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July 4, 1950 F. c. HALLDEN ’ 2,514,054 COMPARING MECHANISM Filed May 6, 1948 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 I Lg] 27 Deg/‘555, 0 36 72 I03 M4 /80 2/6 252 286’ 324 360 CB 2 CB3 c54 CB5 ,b/"i/ I CARD FEED-CL arc/45s ENGAGE-+1 [: 3.55- ' INVENTOR FRED C HALLDEN BY @ AGENT July 4, 1950 F. c. HALLDEN 2,514,054 COMPARING MECHANISM Filed May 6, 1948 3 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVENTOR - FRED C. HALLDE/V AGENT July 4, 1950 F. c. HALLD'EN 2,514,054 COMPARING MECHANISM Filed May 6, 1948 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 0mmm,mmbw mm EX INVENTOR FRED c HALLDEN 8% a 5am AGENT Patented July 4, 1950 2,514,054 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,514,054 COMPARING MECHANISM Fred C. Hallden, Brooklyn, N. Y., assignor to In-'‘ ternational Business Machines Corporation, New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York Application May 6, 1948, Serial No. 25,500 8 Claims. (Cl. 235-61.?) 1 This invention relates to apparatus for storing and comparing electrical impulses by the medium of small ?xed capacitors. More particularly the present invention is di rected to electromechanical devices for the stor age and comparison of record card data in an , 2 invention and the best mode, which has been con templated, of applying that principle. In the drawings: Fig. 1 is a sectional view of a capacitor electrical storage unit. Fig. 2 is a sectional view of a socket and drive electrical accounting machine of the type illus~ into which the storage unit of Fig. l is plugged. trated in U. S. Patent 2,359,670. The features of Fig. 3 is a diagrammatic view of the storage this invention, however, are not limited to elec unit of Fig. 1 showing the various sets of‘ contact trical accounting machines, but may be applied 10 brushes. to any electrical apparatus wherein the storing, Fig. 4 is a fragmentary circuit diagram and comparing, and selecting of electrical impulses diagrammatic view of a storage unit illustrating are required. the principle by “which the ?xed capacitors may Briefly the subject invention comprises a rotat be charged from data sensed in perforated rec ing element containing a plurality of pairs of 0rd cards. small ?xed capacitors arranged to be charged and Fig. 5 is a fragmentary circuit diagram and a discharged by means of contact brushes and con diagrammatic view of a storage unit illustrating tact segments to which the capacitors are con the manner in which the ?xed capacitors are nected. In the embodiment chosen the element is charged (and regeneratively recharged) in the rotated in timed sequence with the feeding of a 20 present invention. record card having perforations which pass under electrical sensing stations as the card is fed. Elec trical circuits are provided from the sensing sta tions to energize gas triodes, which become con» ductive, providing a potential drop for charging selected capacitors in the rotating element by suitable connections to the contact brushes. Thereafter the charges on the capacitors are de~ livered to electronic comparing circuits through Fig. 6 shows a fragmentary electrical circuit adapted to comparing charges upon a pair of ca pacitors in the storage unit. Fig. 7 is a fragmentary circuit diagram of a selector circuit utilized in the subject invention. Fig. 8 is a circuit diagram illustrating the pres ent invention as it might be embodied in a ma chine of the type described in U. S. Patent 2,359,670. other contact brushes associated with the rotating 30 Fig. 9 is a timing chart relative to the circuit elements. Provision is also made by means of diagram of Fig. 8. another set of contact brushes coacting with the Referring now to Fig. 1, a cylindrical base ll rotating element to recharge a capacitor regen composed of insulating material, contains a cen eratively; for example, when a gas triode is not tral bearing l2, the base being surmounted by a energized by a sensing station, the energization 35 cup l3 having a bearing 14. A cylinder l5 of insu being provided by sensing the charge remaining lating material is ?xed to a shaft 16 supported on the capacitor which is to be regenerated. Re freely by the bearings 12 and I4 and having a generation of a chargein this manner may be driving end l1. Within the cylinder it? are con produced periodically for an inde?nite length of tained a plurality of small ?xed condensers 18, time to effect a perpetual type of impulse storage 40 there being a total of twenty such capacitors uni in a ?xed capacitor having normal leakage resist formly distributed in pairs throughout the cylin ance. der i5. Each pair of condensers It is connected The principal object of this invention is there in series with their connections being led to con fore to provide a perpetual capacitor storage de tact segments l9 imbedded and spaced uniformly vice for electrical charges. 45 in the lateral surface of the cylinder i5 in groups Another object of this invention is to provide a of threes. The outer segments I9 each connect novel electronic comparing circuit energized from with a condenser E8 of a pair having a common electrical potentials derived from charges stored connection to the center segment ii! of the group. in small ?xed capacitors. A brush holder 20 forms a raised part upon the Still another object of the invention is to pro base II and carries three (3) sets of contact vide a condenser charging and discharging device brushes 2| which ride upon the surface of the wherein charges upon small capacitors are uti cylinder it making contact with their respective segments l9 as the cylinder I5 is rotated. With lized to control gas triodes to regeneratively charge the capacitors. reference also to Fig. 3, for purposes of clarity A further object of the invention is to provide a _ these sets of brushes are de?ned as set K having novel electromechanical storage unit. Other objects of the invention will be pointed out in the following description and claims and illustrated in the accompanying drawings, which disclose, by way of example, the principle of the 60 three (3) brushes, set L having three (3) brushes, and set M having two (2) brushes, the brush normally contacting the center segment 19 being omitted in set M. Each brush is connected by a wire such as 22 to a contact pin 23 projecting “2,514,054 3 4 through the base I I, there being a total of eight (8) such pins corresponding to an equal num responding segments IQ of the cylinder i5 as it ber of brushes 2|. The unit shown in Fig. 1 is pluggable into a socket as shown in Fig. 2, the socket comprising an insulated receptacle 24 having eight (8) pin sockets 25 for connecting with the pins 23'. The receptacle 213 also has a keyedsocket 26 ‘connected to a drive shaft 21 which may be driven through any conventional means. The socket-26 engages with the end ll of the shaft l6, thereby affording turns on shaft It to charge a condenser (e. g. a condenser i8 of Fig. 4) having its terminals con nected to the corresponding segments i9. Normally the circuit breaker CB—B is closed for a period from the time a group of segments i9 passes under the set of brushes K (see Fig. 3 also) until the same group of segments passes out from under the set of brushes L. The brush sets K 10 and L, accordingly, are spaced to have the dis Now referring to Fig. 4, an electric circuit is. tance between their respective points of contact with cylinder it less than the distance between two adjacent groups of segments E9 on the cyl shown wherein the condensers H8 in a storage unit inder i5. While switch S—i remains on its upper a means to rotate the cylinder [5. similar to that of Fig. 1 are charged by voltage 15 contact, if no positive voltage impulse is received impulses derived from conventional card Sensing at the plug. hub P—i , the gas triode G-l remains stations. A sensing station A, comprising a con non-conductive, and, as the cylinder i5 rotates, tact roll 28 and a sensing, brush 29, connected as the segments i9 pass under the brushes Ziaand Zib thereby discharging each charged condenser shown, is arranged to have a record card 30 fed to it so that a perforation representing certain is through the resistance R-i. data may be sensed in a manner well known in The polarity of the voltage (derived from the electrical accounting machines. A similar sens drop across R—i) providing the charging current ingstation B, comprising a contact roll 3! and a for a condenser i8 is such that a segment i9 pass ing under brush am is positive and a segment 19 sensing brush 32, connected as shown, is arranged to. sense a record card 33. The cards 30 and 33 25 passing under brush 2!?) is negative. When the are fed in synchronism with the rotation of the switch S--i.is thrown to its lower contact, as the cylinder I5 so that correspondingly indexed posi cylinder it rotates, any charged condenser [8 tions in the cards coincide with positions of the having its terminals connected to corresponding cylinder 15. Let it be assumed that a perforation segments i9 is sensed by the brushes 2H1‘ and 2ls, occurs at the “Li” index position of card 30 and a and a potential is thereby provided across the perforation occurs at the “2” index position of grid-cathode circuit of the triode G—-l, render card 33. When the “4” perforation in card 30 ing G-—l conductive provided the potential is is sensed at sensing station A a circuit is com sufficient in magnitude. Consequently when a pleted from a battery 3'4 to the central brush 2th, charged condenser 18 passes under the brushes through a segment id, to the common connection 35 2lr and Zis in this manner, G—i conducts and of the pair of condensers i8 (corresponding to remains conductive until 013-4) opens the circuit. the “4” position of cylinder i5) , through the con denser i812 (left side of cylinder l5, see Fig. 4) to a segment l9 (left side), through a brush 2 lo Hence a voltage drop is set up across resistor R-i until the segments it connected to the con denser it pass under the brushes 25a and 2lb (left side), to brush 29, contact roll 28, to 40 at which time the voltage drop is applied across grounded side of battery 3Q, thereby charging the the condenser E8 to recharge it. In the manner condenser 18b (left side). When the “2” perfora tion in card 33 is sensed at station B a similar circuit is completed via brush 32 and brush Zia to charge a condenser i817. (right side of cylinder i5, see. Fig. 4) . Any condenser l8in the cylinder I5.may be charged in the manner described, the charge normally remaining thereon for a time dependent upon its leakage resistance. In the presentinvention it has been found to be . just described the charge upon any condenser l8 may be regenerated again and again as the cyl inder 15 rotates to provide a voltage impulse storage means of inde?nite duration. Referring now to Fig. 6, it is obvious that cir cuits and energizing means suitable for charging both the condenser i?a and the condenser i811 can be provided as previously explained. The brushes 21g and 2 Hz (brush set M of Figs. 3 and more practicable to charge the condensers i8 by 5') are spaced from the brush set L a distance means of a circuit. illustrated inFig. .5, certain equivalent to the distance between two adjacent advantages being obtained thereby. Let the brushes. 2.!a, 21b, and Zic representthe. set of brushes L (Fig. 3), the brushes 21g and 24h represent the set M (Fig. 3), and the brushes Eli‘, ‘M8, and Mt represent the set of brushesv K (Fig. 3). A plug hub P--l is plugged groups of segments IQ of the cylinder 55 so that after the condensers We and I8?) are charged they are presented one cycle point later to the brushes Big and 2H2 as the cylinder I5 is ro tated. The circuit shown in Fig. 6 enables the status of charges upon the condensers to be de termined. A pair of gas triodes G—2 and G-3 to the sensing brush (e. g. the brush 32 of Fig. 4) ofa. conventional record card sensing station. such 50 are connected with their cathodes in common through a resistor R.—? to a conductor W—3 rep vasB of Fig. 4 so that a positive voltage impulse is resenting the negative side of a direct current delivered to P—! when a perforation in a record source. The anodes of the gas triodes G—2 and card is sensed. When charging a condenser I8 G--3 are connected respectively through a pair of (as in preceding paragraph) a switch S—-l is resistors R-3 and R—11 to a conductor W—4 rep thrown to its top contact so that a positive volt resenting the positive side of the direct current age pulse is delivered to the grid of a gas triode source. rl‘he grid of G—2 is connected to brush G-—| when a perforation occurs in the card. The 2H1. and the grid of G-3 is connected to brush triode G—i is connected across a direct current 2| g, there being also connections from the grids source having a positive line W—I and a negative line W—-2; consequently, G--l becomes conduc 70 respectively through the resistors R--5 and R—% tive and current flows through a resistor R—! to the conductor W-S. Let it be assumed that condenser iBa alone is provided that a circuit breaker CB—-ll is closed. charged. When segments 59 contact the brushes Azvoltage drop is thereby developed by the resistor Zig and 2th the condenser 180. will discharge R-—i which is provided by connections (as shown in Fig. 5) across the brushes Zla and 21b to cor 75 causing a current to ?ow via brush 2Ig, resistor 5 2,514,054 lit-6, resistor R-5, brush Zlh, and condenser l8b. A voltage drop will be set up in resistor R-? raising the potential of the grid of G--3 and in resistor R——5 lowering the potential of the grid of G--2, each with respect to its cathode. The triode G-—3 therefore becomes conductive and a current ?ows from W—4, through R-4, anode and cathode of G——3, R-—8, R—2, to W—3. The voltage drop produced in R——2 thereby pro 6 manner and M—2 in an opposite manner, e. g. to feed primary cards or to feed secondary cards. When both V-| and V—2 are neutral, indicat ing no desire therefrom for control, the prepon~ derance for control is shifted to V—S and V—4, either of which, if positive, will render G—-4 or G-S conductive. In this manner any number of positions may be selected for control preponder ance merely by adding additional contacts upon vides a negative bias to the grid of G-Z via the 10 the selector disc 35 and connecting these with ad resistors R—5 and R——l, sumciently greater than ditional storage units having comparing circuits the positive potential derived from condenser |8b as already explained. in the event that such potential is applied while Having now described the essential features of G—3 is conducting to retain G-Z non-conduc the invention, a complete embodiment is shown tive. A correlative condition prevails when the 15 in the circuit diagram of Fig. 8 as applied to a condenser 1827 alone is charged. record controlled or the type commonly referred When neither condenser [8a nor condenser to as a collator. Essentially in its simplest form li8b is charged it is obvious that no voltage drop the collator compares record cards of two classes; is set up in either R-—5 or R-? to render either namely, primary cards and secondary cards, feed G--2 or G—3 conductive. Similarly when both 20 ing record cards of one class ahead of cards of condensers lac and I819 are charged to the same the other class in order of their corresponding potential there will be no difference in potential data designations. Many other functions are between brush 2 lg and brush 2 H7. and no current performed by record controlled machines Of this will ilow through R—5 and R—-6 so no voltage type, see for example U. S. Patents 2,359,670 and‘ drop is provided to render either G—2 or (3-3 2,379,828, but for purposes of illustrating the util conductive. When G—2 becomes conductive the ity of the present invention it will suffice to ex potential of a terminal T—I rises, and when plain the operation of the present invention only (3-3 conducts the potential of a terminal T—-2 rises; consequently, another electronics circuit may be controlled thereby to utilizethe features . oi the circuit shown in Fig. 6. For purposes of illustration, let it be assumed that two storage units, each with an associated circuit as in Fig. 6, are employed, as for example in a record controlled machine where for control purposes the data read from one column of a record card is to be given preponderance over data read from another column. Fig. 7 illus trates a selector circuit utilized in the present in vention wherein a selector disc 35 has a pair of brushes 36 and 3'5’ sweeping respectively over con tacts V—l, V~—3 and V—2, V—4. Let it be as sumed also that circuit connections are provided from T--l (Fig. 6) to V‘—l, from T—2 (Fig. 6) to V—2, and similar connections from the second storage unit circuit mentioned above to V——3 and V—4. The brushes 36 and 31 are connected re to the extent where a primary card may be said to be higher, lower, or equal in denomination as compared with a secondary card. In the em bodiment illustrated (see Fig. 8) this distinction will be evinced by the controlling of certain con tacts; namely, RL-Sa and RL-4a (Fig. 8), to complete a circuit to one cf the three terminals LS, LP, or EQ (Fig. 8), these corresponding, re spectively, to the three connections shown lead ing from the contact strips 412 and 413 and the extreme right contact strip 416 of the “Second ary Comparing Unit” of Fig. 17a, U. S. Patent 2,359,670. Referring now to Fig. 8, provision is made for comparing record cards wherein more than a single column 01"; data in each card is com pared at one time, there being two combined units shown, each comprising a storage unit, a regenerative capacitor charging circuit, and a comparing circuit. It is obvious that the capa bilities of the present invention may be expanded by including as many of these combined units as spectively to the grids of two gas triodes C-~4 and G~—5 ‘having their cathodes connected in common through. a resistor R—-9 to the conductor 50 are desired. Each combined unit includes a stor W—-3 and having their anodes connected respec age unit (partially shown in Fig. 8 by dotted lines) tively through the magnets M-—l and M——2 to having a cylinder 15a or iiib provided with con the conductor W—!i. The comparing circuit con densers l8 arranged in pairs, their terminals con nected with contacts V—! and V—2 will have nected with the segments l8. Coacting with one preponderance for control over that connected of these storage units are three sets of brushes, with V—-3 and V—4. Assume, as has been previ the sensing brushes 38, 39, 40; and charging ously explained, that the potential of T—l (Fig. brushes 4|, 42, 43; and the comparing brushes ‘6) has risen so that V——l is at a positive potential 44 and 45. The ?rst two brush sets mentioned with respect to conductor W-3 and that V—2 is are connected with a pair of gas triodes (Ii-25 and neutral while V—-3 is neutral and V—4 is at a 60 G—‘! having as circuit components the resistors positive potential. When the brushes 36 and 37 R.-l0, R-H, ‘it-42, Fir-l3, R-M and Rr—!5, encounter V—~l and V—2 respectively the gas the relay contacts RL——la and ‘BL-2a. and the triode G——4 will become conductive, current will plug hubs U—-l and U——2. rl‘he third set of flow from W—4, through M—l, G—4, and R—-9 brushes is connected with a pair of gas triodes to the conductor W-—3. A voltage drop will 65 G-l0 and G--ll having as circuit components thereby be set up in R-9 to bias the grids of the resistors R-l?, R-l'l, R?-i?, R-IQ, and G—4 and (3-5 so that neither will thereafter R-20. Coacting with the other of the storage vbe capable of being rendered conductive .by posi units are three sets of brushes, the sensing tive potentials derived by the brushes 36 and 31 brushes 46, 41, 48; the charging brushes do. 50, as they sweep over the contacts V-3 and V—-4 70 5|; and the comparing brushes 52 and 53. The respectively. G—4 remains conductive, however, ?rst two sets of these brushes are connected with until its anode circuit is interrupted and the pre a pair of gas triodes G—8 and G—9 having as ponderance sought is accomplished. When ener circuit components the resistors R—2l, lit-22, gized the magnets M-i may be used to control R—23, R—24, R—25 and R—2S, the relay'con theoperation of arec'ord card machine-inane 175 tacts RL—lb and RIP-2b, and theplug hubs U—-.3 2,514,054: 7 and TIL-4. Thethird set of brushes is connected: with a pair of. gas triodes G—iE and G—‘I-{i hav ing as circuit components the resistors R-—2T, R~—28, ‘ft-29, R—30, and R-—3l. The cathodes of Gig-H and G—ld are connected, respectively, to a pair of inserts to and '6’! on a selector disc SD, and the cathodes of (Ii-I3 are G—IYZ are connected, respectively, to a pair of inserts 52 and 53' on the selector disc SD. A pair of contact rings 55 and 51 are provided on the disc SD upon which a pair of sliding contact brushes 58 and 59, respectively, slide. These brushes make con tact with the said inserts as they are revolved together upon their respective rings, the brush 58 operating to connect the inserts to and 62 to the ring 56 and the brush 59 to connect the in serts 6i and 63 to the ring 51. For each com bined unit added, similar to that representing column #1 or column’ #2 of Fig. 8, an additional pair of inserts is'added‘ to the disc SD. The rings‘ 56 and 5'! are connected to a pair of gas triodes 8 relay coil RL—2‘. The timing of PRIé-l and SEC-1 is‘ also shown in the timingv chart ‘of Fig. 9; it is to be noted, however, that these cir cuit breakers operate only when their respective card-feeds operate while the other circuit break ers*(-CB--'l to 03-5) are operating continuously. The storage unit, previously discussed, is shown partially (see dotted lines of Fig. 8), a partial development of the cylinder [5 being shown, together with some of the condensers I8 and their contact segments IS]v in each of the combined units (shown as I50, for column #1 and as‘ 15b for column #2). Each cylinder I5 is arranged to revolve so that a group of segments [9 arrives under the brush station formed by the brushes 4|, 42, 43 (or the brushes 49, 55, 5|) dur-v ing each time the contacts of circuit breaker CBa-Z are made. It is to be noted therefore that a record card is fed during the ?rst 180 degrees of the operation cycle, that each storage unit cylinder makes two complete revolutions each operation cycle, and G—-l4. and G—IE, respectively, which have cir that the selector brushes make one complete cuit components comprising resistors R—-32, revolution during the second half of each oper R—'33, R-Sd, R-35, and R-35, the biasing bat teriesEC‘—-2 and EC-3, and the relay coils RL-3 25 ation cycle. In order to more clearly understand the utility and RIP-4'. A pair of conventional contact rolls of the invention as embodied in the circuit of CRP and CBS similar to PCB! and SCR of Fig. Fig. 8, let it be assumed that plug wires are 35, U. S. Patent 2,359,670 are provided having re connected: spectively the‘ common brushes 5d and '55 which are connected to the positive line W—4 of a di 30 (a) From hub U--l to hub P--B‘ rect‘ current source through a circuit breaker (b) From hub U-2 to ‘hub S—6 (EB-4'. Another circuit breaker CB-Z connects (0) From hub U-3 to hub P—~'| the anodes of the gas triodes G—5, G—‘l, G—B, (d) From hub U-—4 to hub 8-‘! and G—-‘9 with line W—6l, and a circuit breaker Also let it be assumed that record cards are fed CB—->3 connects the-anodes of gas triodes G—H‘J, to the contact rollsCRP and CBS, the cards each G—lll, G--l2 and 6-43 with the positive line containing perforations representing data in two W'—4. Gas triodes G—ld and G—l‘5 have their of the card columns, respectively sensed by the anodes supplied from the positive line W-—'ll via brushes 64 connected to hubs P6 and P1 and by a circuit breaker (IE-41. Negative bias is supplied the brushes 65 connected to hubs S6 and S1. to the grids of the gas triodes G—S, G—‘I, G—8, The cards are fed with their highest numerical G—Q, G—‘it, G---! l, G—iZ, and G—l3 by a bat designation leading. Let it be further assumed teryEC-l having its positive terminal connected that perforations sensed by the brushes con to the negative line W—3 of the direct current nected to P6 and ‘S6 represent the tens order and source, and. the grid of triode G—ld is biased by those sensed by the brushes connected to Pi and a battery EC-Z-l and the grid of G—ll5 by abat S‘! the units order, i. 'e. corresponding respec tery EC—2, these batteries being connected re tively to column #1 and column #2 (Fig. 8). spectively through the resistors R-t’é and R—35 Assume the card fed to CRP is perforated to to the negative line W'--3. represent a numerical value of 21, i. e. perforated A circuit breaker CB—-5 is also connected with line W—-4 to the relay contacts RL-—3a and 50 at the “2” index position in the tens column and at the “7” index position in the units column, RIP-4a to supply the terminals LP, LS, and EQ. and the: card fed to CBS is perforated to repre A timing‘ chart for the various circuit breakers sent a- numerical value of 22 in a similar manner. is shown in Fig. 9. It is to be noted that the The record cards being fed with perforations brushes 58 and 59 make one complete revolution of the selector disc SD at the end of each cycle, 55 representing the highest values leading, the ?rst designation sensed is at the “'7” index position of and‘with respect to Fig. 9, this must occur when the card being fed over contact roll CRP, which thecircuit breaker 'CB-Ji is closed. places a positive charge on the grid of G—8 via Associated‘ with the contact roll CRP are a line W—4, CB-—l, brush 54, contact roll CRP, group of sensing brushes 64 each connected to a brush 64 leading to plughub Pl, plug wire to plug plub hub P6, P1, P8, or P9, and with contact roll hubU-3, resistor R—25, contact R.L——lbl (trans CBS 2. group of brushes 85 each connected to ferred since RL-i-l is energized due to PRI-l a hub S6, S1, S8, or S9. Perforated record cards contacts being made whenever the card feed to are fed between the brushes 54 and contact roll CRP operates). G—B therefore becomes con CRP and between the brushes‘65 and contactroll CRS by card feed means (not shown) similar to 65 ductive, and a circuit is completed from W—-4, via CB—2, anode of G—8, cathode of G—8, that shown in Fig. 3b of U. S. Patent 2,359,670. 'R-—2'3, line W—3a, to line W—-3, and a voltage Cards are fed in synchronism to each of the drop is produced in resistor R-23. As the contact rolls so that corresponding card index cylinder l5b pertaining to the storage unit asso positions arrive under the brushes $4 and 65 in ciated with G—8 isrevolving a condenser [8 will time relation with the making of the CB-l con be chargedwhen its segments [9 pass under the tacts. vA circuit breaker PRI-—l operates with brushes 49 and :55 due to the voltage drop in the card feed feeding a card to the contact roll R-23. The companion condenser 18 having its CRP toenergize a relay coil RL-l, and a circuit segments ISY'under the brushes 56 and M will not breaker SEC-l operates with the card feed feed-l be charged at this time since there is no voltage ingacard to the contact roll CRS to energize a 9 2,514,054 drop in the resistor, R-M, G-9 not being conductive. The card fed to CRP is fed simultaneously with the card fed to CBS, so that when the cards advance to have their “2” index positions under the brushes 64 and 55 respectively, positive pulses are supplied to the grids of G—-6, G-l and G--9 in a manner similar to that already described. With respect to G--9, when a positive pulse is 10 EC-3 is su?icient to prevent the triode G-M from becoming conductive. When brush 59 encounters the insert 63, however, a positive potential equivalent to the sum of the voltage drops across R—2'! and R-29 is applied to the grid of G—|5 suf?cient to overcome the negative bias of the battery EC-‘Z and render (3-! 5 con ductive. The relay RL-3 is thereby energized via a circuit line W--4, CB—-4, anode of G_!5, supplied, G——9 becomes conductive and a circuit 10 cathode of (‘i-I5, relay ELL-3, resistor R,—34, is established from W—-4, via CB—2, anode of to line W-3. The relay contacts R.L—-3a are G-Q, cathode of G--—9, resistor Rr—'24, W—3a, thereby transferred so that when the circuit to W-S, and a voltage drop is produced in re breaker (DB-5 closes its contacts a voltage pulse sistor lit-24. Hence a condenser l8 of cylinder will be transmitted from the line W——3 to the l5b whose segments is fall under the brushes 50 15 plug hub LS which is plugged to control the feed— and 5| will be charged by the voltage drop in ing of cards from the contact roll CRS ahead of resistor R-24 at this time. cards from contact roll CRP similar to a machine Since the cylinder l5b is revolving, it is obvious such as that described in U. S. Patent 2,359,670. that the condenser 18 charged by resistor R.—23 In other words, control is provided in accordance and its uncharged companion condenser will ad 20 with the order or sequence of the record cards vance so that their segments 19 pass under the that are sensed and compared. With the ar brushes 52 and 53 before the segments is asso rangement shown in Fig. 8 if a higher order ciated with the condenser l8 charged by Elf-215. card were sensed at CBS than at CR1”, a similar Consequently, due to the discharge of the con“ operation would be effected to operate the relay denser l8 through the circuit brush 52, resistor 25 RL-4 and its contacts RL—4a (transferred) to R-3l, resistor R-38, brush 53, a voltage drop deliver a pulse via the plug hub LP. When the will be produced in resistor R—3| to swing the cards sensed at CRP and CBS are the same order, grid of G-iZ positive causing G--l2 to conduct. or when cards are not sensed at both CRP and A current will thereby ?ow from W~_4, via CBS, no pulse is received by either G-l4 or CB—-~3, line W—1, anode of G-l2, cathode of G—l5 so that a pulse is delivered via the circuit G—-l2, resistor R-Z‘I, resistor R,—29, to line breaker CB—5 and the normally closed contacts W-—3. The voltage drop in the resistor R——29, ELF-3a and RL—4a to the plug hub EQ. It is to thereby produced, will bias the grids of Cit-l2 be further noted that when either G—l!i or and G-l3 su?iciently to prevent a charge of (3-45 is conductive, the voltage drop in resistor another charged condenser [8 from rendering 35 R-—3/t is added to the negative bias of the bat either (3-! 2 or G-l3 conductive. Unlike CB-i, tery EC-Z or EC—3 to prevent the other gas which is timed to break its contacts between each triode from responding to a pulse which might be passage of a group of segments I 9 under the derived from the brushes 58 or 59 contacting brushes 49, 5B, 5!, the circuit breaker CB-S re inserts 67 or 68, respectively, the latter being at tains its contacts closed continuously for 2'70 positive potentials resulting from the sensing of degrees of the operation cycle (see Fig. 9). (3-—!2 data in columns of the record cards representa therefore remains conductive, but G-I3 remains tive of lower digital signi?cance when control has non-conductive and is unaffected by the passing already been established by a higher digital under the brushes 52 and 53 of the segments I9 signi?cance.‘ associated with the condenser l8 charged by When cards are fed to and sensed at CRP and resistor R-24. are not fed to and sensed at CR8, or vice versa, With respect to G--6 and G-l, each receives the designation of the last card so fed and sensed a positive pulse upon its grid simultaneously, each will prevail in the storage unit involved until thereby being rendered conductive at the same further cards are fed and sensed. For example, time, and both condensers l8 of a pair consem 50 let it be assumed that a card having a numerical quently being charged simultaneously when their designation "35” is fed to CR8 and thereafter no segments it pass under the brushes M, 43. cards are fed to CBS although cards continuously Therefore when the cylinder l5a revolves and are fed each cycle to CRP. When the card is the condensers l8 have their segments iii pass sensed by CBS the tube G-—-'l will become con under the brushes M and 45, no potential differ 55 ductive as the “3” index position is sensed and ence is provided across resistors R-—l€l and BN2!) so that neither G-I!) nor G-ll becomes con ductive. Since neither G—l0 nor G-ll con» the tube C~—.9 as the “5” index position is sensed. Consequently a condenser [8 in the cylinder [5a of the associated storage unit will be charged as ductive there will be zero voltage drop across the cylinder rotates to bring segments 59 under the respective resistors R-IS, R-l'i, and ilk-2%, 60 the brushes 42 and as via the voltage drop in resistor R—l3 (in a manner similar to that pre 6-! and the l with potentials respect of to the line cathodes W—3 willofbeGull} Zero. 0n viously described). ‘Since the charged condenser the other hand the potential of the cathode of l8 advances as the cylinder l5a revolves, the G—-! 2 with respect to W—3 will be the sum of the charge on the condenser will be sensed by the voltage drops in resistors R-Z'! and Rr—2? while 65 comparing brushes 44 and 45 to actuate the tube the cathode potential of G-JB will be equal to G-ll so that comparing is made with pulses the voltage drop of resistor lite-29. supplied to G—lil, as previously described. While When the brushes 58 and 59 sweep over the cards continue to be fed the circuit breakers selector disc SD during the second half of each FRI-4 and SEC—-l operate as shown in the tim operation iii no change cycleof encountering potential occurs the at inserts the grids i313 of 70 ing chart (Fig. 9). When no card is fed over CBS, however, its feed clutch is not engaged at G——l4 or (Bi-l5. When the brush 58 contacts 234 degrees (see Fig. 9); consequently, the con the insert 62 a positive potential equivalent to tacts of SEC-l remain open. Therefore the re the voltage drop of resistor R,—29 is applied to lay RL-2 remains de-energized and the contacts the grid of G—I4; however, the bias battery RL-—2a and RL-Zb do not transfer. ‘2,514,054 11 12 sions and substitutions and changes in the form and details of the device illustrated and in its operation may be made by those skilled in the It is to be noted here that ‘when a charged con denser i8 is sensed byithe'bru'shes 44 and 45 (or by the brushes 52 and 53), in order to provide potentials for energizing G-—i0 and (3-4! (or G--I2 and G—l3) to conduct, a portion of the art, without departing from the spirit of the in vention. It is the intention, therefore, to be lim— ited only as indicated by the scope of the follow ing claims. charge is drained off via the current in the re sistors R-l9 and R—20 v(or R——'30 and R-3i). Also when one condenser .of a pair of condensers What is claimed is: I8 is uncharged and the other charged, as their 7 , 1. In a record controlled machine wherein rec segments 19 contact the brushes 44 and 65, a current through resistors R-I9 and Pia-2% will flow from the charged condenser i8 tending to charge the uncharged condenser of the pair (sim I ord cards are fed having data, representations at index point positions, means for sensing succes sively the said positions, a series of capacitors including one capacitor for each "said position, a normally eifective capacitor discharging means ilarly regarding brushes 52 and 53 relative to re- , lected to have a value of 100,000 ohms or more, and the brushes 44 and. 45 (or 52 and 53) con capable of dissipating an inherent charge on any of said capacitors, a normally 'ineiiective' ca pacitor charging means capable of charging a said capacitor to a, predetermined value, means tact the segments [9 for a relatively short in» terval, the drain from the charged condenser l8 will be negligible and the extent to which the uncharged condenser of a pair of condensers I8 is charged will be very slight. Consequently the extent to which a charged. condenser i8 is dis~ charged in this manner is immaterial. erative relation with the said discharging means and with the said charging means concurrently with the sensing of the respective positions of record card, and means controlled. by the sensing means for rendering the said charging means ef fective and simultaneously rendering the said .sistors R—3[! and 'R-—3l')'. Since the resistors ‘RP-l9 and R-Zil (or _R—-.30 and R—-3i) are se~ for moving said capacitors successively into op~ discharging means ineffective when a data repre" Therefore after a charged condenser 43 passes its segments i9 under the brushes t4 and 45, its charge is substantially una?ected, and if the contacts RL—2a remain in their normal posin sentation is sensed. ductive. Consequently the condenser I8 which rendersG—'l conductive will in turn be recharged by the voltage drop of .R-l? produced by Ga-l when the condenser segments i9 pass under the brushes 42 and 4.3. In thismanner the condenser itors successively, across said impedance concur rently with the sensing of the respective positions 2. In a record controlled-machine wherein rec ord cards are fed having data representations at index point positions, means for sensing succes tion (which is the case when the circuit breaker I); sively the said positions, a series of capacitors .SEC—I is open) .a-charge will be sensed by the including one capacitor for each said position, brushes 39 and 40 as the cylinder lea continues an impedance, means for connecting said capac revolving su?icient to render the tube G—‘l con~ of a record card normally whereby a residual charge upon a capacitor leaks off, and means controlled by the sensing means for developing apctential across said impedance when a data 5 representation is sensed effective to charge the capacitor then connected across the said imped will be recharged every cycle until a new card is red to CBS when the contacts RIr—2a transfer. .A similar action follows witha condenser it in ance. the cylinder |5b with respect to the contacts RL—2b and the brushes M, 48, 50, .and 5!- and 3. In a record controlled machine for storing representations of record card data, means for the gas triode .G--9. When no cards are fed to successively sensing the index point positions of CRPsimilar action takes place. a record card, an electronic device rendered con ~ . When cards are fed continuously to ‘OR? or ductive responsive to the sensing of a data repre sentation at one of the said positions, a plurality of capacitors one corresponding to each said po sition, circuit connections to the said device for deriving a potential therefrom when said device ‘CBS any charge remaining on any condenser is? is removed by leaking o? over one of the resistors -R—-l2, Rr—-\l3, R—23, or R--24 (since the contacts ferred) unless a designation is sensed at CR? or CRS which would produce an. identical charge with that already on the condenser. Since the values of some of the electrical>corn~ , , noted, ponentsalist areofsomewhat‘ values which critical, may beused as heretofore is here— inafter tabulated: G--| to G~—l5:‘Type 884 (RCA) gas triode Condenser l8: .1 mfd. EC--l : 25 volts D. C‘. EC—-2, EC—3: 80 volts ‘D. C. ‘Line W--3 to line W-ll: ‘115 volts D. vC. is conductive, distributing means coacting with the said connections for selectively charging a said capacitor, means for reading successively each of the said capacitors to detect a charge, and means for disconnecting the said electronic device from the said sensing means and for con necting the said detecting means thereto whereby a charged capacitor renders the said device con ductive to recharge the said capacitor. .4. In a record controlled machine wherein rec ord cards are fed having data representations at index point positions, means for sensing succes sively the said positions, a series of capacitors including one capacitor for each said position, a normally ine?ective capacitor charging means capable of charging a said capacitor to a prede mrmined value, means for moving the said ca pacitors successively into operative relation with 70 the said charging means concurrently with the ' ohms While there have been shown and described and pointed out the fundamental novel features of the invention as applied to a preferred em sensing of the respective positions of a record card, means controlled by the sensing means for rendering the said charging means eiiective when a data representation is sensed, means for detect bodiment it will be understood that various omis 75 ing a charge upon a said capacitor, means for 13 £514,054 14 transferring control of the said charging means from the said sensing means to the said detecting series of capacitors, means to bring the capaci; tors of both series pertaining to each said value into operative relation with their related charg ing means coincident with the sensing of said data representing means for the respective data values, means controlled by the said sensing means for rendering the charging means effective when a charge upon a said capacitor is detected, and delay means for continuing the said charging means effective for a predetermined time. 5. In a comparing device for control records means upon the detection of a value in either of having data representations at index point posi the said data representing means for rendering tions, a plurality of pairs of capacitors, one pair the related charging means effective, means for corresponding to each said position, means for 10 comparing the respective charges on- pairs of sensing concurrently like positions in two of said corresponding capacitors in the two series per records, said means being arranged to sense the taining to each said value, and a pair of normal; different positions in each record sequentially, 1y inoperative control devices selectively operable means under control of the said sensing means by the said comparing means according to the dis‘ for charging a related capacitor each time a data 15 parity of the compared charges. representation is sensed, means for detecting 8. A device for comparing the respective charges upon the pairs of capacitors sequentially charges upon a pair of series connected capacitors each cycle, a pair of control devices, and means comprising a pair of gaseous discharge devices controlled by the said detecting means upon de having their cathodes connected in common and tecting the ?rst charged capacitor of a pair in 20 a terminal connection to a control element of a cycle, for selectively operating one of the said each adapted to be detachably connected to one control devices. of the free terminals of the said capacitor pair, 6. In a comparing device for control records a load circuit for each said device connected be having data representations at index point posi tween its anode and the common cathode con tions, a plurality of pairs of condensers, one pair 25 nection, and an impedance connected between corresponding to each said position, means to the said control elements having a center tap sense corresponding index point positions of two connected to the said common cathode connec records simultaneously, the said means being tion, whereby a disparity in the charges upon adapted to sense the different positions in each the capacitors being compared produces a po» record in sequence, means under control of the tential in the said impedance to cause load cur said sensing means for charging a related con denser each time a data representation is sensed, rent to flow in one of the said devices and to pre vent load current from ?owing in the other. FRED C. HALLDEN. cylindrically operative means for detecting charges upon the pairs of condensers successively each cycle, a pair of control devices, and means controlled by the said detecting means for op erating one or the other of the said control de vices according to the disparity of charge de tected between a pair of condensers. 7. In a comparing device for comparing two data representing means, means for sensing con currently the two said data representing means, said sensing means sensing both data represent REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the ?le of this patent: UNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date 2,220,489 2,349,437 2,416,625 ing means sequentially over a predetermined number of different data values, two series of capacitors, each series including one capacitor for each of the said values, two normally inef fective capacitor charging means, one for each Lowkrantz ________ __ Nov. 5, 1940 Keeler ___________ __ May 23, 1944 Hooper ___________ __ Feb. 25, 1947 OTHER REFERENCES 45 Dual-Triode Trigger Circuits, Phelps, Electron ics, page 110, Fig. 1, July 1945. Certi?cate of Correction Patent No. 2,514,054 July 4, 1950 FRED O. HALLDEN It is hereby certi?ed that error appears in the printed Specification of the above numbered patent requiring correction as follows: Column 13, line 33, for the Word “cylindrically” read cyclically; and that the said Letters Patent should be read as corrected above, so that the same may conform to the record of the case in the Patent Of?ce. Signed and sealed this 10th day of October, A. D, 1950. [SEAL] THOMAS F. MURPHY, Assistant Commissioner of Patents. Certi?cate of Correction Patent No. 2,514,054 July 4, 1950 FRED O. HALLDEN It is hereby certi?ed that error appears in the printed speci?cation of the above numbered patent requiring correction as follows: Column 13, line 33, for the Word “cylindrically” read cyclically; and that the said Letters Patent should be read as corrected above, so that the same may conform to the record of the case in the Patent O?ice. Signed and sealed this 10th day of October, A. D, 1950, THOMAS F. MURPHY, Assistant Commissioner‘ of Patents,