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Organismal Biology Test 2 Notes
 Species: Lycopodium digitatum
o Commonly known as running cedar
 Genus: Lycopodium
 Family: Lycopodiaceae
 Order: Lycopodiales
 Class: Lycopodiopsida
 Phylum: Lycophyta
o Commonly known as club “moss”
 Kingdom: Plantae
 Domain: Eukarya
 Characteristics:
o Microphyll= small leaves because of single vein of vascular tissue
o Seedless
o Vascular
o Not truly a moss because it would be in Phylum Bryophyta
Super Phylum: Seedless Vascular Plants
 4 phyla plus 3 extinct groups
 Terrestrial (land) adaptations:
o Vascular tissue
 Plant tissue consisting of cells joined into tubes that transport water and
nutrients throughout the plant body
 Allows plants to move water from underground to above ground
 Allows plants to get taller
o Dominant sporophyte generation
o True tissues and organs
 3 tissue systems:
 Dermal tissue system
o Outer most part
o protective
 Ground tissue system= plant tissues that are neither vascular nor
dermal, fulfilling a variety of functions, such as storage, photosynthesis,
and support
o Part we eat often
o The middle layer
 Vascular tissue system= a transport system formed by xylem and
phloem throughout a vascular plant
Xylem= vascular plant tissue consisting mainly of tubular dead
cells that conduct most of the water and minerals upward from
the roots to the rest of the plant
Phloem= vascular plant tissue consisting of living cells arranged
into elongated tubes that transport sugar and other organic
nutrients throughout the plant
 Root
 Shoot (above ground parts)
o Stem+leaf
Annuals and Perennials
o Annuals reproduce themselves every year
o Perennials live more than one year
o Both experience primary growth
 Primary growth= Growth produced by apical meristems which lengthens stems
and roots, increasing length of plant (vertically)
o Perennials are the only ones to have secondary growth
 Secondary growth= growth produced by lateral meristems (after the plant is one
year old), thickening the roots and shoots of woody plants (causes plant to get
wider/ lateral growth)
o Microspores= male
Microspores (little)  tiny gametophytes  tiny gametes
o Megaspores= female
Megaspores (big)  Big gametophytes  big gametes
o Separation of male/female life cycles
 Different strategies will eventually lead to seeds
 First step: heterospory
Phylum Pterophyta
o Commonly known as true ferns
o Largest
o Dominant sporophyte
 Fronds (aka fern leaf)
 Megaphyll= a leaf with a highly branched vascular system
 Pinnately compound (compound: divided into little parts)
o Feather shaped
 Pinna (leaflet of compound)
 Circinate vernation
o Coil leaf formation
o Fiddle head
 Rhizome
 Neither root nor stem
 The roots coming out of rhizomes are adventitious
Adventitious=formed accidentally or in an unusual anatomical
Terrestrial rosettes
 Liana (vines)
 Epiphytes (growing upon a plant)
 Aquatic
 Floating
 Submerged
 Emergent (out)
 Tree ferns
Most are perennial
 Some woody
 Sorus= spots underside leaf; a cluster of sporangia on a fern sporophyll
 Indusium= gives color on outside (scale)
 Peel away indusium and find spore containers called sporangium
 Sporangium
o Sporocytesmeiosismeiospores
o Annulus (ring)
 Hygroscopic
 Spore dispersal
 Springs open when hot and spores are
Gametophyte (n)
 Prothallus= gametophyte stage
 Picture of prothallus:
 Zygote=sporophyte (2n) sporeling
Phylum Monilophyta
o Pterophytes - Ferns
o Psilophytes
 Stems only
 Dicitomous braching
 No leaves or roots
 Sporangia on stems
o Arthrophytes
Phylum Arthrophyta
o More correct name: Equisetophyta
 Name needs to be changed to a living genus
o Microphylls= small leaf with a single unbranched vein
 Attached all the way around stem
o Hollow stems with microphylls=whorls
o Jointed stems (nodes)
o Internode
o Silicious cell walls
 Used to make scouring pads
o Commonly known as: scouring rushes and horse tails
o Strobilus
 Cluster of sporophylls (cone)
 Sporophylls have 1 or more sporangia
o Meiospores=homosporous
 Elaters= hygropscopic spore dispersal strctures
 Occurs when its dry and strengthens out
Phylum Lycophyta
o Common name: club mosses
o The “club” is a strobilus
o Heterosporous microspores and megaspores
 Microsporesmicrogametophytesmicrogametes
 Megasporesmegagametophytesmegagametes
o Microphylls
o Microsporangium
 Species: Ambystoma opacum
o Common name: marbled salamander
 Genus: Ambystoma
 Family: Ambystomatidae
 Order: Caudata – having a tail
 Class: Amphibia
o “double life”= can live on land or in water
 Phylum: Chordata
 Kingdom: Animalia
 Domain: Eukarya
 Characteristics
o Metamorphosis= “double life”
Larva (-ae) is their young
External gills
Moist glandular skin
 Allows them to live without efficient respiratory system
o Cutaneous respiration
 Because they have moist skin
Seeded Vascular Plants
 Gymnosperms
o 4 phyla
o Naked seeds, no fruit
o Heterospory
o Reduced gametophyte generation
o Embryo within seed
 Results from heterospory
 Dormancy and dispersal
 Adaptation
o “baby in a lunch box”
 3 generations
 Picture:
Gymnosperm Life Cycle:
Phylum Coniferophyta
 Common names: pines, evergreens, cedars, cypress, juniper, spruce, fir
 “cone-bearing trees”
 Used for lumber, Christmas trees and paper
 Redwoods
 tallest trees
 General Sherman
 320 feet tall
 57 feet in diameter
 4000 years old
 The biggest tree (around)
 A Giant Sequoia
 Bristle Cone Pine
 Oldest tree
 4600 years old
 Pacific Yew
 Located in Old Growth Forest of the North West
 Used for taxol cure for breast cancer
 Won’t return in regrowth
 Spotted Owls
 Monoecious trees
Phylum Cycadophyta
 Mainly tropical, small shrubs, kind of palm-tree like (compound leaves)
 Dioecious sporophyte – two houses for the separate sexes
 Pollination occurs by insects
Phylum Ginkgophyta
 Ginkgo biloba
 Common name: maidenhair tree
 Only species in phylum
 Extract good for memory
 Dioecious
 Dichotomous= two way branching of leaves
 Deciduous= loses leaves
 Dwarf branches
 Monotypic
 Fleshy seed coat on female trees (smells)
 Pollution resistant
 Under cultivation only
 Leaf extract
Phylum Gnetophyta
 Common name: mormon’s tea
Drugs are made from extract
Dry adaptive plant in deserts
Protected by poisonous chemicals
 Animals get sick if they eat them
 Seed with bright color, fleshy coat
 In driest places on earth
 Ever growing leaves
o 2 leaves
 Live with no rain
 Draping leaves over dunes and absorbs moisture from dew
 Doesn’t absorb water from roots
o Water moves backwards from leaves to meristem (center)
 Picture:
Angio & Gymno = seed producing plants
 Angiosperms -- (Anigio: container| Sperm: seed)
o Seed producing plants
o Produces fruit
 Fruit used for seed dispersal
o 90% of all plant species
o Most successful and dominant group
o 1 phylum= Phylum Anthophyta
 Antho=flower
 Should be Phylum Magnoliophyta
 Genus Magnolia
o Plesiomorphic
o Angiosperms have fruit and flowers
 Flowers used for reproduction (pollination)
o Characteristics of Angiosperms:
 Reduction in gametophyte generation
 2 celled pollen
 7 celled megagametophyte
o No archegonium
Double fertilization
 Determinate sporophyll- bearing shoot
 Leaf arrangements= alternate, opposite, whorl
 4 whorls (determinate because 4 and no more)
 2 sterile (don’t directly produce spores)
 2 fertile- male and female: involved in reproduction
 Flower picture:
Petals+ sepals= sterile parts
All petals= corolla
All sepals= calyx
Stem = peduncle
Receptacle = squashed together, swollen part with four nodes
Corolla + calyx= sterile, responsible for attraction
Corolla + calyx= perianth (sterile)
Stamens= modified leaves (sporophylls)
 Pollen produced in stamens
 Stamen have anthers with a tiny hole to get pollen out
 Androecium= male house
o Made up of the anther and the filament
 Male life cycle takes place in anther = microsperangia
Stigma + style + ovary= carpels
The carpel is the gynoecium
 If carpels are fused= pistil
 gynoecium
Fusion – in or between whorls
 Connation= fusion of like parts / fused petals within a whorl
 Adnation= fusion of unlike parts
Presence/Absence of parts:
 complete= all four whorls are present
 incomplete= missing one or more whorl
 imperfect= fertile whorls absent
o carpellate- carpels present, stamens absent
o staminate- stamens present, carpels absent
o monoecious or dioecious
 perfect= fertile whorls present
o if it is perfect it is monoecious
 Monoecious = Both sexes at same time
Ovary position
 Hypogynous
o Superior (above) ovary
o All other flower parts are below ovary
 Epigynous
o Inferior ovary
o All other flower parts are above the ovary
 Perigynous
o With hypanthium
 Actinomorphic
o Radial symmetry
 Zygomorphic
o Bilateral symmetry
Pollination syndromes
o Example entomophily = Insect loving
 Seed dispersal syndromes
o Example hydrochory= water seed dispersal
 Ex: coconut
Morning glory- connation of corolla
Yellow fringed orchid-raceme
 Pedestal and peduncle zygomorphic
Butterfly weed
 Compound umble
 Pollination by butterflies
Bat pollination syndrome
 Odor= rotten fruit
 Color=white
 Structure= deep nectar
 Nocturnal anthesis (opens up at night)
 Connation of corola
Hummingbird pollination syndrome
 Odor= none
 Color= yellow
 Structure= long, tube like
 Coral plant
 Example: coral bean
Carion Fly pollination syndrome
 Odor= dead rotten meat
 Structure= looks like dead meat, hairy
 Color=deep red
 No benefit for flies (antagonistic relationships)
 Largest flower on earth is a Carion Fly pollination flower
Beetle pollination syndrome
 Color=plain white
 Odor= musky or fruity
 Structure= open, dish shaped
Bee pollination syndrome
 Color=bright spots, “arrows”, etc
o Nectar guide
 Examples: violets, passion flower, blueberry flower, blue-eyed marry
 Bees are hairy and the pollen sticks to their hairs
Anthers in bee pollination flowers only have one tiny hole and bees
must vibrate at the right frequency to get the nectar/pollen out
 Insects see in UV, UV is invisible to humans
 Pollen= male gametophyte – 2 cells big
Moth pollination syndrome
 Odor= fruity
 Color=white
 Structure= long tube
 Nocturnal anthesis
 Spike
 Ethrodynamic: sticky, like playdo
Butterfly pollination syndrome
 disc like
 flat surface for landing
 example: Thistle
o disc flowers only, no ray flowers
Wind pollination syndrome
 Grass flowers have no calyx, no nectar, no odor, no corolla, no perianth
 Abundant pollen
 Anemophily= wind pollination
 No wind, oder or color
 Lacking: purine
Yuca Flower
 Moths live in them
o feed on nectar
o gather pollen=stamen to stigma
o ethnodynamic= moths can ball up pollen even though its sticky
and carry it to another flower’s stigma
 Yellow lady slipper orchid
 “tricky” flowers
o Has an opening that is slippery and attracts insects
o Insects get stuck for awhile and eventually escape through a
“back door”
o Self pollinates= insect comes in one way, passing by the stigma
and dropping off pollen from another flower, and then goes out
another way
 Ensures Cross pollination
 Prevents self pollination
Seed container and dispersal
Fruit forms from ovary wall
 Pericarp=ovary wall=outside of fruit
 Epizoochory- seed dispersal via transportation on outside of animals
 Samara= fruit in which pericarp bears wings and allows for wind
 Anemochory= wind seed dispersal
 Widest dispersed fruit in the world
o Because coconuts can float, they float al around the world
 Hydrochory
 Has largest seed of all fruit
 Hard endocarp= pit
 3 layers of pericarp
o Fibrous mesocarp
o Hard endocarp
o Endosperm
 Drupe= type of fruit that has a “pit”
o Peach
 Achene=A small, dry, indehiscent one-seeded fruit with a thin wall
 Accessory fruit= fruit in which the fleshy parts are derived largely or
entirely from tissues other than the ovary
o Receptacle= swollen stem tissue that forms fruit (accessory
 Aggregate fruit= many one-seeded achenes produced by a single flower
 No pistal
 Carpels unfused
 Multiple fruit= opposite of aggregate fruit
o More than one flower that fuses to form a fruit
 Inflorescence develops into single fruit
 Fleshy all the way through
 Grapes, tomatoes, blueberries
 Addapted to survive being eaten
 All or most of the pericarp is soft/fleshy
 Pepo= a berry with a hard thick rind
o Example: watermelon & tomato
 Hesperidium= berry with a leathery rind
Example: lemons or limes
 Use animals for seed dispersal
 Drupe
 Stony endocarp protects seed
 3 layers of pericarp (see coconut)
 Apple
 Pome= ovary surrounded by fleshy hypanthium
o Fruits with a core
 Seed within ovary (core)= pericarp
 Accessory fruit
 Corn
 Dry fruit
 Caryopsis= dry fruit in which pericarp layers are tightly together around
seed (indehiscent)
 Dry dehiscent fruits:
 Legume- splits on two sides
o peanut
 Capsule- okra
 Follicle- splits on one side
o Milk leaf
 Dry indehiscent (doesn’t split) fruits:
 Samara
 Nut (single seed not attached)
o Acorn
 Achene (single seed attached on one end)
o Sunflower seed
 Sweet Gum and Magnolia fruit
 Developed from single flowerhad unfused carpels
 Aggregate of follicles
 Follicles= dry dehiscent that splits on one side
Within an Anther of an Angiosperm:
 Microspore and microgametophytes
 4 Cells of Pollen grain
 Tube cell and generative cell – essential to pollinate
 Pollen sac picture:
Within an ovary of an Angiosperm:
 Picture
Parts of a seed:
 Embryo originates from zygote
 Endosperm originates from fertilized central cell
 Seed coat originates from integuments
 Sperm + egg= zygote
 Sperm +central cell= triploid (3n)
 Seed comes from this
o Seed coat (2n)
o Endosperm (3n)
o Embryo (2n)
 Seed/fruit both go through ripening process
Seed dispersal
 Fruit
 ______chory
After ripening
 When dormancy is accomplished
 Scarification
 Cold period
 Fire adaptation
 Time
 Picture:
Types of seeds
 Albuminous
o Endosperm surrounds embryo
 Exalbuminous
o Endosperm absorbed by cotyledons
 Types
o Epigeous (epigeal) seed germination
 Cotyledons above ground
o Hypogenous (hypogeal) germination
 Cotyledons remain below ground
Primary Growth
 Primary meristems
o Shoot apical meristem
 Including axillary buds
o Root apical meristems
 Initial and derivative cells
 Protoderm, ground tissue meristem, procambium
Plant Growth
 Primary= primary meristems
 3 tissue systems
o Ground Tissue System
 Parenchyma—simple
 Parenchyma cells
o Also in complex tissues
o Most common type of cells in plant tissue
o Alive at maturity
o Capable of mitosis
o Functions:
 Healing and regrowth
 Storage
 Photosynthesis
 Collenchyma tissue—simple
 Collenchyma cells
o Also in complex tissue
o Alive at maturity
o No mitosis
o Elongate, stretchy
o Supportiveespecially in growing parts
 Sclerenchyma tissue—simple
Sclerenchyma cells
o Also in complex tissue
o 2 types:
 Sclereids
 Short, branched
 Makes up hard plant parts (ex: nut shells)
 Fibers
 Long, narrow
 Example: Cotton
o Dead at maturity
o Secondary cell wall on top of primary cell wall
 Lignified
Dermal Tissue System
 Epidermis tissue—complex
 Epidermal cells – any tissue that covers outer surface
o Thin, flat
o Light passes through
o Not green
o Not capable of photosynthesis
o Cuticle is produced
 for protection
 waterproof
 non-living layer on outer surface of epidermal cells
 contains waxes, oils, etc. for water proofing to prevent
water loss
 Guard cells
o Found in pairs
o Form stoma
 Plural stomata
 Openings/breathing holes
o Control openings to prevent water loss – desiccation adaptation
o Photosynthetic
 Produces oxygen
(cellular respiration uses that oxygen)
 Trichomes
o Plant hairs
o Antiherbivory
 Some with toxins
 When hairs are broken, some will let off toxins that
cause welps, etc so animals will not eat them
o Insulation
 Prevents water loss
Salt adaptation
Vascular Tissue System
 Xylem—complex tissue (not all cells are same)
 Water transport
 Parenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, and sclerenchyma cells are found
within Xylem
 Conducting cells – how water travels
o Dead and hollow
o Water channels
o Undergoes Autolysis ( becomes hollow by lysosomes)
o 2 types:
 Tracheids
 = pits: places for water passages
 Pit pairs
 Gap in secondary cell wall
 Pit membrane= 2 layers of primary cell wall;
where water passes through
 Vessel members
 = pits
 Perforations= absolute openings
 Holes in primary and secondary cell wall
 Phloem—complex
 Transport of photosynthate
 Flow: leaves  stem roots materials that are stored
 Parenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, and sclerenchyma cells are found
in phloem
 Conducting cells
o Alive at maturity, no mitosis
o dependent
o Sieve cells
o Sieve tube members
o Sieve areas= cluster of pores through which photosynthesis is
 Primary and secondary Xylem and Phloem
Random Facts
 Long leaf pine forests=woodpecker home
o Long leaf pines must have red heart disease so the woodpeckers can make a hole on the
tree to live in easily
Yellow belly sapsucker makes holes in the phloem to drink the sugars
Dark ring= meristem
Outward= larger rings under small rings
Tissues slack off in bark; not useful for counting age