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226 Appendi.t D Appantlix D 227 Figure D.2 Figure D.4 relatedas tlt:t'ltltlz-4t42 4 ,9 A c a rn o t e n g i n e w orki ng on a satei l i tei n outer spacehas to deliver a fixed amount of power at the raLew. The temperatureof th e h e a t s o u rc ei s a l s o f i xed.at Tr. The l ow er temperature reservoi r at T, consistsof a largebody of area .4;its temperaiureis maintained at T2 becauseit radiates energy into spac. u, -u.h heat as is d e l i v e re dto i t b y th e engi ne.The rate of thi s radi ati on i s oA rl w h e reo i s a c o n s ta n t.The carnot engi nehas to be desi gnedso that, fo r a g i v e n w a n d T r, A has a mi ni mum val ue.S how that ,4 has a m i n i m u m v a l u e w h e n I, takes the val ue 3Tt 14. 4 .1 0 A h y p o th e ti c a l e ngi ne, w i th an rdeal gas as the w orki ng s u b s ta n c eo, p e ra te srn t he cycl e show n i n Fi g. D .3. S how that the of the engineis cfficiency 4:l- . t(l_PrlP,\ " : I | V,lVt/ ;'\l- 4ll A simplified representationof the diesel cycle, with just air u the wor king subst ance.is as shown in Fig. D. 4. Show t hat t he elliciencyof this engine is :ll-ti /1_1\ 4:l- r".: VtlVz, the expansionratio, and r,: Ilt,. q t r n p r e s s l or na t i o . :-T:1n. v3f1,1, the I f r " : 5 , r . : l 5 a n d ) , : 1 . 4 , e v a l u a t er l . N o t i c e compressionraiio can be very much higher in a dieselengine a petiolengine because diesels do nor sufferfrompre-ignition, lT.tl I.ll"kilg, as ttrsfuel is sprayedin at rhe end of rhe compression 8te more effrcient than petrol engin.s. 5 ENTROPY Figure D.3 l .A bucket cont aining 5kg of wat er at 2- . ic is put out sicr ea t" t hat it coolstL o v r r rhe rv tr vem r r r l / vper r a t u l v at ur e yvllij of L rr t L he ll9 \our J u t ) r uside g ar d t J5 \c. ,. what lrtttc Ll ^T eD tt oPychangeof t he wat er ?( r '"f or wat er : 4. 19 x 103J kg r . ) 228 AppendixD 5.2 Calculatethe entropychangefor eachof the following:(a) l0g of steamat 100"c and a pressureof one atmospherecondensing into water at the sametemperatureand pressure.(The latent heat of vaporizationof water is 2257Jg-t.) (b) 10g of water at 100"c anda pressureof oneatmosphere coolingto 0"C at the samepressure. (The averagespecificheat of water between0'C and 100"C is 4.19J g- t.) (c) 10g of waterat 0'C and a pressure of oneatmosphere freezinginto ice at the samepressureand temperature.(The latent heat of fusionof ice is 333J g- t.) 229 AppendixD internalenergyof the sand?(c)What is the entropychangeassociated with this LU at constant7? The sanddoesno externalwork as it denot its volume.) formswhenit hits the pavement:only its shapechanges, 5.8 One mole of an ideal gas undergoesa free expansiontripling its volume.What is theentropychangeof (a)thegas(b)theuniverse? 5.9 Two equal quantitiesof water, of massm and at temperatures T, and Tr, areadiabaticallymixedtogether,the pressureremaining constant.Show that the entropychangeof the universeis 53 The low temperaturemolar specifrcheat of diamond varies with temperatureas: c u :r . e 4 xr o 3 [ ; ] ' rmol-,K-1 where the Debye temperature0:1860K. What is the entropy changeof I g of diamond whenit is heatedat constantvolumefrom 4K to 300K? (The atomicweightof carbonis 12.) 5.4 An electriccurrentof 10A flowsfor oneminutethrougha resistorof 20ohmswhichis kept at 10"c by beingimmersedin runningwater. What is the entropy change of the resistor, the water and the universe? 5.5 A thermally insulatedresistorof 20ohms has a current of 5 A passedthrough it for ls. It is initially at 20"C.(a) What is rhe temperaturerise?(b) what is the entropy changeof the resistorand the universe?Mass of resistor is 5 g; cp for the resistor is 0.8 x 103Jkg-1K-1 (Hinfi In the actualprocess, dissipative work is doneon the resistor.Imaginea reversibleprocesstaking it between the sameequilibrium states.) 5.6 An ideal gas has a molar specificheat given by c,:A+BT whereA and B areconstants.Show that the changein entropy per mole in going from the state(V, Tr) to the state(V, Tr) is As : Aln(TzlTr) + B( T, - Tr) + R ln(VrlVr) 5.7 A 50kg bag of sand at25"C falls 10m onto the pavementand comesto an abrupt stop.What is the entropyincreaseof the sand? Neglectany transferof heat betweenthe sandand the surroundings and assumethat the thermal capacityof the sand is so large that its temperatureis unchanged.(Hint: Ask yourself:(a) what is the dissipativework done on the sand?(b) What is the changein the Showthat wherec" is the specificheatof waterat constantpressure. AS > 0. (Hint: (a - b)t ) 0 for a and b real.) 5.10 Considertwo identicalbodiesof heat capacityC" and with negligiblethermal expansioncoefficients.Show that when they are placed in thermal contact in an adiabatic enclosuretheir hnal temperature is ( Tt * Tr)12 where TL and T2 are their initial temperatures. Now consider these two bodies being brought to thermal equilibriumby a Carnot engineoperatingbetweenthem.The size of the bodiesdo not of the cycleis small so that the temperatures changeappreciablyduring one cycle; thus the bodies behaveas reservoirsduring one cycle. Show that the final temperatureis (7, Tr)tt'. (Hint: What is the entropychangeof the universefor this secondprocess?) membraneas one which allows 5.11 Let us definea semipermeable the passage of one type of molecule.At equilibriumthe gaspressures exist. on eithersideof sucha membraneareequal.Suchmembranes Considera mixture of two ideal gasesA and B containedin the left-handhalf of the box as shownin Fig. D.5(a).Thereis a vacuum GasA -€ (b) Figure D.5 GasB 230 AppendixD AppendixD in the right-handhalf.The box is litted with a pair of coupledsliding pistons;theleft-handoneis permeableto A only,whilethe right-hand one is impermeableto both. The box is divided into two with a partition permeableto B only. Now slidethe coupledpistonsslowly to the right so that, eventually,the two gasesseparatereversibly. They will finally eachoccupya volumeequalto the original volume of the mixture.This is shownin Fig. D.5(c).Let this processoccur isothermally.(a) By consideringthe pressuresdue to each gas on eithersideof the membranes, showthat the net forceon the coupled pistonsis zero.(b)The heatflowinginto the systemin thisisothermal reversibleprocessis Q : T(Sr- S,) where S, and S, are the initial and final entropies.(c) By now applying the first law, show that (b) Supposethat the gasesare identical.Clearly, on removing the partition,therecan now be no entropychangeasthe physicalsystem is unchanged,yet the result you have just proved in (a) gives As_i*r,,g # 0! This is known as the Gibbs paradox.Is the resultgiven in (a) valid for identicalgasesand if not, why not? (Hint Consider how Gibbs'theoremwasproved.)(c)Obtainthecorrectexpression Si : Sr. This result is known as Gibbs' theorem. It is saying that: in a mixture of ideal gasesthe entropy is the sum of the entropies that eachgas would haveif it alone occupiedthe whole volume, i.e. Sn * " ( T , V ): S e(T, V ) + S s(T, V ) 5.12 We have seen that for n moles of an ideal gas the entropy is S : nCvln T* nR ln( Vln\+ So velv" v^+vB naInt TIT GasA [nn*nal | - r ^ n h 4 - nnnAR r^2 nB for the entropy of mixing of identical gasesby applying equation (5.11)to the threevolumesV^, Vsand Vo*Vr, all containingthe samegas.(d) By using the fact that, for identicalgases, v^+ vB: \ _ V B ns* ns lls ns show that the entropy of mixing given in (c) is indeedzero.(Gibbs' paradox is discussednicely in the little book by Chambadal,see Appendix F.) (s.11) nn moles of an ideal gas A of volume Vo and temperatureT are separatedfrom n" molesof anotherideal gasB of volume v, at the sametemperatureT (seeFig. D.6(a)).The partition is removedso that the gasesmix isothermallyat the temperature?i the mixturethen occupyingthe volume Vr* Vs (seeFig. D.6(b)).(a) Use Gibbs's theorem,introducedin the previousquestion,to show that the entropychangeoccurringin this mixing is - ,^lvn:e}l - "L"^'^' As.i*ing: ^lrn n{v^:vtl -."t t VA I- "'l Z, JJ A s - i * i , :, (gn n * n " ) R h { y L l ! ! 231 6 THE THERMODYNAMIC POTENTIALS AND THE MAXWELL RELATIONS 6.1 It is a result of statisticalmechanicsthat the internal energyof an ideal gasis ''' u : u(s,v): q.Nk"r+) ",rr,rnr., \v/ where a is a constant and the other symbolshave their usual meanings.Show that the equationof statePV : nRT follows from this equation. 6.2 The Helmholtz function of one mole of a certaingasis: f : Fln: - alu- RTln(u -b)+i(f') T MixtureA + B Gasg I (a) (b) FigureD.6 wherea and b are constantsand 7 is a function of T only. Derive an expression for the pressureof the gas. 6.3 The table givesthe valuesof some thermodynamicproperties of a substance at two differentstates,both at the sametemperature. 232 Appendix D AppendixD Temp.usPv "C kJkg-lkJK-lkg I Nm-2 mtkg-t Initial state 300 2727 6.364 4 x 106 0.0588 Final state 300 2816 8.538 0.05x 1065.29 ^readenoreswork t.rZ{ \\r \ what is the maximum amount of work that can be extractedfrom one kilogramof this substance in taking it from the initial stateto the final state?You will have to selectthe relevantdata from the table.This substance,incidently,is superheatedsteam. 233 \To V 6.4 The Gibbs function of one mole of a certaingasis given by FigureD.7 O: RTINP * A + BP + CP2I2+ DP313 whereA, B, C and D are constants.Find the equationof stateof the gas. (Hints:(a)considertheargumentleadingto equation(6.28)(b)Hence show W^^*< - AU + T.AS (c)Useequation(5.11).) 6.5 Derivethe followingequations' 6.8 one mole of an ideal gasexpandsat the constanttemperature % of the surroundingsfrom a pressurep, to a pressurepr. The atmosphericpressureis Po. (a) By consideringthe total work done in a reversibleexpansionand subtractingoff the useless work, show that the maximum usefulwork done by the gasis ,, (a)(I:F-r(+):-12(99 \0r/, \ 0r t, (b)cr:-r(#\ \ot-/v (c)H:G-r(:;":- r,(m, (d)cr - / :p _- r( , \ o tS\ r, l, 6.6 In the presenceof a catalyst,one mole of NO decomposes into nitrogen and oxygen.The initial and firnaltemperaturesare 25"C and the processoccursat a pressureof one atmosphere. The entropy change is As : 76JK- 1mol- I and the enthalpy change is L,H: -8.2 x lOsJmol-r. What is the changein the Gibbs free energyand what is the heat producedin the decomposition? 6.7 A gascoolsfrom a temperatureT to the temperature% of the surroundings.There is no change between the initial and hnal volumes,A,V:0, but the volumemay uary duringthe processand so the gas may perform work. This is indicatedin Fig. D.7. Show that the maximumamount of work obtainablefrom the gasis W^ ,: Cv(T - TJ * Cv Toln TolT Rr, h(;) ",^. utPz- ttP,) (b) How is this work relatedto the changein the Gibbs function? 6.9 In a simple form of fuel cell, which is a devicefor producing electricityfrom a chemicalreaction,hydrogengas is fed in at one electrodeand oxygenat the other.water is producedaccordingto the reaction 2H2+Oz-2H2O The cell operatesat the pre"ssure and temperature(298K) of the atmosphere. Assumingthat the cell operatesreversibly, calculateits EMF, giventhe followingmolar valuesfor S andH: sh (JK-rmol-1) (Jmol-1) 02 H2 H, O 201 tzg 66.7 17.2x 103 8 . 1x 1 0 3 -269 x 103 (Hint: considerone mole of Hro beingproduced.The usefulwork AppendixD 234 done by the cell is then 2FoE. For this isobaricisothermalprocess, we may useequation(6.49).) 6.10 Showthat the equilibriumconditionslistedbelowfollow from equation6.54for the availability: System Equilibriumcondition Totally isolated Thermally isolated,held at constantP Thermallyisolated,held at constantZ S a maximum I/ a minimum U a mimum 7 SOME GENERAL THERMODYNAMIC RELATIONS 7.1 Derivethe relation (':t\ : -r(' t!\ \ a p) , - \ar') , 7.2 Showthat Cn for a vander Waalsgasis a functionof temperature only. Appendix D 235 7.6 Show that the differencebetween the isothermal and the adiabaticcompressibilities is K T- * r : T V ! CP 7.7 For eachof the followingprocesses, statewhetherthe process is reversibleor irreversibleand statewhich of the quantitiesS, H, U, F and G areunchanged:(a) An isothermalquasistaticexpansion of an ideal gasin a cylinderfitted with a frictionlesspiston.(b) As (a),but for a non-idealgas.(c) A quasistaticadiabaticexpansionof a gasin a cylinderfitted with a frictionlesspiston.(d) An adiabatic expansionof an ideal gas into a vacuum (a free expansion).(e) A throttlingprocessof a gasthrougha porousplug (theJoule-Kelvin effect). 7.8 we have seenthat a carnot cycletakesa particularlysimple rectangular form on an s-T plot (seeFig.5.11).An s-F/ plot is also useful in engineering.Show that, for an ideal gas as the working substance, a Carnotcycleis againrectangularin this representation. Hint: First derivethe generalthermodynamicrelations: 7.3 Derive the secondenergyequation '9!\:-{ r(\ +P(Y\ } \urt, t \try, \oP/,) 7.4 Considern molesof a van der Waalsgas.Show that (0UIAV), n2afV2.Henceshow that the internalenergyis u: f Lto cvdT- an21v+ whereUe is a constant. {Hint: ExpressU :U(T,V)}. 7.5 As in the previousquestion,considern molesof a van der Waals gas.Showthat (a) s- f zdr+nRln(v-nb)+so JoT whereSe is a constant.{Hint: Use dS : llT(dU + PdV\}. (b) The equationfor a reversibleadiabaticprocessis fV-nb\n1c":a constant if Cv is assumedto be independentof T. (*-),:"{T), 7.9 Derive the so-called TdS equations: rds: cvdr+ r(9f),av rds: cPdr- ,({) ,a, rds:,,(Tr) * r,(T) no, ,0, 7.10 A block of metal of volume Z is subjectedto an isothermal reversibleincreasein pressurefrom P, to P, at the temperatureT. (a)Showthat the heatgivenout by the metalis TVp(Pz- Pr).(b) Show that the work done on the metal is V(P|- PI|2K.(c) By usingthe first law, calculatethe changein U. (d) Obtain the same 236 AppendixD resultas in (c) by writing U : U(T,P) so du:rqq\ dr + (ry\ dP \0r/, 7.ll A block of metal is subjectedto an adiabaticand reversible increaseof pressurefrom Pr to Pr. Show that the initial and final temperaturesT, and T2 are relatedas l nT r l T ,: Y e r - P ,) LP You may assumethat the volumeof the block staysapproximately constantduring the compression. 7.12 Assumingthat helium obeysthe van der Waals equationof state,determinethe changein temperaturewhen one kilomole of heliumgas,initiallyat 2}"Cand with a volumeof 0.12m3,undergoes a freeexpansionto a final pressureof one atmosphere.You should frrst show that \*) ,: a (nY -e\r) a : 3 . 4 4 x l 0 3 J m 3 k m o l - 2 ;b : 0 . 0 2 3 4 m 3 k m o l - r ; c v l R - 1 . 5 0 6 . (Hint: You may approximate.First show that Pt >>P2.Then you may take Vr>>Vr.) is zerofor an idealgas. 7.13 Showthat theJoule-Kelvincoeflicient 7.14 One kilomole of an ideal gas undergoesa throttling process of the gasis from Pr:4atm to Pr: I atm.The initial temperature (b)How muchwork would change? 50'C.(a)Whatis the temperature haveto be done on the gasto take it reversiblybetweenthe initial and final states?(c) What is the entropychangeof the gas?(Hint: You shouldcalculatethe entropy changein two ways:(i) Imagine a reversibleprocessin which the gasis taken isothermallybetween the initial and hnal states.(ii) Apply the generalapproachof writing S : S(7, H) and then imagininga reversibleprocessin which the pressureis changedat constantH. You will need to show that (AVA\H: - VIT in general,from dI{: TdS + VdP, and this is -nRlP for an idealgas.) 237 7.15 Show that the temperature and volume of the points (Tin, Vin) on the inversion curve for a van der Waals gas undergoing a Joule-Kelvin expansion are related as \0P/, You may assumethat p, K and V areapproximatelyconstantduring the compression. (aA Appendix D 4n : 2a( vr n- nQ 2( nbPr ) - ' Assuming that, at the maximum inversion temperature, Vrn>>nb, show that Ti|"' x2alRb. 7.16 Equation 7.42 gives the Joule-Kelvin coeffrcient /ar\ ttr(u!\ _v1 \a,) ,: c"L \ar/" I so that the coolingin a throttling processwith a pressurechange from P, to P, is lP, / Ar\ L,r: I l::lap tp,\0P/, In a similar way, show that the cooling in an adiabatic reversible expansion from a pressureP, to P, is Lr:l;'(#),'" where /ap\ r /aA \-/,: ,,\n), Hence show that, for a given pressurechange,the adiabatic expansionproducesmore coolingthan a throttling process. (Hint: considerthe difference in the integrands(ATIAP)S-(ATIAP)H and showthat this is positive.) 8 MAGNETIC SYSTEMS,RADIATION, RUBBER BANDS AND ELECTROLYTIC CELLS 8.1 A paramagneticsalt is magnetizedisothermallyand reversibly from zeroappliedinductionto a hnal inductionlield of Bo. It obeys is the Curie law X^:GlT. Showthat the heat of magnetization 83 Q: -GV Tpo 2 where Iz is the volumeof the salt.Is this heatabsorbedor rejected? (Hint: ExpressS : S(T,Bd.) -)