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Mousumi Moulik, MBBS
Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Cardiology
University of Texas Medical School-Houston, TX
U.S. Citizen
The University of Texas McGovern Medical School
6431 Fannin, MSB 3.128
Houston, TX 77030
Tel: 713-500-5738
Fax: 713-500-5751
e.mail: [email protected]
Medical School
Aug. 1985 - Dec. 1991 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Residency & Fellowship
Jan. 1991 - Jun. 1992 Internship/Residency, Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New
Delhi, India (Chairman: Meharban Singh, MD)
Jun. 1992 - Jun. 1993 Internship, Internal Medicine, Michael Reese Medical Center, University of
Illinois, Chicago, IL
(Chairman: William Chamberlin III, MD)
Jun. 1993 – Jun. 1996 Residency, Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
(Chairman: Ralph D. Feigin, MD)
Aug. 2002- Jun. 2007 Fellowship, Pediatric Cardiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Mousumi Moulik, MD
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3 years as Clinical Fellow, 2 years as Research Fellow
(Division Chiefs: J. Timothy Bricker, MD; Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD)
Jun. 2004- May. 2005 Certificate of Added Qualification in Clinical Investigation, Clinical Scientist
Training Program, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
(Course Director: Morey W. Haymond, MD)
Oct. 2004- Jun. 2006 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Phoebe Willingham Muzzy Pediatric
Molecular Cardiology Laboratory
(Mentor: Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD)
Jun. 2006- Jun. 2007 Masters Candidate for Masters in Clinical Investigation, Graduate School,
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
(Course Director: Morey W. Haymond, MD)
Nov. 2011- Feb. 2012 Clinical Trial Design Course (Honors), Center for Clinical Research and
Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Texas Medical School, Houston
(Course Director: Jon E. Tyson, MD)
Board Certification
General Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics, initial certification 1996, recertified
in 2010
Pediatric Cardiology, American Board of Pediatrics, initial certification 2010
Texas, K1576, 11/16/1996
Massachusetts, 151009, 5/15/1996
Academic Appointments
Apr. 1997- Dec. 2000 Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Texas Tech University Health
Science Center, El Paso, TX
(Chairman: Gilbert Handal, MD)
Mousumi Moulik, MD
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Aug. 2007- current
Assistant Professor, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Department of
Pediatrics, University of Texas Medical School, Houston
(Division Chiefs: P. Syamasundar Rao, MD; J. Timothy Bricker, MD, John P.
Breinholt, MD)
Academic Administrative Appointments/Responsibilities
Jul. 2009-current
Co-Director Research, Division of Pediatric Cardiology
University of Texas Medical School, Houston
Non-academic clinical experience
Jan. 2000- Jul. 2002
Group Practice in General Pediatrics in Medically Underserved Area, Revere,
(Revere Pediatrics)
Jul. 1996- Mar. 1997 Job search and work visa processing
Aug. 2007- current Memorial Hermann Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX
Aug. 2007- current Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital, Houston, TX
Feb. 2000 – Jul. 2007 Melrose Wakefield Hospital, Melrose, MA
Aug. 2001 – Jul. 2007 Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA
Nov. 1997– Dec. 1999 Sierra Provider Health Network, El Paso, TX
Apr. 1997- Dec. 1999 Thomason General Hospital, El Paso, TX
Jul. 1997- Dec. 1999 Columbia Medical Center East and West, El Paso, TX
Jun. 1999- Dec. 1999 Southwestern General Hospital, El Paso, TX
First rank for academic excellence throughout elementary, middle and high school
Junior Science Talent Scholarship, India
Winner of Team and Individual Category Awards, Ramanujan Society of Born
Mathematicians Inter School Mathematics Talent Contest, 1983
Winner of All India Science Exhibition Quiz Contest, 1984
National Talent Scholarship, National Council of Educational Research and Training,
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Gold Medal in Pathology and Microbiology, 1987, All India Institute of Medical
Best Intern in Internal Medicine, Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center,
Chicago, IL
Fellows Day Research Oral Presentation Award, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston,
(Mentor: Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD)
Fellow Basic Research Award, Society for Pediatric Research, 2005
(Mentor: Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD)
Fellows Day Research Poster Presentation Award, Texas Children’s Hospital,
Houston, TX
(Mentor: Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD)
Women in Cardiology Trainee Award for Excellence, American Heart Association,
Young Investigator Travel Award, American Academy of Pediatrics (Section of
Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery), 2006
(Mentor: Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD)
Young Investigator Award, First Place, American Academy of Pediatrics (Section of
Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery), 2006
(Mentor: Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD)
Grants and Contracts
Current Support
Pending Grants
1R01HL128548-01 (MPI)
Title: Tead1 Regulation of Cardiomyocyte Function and Survival
Role: Co Principal Investigator
Completed Support
Mousumi Moulik, MD
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5 K08 HL091176
Title: Inherited Dysfunction of Stretch Based Signaling in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Role: Principal Investigator
Mentor: Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD
NHLBI T32 Training Grant
Susan Hamilton, PhD
Title: ‘Molecular Excitability in the Cardiovascular System’
Role: Trainee Fellow
Mentor: Jeffrey A. Towbin, M.D.
NHLBI T32 Training Grant
Michael Schneider, M.D.
Title: ‘Training Grant in Molecular Cardiology’
Role: Trainee Fellow
Mentor: Jeffrey A. Towbin, M.D.
UTHSC Institutional K Supplement Award
Title: Inherited Dysfunction of Stretch Based Signaling in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Role: Principal Investigator
Grant Reviewer Service
American Heart Association- Immunology BSc1 Reviewers Panel, Oct 2012
a. Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. Joseph W. Rossano MD, Michelle A. Grenier MD, William J. Dreyer MD, Jeffrey J. Kim MD, Jack
F. Price MD, John L. Jefferies MD, E. O’Brian Smith PhD, Sarah K. Clunie RN, Mousumi Moulik
MD, Jamie A. Decker MD, John P. Breinholt MD, David L.S. Morales MD, E. Dean McKenzie MD,
Jeffrey A. Towbin MD and Susan W. Denfield MD: Effect of Body Mass Index on Outcome in
Pediatric Heart Transplant Patients. J Heart Lung Transplant 2007 Jul; 26(7):718-23.
2. Mousumi Moulik, Stephanie Witt, Anita Arola, Ross Murphy, William McKenna, Aladin Boriek,
Kazuhiro Oka, Seigfried Labeit, Neil Bowles, Takeo Arimura, Akinori Kimura, Matteo Vatta,
Mousumi Moulik, MD
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Jeffrey Towbin: Ankrd1, the gene encoding cardiac ankyrin repeat protein, is a novel DCM
causing gene. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009 Jul 21;54(4):325-33
3. Takuro Arimura, Martin Bos, Akinori Sato, Toru Kubo, Hiroshi Okamoto, Hirofumi Nishi,
Haruhito Harada, Yoshinori Koga, Mousumi Moulik, Yoshinori Doi, Jeffrey A. Towbin, Michael
Ackerman, Akinori Kimura: Cardiac Ankyrin Repeat Protein Mutations in Hypertrophic
Cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009 Jul 21;54(4):334-42
4. John P. Breinholt, Mousumi Moulik, William J. Dreyer, Susan W. Denfield, Jeffrey J. Kim, John
L. Jefferies, Joseph W. Rossano, Brandy Harbes, Corey Gates, Sarah K. Clunie, Karla R. Bowles,
Debra L. Kearney, Neil E. Bowles, Jeffrey A. Towbin: Parvovirus B19 in the Myocardium of
Pediatric Cardiac Transplant Patients is Associated with Transplant Coronary Artery Disease. J
Heart Lung Transplant 2010 Apr 22
5. Mousumi Moulik, John P. Breinholt, William J. Dreyer, Debra L. Kearney, Jack Price, Sarah
Clunie, Brady S. Moffett, Jeffrey J. Kim, Joseph W. Rossano, John Lynn Jefferies, Annie Thomas,
Brandy A. Harbes, Karla R. Bowles, E. O Brian Smith, Neil E. Bowles, Susan W. Denfield, Jeffrey
A. Towbin: Viral Endomyocardial Infection is an Independent Predictor and Potentially
Treatable Risk Factor for Graft Loss and Coronary Vasculopathy in Pediatric Cardiac Transplant
Recipients. J Am Coll Cardiol 2010 Aug 10;56(7):582-92.
6. Agopian AJ, Moulik M, Gupta-Malhotra M, Marengo LK, Mitchell LE: Descriptive epidemiology
of non-syndromic complete atrioventricular canal defects. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2012
Nov;26(6):515-24. PMID: 23061687
7. Lee J, Moulik M, Fang Z, Saha P, Zou F, Xu Y, Nelson DL, Ma K, Moore DD, Yechoor VK: Bmal1
and β-cell clock are required for adaptation to circadian disruption and their loss of function
leads to oxidative stress-induced β-cell failure in mice. Mol Cell Biol. 2013 Jun: 33(11):232738/MCB.01421-12. Epub 2013 Apr 1. PMID:23547261
8. Molina K, Denfield S, Fan Y, Moulik M, Towbin J, Dreyer W, Rossano J: Viral endomyocardial
infection in the 1st year post transplant is associated with persistent inflammation in children
who have undergone cardiac transplant. Cardiology Young. 2014 April; 24(2):331-6
9. Li R, Lee J, Kim MS, Liu V, Moulik M, Li H, Yi Q, Xie A, Chen W, Yang L, Li Y, Tsai TH, Oka K,
Chan L, Yechoor V.: PD-L1 driven Tolerance Protects Neurogenin3-induced Islet Neogenesis to
Reverse Established Type 1 Diabetes in NOD Mice. Diabetes. 2014 Oct 20. pii: DB_131737.
[Epub ahead of print]
b. Abstract Presentations
Mousumi Moulik, MD
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1. Mousumi Moulik, Stephanie Witt, Anita Arola, Ross Murphy, William McKenna, Seigfried
Labeit, Neil Bowles, Jeffrey Towbin : “Mutations in Cardiac Mechanosensory Units and Dilated
Cardiomyopathy”, Presented at Society for Pediatric Research /Pediatric Academic Societies
Meeting Washington DC, April 2005, Recipient : SPR Fellow’s Basic Research Award Recipient
2. Mousumi Moulik, Stephanie Witt, Anita Arola, Ross Murphy, William McKenna, Seigfried
Labeit, Neil Bowles, Jeffrey Towbin : “Mutations in Cardiac Mechanosensory Units and Dilated
Cardiomyopathy”, Presented at Japanese Pediatric Society Meeting Kanazawa, Japan, April
2006, Invited Abstract Presentation
3. Mousumi Moulik, John P. Breinholt, William J. Dreyer, Debra L. Kearney, Jack Price, Sarah
Clunie, Brady S. Moffett, Jeffrey J. Kim, Joseph W. Rossano, John Lynn Jefferies, Annie Thomas,
Brandy A. Harbes, Karla R. Bowles, E. O Brian Smith, Neil E. Bowles, Susan W. Denfield, Jeffrey
A. Towbin : “ Viral Myocardial Infection is a Predictor of Graft Loss in Pediatric Cardiac
Transplant Recipients”, Presented at Society for Pediatric Research /Pediatric Academic
Societies Meeting Washington DC, San Fransisco, CA, April 2006
4. John P Breinholt, Mousumi Moulik, Corey M Gates, Karla R Bowles, Erin Blank, Jeathrina
Bersola, Brandy Harbes, Sara K Clunie, Debra L Kearney, Neil E Bowles, Jeffrey A Towbin: “The
epidemiologic Shift to Parvovirus B19 in Viral Myocardial Disease: What are the Implications to
Heart Transplants ?”, Presented at Society for Pediatric Research /Pediatric Academic Societies
Meeting, San Fransisco, CA, April 2006
5. Mousumi Moulik, John P. Breinholt, William J. Dreyer, Debra L. Kearney, Jack Price, Sarah
Clunie, Brady S. Moffett, Jeffrey J. Kim, Joseph W. Rossano, John Lynn Jefferies, Annie Thomas,
Brandy A. Harbes, Karla R. Bowles, E. O Brian Smith, Neil E. Bowles, Susan W. Denfield, Jeffrey
A. Towbin : “Viral Endomyocardial Infection is an Independent Predictor and Potentially
Treatable Risk Factor for Graft Loss in Pediatric Cardiac Transplant Recipients”, Presented at the
American Academy of Pediatrics Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 2006, Recipient : Young
Investigator Award, First Position, Section of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
6. Mousumi Moulik, John P. Breinholt, William J. Dreyer, Debra L. Kearney, Jack Price, Sarah
Clunie, Brady S. Moffett, Jeffrey J. Kim, Joseph W. Rossano, John Lynn Jefferies, Annie Thomas,
Brandy A. Harbes, Karla R. Bowles, E. O Brian Smith, Neil E. Bowles, Susan W. Denfield, Jeffrey
A. Towbin : “Viral Endomyocardial Infection is an Independent Predictor for Graft Loss in
Pediatric Cardiac Transplant Recipients”, Presented at the American Heart Association Scientific
Sessions Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 2006
7. John P Breinholt, Mousumi Moulik, Corey M Gates, Karla R Bowles, Erin Blank, Jeathrina
Bersola, Brandy Harbes, Sara K Clunie, Debra L Kearney, Neil E Bowles, Jeffrey A Towbin:
“Parvovirus B19 in the Myocardium of Pediatric Cardiac Transplant Patients is Associated with
Transplant Coronary Artery Disease”, Presented at the American Heart Association Scientific
Sessions Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 2006
Mousumi Moulik, MD
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8. Unnati Doshi, Syed Shahrukh Hashmi, Lisa Marengo, Surabhi Kaul, Mousumi Moulik: “Incidence
of and Risk Factors for Delayed Diagnosis of Critical Congenital Heart Defects: A Population
Based Study”, Presented American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition,
San Diego, CA, October 2014
9. Unnati Doshi, Syed Shahrukh Hashmi, Lisa Marengo, Surabhi Kaul, Mousumi Moulik: “Factors
Associated With Delayed Diagnosis of Critical Congenital Heart Defects in Texas”, Accepted at
the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 2014
10. Arpan R. Doshi, Chandra Srinivasan, Hem H Desai, Heli P Bhatt, Mousumi Moulik: “Impact of
2007 American Heart Association Infective Endocarditis Prevention Guidelines on Endocarditis
Related Pediatric Hospital Admissions: A U.S. Population-Based Study”, Accepted at the
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 2014
c. Book Chapters
1. Lee J, Moulik M, Yechoor V. Circadian control of islet function. In: The Islets of Langerhans 2 nd
edition 2013. Md. Shahidul Islam (ed.) Springer Inc.
2. Moulik M. Neonatal Cardiomyopathies. In: Perinatal Cardiology. P.S.Rao and D. Vidyasagar
(ed.) Cardiotext Publishing (in press)
Journal Reviewer
Reviewed manuscript for Lancet, 2012
a. Teaching
Lectures within UT Medical School Houston
Aug. 2007-current
Mousumi Moulik, MD
Pediatric Cardiology Fellow/ Resident lectures:
Bacterial Endocarditis in the Pediatric Age Group
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Dilated and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathies: Clinical Evaluation
Genetic and Metabolic Evaluation of Pediatric Cardiomyopathies
Left Ventricular Non Compaction
Acquired Heart Diseases in Pediatrics
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Aug. 2007-current
Medical Student Lectures:
Radiology In Cardiology
Acquired Heart Disease in Pediatrics
Clinical Fellow Training
Aug. 2007-current
Supervision of and formal/informal teaching activities for all PGY-4, 5 & 6
Clinical Pediatric Cardiology Fellows in both inpatient and outpatient settings
at the Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, Lyndon B Johnson Hospital
Houston and University of Texas Kids Place Specialty Clinics, Houston TX. I
also actively participate in the fellowship training educational activities such
as Journal Clubs, Board Review, Case management conferences and didactic
Medical Students and Residents
Aug. 2007-Present
Supervision of and formal/informal teaching activities for medical students
and residents rotating through the Pediatric Cardiology Division in both
inpatient and outpatient settings at the Children’s Memorial Hermann
Hospital, Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital Houston and University of Texas Kids
Place Specialty Clinics, Houston TX
College Student Mentoring
May 2010 to Aug. 2011 Summer Practicum Mentor for Masters in Public Health Students from the
School of Public Health, UTHSC Houston
b. Invited Lectures
‘Mutations in Cardiac Mechanosensory Units and Dilated Cardiomyopathy’, Japanese
Pediatric Society Meeting Kanazawa, Japan, April 2006, Invited Abstract Presentation
‘Pediatric Cardiomyopathies: From the Primary Care Perspective’, Third Annual
Pediatric Cardiology Symposium for the Primary Care Physician, UT Medical School
Houston & Children’s Memorial Herman Hospital, Houston, TX
‘Pediatric Cardiomyopathies: An Update’, Pediatrics Grand Rounds, UT Medical
School Houston, TX
‘Guidelines for Management of Cardiomyopathies’, Fifth Annual Pediatric Cardiology
Symposium for the Primary Care Physician, UT Medical School Houston & Children’s
Memorial Herman Hospital, Houston, TX
Mousumi Moulik, MD
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‘Metabolic and Genetic Evaluation of Pediatric Cardiomyopathies’, Sixth Annual
Pediatric Cardiology Symposium for the Primary Care Physician, UT Medical School
Houston & Children’s Memorial Herman Hospital, Houston, TX
‘Management of Heart Failure in Children: the Art and the Evidence’, Pediatrics
Grand Rounds, UT Medical School Houston, TX
‘Outpatient Management of Heart Failure in Children’, Seventh Annual Pediatric
Cardiology Symposium for the Primary Care Physician, UT Medical School Houston &
Children’s Memorial Herman Hospital, Houston, TX
‘Outpatient Management of Heart Failure in Children’, Eighth Annual Pediatric
Cardiology Symposium for the Primary Care Physician, UT Medical School Houston &
Children’s Memorial Herman Hospital, Houston, TX
‘Myocarditis: State of the Art and Future Perspectives’, Ninth Annual Pediatric
Cardiology Symposium for the Primary Care Physician, UT Medical School Houston &
Children’s Memorial Herman Hospital, Houston, TX
‘Genetics of Cardiomyopathies’, Adult Cardiology Grand Rounds, UT Medical School
Houston, Houston, TX
‘Genetics of Cardiomyopathies: Clinical Applications’, Pediatrics Grand Rounds, UT
Medical School-Houston, Houston, TX
‘Cardiomyopathies: For Genetic Counselors’, Invited lecture for UT Genetic
Counseling Program, UTHSC-Houston.
‘Myocarditis: State of the Art and Future Perspectives’, Tenth Annual Pediatric
Cardiology Symposium for the Primary Care Physician, UT Medical School Houston &
Children’s Memorial Herman Hospital, Houston, TX
c. Clinical Responsibilities
Attending Physician, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, University of Texas Health Science Center,
Houston, Inpatient and Outpatient Pediatric Cardiology Service
Cardiomyopathy and general pediatric cardiology outpatient clinic, interpretation of transthoracic
echocardiograms, EKGs and Holters, attending on pediatric cardiomyopathy service, general
pediatric cardiology consult and primary service in Children’s Memorial Herman Hospital, including
patients admitted in pediatric and neonatal care units, pediatric cardiology consult service and
outpatient clinic in Lyndon B Johnson Hospital, participation in pediatric cardiology case
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management conferences, pediatric cardiology case discussion conferences and regular
participation in the pediatric cardiology attending night call/ weekend call system in CMHH.
d. Research
Molecular Genetics of Cardiomyopathies
Supported by an NIH funded K08 career development grant, a major focus of my current
research has been on the molecular genetics of cardiomyopathies and involved screening of a
dilated cardiomyopathy patient cohort for presence of deleterious disease associated mutations in
candidate genes, encoding proteins involved in cardiac mechano-sensation and stretch based
signaling. So far, I have finished screening a total of 10 genes as part of this project and identified
novel DCM associated mutations in ANKRD1 (results published). In addition, I have identified a
novel DCM associated mutation in one additional gene and further in-vitro analysis is underway. I
have generated cardiac specific transgenic mice carrying the DCM associated mutations (Transgenic
ANKRD1WT, ANKRD1P105S, ANKRD1M185I) identified in ANKRD1, the gene encoding Cardiac
Ankyrin Repeat Protein. No phenotypic difference was seen between the transgenic and nontransgenic controls under resting conditions. Our preliminary results suggest an impairment of
physiologic cardiac conditioning post exercise training in the ANKRD1 transgenic mice compared to
wild type C57Bl mice, though no significant phenotypic difference with physiologic stress was
detected between the ANKRD1 WT and mutant mice. Further biochemical molecular profiling
including gene and protein expression in these mice is underway. Additional mice are being
generated to detect any phenotypic difference between the wild type and mutant transgenic mice
under conditions of pathologic stress such as aortic banding and isoproterenol injection.
Biorepository for pediatric cardiomyopathy and congenital heart disease
Access to a biorepository is key for human genomics research. To expand the ability to
perform translational genomics research in cardiomyopathies and congenital heart disease in UT
Houston, I am establishing a local bio-repository for human genomic DNA, patient sera and
discarded surgical myocardial tissue, from patients and families with cardiomyopathies and various
congenital heart defects. The biorepository will also have maternal nail samples and neonatal
meconium collection to allow for future studies looking at association between environmental
toxin exposure and congenital heart defects.
Role of Tead1 - The Hippo Pathway Effector Transcription Factor - in Cardiomyocyte Survival and
Tead1 is one of the four members of the Tead family of transcriptions factors, a key effector
transcription factor of the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway. Tead proteins lack a DNA activating
domain and are dependent on interaction with co-activators for transcriptional activity. The two
Mousumi Moulik, MD
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key co-activators of Tead are YAP/TAZ which have been found to be at the center of at least four
signaling pathways (Hippo, biophysical, Wnt, TGFβ/BMP) and also cross talk with several more key
pathways such as IGF and PI(3)K/Akt. This positions the Tead family of transcription factors as a key
effector family of transcription factors orchestrating the downstream effects of these multiple
signaling pathways known to play important roles in physiologic and pathologic modelling of the
heart. Tead 1 along with YAP/TAZ is highly expressed in the embryonic heart. While the expression
of YAP/TAZ goes down in the postnatal heart, Tead1 continues to be robustly expressed in the
terminally differentiated postnatal heart. However the role of Tead signaling in the post natal heart
is not clear. Global inactivation of the Tead1 gene results in early embryonic lethality with cardiac
hypoplasia, precluding the assessment of its role in the post natal heart. New data from our lab
demonstrate that conditional deletion of Tead1 in the postnatal heart (cardiomyocyte specific,
tamoxifen induced ‘Cre’-mediated inactivation of floxed Tead1/Tef1 gene using alphaMHCcre) in 512 weeks old mice results in a severe, lethal, acute dilated cardiomyopathy phenotype, supporting
our general hypothesis that Tead1 plays an important, non-redundant role in maintenance of
cardiomyocyte homeostasis, integrity and function in the post natal heart.
My current research focus is to delineate the molecular pathways perturbed in and causally
affecting the phenotype of acute cardiac dysfunction seen in the cardiac specific conditional Tead1
knockout mice, and delineate the role Tead1 plays in physiologic homeostasis of terminally
differentiated post natal cardiomyocytes. I plan to apply for NIH funding (RO1) on this project.
Incidence of and Risk Factors for Delayed Diagnosis of Critical Congenital Heart Defects
Critical congenital heart defects (CCHD) are cardiac defects which require surgical and /or
trans-catheter intervention in the neonatal period and account for around 30% of neonatal
mortality in developed nations. They usually, but not always, have ductal dependent circulation.
Timely diagnosis before ductal closure is important to reduce morbidity and mortality in this high
risk group. Information on the true incidence and risk factors for delayed diagnosis of CCHD in
United States is still sparse. I am the Principal Investigator in an ongoing retrospective, statewide,
population-based, observational study using data from the active surveillance based Texas Birth
Defects Registry (TBDR). This study involves all live born infants in Texas born between 2000 and
2009 with a definitive diagnosis of one of 13 CCHDs [HLHS, critical coarctation of aorta (COA),
interrupted aortic arch, critical aortic stenosis, d-transposition of great arteries (dTGA) , doubleoutlet right ventricle, critical Ebsteins anomaly, pulmonary atresia, single ventricle, total anomalous
pulmonary venous return (TAPVR), tetralogy of Fallot, tricuspid atresia, and truncus arteriosus], as
identified in the TBDR. Our preliminary data show that one fourth of all neonates with CCHD have a
delayed diagnosis in Texas (after DOL#3). Time of diagnosis varies by the type of CCHD with the
highest rates of delayed diagnosis in critical COA (36.5%) and TAPVR (33.8%) and least in tricuspid
atresia (13.6%) and dTGA (14.3%). Rate of prenatal diagnosis is low (13.6%). Timeliness of the
diagnosis increased in the presence of other birth defects and isolated single CCHD had an overall
delayed diagnosis rate as high as 47%. Further analysis to identify the demographic risk factors for
delayed diagnosis of CCHD is underway.
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Impact of 2007 American Heart Association Infective Endocarditis Prevention Guidelines on
Pediatric Hospital Admissions: A US Population-Based Study
The 2007 American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines for the prevention of infective
endocarditis (IE) called for a major change in indications for antibiotic prophylaxis. I am the
Principal Investigator in a retrospective study examining the inpatient admissions (age <20 yrs) for
infective endocarditis using the nationally representative Healthcare and Utilization Project’s Kids’
Inpatient Database (KID), for the years 2006 and 2009. Purpose of this study is to evaluate the
national trends and mortality in IE, its associations with congenital heart disease (CHD), and the
impact of 2007 AHA prevention guidelines on the hospitalization rates for IE. In our preliminary
results we found no difference between the hospitalization rates with an IE diagnosis between the
year 2006 (0.2 per 1000 hospitalizations, 95% CI 0.18-0.23) and year 2009 (0.18 per 1000
hospitalizations, 95% CI 0.16-0.2) (P = 0.07). We noted a statistically significant decline in IE
admissions associated with a coexisting diagnosis of isolated ventricular septal defect (VSD) in 2009
compared to 2006 (P = 0.020). There was no significant change in the IE admissions with other
associated diagnostic subgroups of CHD including isolated aortic valve disease, left ventricular
outflow tract obstruction, right ventricular outflow tract obstruction or conotruncal defects. No
significant change in overall mortality rate was seen in IE-related admissions between the years
2006 and 2009 (P = 0.44). Non-white race (OR 1.9; 95% CI 1.22-3.15) and CHD (OR 2.3; 95% CI 1.513.60) were significant factors associated with increased mortality in IE-related admissions. Among
CHD associated with IE admissions, presence of isolated patent ductus arteriosus (OR 5.1; 95% CI
1.95-13.28), left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (OR 2.9; 95% CI 1.83-4.75) and right
ventricular outflow tract obstruction (OR 2.7; 95% CI 1.17-6.05) were significantly associated with
increased mortality on univariate analysis. Further analysis including multivariate logistic regression
analysis is underway to identify demographic and diagnostic subgroups with a worse outcome in
infective endocarditis.
Professional Memberships
American Academy of Pediatrics, Fellow
American College of Cardiology
American Heart Association
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