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Name: ______________________________ Date: __________ Block: __________
Ancient World History
Chapter 6
Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity
Section 1
a. The Roman World Takes Shape
A. Geography and Peoples of Italy
a. ___________________________________________
b. Geography
i. Rome is located right in the center of the Italian
1. __________________________________
ii. Unlike Greece, the Italian peninsula is better
built to support a larger population
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
c. Peoples
i. The Latins settled along the Tiber River about
800 B.C.
1. Greek Colonist as well
ii. Etruscans ruled much of the Italian peninsula for
some time
1. __________________________________
B. The Roman Republic
a. Romans drove out their Etruscan ruler in 509 B.C.
i. _______________________________________
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ii. Republic
1. __________________________________
2. Keep any individual from gaining to much
b. The Government takes shape
i. _______________________________________
ii. All the members of the Senate were patricians
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
iii. Every year senators elected two consuls
1. __________________________________
a. Serve only one term
2. __________________________________
iv. In event of war, senate sometimes chose a
1. __________________________________
2. Given power to rule for ______________
c. Plebeians Demand Equality
i. Initially the government was completely run by
ii. _______________________________________
1. __________________________
2. in 450 B.C. plebeians had the laws written
down on tablets
a. called “The Laws of the Twelve
b. ______________________________
iii. Eventually Plebeians could elect tribunes to veto
laws that were harmful to plebeians
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1. __________________________________
d. Lasting Legacy
i. Romans gained political power without resorting
to war or revolution
C. Roman Society
a. It was a patriarchal society
i. ______________________________________
b. Changing Role of Women
i. _______________________________________
ii. All classes of women ran a variety of businesses
1. most worked at home though
iii. _______________________________________
c. Education
i. _______________________________________
1. Including the poor classes
ii. Many wealthy Romans hired private tutors from
1. rhetoric an important subject for future
d. Religion
i. ______________________________
1. Roman’s supreme God was Jupiter
a. Similar to Greek Zeus
2. Roman God of Sea was Neptune
a. Greek was Poseidon
3. Roman God of War was Mars
ii. _______________________________________
1. Had temples throughout cities to celebrate
and worship their gods
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D. Expansion of Italy
a. Citizen-Soldier
i. By 270 B.C., Rome controlled most of the
Italian peninsula
1. __________________________________
ii. Army broken up into Legions
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. Valued loyalty, courage and respect for
iii. Commanders mixed rewards with harsh
b. Conquered Lands
i. _______________________________________
1. Some conquered people were given
citizenship in the Roman society
c. Protection and Unification
i. Posted soldiers and built roads to easily connect
distant territories in the Empire
ii. _______________________________________
Section 2
d. From Republic to Empire
E. Winning an Empire
a. ___________________________________________
i. As Rome expanded, they became more in
conflict with the city-state of Carthage
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b. Wars with Carthage
i. Rome fought three wars against Carthage
between 264 B.C. -146 B.C.
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
ii. First Punic War
1. Rome won and captured Sicily, Corsica
and Sardinia
iii. Second Punic War
1. Hannibal surprised Rome by marching
through France to Italy
a. ______________________________
b. Fought for 15 years, engulfing much
of Italy, except Rome
c. ______________________________
iv. Third Punic Wars
1. Rome demolished the Carthage lands
2. __________________________________
c. Other Conquests
i. Rome was committed to imperialism
1. __________________________________
2. While still fighting the Punic Wars, Rome
began expanding towards the east
a. ______________________________
b. Those areas became provinces
i. _________________________
3. Eventually Rome controlled all the lands
surrounding the Mediterranean Sea
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d. Social and Economic Effects
i. _______________________________________
1. New classes of wealth emerged and bought
a. ______________________________
2. __________________________________
ii. A continued gap between rich and poor led to
angry mobs
1. __________________________________
e. Attempts at Reform
i. Sought to help struggling farmers, however, the
reformers were murdered
F. Decline of the Republic
a. Civil wars began in Rome over who should control the
political power
b. ___________________________________________
c. Julius Caesar’s Rise to Power
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
1. Julius refused and crossed the Rubicon
River in northern Italy
iii. _______________________________________
1. Then crushed any remaining rebellions
throughout the Roman empire
a. “Veni, Vidi, Vici” – “I came, I saw, I
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d. Caesar’s Reforms
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. __________________, based on the Egyptian
knowledge, mostly what we use today
e. Assassination and Civil Wars
i. _______________________________________
1. Beware the Ides of March, March 15
ii. Led to new round of civil wars
1. Main struggle between Octavian and Mark
Antony (who had allied with Cleopatra of
2. __________________________________
G. Roman Empire and Roman Peace
a. ___________________________________________
i. Exalted One
ii. He ruled from 31 B.C. to 14 A.D.
b. A Stable Government
i. He left the Senate be, but created a civil service
to enforce the laws
1. __________________________________
a. ______________________________
ii. To fix the tax system, he enacted a census
1. __________________________________
iii. _______________________________________
c. Bad Emperors and Good Emperors
i. _______________________________________
1. Caligula and Nero were possibly evil and
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ii. Good emperors from 96 A.D.-180 A.D.
1. __________________________________
2. _____________ probably the most famous
a. ______________________________
3. “Hour by hour resolve firmly… to do what
comes to hand with correct and natural
dignity” Aurelius
d. The Pax Romana
i. _______________________________________
1. Empire stretched from the Euphrates River
to present-day Britain
ii. _______________________________________
e. Bread and Circuses
i. _______________________________________
1. Circus Maximus – Rome’s largest
2. Gladiators were greatly popular
ii. _______________________________________
1. __________________________________
Section 3
f. Roman Achievement
H. Greco-Roman Civilization
a. Rome absorbed ideas from the Greek culture
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i. Leading to the development of the Greco-Roman
ii. _______________________________________
I. Literature, Philosophy, and History
a. Poetry
i. Aeneid, Virgil tried to show that Rome’s past
was as heroic as that of Greece
1. __________________________________
ii. Others used poems to satirize Roman society
1. _____________________________
2. Generally make fun of human folly
b. History
i. _______________________________________
1. Tacitus, wrote negatively about Rome
c. Philosophy
i. Hellenistic and Stoic philosophy greatly
influenced Rome and it’s leaders (Marcus
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
J. Art and Architecture
a. Art
i. _______________________________________
1. Very much idealistic as well
ii. Romans made their homes into works of art
1. Used mosaics
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a. ______________________________
b. Architecture
i. _______________________________________
ii. Used concrete, rounded domes to roof large
1. Example: Pantheon
K. Technology and Science
a. ______________________________________
i. Application of science and mathematics to
develop useful structures and machines
b. They built roads, bridges, harbors and aqueducts
i. _______________________________________
1. Used to give the wealthy water in the cities
ii. Many of these different structures were still used
long after the fall of the Roman Empire
c. ___________________________________________
i. Ptolemy proposed ________________________
ii. Galen codified a _________________________
iii. Pliny the Elder, compiled volumes on assorted
L. Roman Law
a. Possibly greatest achievement was the rule of law,
b. Two Systems
i. Under the Republic they had codified civil law
1. __________________________________
ii. Then they developed the law of nations
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1. dealing with those under Roman influence,
who were not citizens
c. Common Principles
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. _______________________________________
Section 4
d. The Rise of Christianity
M. Religious Diversity in the Early Empire
a. ___________________________________________
b. Mystery Religions
i. Emphasized secret rituals and promised special
c. Religious Toleration
i. Rome was tolerant as long as citizens recognized
Roman Gods and Caesar’s divine spirit
1. __________________________________
d. Divisions in Judea
i. By 63 B.C., Judea was under Roman control
1. __________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
1. __________________________________
2. believed that a messiah would soon appear
to lead the people as a King
a. ______________________________
e. Jewish Revolt
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i. A.D. 66 Jews rebelled and Romans destroyed
the Jewish Temple
1. Forced many Jews to leave Judea
N. Jesus and His Message
a. ___________________________________________
b. Life of Jesus
i. Born in Bethlehem about 4 B.C.
1. Grew up in Nazareth, and likely was a
ii. At the age of 30, he began preaching and chose
12 apostles
1. __________________________________
iii. Grew greatly in popularity due to word of
miracles and parables
c. The Message
i. Defended Jewish law, however He preached new
ideas as well
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
d. Death on the Cross
i. _______________________________________
1. Tried and condemned to be crucified
ii. Disciples were initially confused, however The
Gospels proclaimed that Jesus rose again,
Chapter 6 Notes: Page 12
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O. Spread of Christianity
a. After Jesus’ death, Disciples spread Jesus’ message
and helped establish Christian communities
i. _______________________________________
b. Work of Paul
i. Never actually saw Jesus and actually initially
persecuted Christians
1. __________________________________
2. He wrote letters to churches explaining
important Christian ideals
a. Now a part of the New Testament
3. __________________________________
c. Persecution
i. Since Christians were unwilling to bow to
Roman Gods, they were constantly persecuted
and many became martyrs
1. __________________________________
ii. Nero most famous Caesar who persecuted
1. __________________________________
d. Reasons for Christianity’s Appeal
i. People found comfort in the message of Jesus
ii. _______________________________________
e. Triumph
i. Emperor Constantine ended the persecution of
Christians in A.D. 313 with the _____________
P. The Early Christian Church
a. Patterns of Life and Worship
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i. Believers joined Christianity by going through
the baptizing of their sins, receiving forgiveness
by the grace of God
ii. _______________________________________
Role of Women
i. Often led the way to Christianity
Structure of the Church
i. Each community had a priest
1. __________________________________
a. a church official who was responsible
for all Christians in an area called a
2. Eventually bishops gained more power,
and became a patriarch
a. ______________________________
Divisions in the Church
i. Major divisive force was rivalry among
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
ii. Differences over what was heresies
1. __________________________________
iii. To deal with disagreements, the church set up
councils of Church leaders to decide official
Christian teachings
Theology and Scholarship
i. _______________________________________
1. Origen and Clement greatly influenced
Chapter 6 Notes: Page 14
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ii. Most influential scholar was Augustine, Bishop
of Hippo in North Africa
Q. Looking Ahead
a. ___________________________________________
Section 5
b. The Long Decline
R. Crisis and Reforms
a. The decline of the Romans was a process that took
i. _______________________________________
b. Struggles for Power
i. _______________________________________
1. Created instability and violence
c. Economic and Social Problems
i. _______________________________________
d. Emperor Diocletian
i. Diocletian split Rome into two parts
ii. Fixed prices of good and services to contain
1. __________________________________
e. Emperor Constantine
i. 312 A.D. Constantine continued many of
Diocletian’s reforms
1. Granted toleration for Christians
2. __________________________________
ii. However, unable to ultimately keep Rome from
Chapter 6 Notes: Page 15
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S. Foreign Invasions
a. Impact of the Huns
i. Wars in East Asia sent a nomadic people from
Central Asia, the Huns
1. __________________________________
2. Unable to support the legions, the
Germanic tribes ultimately began defeating
and _______________________________
b. Rome Defeated
i. In 387 A.D. Roman army suffered a stunning
defeat at Adrianople
ii. In 476, Germanic leader Odoacer ousted the
emperor of Rome
T. Causes of the Fall of Rome
a. Military Causes
i. _______________________________________
1. Rome had hired mercenaries
a. ______________________________
ii. However, Germanic invasions were powerful
b. Political Causes
i. Government became more oppressive and
1. __________________________________
c. Economic Causes
i. Heavier and heavier taxes were required to
support the vast government
1. __________________________________
d. Social Causes
i. Lake of patriotism, discipline and devotion to
1. __________________________________
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e. Did Rome Fall?
i. _______________________________________
ii. Though Roman civilization dwindled, the
Christian Church continued to grow and
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