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A new look at the causes and consequences of the Icelandic hot-spot
M. H. P. Bott
S U M M A R Y: New support for the hypothesis of a lower mantle plume rising near Iceland
comes from recent developments in the theory of whole-mantle convection and is inferred
from the large heat input required to support the major topographic swell which affects much
of the N Atlantic and Greenland. The associated geoid and gravity highs are interpreted as
due partly to the swell and its deep compensation and partly to the pressure anomaly caused
by the plume. Rapid lateral migration of partially fused material from the plume in the
asthenosphere prior to continental break-up caused the early Tertiary volcanism, with
subsequent igneous activity concentrated at the ridge crest to form the Icelandic transverse
ridge. Progressive expansion of the upper mantle thermal anomaly in response to pressure,
in association with the complexities of plate evolution in this region, may account for the
early uplift of S Greenland and later uplift of the BlosseviUe Kyst region. The low density
upper mantle would also be expected to give rise to an anomalously high ridge-push force.
This paper discusses the causes and consequences of hypothetical mantle processes which
gave rise to the early Tertiary continental volcanism, the opening of the north-eastern N Atlantic
and the subsequent anomalous evolution of the
region. The most coherent explanation stems
from the suggestion by Wilson (1963) that such
regions overlie mantle hot-spots. This developed
into the mantle plume hypothesis of Morgan
(1971). The plume hypothesis has been extensively applied to Iceland and the anomalous
north-eastern N Atlantic by Vogt (e.g. 1971,
1974, 1976, 1983) and others (e.g. Schilling 1973).
It assumes that a hot, narrow plume rises through
the lower mantle beneath the region, possibly
originating at the core-mantle boundary. The
plume discharges hot, partially fused material
into the asthenosphere, at several hundred degrees above ambient temperature. The earliest
visible activity of the hypothetical plume (or
plumes) was to cause the early Tertiary continental volcanism. Shortly afterwards, the new continental split was initiated between Greenland and
Europe, and subsequently the volcanic activity
concentrated at the ridge crest to produce the
Icelandic transverse ridge. Most of the hot
material from the Iceland plume and from a
subsidiary plume beneath the Azores, possibly
after removal of the main liquid fraction, continued to spread laterally in the asthenosphere. The
present broad topographical swell of the N
Atlantic ocean floor has been essentially produced
in isostatic response to the hot, low density upper
mantle beneath.
The lower mantle plume hypothesis has been
criticized on two main grounds. First, Runcorn
(1974) found mantle plumes difficult to reconcile
with the principles of mechanics, preferring a
broad cellular pattern of whole mantle convec-
tion. Second, geochemical evidence (e.g. O'Nions
et al. 1979) indicates that the main source of
igneous rocks has become depleted with respect
to the whole-earth model. This can be taken to
support the concept of convection in a depleted
upper mantle with little interchange with the
undepleted lower mantle. This has thrown further
doubt on the concept of deep mantle plumes,
suggesting that the igneous rocks of the Icelandic
transverse ridge and the continental precursors
come from the upper mantle. A further difficulty
is the very wide lateral extent of the early Tertiary
continental volcanism which is at first sight
difficult to reconcile with an origin from an
isolated narrow plume.
Recent work has provided some new insights
which circumvent these difficulties. Theoretical
modelling has validated the concept of plumes
rising from a thermal boundary layer at the base
of the mantle. Seismological observations show
that lithosphere of the north-western Pacific
subducts into the lower mantle. In this paper
these and other new insights are briefly reviewed
and some further speculations about the role of
the hypothetical plume in the development of the
N Atlantic region are presented.
Mantle convection and the plume
The most convincing evidence that whole-mantle
convection is taking place comes from the pattern
of seismic residuals from Pacific deep-focus
earthquakes, which demonstrates that subducting lithosphere is sinking into the lower mantle
beneath the north-western Pacific to a depth of
at least several hundred kilometres below the
From MORTON,A. C. & PARSON,L. M. (eds), 1988, Early Tertiary Volcanism and the Opening of
the NE Atlantic, Geological Society Special Publication No. 39, pp. 15-23.
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M . H . P. B o t t
transition zone (Creager & Jordan 1986). This is
strongly supported by interpretation of the belt
of positive geoid and gravity anomalies over the
circum-Pacific subduction zones in terms of the
underlying cool sink for the subducting slabs
(Rabinowicz et al. 1983), which suggests that
recycling of cool slabs into the lower mantle
applies to the whole circum-Pacific belt.
The idea that mantle plumes provide the main
conduit for upward flow of hot material through
the lower mantle and the mantle transition zone
has been supported by recent interpretations of
the D" layer at the base of the mantle. This
probably represents a thermal boundary layer
where heat is transferred by thermal conduction
from core to mantle. Stacey & Loper (1983) infer
a downward increase of about 800 K across this
150 km thick layer. Viscosity in the mantle is
highly temperature dependent, and a temperature
increase of this order is calculated to reduce the
viscosity by a factor of around 104; instability
develops in such a hot, low-viscosity layer. Loper
& Stacey (1983) concluded that the development
of relatively narrow plumes to vent the heat
through the higher viscosity lower mantle is
inevitable in this situation. Numerical experiments by Christensen (1984) support the conclusion. The plume modelled by Loper & Stacey is
about 10 km in radius and transfers material at
about 800 K above ambient temperature into the
asthenosphere at a rate of 4.8 m/y, transferring
about 10 ~1 W. The rising plume would heat the
adjacent lower mantle, but according to the
modelling this would be countered by lateral
inflow towards the low pressure plume which
would be constrained to a narrow chimney
throughout its lifespan. These rather specialized
advances in plume theory counter the previous
mechanical objections.
A model of mantle convection which combines
the plume hypothesis with the demonstrable
sinking of linear subducted slabs into the lower
mantle has been proposed by Loper (1985). A
sketch of the hypothesis as applied to Iceland and
the region westwards towards the circum-Pacific
belt is shown in Fig. 1. Narrow axisymmetric
plumes carry hot material up from the coremantle boundary into the asthenosphere where
the viscosity is significantly below that of the
lower mantle. There may also be a complementary
slow upward migration of displaced lower mantle
material through the transition zone into the
upper mantle to maintain balance between the
rates of slab sinking and upwelling. Asthenospheric material rises passively at ocean ridges to
form oceanic lithosphere, which cools and is
recycled into the lower mantle at subduction
zones, forming the return flow. According to
Loper's model, the sinking slabs are partly
diverted sideways into the lower mantle, cooling
it and displacing material upwards and downwards.
This model of mantle circulation fits the
observations concerning subduction zones and
hot-spots much better than the older concepts of
cellular convection. As the sinking lithospheric
material is at least partly recycled via the coremantle boundary, the geochemical observations
can be explained without need for layered
convection. Although many aspects of the theory
are uncertain, in broad terms it provides a basis
for explaining the anomalous N Atlantic region
in terms of the mantle-plume hypothesis.
The N Atlantic topographic swell
The early Tertiary continental volcanism and the
production of the anomalously thick crust of the
Icelandic transverse ridge are the most obvious
indications of anomalous activity in the underlying upper mantle. However, by far the most
extensive feature, but less conspicuous, is the
broad swell which produces anomalously shallow
bathymetry over most of the Atlantic N of 30~
This uplift includes much of Greenland. The
swelI attains its maximum elevation of over
2.5 km in the vicinity of Iceland, with a subsidiary
peak of 1.2 km over the Azores. This broad swell
needs to be distinguished from the much more
localized Icelandic transverse ridge which is
superimposed on the swell and is the isostatic
response to locally thickened oceanic crust of
Icelandic type.
The ocean-floor swell was attributed by Haigh
(1973) to an exceptionally hot underlying asthenosphere, with a temperature of up to 150 K above
normal. Cochran & Talwani (1978) reached a
similar conclusion, suggesting that a 75 K average
excess temperature over 200 km depth range in
the upper mantle could account for the isostatic
support of 500 m excess elevation of the seafloor.
There is also considerable evidence from heatflow measurements that ocean-floor swells of the
N Atlantic and elsewhere have a thermal origin
(Langseth & Zielinski 1974; von Herzen et al.
1982; Courtney & White 1986; Detrick et al.
The swell covers an area of about 14 x 10 6 k m 2,
including the affected parts of the N Atlantic and
Greenland. The average excess elevation would
be about 750 m if entirely underwater, which is
equivalent to 525 m entirely on land. This average
elevation can be isostatically supported by an
average reduction in densityof9 kg/m 3 extending
over a 200 km vertical extent in the underlying
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Consequences of the Icelandic hot-spot
i I
i t
FIo. 1. A sketch of the model of whole-mantle convection as developed by Loper (1985), with application to the
Icelandic region and the adjacent part of the circum-Pacific belt. HP: high pressure; LP: low pressure.
upper mantle. This reduction in density would be
produced by a 100 K rise in temperature, taking
the volume coefficient of thermal expansion as
2.5 x 10 -s K -1. Taking the specific heat to be
1.25 x 103 J/kg/K and the density to be 3300
kg/m 3, the additional heat required to cause this
temperature anomaly is calculated to be 1.15 x
1027 J. If this heat has been introduced at a
constant rate since 60 Ma (the time since the first
indications of the hot-spot) then the average rate
of heat inflow amounts to 6 x 1011 W. This is
equivalent to about 2% of the total global heat
loss through oceanic regions.
The simple calculation above shows that a
substantial amount of heat in global terms
participates in the N Atlantic hot region. It is
difficult to see how this could be produced on
such a short time-scale by self-generation in the
upper mantle, or by thermal conduction from
deeper parts of the mantle, which would imply
excessive geothermal gradients across the mantle
transition zone. The simplest explanation is that
the heat has been transferred upwards from the
lower mantle by some sort of convective upwelling
beneath the region, such as plumes. Other
geochemical and topographic evidence suggests
that this occurs beneath Iceland or nearby, with
a subsidiary upwelling beneath the Azores. These
considerations support the plume hypothesis,
although they do not prove it.
The heat calculated above represents the
present temperature excess relative to normal
sub-oceanic lithosphere. The plume has introduced much more heat than this over its present
lifespan. A similar amount of additional plumederived heat will be lost in the future as the
present asthenospheric material rises to form
oceanic lithosphere and cools to a much lower
average temperature before being subducted.
Furthermore, a comparably large amount of heat
has already been lost by oceanic heat flow over
the last 55 My. Taking these factors into account,
the plumes beneath Iceland and the Azores are
probably bringing up heat which will eventually
be lost to the surface at a rate of at least 8-10% of
the total global oceanic heat loss. The upwellings
beneath the N Atlantic are thus probably a
substantial factor in the terrestrial heat flow.
The N Atlantic geoid and gravity
The N Atlantic region coincides with a major
global geoid high (see Fig. 2) which is centred
near Iceland and E Greenland, and covers a
similar area to the region of uplifted topography
discussed in the previous section. A conspicuous
elongated geoid low occurs to the W of the high,
with minimum regions over Canada and E of the
Caribbean. The N Atlantic high and the low to
the W of it are also displayed on the global gravity
map (Fig. 2) which is based on the same basic
information as the geoid map but emphasizes
higher harmonics relative to the lower ones. The
long wavelength geoid and gravity anomaly maps
are usually attributed to dynamically supported
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M . H . P. B o t t
FIG. 2, The long-wavelengthgeoid and gravity anomalies of the N Atlantic and adjacent regions, redrawn from
Lerch et al. (1979) and based on the GEM9 model, The geoid map includes harmonics up to n = 22, whereas
harmonics above n = 16 have been truncated in the gravity map. Contours are at 5 m and 5 mGal intervals
mass anomalies associated with mantle convection, but their exact nature remains controversial.
Geoid and gravity anomalies of wavelength
greater than about 2000 km are unlikely to be
caused by lateral density variations in the
lithosphere, as these are known to be flexurally
compensated with negligible residual anomaly at
this wavelength. As the underlying mantle can
flow, the anomalies are probably caused by lateral
density variations in the asthenosphere and
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Consequences o f the Icelandic hot-spot
surface deformation effects which are dynamically maintained. The following four potential
sources can be identified:
(1) Isostatically supported lithospheric elevation
related to lateral density variations of thermal
origin in the underlying upper mantle, with
significant residual anomalies resulting from
deep isostatic compensation.
(2) Lateral density variation in the lower mantle
and/or mantle transition zone associated with
slow convective flow, such as sinking of cool
subducted slabs.
(3) Dynamically produced (uncompensated) variation in depth of the core-mantle boundary.
(4) Deformation of the Earth's surface resulting
from lateral pressure variations in the upper
mantle associated with convection-related
Geoid highs over hot-spots such as Iceland
have been variously attributed to pressure variations associated with upper mantle convection
(Sclater et al. 1975), to deep isostatic compensation of the associated topographic swell by hot,
low density asthenosphere (Cochran & Talwani
1978) and to lateral variation of lower mantle
density or depth to core-mantle boundary (Chase
1979; Crough & Jurdy 1980). The adjacent gravity
low down the E side of the Americas, which
forms part of a belt of negative anomalies on the
continental side of the circum-Pacific belt, has
been attributed by Rabinowicz & Lago (1984)
to pressure variations associated with cellular
mantle currents driven by the nearby subducting
slab. A subsidiary part of the Canadian low is
probably related to postglacial recovery.
The gradient of the geoid anomaly E of Iceland,
where there are no other major disturbances (see
Fig. 2), and of the long wavelength gravity
anomaly, are much too steep to explain in terms
of fluctuations of the depth of the core-mantle
boundary. A large region of anomalously dense
rocks in the underlying lower mantle is difficult
to reconcile with a hot, uprising convection
current or plume. We are left with deep isostatic
compensation of the N Atlantic swell in the
underlying upper mantle, and lateral pressure
variation in the upper mantle, as possible explanations of the high. It is suggested that these two
effects combine to produce the N Atlantic geoid
and gravity high, and that the pressure low
associated with asthenospheric flow from the hotspot towards the circum-Pacific belt produces the
adjacent geoid and gravity low.
As indicated by Cochran & Talwani (1978),
the N Atlantic gravity high (see Fig. 2) shows
excellent correlation with the topographic swell.
Individual peaks occur in the regions of Iceland
and the Azores, and the 15 mGal contour approximately outlines the swell. The geoid shows a
broader high without individual peaks because it
emphasizes the longer wavelengths. Cochran &
Talwani showed from surface gravity measurements that the gravity anomalies could be
accounted for mainly by deep isostatic compensation. However, the following calculation based
on the broader scale satellite geoid and gravity
analysis suggests that only part of the anomalies
can be explained by deep compensation. We can
approximately estimate the amplitude of the
anomalies caused by deep isostatic compensation
by treating the surface swell as a spherical cap of
height 750 m under water subtending 15~ at the
Earth's centre. The isostatic compensation takes
the form of a similar cap of equal but opposite
mass per unit area situated at 200 km depth.
These together yield a maximum geoid anomaly
of 18 m and a maximum positive gravity anomaly
of 7 mGal. Even allowing for the gross approximation it seems unlikely that such deep isostatic
compensation can account for more than 25-50~
of the observed amplitude.
It is therefore suggested that the remaining
part of the positive gravity and geoid anomalies,
and the adjacent eastern American negative, are
essentially caused by the pressure gradient in the
upper mantle associated with asthenospheric
flow from the high pressure hot-spot towards the
low pressure region adjacent to subducting lithosphere.
According to Garfunkel et al. (1986), the
subduction zones along the eastern Pacific margins are retreating westwards relative to the hotspot frame of reference at about 6 mm/y as they
converge on the Pacific region. There must,
therefore, be an upper mantle flow from the
Atlantic region at about this rate. It is suggested
that material for this westward asthenospheric
flow is provided by upwelling at the IcelandAzores hot-spots, rather than by broad cellular
convection as postulated by Rabinowicz & Lago
(1984). The feasibility of this idea can be tested
simply. An excess pressure P in the asthenosphere
approximately produces a gravity anomaly of
Ag= 2 7tGP/g which is directly proportional to
the pressure. Allowing for a deep compensation
effect of 10 mGal, the remaining long-wavelength
change in gravity between the Iceland-Azores
high and the low to the W is about 50 mGal,
corresponding to an average horizontal pressure
gradient in the asthenosphere of 3.0 Pa/m. For
an upper mantle viscosity of 1020 Pa s averaged
over 300 km depth, this pressure gradient would
produce an average channel flow of 6 mm/y. This
would be supplemented by a smaller effect from
lithospheric plate drag. Thus, the calculated flow
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M . H. P. Bott
using a realistic viscosity yields an estimated flow
closely similar to that inferred from the completely independent observations of Garfunkel et
al. (1986).
The high pressure in the N Atlantic asthenosphere can readily be accounted for by high
pressure produced by one or more narrow lowdensity plumes, provided these have been active
sufficiently long for the pressure to build up.
Continuing plume activity is required, as otherwise the pressure anomaly would decay by
identically the same process which causes postglacial recovery. The postglacial recovery of
Fennoscandia, where the ice load had a radius of
about 550 km, has a time constant of recovery of
about 5000 years (Cathles 1975). The equivalent
radius of the N Atlantic swell is about 2500 km.
The time constant of decay of a load or pressure
anomaly by asthenospheric channel flow is
proportional to the square of the radius. Thus the
N Atlantic pressure anomaly and its associated
gravity and geoid anomalies would decay with a
time constant substantially less than 1 My if not
maintained by an active plume which provides a
continuing pressure head. The thermal anomaly,
however, would take much longer to dissipate.
It has been shown that the N Atlantic geoid
and gravity highs can be interpreted as the
combined effect of deep isostatic compensation
associated with a hot asthenosphere, and high
upper mantle (asthenospheric) pressure caused
by upwelling from the lower mantle beneath the
region. The geoid and gravity highs, as well as
the topographic swell, thus receive a plausible
interpretation in terms of the plume hypothesis.
for the subsequent developments continuing to
the present time. Multiplicity or rapid migration
of plumes also seems unlikely. The widespread
continental volcanism can perhaps be best explained by very rapid lateral squirting of partially
molten material from a single newly formed
plume into the weakest level of the subcontinental
asthenosphere. This would be expected to continue until continental splitting enabled the
magma to be vented at the newly-formed ridge
crest. Two geochemically distinct types of magma
could be produced: (a) magma direct from the
plume material; and (b) magma produced by
diapiric upwelling of the existing heated asthenospheric material. These could rise together or
separately through lines of weakness in the
continental crust above (Fig. 3).
(2) Most of the continental volcanism demonstrably preceded the pre-anomaly 24B continental
break-up, which probably occurred just after the
development of the E Greenland coastal dyke
swarm and flexure (Bott 1987). The hot-spot may
thus have been a cause of the continental breakup, but cannot be a consequence of it.
(3) After early Eocene continental break-up, the
main magma fraction from the plume appears to
have been diverted to the nearest section of ocean
.., . . . . . . . . . . .
. .,
Some of the implications of the hot-spot and
plume hypotheses as applied to the N Atlantic
region are summarized as follows:
(1) The earliest detectable activity associated
with the Icelandic hot-spot was the early Tertiary
continental volcanism. This started several million years prior to the continental break-up
between Greenland and Europe, and rapidly died
out afterwards except at a few isolated localities.
The Palaeocene igneous activity extended over
more than 1000 km between E Greenland and
Scotland on a Palaeocene continental reconstruction, and this prompted an earlier suggestion by
the writer of a major convective overturn of the
mantle as an alternative to the plume hypothesis
(Bott 1973). However, the thermal anomaly in
the upper mantle p r o d u c e d b y a convective
overturn would decay much too rapidly to account
~ 1 7 6
FIc. 3. Sketches showing the destination of plume
material prior to (top) and subsequent to (bottom)
continental break-up. Large dots represent the magma
fraction and small dots represent the solid residuum.
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Consequences of the Icelandic hot-spot
ridge crest (see Fig. 3). The rate of volume
production of plume-derived magma per unit
length of ridge crest has continued to be much
greater than that produced by normal upwelling
at the ocean ridge crest. This has risen to form
the anomalously thick Icelandic-type crust of the
Icelandic transverse ridge. During the earlier
stages of evolution, from 50-27 Ma, crust up to
30 km thick was produced beneath the IcelandFaeroe Ridge, and probably also beneath the
complementary Greenland-Iceland Ridge. The
plume at this stage was presumably o f smaller
diameter than the 250 km width of the IcelandFaeroe Ridge. Subsequently, the plume activity
appears to have become more diffuse, producing
the 10-15 km thick crust of Iceland over a longer
section of the ridge crest; the diameter of the
plume may have increased, or the plume may
have become offset from the ridge crest, possibly
towards the W. The continuity of production of
Icelandic-type crust indicates continuing upwelling from 50 Ma to the present at approximately
uniform rate.
(4) In order to maintain the thermal and pressure
anomalies which affect a large area of the N
Atlantic and Greenland, a volume of plume
material far in excess of that diverted directly to
the ridge crest must flow laterally into the upper
mantle. As Vogt (197t) pointed out, the most
rapid outflow would be expected to occur beneath
the ocean ridge system. This is partly because of
the lowered viscosity associated with the hot
upper mantle beneath ridge crests, and partly
because of low pressure associated with ongoing
upwelling of the asthenosphere. In the N Atlantic,
the outflow from the Iceland region has been
concentrated towards the SW beneath the Reykjanes Ridge rather than towards the NE, as
evidenced by the contrasting depths of the ocean
floor to the S of Iceland and N of Jan Mayen.
This may be because of blockage caused by the
Jan Mayen microcontinent and associated fracture zones, which prevented a direct low-viscosity
channel towards the NE during the earlier stages
of evolution, as indicated by Vogt.
(5) A puzzling aspect of the topographic evolution
of Greenland can possibly be explained by the
developing pattern of asthenospheric outflow
from the Iceland plume. The uplift of the
Kangerdlugssuaq dome adjacent to the Greenland-Iceland Ridge took place at approximately
the time of the break-up (52 Ma), and the uplift
of S Greenland may have occurred at this time or
shortly after. In contrast, the Blosseville Kyst
region, where the early Tertiary continental
volcanism was most pronounced, did not start to
be uplifted until about 26 Ma. The Blosseville
Kyst uplift coincides approximately with the
start of the last of three main stages of platetectonic evolution of the region (Bott 1987), when
the complementary fan-shaped spreading both E
and W of the Jan Mayen microcontinent ceased,
and all spreading started to take place along the
Kolbeinsey Ridge between Greenland and the
microcontinent. This new regime probably expedited the flow of asthenospheric material
towards the N from Iceland, allowing the N
Atlantic thermal anomaly to spread westwards
beneath this previously unaffected part of Greenland to produce the isostatic uplift which persists
to the present.
(6) A further consequence of the N Atlantic
thermal anomaly, which does not depend on the
plume hypothesis but merely on the occurrence
of deep isostatic compensation for the associated
topographic swell, is its influence on the plateboundary force. The strength of the ridge-push
force depends on the elevation of the ridge and
also on the density-depth profile in the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath the ridge. The
deeper the low density compensating material,
the larger the ridge-push force. Thus the ridgepush force produced between the Azores and Jan
Mayen is likely to be substantially greater than
normal, with a maximum value in the vicinity of
Iceland itself where the thermal anomaly is
greatest. The N Atlantic thermal anomaly may
thus have had a profound influence on plate
evolution, including a significant role in the
development of the Alpine mountain range.
The concept of whole-mantle convection has
received new impetus from the seismological
observations indicating subduction into the lower
mantle and theoretical work suggests that narrow
plumes may rise from the thermal boundary layer
above the core-mantle boundary. The convection
model of Loper (1985), in particular, appears to
overcome the mechanical and geochemical objections to plumes and whole-mantle convection
respectively. Two further considerations support
the hypothesis of upwelling from the lower mantle
beneath the Iceland region. The hot upper mantle
underlying the N Atlantic topographic swell
requires a major heat input which can best be
explained by such upwelling. Also, the positive
geoid and gravity anomalies which dominate the
region can perhaps be best interpreted as the
combined effect of the thermal and pressure
anomalies caused by upwelling from the lower
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M. H. P. Bott
(3) Subsequent to continental break-up, the
plume-derived magma became concentrated
along a relatively short segment of the new
ocean ridge where it produced the anomalously thick crust underlying the Icelandic
transverse ridge.
(4) The upper mantle thermal anomaly has
progressively expanded to underlie much of
the N Atlantic and Greenland. The more
pronounced development of the resulting
topographic and bathymetric swell towards
the SW, and the late uplift of the Blosseville
Kyst region of E Greenland, can possibly be
understood in terms of the effect on the
outflow of the complexities of plate evolution
N of Iceland.
(5) The anomalously low density upper mantle
beneath the region would be expected to
produce a significantly larger ridge-push force
than at normal ocean-ridge crests, with the
maximum centred on Iceland.
mantle. The compact nature of the Icelandic
transverse ridge and the associated geochemical
anomalies still provide the main indication that
the upwelling takes the form of a relatively
narrow plume. There are no direct observations
of a lower mantle plume beneath the Iceland
region, so the hypothesis remains unproved.
However, there is a great deal of circumstantial
evidence to support it.
Some of the consequences of the plume
hypothesis are as follows:
(1) The Palaeocene continental volcanism may
result from rapid lateral migration of partially fused plume material injected into the
asthenosphere prior to Eocene continental
(2) The development of the hot, partially fused,
low density asthenosphere may have triggered continental break-up in the early
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M. H. P. BOT'r, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Durham, Durham DH1
3LE, UK.