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Rocks and Minerals Study Guide KEY
Use this sheet to check your answers for accuracy. Answers do not need to be wordfor-word the same. However, important details should be included.
Pg. 113 Goal #1. Describe the properties of a mineral. Include all five characteristics.
1. Tell what each of the following characteristics of minerals means:
“naturally occurring”: not man made/ occurs in nature
“inorganic”: not once part of a living organism
“with a crystal structure”: atoms are arranged in a particular pattern
“definite chemical compound”: always made of the same types of atoms/elements
Pg. 115 Goal #3. Identify minerals using color, luster, streak, hardness, cleavage and density.
2. Define the following terms:
Streak: the color of a mineral’s powder
Luster: the way a mineral reflects light from its surface
Cleavage: the breakage pattern where the mineral breaks into flat surfaces
Fracture: the breakage pattern where the mineral breaks into irregular shapes
(not flat surfaces)
3. Tell what the numbers 1 and 10 on Moh’s Hardness Scale represent.
1 = softest mineral (Talc); 10 = hardest mineral (diamond)
Pg. 117 Goal #2. Explain how minerals form.
4. What are the two types of molten materials that form minerals? Tell where each is located
and the size of crystals they form.
Magma- underground, larger crystals; Lava- at/near surface, smaller crystals
5. Describe the two ways that minerals form from materials dissolved in water:
Minerals form from solutions as water evaporates
Minerals form from solutions when hot water cools down
Pgs. 118-121 Goal #4. Describe the three types of rocks. Include an explanation of how each
type forms as well as its major characteristics.
Pgs 118-121 Goal #5. Classify rocks based upon their composition, grain size, color, and texture.
6. Explain what rocks are made of and how rocks are different from minerals.
Rocks are made of minerals and other materials. Rocks are mixtures of different
things, but minerals are the same throughout (pure throughout). Rocks can be
made from organic materials but minerals can’t.
7. How do Igneous Rocks form?
They form when molten/melted material (lava/magma) cools down
8. What characteristics do Igneous Rocks have?
Usually have no layers, visible grains, may have holes, and may look like glass
9. Fill in the data table for intrusive igneous rocks and extrusive igneous:
Type of Igneous Rock
At/near surface
How fast it cools
Size of crystals/grains
Where it forms
10. How do Sedimentary Rocks form?
Pieces (called sediment) get broken off of rocks, which get carried away and
then deposited in layers. The layers become compressed or cemented together
and turn into rock.
11. What characteristics do Sedimentary Rocks have?
Dull/earthy luster, may have rounded particles, may contain fossils, may have
parallel layers
12. How do Metamorphic Rocks form?
Heat/pressure changes a rock into a metamorphic rock. The original rock does
not melt- it just has a chance to re-crystallize.
13. What characteristics do Metamorphic Rocks have?
May have striped appearance, may break in sheets and be shiny, may show
signs of bending
14. Define “foliated”: striped appearance