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Download Insight TherapiesPsychoanalysis – designed to Free association
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Insight TherapiesPsychoanalysis – designed to ______________________________________________ Free association – patient talks_________________________________________________ Transference – clients feelings about authority figures,______________________________________________ Insight – Awareness of previously ______________________________________________________ Client-Centered Therapy – developed by __________________________ Goal is to help clients become _____________________ Therapist expresses _________________________________ Therapy is _____________________________ Therapist reflects clients’ __________________________ Gestalt Therapy Outgrowth of the work of ______________________ Emphasizes the _________________________ Attempts to reawaken people to their ____________________________________ in the here-and-now Encourages confrontation with issues Therapist is __________________________________ Recent Developments Short-term psychodynamic _____________________________ Focused on trying to help people correct ____________________________________ in their lives Virtual therapy -Therapy delivered online Behavior Therapies Based on the belief that all behavior is _______________________________ Objective of therapy is to teach ____________________________________________________________ Using Classical Conditioning Techniques Systematic ________________________________ o Gradually associating relaxation with what was _______________________ ________________________ o Ending of old __________________________________________ Flooding o Full-intensity ___________________________________ Aversive conditioning o Eliminate undesirable behavior by _________________________________________ Operant Conditioning Behavior contracting o Client and therapist set behavioral goals and agree on reinforcements the person will receive Token economy o Clients earn tokens for desired behaviors and exchange them for desired items or privileges o Often used in schools and hospitals Modeling Person learns new behaviors by watching others perform those behaviors Sometimes used in conjunction with operant conditioning Cognitive Therapies Stress-Inoculation Therapy Type of cognitive therapy that trains people to cope with stressful situations by learning a more useful patterns of selftalk Taught to suppress negative and anxiety-provoking thoughts in times of stress Particularly effective for treating anxiety disorders Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) A directive therapy based on the idea that psychological distress is caused by irrational and self-defeating beliefs Core problem is belief in “musts” and “shoulds” that leave no room for making mistakes Therapist’s job is to challenge client’s irrational beliefs Beck’s Cognitive Therapy Aimed at identifying and changing inappropriately negative and self-critical patterns of thought Good treatment for depression Group Therapies Family Therapy Form of group therapy that sees the family as at least partly responsible for the individual’s problems Seeks to change all family members’ behavior to the benefit of the family and the individual Couple Therapy A form of group therapy intended to help troubled partners improve their communication and interaction Empathy training Partners taught to share feelings and listen to and understand partner’s feelings Self-Help Groups Small, local gatherings of people who share common problems and provide mutual assistance at very low cost Alcoholics Anonymous is an example Effectiveness of Psychotherapy Does Psychotherapy Work? Psychotherapy helps about 2/3rd of people treated Approximately 1/3 would improve without therapy Which Type of Therapy is Best for Which Disorder? No one type of therapy is better Key is to match the problem with the appropriate therapy Biological Treatments Drug Therapies Major reasons for widespread use of drugs Drugs are effective at treating disorders Drug therapies are often less expensive that psychotherapy Antipsychotic Drugs Used for schizophrenia or psychosis All antipsychotics block dopamine receptors in the brain Phenothiazines (Thorazine) Antidepressant Drugs Tricyclics and MAO inhibitors Most common antidepressants prior to late 1980s Work by increasing amount of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine Effective, but have serious side effects Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Work by blocking the reuptake of serotonin Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor Action of SSRIs Lithium A naturally occurring salt that is used to treat bipolar disorder (manic depression) Nobody knows how lithium works to alleviate symptoms Problem with people stopping medication when symptoms ease Other Medications Psychostimulants Use to treat disorders such as AD/HD Concern that psychostimulants are being overused Antianxiety medications Use to treat anxiety disorders Produce a feeling of calm and mild euphoria Valium is a common antianxiety medication Electroconvulsive Therapy Commonly known as “shock therapy” Used as a treatment for severe depression Causes brief convulsions and temporary loss of consciousness Memory loss is a side-effect Newer techniques minimize effects on memory Psychosurgery Brain surgery performed to change a person’s behavior or emotional state A prefrontal lobotomy is an example Psychosurgery is rarely used today Institutionalization and Its Alternatives Deinstitutionalization Releasing people with severe psychological disorders into the community Can cause problems Some people are ill-prepared to deal with life outside of a hospital Up to 40% of homeless are mentally ill Alternative forms of treatment (many) Half-way houses Family-crisis interventions Day-care Prevention Primary prevention Improve the social environment so that new cases of mental disorders do not develop Family planning Genetic counseling Secondary prevention Interventions with high risk groups (e.g., suicide hot-line) Tertiary prevention Help people adjust after they are released from the hospital in order to help prevent a relapse Gender Differences in Treatment More women admit problems and go to therapy Women are more likely to take medication Psychotherapy is seen as more acceptable for women Recent increases in number of males seeking psychotherapy Cultural Difference in Treatment Eye contact and body language varies across cultures and may be misinterpreted as symptomatic of a disorder Another challenge is treating post-traumatic stress disorder in refugees There may be disorders in other cultures that do not appear in U.S.