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Instructor’s Guide
Physics in Action
This Instructor’s Guide provides information to help you get the most out of Forces and Motion,
part of the five-part series Physics in Action. The contents of the guide will allow you to prepare your
students before using the program and to present follow-up activities to reinforce the program’s key
learning points.
Can the study of physics be fun? This clever five-part series answers “Yes!” by presenting essential
facts, formulas, and laws of physics through real-world examples, illustrative animations, and a likeable field guide named Mr. Physics who makes complicated concepts easier to understand. End-ofsection reviews are included throughout each program, and equations are worked out, step by step,
The series includes the following titles:
• Energy
• Forces and Motion
• Planets, Stars, and Galaxies
• Processes That Shape the Earth
• The Nature of Matter
Learning Objectives
After viewing the program, students will be able to:
• Calculate speed, distance, and acceleration
• Understand vectors and scalars
• Understand trajectory and g-force
• Define contact forces and action-at-a-distance forces
• Understand the relation of gravity to mass and weight
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
Educational Standards
This program correlates with the following standards from Benchmarks for Science Literacy, by the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, for grades 9 through 12.
The Physical Setting: Motion
• Although the various forms of energy appear very different, each can be measured in a way that
makes it possible to keep track of how much of one form is converted into another. Whenever
the amount of energy in one place diminishes, the amount in other places or forms increases by
the same amount.
• The change in motion (direction or speed) of an object is proportional to the applied force and
inversely proportional to the mass.
• Whenever one thing exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted back on it.
• The energy of waves (like any form of energy) can be changed into other forms of energy.
• Any object maintains a constant speed and direction of motion unless an unbalanced outside
force acts on it.
The Physical Setting: Forces of Nature
• Gravitational force is an attraction between masses. The strength of the force is proportional to
the masses and weakens rapidly with increasing distance between them.
• Electric forces acting within and between atoms are vastly stronger than the gravitational forces
acting between the atoms. At larger scales, gravitational forces accumulate to produce a large and
noticeable effect, whereas electric forces tend to cancel each other out.
• At the atomic level, electric forces between electrons and protons in atoms hold molecules together
and thus are involved in all chemical reactions.
The Mathematical World: Symbolic Relations
• Sometimes the rate of change of something depends on how much there is of something else
(as the rate of change of speed is proportional to the amount of force acting).
• Symbolic statements can be manipulated by rules of mathematical logic to produce other statements of the same relationship, which may show some interesting aspect more clearly.
• Symbolic statements can be combined to look for values of variables that will satisfy all of them
at the same time.
• Tables, graphs, and symbols are alternative ways of representing data and relationships that can
be translated from one to another.
• When a relationship is represented in symbols, numbers can be substituted for all but one of the
symbols and the possible value of the remaining symbol computed. Sometimes the relationship
may be satisfied by one value, sometimes by more than one, and sometimes not at all.
SOURCE: Benchmarks For Science Literacy, by The American Association for the Advancement of Science. Copyright 1993,
2009 by The American Association for the Advancement of Science. Used by permission of Oxford University Press, Inc.
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
The activities in this instructor’s guide were created in compliance with the following standards
from National Standards for the English Language Arts, from the National Council of Teachers of
• Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary)
to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
• Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements
appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
• Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing
problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and nonprint texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and
• Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases,
computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate
• Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for
learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).
SOURCE: Standards for the English Language Arts, by the International Reading Association and the National Council
of Teachers of English. Copyright 1996 by the International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of
English. Reprinted with permission.
The activities in this instructor’s guide were created in compliance with the following standards from
The ISTE National Education Technology Standards (NETS•S) and Performance Indicators for
• Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and
develop innovative products and processes using technology.
• Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
• Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making: Students use critical thinking skills
to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions
using appropriate digital tools and resources.
SOURCE: © 2007 The International Society for Technology Education. Reprinted with permission.
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
Program Overview
In New York City, there are many ways to travel. Of course, it’s a lot easier if you’re a bird. Using the
Big Apple as a living laboratory, this program addresses speed and distance using a pigeon, a taxi, and
a tour boat. Additional situations such as the deployment of a Mars rover, a zero-G flight in NASA’s
Weightless Wonder, a walk on a conveyor belt and a cruising aircraft carrier, and juggling on the Earth
and around the Solar System provide opportunities to study the mechanics of velocity and acceleration
as well as contact forces and forces that act at a distance. Vector algebra is demonstrated throughout.
Main Topics
Chapter 1: Calculating Speed and Distance
Using the examples of a pigeon, a taxi, and a tour boat circling Manhattan, the program begins by
explaining how to calculate speed and distance, taking into account both path length and displacement. Also covered: dimensions, units, and conversion factors.
Chapter 2: Speed and Acceleration
The deployment of a Mars rover is used to illustrate concepts of acceleration and speed. Also covered:
using a diagram, chart, or graph to track position over time.
Chapter 3: Vectors: Motion in the Three Dimensions
Here Mr. Physics explains vectors and scalars, and how they are used to describe, in mathematical
terms, movement and direction.
Chapter 4: Accelerated Motions
NASA’s “Weightless Wonder” — aka the Vomit Comet — is featured in this discussion of trajectory,
parabolas, and g-force.
Chapter 5: Forces
This section discusses contact forces, such as friction and tension, and action-at-a-distance forces,
such as electromagnetism. The relation of gravity to mass and weight is explained as Mr. Physics
weighs a juggling pin on Earth, the Moon, and Jupiter. Point mass and force-body diagrams are also
Chapter 6: Forces and Accelerations
The program’s final section explores the relationship between forces and motion, and points out that
understanding the law of conservation of momentum is useful for modeling the results of impacts
and explosions.
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
Fast Facts
• The constant average speed of a Mars rover heading toward its destination is an amazing 31,500
meters per second.
• Scientists use the term ‘acceleration’ for any change in speed, whether it’s speeding up or slowing
• Scalars are quantities which can be described in terms of magnitude or numerical value, such as
time, mass, and temperature. Vectors are quantities which are described by both a magnitude and
a direction.
• The concepts of ‘distance’ and ‘displacement’ are similar. But distance is a scalar quantity that
describes how much ground an object has covered during its motion; and displacement is a vector
quantity that describes an object’s overall change in position.
• As part of astronaut training, NASA uses special aircraft capable of providing a nearly weightless
environment. A state of free fall is achieved by following a flight path that is elliptical in relation
to Earth’s center; the craft does not exert any g-forces on the astronauts. NASA calls this aircraft
the ‘Weightless Wonder,’ but for reasons you can imagine, it’s more commonly known as the
‘Vomit Comet.’
• Whether it’s a cannonball, a stream of water, or a plane that cuts its engines, objects hurtled
through the air will all take roughly the same path (the shape of that path is called a parabola).
• Creators of computer games and special effects in movies use the principles of physics to create
realistic-looking explosions. Smoke, flames, and clouds of debris act a lot like their real-life counterparts due to software that calculates speed and direction. When virtual people fall over dead, software
using ‘ragdoll physics’ has calculated the effect of gravity on the body, and how different body parts
would move as the body slumps or falls down.
• The idea that a free particle takes the quickest path between its starting and ending points is called
the ‘principle of least time.’ Ancient Greek and Arab scientists stated this principle for paths of rays
of light. In the 20th century Albert Einstein demonstrated that a parabola could be the shortest
path between two points when space and time were curved in the presence of gravity.
• We categorize forces as being either ‘contact’ (where the interacting objects touch) or ‘action-at-adistance’ (where they don’t). But if we look deep into the small-scale structure of matter, the concept
of objects touching loses its meaning. Actually, all contact forces are the result of electromagnetism,
which is an action-at-a-distance force.
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
Vocabulary Terms
acceleration: The vector which gives the direction of, and the instantaneous rate at which velocity
changes with time.
action-at-a-distance-force: A fundamental force of nature that is seemingly transmitted over
empty space; that is, the interacting objects do not touch. Examples include electromagnetic forces,
the weak force (changes subatomic particles from one kind to another), the strong force (holds the
atomic nucleus together), and gravity.
average speed: The straight-line distance between the end-points of a motion, divided by its duration
in time.
contact force: A nonfundamental force of nature that can be traced to the physical touching of two
objects. Examples include friction, fluid resistance, tension, spring force, and buoyant force.
dimension: The type of physical property that a number or variable represents. Examples include
length, mass, and time.
displacement: The vector that joins two subsequent positions of an object; an object’s overall
change in position.
distance: A scalar quality which refers to the extent or amount of space between points.
force: An influence that, if applied to a free body, results in an acceleration of that body.
force-body diagram: A technique of making a simplified drawing of the individual force vectors
acting on an object.
g-force: A force acting on a body as the result of acceleration or gravity; a force experienced by a body
which is its acceleration relative to free-fall. (Technically, g-force is not a force, but an acceleration.)
inertia: The property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight
line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force.
parabola: A geometrical shape consisting of a single bend and two lines going off to an infinite
distance. A parabola is the trajectory that most objects take as they fly unpowered through the air.
path length: The length of the actual, physical path traversed by an object (as opposed to the
straight-line distance between the endpoints).
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
point mass: A hypothetical object in which all the physical bulk is concentrated in a tiny, pointsized location.
scalar: A quantity which is described by magnitude (or numerical value) alone; a number or
algebraic symbol that has a size, but no direction. Time, mass, and temperature are all examples of
trajectory: The path of an object moving through space.
vector: A quantity that is fully described by both magnitude and direction.
velocity: The vector which gives the directon of and the instantaneous rate at which the displacement of an object changes with time.
Discussion Questions
1. What do you think is the difference between ‘distance’ and ‘displacement’?
2. When launching a missile into space, do scientists simply point it in a certain direction? With no one
steering, what factors do you think come into play to ensure a Mars rover makes it from the launching pad to Mars?
3. What is the difference between velocity and acceleration?
4. What are “forces at a distance”?
5. Why is time considered to be a dimension?
Post-Program Discussion Questions
1. What is path length? What is displacement?
2. What is the difference between a vector and a scalar?
3. After viewing the program, can you explain the difference between distance and displacement?
4. What is g-force?
5. What is the law of conservation of momentum?
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
Student Projects
• The basic idea behind quantum mechanics is that when an action is performed on a certain
particle, another particle with which is it ‘entangled’ will respond — even if the two particles are
miles apart. Using the library and Internet, research and report on quantum mechanics. What
did Einstein mean when he called it ‘spooky action-at-a-distance’? What everyday applications
do scientists foresee for quantum mechanics? (Visit Web sites such as,, and [Popular Science] for ideas and information.)
• Using terms such as g-force, acceleration, velocity, and free fall, create an illustrated report
explaining the physics behind a roller coaster ride, cliff diving, and skateboarding.
• Create a chart with information on contact forces. Columns should include the name of the
force (e.g., ‘frictional’); its symbol (e.g., Ff ); how it works (e.g., when two surfaces are in close
contact, the molecules of each pull and push laterally against each other); and some things that
this force does (e.g., allows car brakes to work, enables us to walk instead of staying in place).
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
Assessment Questions
1. F
or a taxi to drive from one corner of Central Park to the other, it will have to stay on the roads.
If we want to calculate the taxi’s average speed along its route, we use the taxi’s _____ rather than
a) acceleration divided by amount of time traveled
b) amount of time traveled divided by acceleration
c) path length
d) path speed
2. Average acceleration is change in speed divided by change in _____.
a) average speed
b) time
c) velocity
d) trajectory
3. ‘80 miles east’ is an examle of a [scalar / vector]. ‘256 bytes’ is an example of a [scalar / vector].
‘150 calories’ is an example of a [scalar / vector].
4. T
rue or False? A cannonball, a stream of water, and a plane that cuts its engines will hurtle
through the air in either a shallow curve or a straight line, depending on the weight of the object.
5. What concept helps physicists calculate the motion of an object moving from planet to planet,
and thus changing its weight?
a) Point mass
b) A force-body diagram
c) Conservation of motion
d) Action-at-a-distance force
6. Fluid resistance is an example of a(n) [contact force / action-at-a-distance force]. Electromagnetism is an example of a(n) [contact force / action-at-a-distance force]. Tension is an example
of a(n) [contact force / action-at-a-distance force]. Gravity is an example of a [contact force /
action-at-a-distance force].
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
7. [Mass / weight] is constant, but [mass / weight] is proportional to gravity.
8. The definition of ‘momentum’ is ‘mass times _____.’
a) weight
b) speed
c) velocity
d) inertia
9. True or False? According to the Law of Conservation of Momentum, if two objects collide in the
absence of outside force, momentum would not be lost.
10. Net forces cause _____.
a) conservation of momentum
b) speed
c) velocity
d) acceleration
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
Assessment Questions Answer Key
1. F
or a taxi to drive from one corner of Central Park to the other, it will have to stay on the roads.
If we want to calculate the taxi’s average speed along its route, we use the taxi’s _____ rather than
a) acceleration divided by amount of time traveled
b) amount of time traveled divided by acceleration
c) path length
d) path speed
A: (c) path length
2. Average acceleration is change in speed divided by change in _____.
a) average speed
b) time
c) velocity
d) trajectory
A: (b) time
3. ‘80 miles east’ is an examle of a [scalar / vector]. ‘256 bytes’ is an example of a [scalar / vector].
‘150 calories’ is an example of a [scalar / vector].
A: ‘80 miles east’ is an examle of a vector. ‘256 bytes’ is an example of a scalar. ‘150 calories’ is an
example of a scalar.
4. T
rue or False? A cannonball, a stream of water, and a plane that cuts its engines will hurtle
through the air in either a shallow curve or a straight line, depending on the weight of the object.
A: False. Whether it’s a cannonball, a stream of water, or a plane that cuts its engines, objects hurtled
through the air will take roughly the same path. The shape of that shape is called a parabola.
5. What concept helps physicists calculate the motion of an object moving from planet to planet,
and thus changing its weight?
a) Point mass
b) A force-body diagram
c) Conservation of motion
d) Action-at-a-distance force
A: (a) Point mass
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
6. Fluid resistance is an example of a(n) [contact force / action-at-a-distance force]. Electromagnetism is an example of a(n) [contact force / action-at-a-distance force]. Tension is an example
of a(n) [contact force / action-at-a-distance force]. Gravity is an example of a [contact force /
action-at-a-distance force].
A: Fluid resistance is an example of a contact force. Electromagnetism is an example of an action-at-adistance force. Tension is an example of a contact force. Gravity is an example of an action-at-adistance force.
7. [Mass / weight] is constant, but [mass / weight] is proportional to gravity.
A: Mass is constant, but weight is proportional to gravity.
8. The definition of ‘momentum’ is ‘mass times _____.’
a) weight
b) speed
c) velocity
d) inertia
A: (c) velocity
9. True or False? According to the Law of Conservation of Momentum, if two objects collide in the
absence of outside force, momentum would not be lost.
A: True.
10. Net forces cause _____.
a) conservation of momentum
b) speed
c) velocity
d) acceleration
A: (d) acceleration
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
Additional Resources
Science Videos, Science News
Your guide to physics on the web
Institute of
Scientific American
Popular Science
Your source for the latest research news
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
Products from Films Media Group
Available from Films Media Group • • 1-800-257-5126
All About Motion: Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration (DVD/VHS)
With crystal-clear graphics and calculation examples, this program introduces concepts of scalar
and vector quantities and provides a solid grounding in kinematics. Viewers learn about vector and
scalar quantities and their units, as well as distance and displacement, speed and velocity, and the
special case of uniform circular motion. Acceleration is defined in terms of velocity change over
time, including negative acceleration and an analysis of centripetal acceleration in a circular path
with constant speed. Galileo’s inclined plane experiment is discussed in conjunction with calculations used to measure acceleration on inclined planes. Viewable/printable educational resources are
available online. (20 minutes) © 2008 (# 40294)
Principles and Laws of Motion (DVD/VHS)
This program demonstrates typical mechanics situations common to many physics courses, such
as circular motion, projectile motion, straight line motion, and inclined plane motion. Describing
these motions in terms of forces and energy transfers, the video examines the topic of motion using
a series of large-scale, real-world examples. In the process, it deals with issues such as uncontrolled
variables of nonuniform friction and subsequent energy loss. Each topic is illustrated through
detailed analysis, discussion, and visuals. (30 minutes) © 2008 (# 40307)
Flight: Science Goes Airborne (DVD/VHS)
What gives jet airplanes, which have been known to reach the size of office buildings, the ability to
leave the ground? It isn’t rocket science—although that’s also covered in this high-energy program
on the complexity of flight. For basic training in aerodynamic principles, viewers take an exhilarating hang-glider ride and venture inside a high-tech wind tunnel used by Olympic ski jumpers. Next
up: the launch of a mammoth homemade rocket, the centrifuge tests that jet pilots undergo to fight
the effects of high G-forces, and the wonders of parabolic flight — which briefly simulates weightlessness. Finally, the program gets up-close and personal with the only mammals capable of actual
flight: bats. (22 minutes) © 2008 (# 40068)
Speed: Science Pushes the Limits (DVD/VHS)
If great runners are born, not made, what roles do training and technology play? Will cutting-edge
engineering and chemistry create vehicles that move faster than previously thought possible? This
program presents a quest to understand speed in all its manifestations. Viewers get a look at the
North American Eagle, an automobile that’s more fighter jet than car, designed to challenge the
world land speed record. At the Walthamstow dog track in east London, the program shows how
greyhounds, the second fastest land animals on earth, are built for velocity. And a sprint on a 60km/
hour treadmill uncovers the secrets of track runners — revealing that speed isn’t about how fast you
move your feet. (23 minutes) © 2008 (# 40069)
Copyright © 2010 Films for the Humanities & Sciences® • • 1-800-257-5126
Physics in Actions
Instructor’s Guide
Everyday Einstein: Einsteinian Physics at Work and at Play (DVD/VHS)
In 1905, Albert Einstein released a series of groundbreaking papers on relativity, quantum theory, and
Brownian motion. This program hosted by David Suzuki identifies technologies that have evolved
from or were influenced by Einstein’s revolutionary ideas — TVs, nuclear power plants, digital cameras, medical imaging devices, CD players, GPS devices, and more—while showing just how profoundly
Einstein’s thinking continues to shape modern life more than five decades after the celebrated scientist’s
death. Commentary by physicist Erich Vogt, who knew Einstein personally, and others is featured.
Original CBC broadcast title: Everyday Einstein. (45 minutes) © 2006 (# 39384)
hysics of Fun (posters)
Physics of Fun — a dynamic eight-piece series of 17” x 22” posters — has fun with physics as it illustrates
key principles every science student needs to know. Whether it’s a skateboarder on a ramp turning potential energy into kinetic energy or a goalkeeper performing negative mechanical work on a soccer ball, this
is serious science. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Product. The posters are: Potential Energy Poster
| Kinetic Energy Poster | Work Poster | Angular Momentum Poster | Conservation of Energy Poster | Newton’s
1st Law Poster | Newton’s 2nd Law Poster | Newton’s 3rd Law Poster. © 2008 (# 38992)
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