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Lesson Plan: Guess the Shape
By: Enzo Ciardelli
Ontario Curriculum Expectations (Grade 6):
Sort and classify quadrilaterals by geometric properties related to symmetry, angles, and sides,
through investigation using a variety of tools;
Measure and construct angles up to 180° using a protractor, and classify them as acute, right,
obtuse, or straight angles;
Construct polygons using a variety of tools, given angle and side measurements (Sample
problem: Use dynamic geometry software to construct trapezoids with a 45° angle and a side
measuring 11 cm);
Alberta Mathematics Kindergarten to Grade 9 Program of Studies (Grade 6)
Construct and compare triangles, including: (i.e. scalene, isosceles, equilateral, right, obtuse,
acute in different orientations)
Demonstrate that the sum of interior angles is: (180° in a triangle, 360° in a quadrilateral)
1. Explain to students that they will be coding shapes using the iPad Hopscotch App
2. Watch YouTube Video on Shreddies
3. To prove that a square and diamond are the same shape, have students use Hopscotch to code
both shapes.
4. You may want to get students started by showing how to leave a trail. Observe the following
picture with the codes:
Main Lesson
1. Once students have shared their codes for square and diamond, challenge them to create the
codes for other shapes
2. Provide support and ideas for codes when needed.
3. As students finish, have them post their written codes or screen shots so that students can
observe codes to identify shapes:
4. Students might discover the following aid to programming shapes:
a. Pentagon -> 360 divided by 5 equals 72 degrees
b. Hexagon -> 360 divided by 6 equals 60 degrees
1. Restate observations with coding related to Geometry and 2D Shapes:
a. The interior angle of shapes equals 360 degrees for quadrilaterals
b. To code, we use supplementary angles so that the character travels in a circle
c. Shapes have properties according to their side and angle measures
2. Possible extensions:
a. Post codes in the school to attract other classes to coding
b. Use the Tickle App so that shapes can be programed for Sphero