cm long) that
assist in dispersal.
(Miconia spp .)
is an aggressive shrub or tree
(up to
( (Triadica sebifera)
15 metres tall), native to tropical America. They
to 7m. Leaf
is heart
are growntree
in gardens
for their
in clusters
foliage tips.
be flowers
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of branches
As the
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leaf and their
a purple
that may
green on
the underside.
Spread by birds, water and humans.
(Hypericum perforatum)
An erect perennial herb or small shrub with a
creeping rootstock. Leaves when viewed against
light show characteristic oil glands. Flowers in
spring, early summer bearing bright yellow flowers.
The dead brown flower stalks are clearly visible at
other times during the year.
Toxins in the leaves can cause photosensitivity,
hyposensitivity (heat and cold stress) and infertility
in grazing animals. The plant readily invades
unimproved overgrazed pastures.
(Echium spp .)
A winter - spring growing weed common
throughout south - east Australia. An erect
coarsely hairy annual with attractive purple
flowers occasionally white, growing to 30cm. The
plant contains potent liver poisons known as
pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Sustained grazing effects
all livestock to varying degrees.
(Opuntia monacantha)
A tree like plant with a distinct trunk. Normally to
1.2 metres high, but up to 4m. Pads are glossy
green, flowers yellow, fruit red, spines long and