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Cardiovascular System
The heart is a two sided pump. The right side of the heart is separated from the left side by a wall of muscle called
the _____________. The right side of the heart receives _________________ blood from the body via the inferior
and superior vena cava and the blood from these blood vessels enters the heart into the ____________ atrium. The
right atrium is the upper collecting chamber. Once the right atrium fills blood is passed through the _____________
valve and enters the lower chamber, the right ventricle. When full the right ventricle pumps this deoxygenated blood
to the lungs through a __________________ valve and into the ___________________ artery.
The left side of the heart receives _________________ blood from the lungs via the pulmonary ________. The
blood enters the left atrium and passes through the _________________ valve (also known as the mitral valve),
before moving into the left ventricle. When the left ventricle contracts, the blood is forced out through a semi-lunar
valve and sent around the rest of the body, including the muscles, via the _____________ artery, eventually
returning to the heart through the inferior and superior vena cava.
The valves in the heart ensure that blood is moving in the correct direction and prevents any backflow. The valves
open when placed under pressure. Pressure is caused by the heart chambers contracting. When the atria walls
contract this increases the ________________ in these chambers, this causes the ____________ and
_______________ valves to open and forces blood into the ventricles. When the ventricles contact, this increases
the pressure in these chambers, this causes the __________________ valves to open and blood is forced into the
pulmonary artery and aorta.
Because the ventricles have to pump blood further than the
atria they have muscular walls. The left ventricle in
particular has a large muscular wall to help generate a
stronger contraction because it has to pump blood around
the rest of the body.
Explain what happens during:
Pulmonary Circulation:
Systemic Circulation:
Stages of the Cardiac Cycle
The atria fill with blood; the _______________ and ______________ valves are closed
to allow the filling to take place.
The atria contract forcing blood into the ventricles. The bicuspid and tricuspid valves
are ______________.
The ventricles fill with blood, the __________________ valves are shut but the
tricuspid and bicuspid valves are __________ to allow blood to pass into the ventricles.
The ventricles contract forcing the blood through the ___________________ valves
into the aorta and pulmonary artery.
Atria Systole, Ventricular Systole, Atria Diastole, Ventricular Diastole
The Heart’s Conduction System – use PowerPoint to fill out these boxes
Label the diagram below with the following terms;
Superior vena cava;
Left Atrium;
Right Atrium;
Purkinje fibres;
Bundle of His;
A.V. node;
S.A. node;
Bundle of Branches