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Energy is _________________
• Energy moves cars along the
road and boats over the
• Energy bakes a cake in the
oven and keep ice frozen in
the freezer.
• Energy plays our favorite
songs and lights our homes.
• Energy makes our bodies
grow and allows our minds to
What is Energy?
• Scientists define
energy as _______
In other words,
energy produces
change in
something; it can do
things for us.
Where Does it Come From?
• Some energy sources need to
be taken out of the earth- this is
called ____________________.
– Ex: _____________________
• Some energy sources need to
be captured- this is called
– Ex: We can harness the
motion of ________________
___________ and convert
this energy into electricity.
We can also harness the
__________ energy as heat.
Forms of Energy
• There are many forms of energy, such as
light, heat, sound, and motion. However,
all forms of energy can be put into two
1.) __________
2.) __________
Potential Energy
• Potential energy is ____________ energy.
• There are 4 main types of potential
– Chemical
– Elastic
– Nuclear
– Gravitational
Chemical Potential Energy
• This is energy
stored in the
_________ of atoms
and molecules.
• Biomass, petroleum,
natural gas,
propane, and the
foods we eat are
examples of stored
chemical energy.
Elastic Potential Energy
• This is energy stored
in objects by applying
a force.
• Ex: When you
squeeze or compress
___________ energy
is being stored.
• Ex: When you
___________ rubber
bands energy is being
Nuclear Potential Energy
• Energy stored in the nucleus of
an atom; it is the energy that
holds the nucleus together.
• This energy can be released
when the nuclei are combinedthis is called ____________.
• This energy can be released
when the nucleus is split apartthis is called _____________.
• The sun combines hydrogen
atoms to become helium- this
produces nuclear energy through
Gravitational Potential Energy
• This is the energy of
_____________ or place.
• Ex: A rock resting at the top
of a hill contains gravitational
potential energy because of
its position.
• Hydropower, such as water
in a reservoir behind a dam,
has gravitational potential
Kinetic Energy
• Kinetic energy is ______________; it is
the motion of waves, electrons, atoms,
molecules, substances, and objects.
• There are 5 main types of kinetic energy:
– Electrical
– Radiant
– Thermal
– Motion
– Sound
Electrical Kinetic Energy
• Electrical energy is the
movement of __________.
• Everything is made of tiny
particles called atoms.
• Atoms are made of even
smaller particles called
electrons, protons, and
• Electrons moving through a
wire are called electricity.
• ____________ is also
electrical energy.
Thermal Kinetic Energy
• This is also called __________.
• Thermal energy is the vibration and
movement of atoms within a
• When atoms move, they bump into
each other and create
____________, which produces heat.
• The bigger and hotter an object is, the
__________ thermal energy it has.
Radiant Kinetic Energy
• This is electromagnetic
energy that travels in
waves from the _______.
• Radiant energy includes
visible light, x-rays,
gamma rays, radio waves
and more.
• All _______ we see then
is considered kinetic
Motion Kinetic Energy
• This is the movement of
objects and substances
from one place to
• Objects move when an
unbalanced _________
is applied to them.
• ________ is an example
of motion energy.
Sound Kinetic Energy
• This is the movement of energy through
substances in waves.
• Sound is produced when a force causes an
object to ________________.