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Ch 2 Review
The Water Cycle
• The water cycle is the
movement of water between
the oceans, atmosphere,
land, and living things.
Stages of the Water Cycle
• Evaporation – The change of a substance from a liquid to a
gas, where the water is cycled back into the atmosphere.
• Condensation- The change of state from a gas to a liquid
due to the cooling of water vapor.
• Precipitation- Any form of water that falls to the Earth’s
surface from the clouds. It is water that moves from the
atmosphere to the land and oceans- includes rain, snow, sleet
and hail
• Ground Water (collection)- The precipitation that seeps into
the ground, where it is stored in spaces between or within
porous rocks and underground caverns.
The Water Cycle
E (Evaporation) – The change of a substance from a liquid to a
B (Condensation)-
The change of state from a gas to a liquid
D (Groundwater) - Water that seeps into the ground & slowly
flows back into soil, streams,
rivers, & oceans
A (Transpiration) - The process of plants releasing large
of water vapor
F (Runoff) - The precipitation that falls on land that flows into
streams, rivers, oceans, and lakes
C (Precipitation) - Any form of water that falls to the Earth’s
Surface from the clouds
G (Water Cycle) - The movement of water between the oceans,
atmosphere, land, and living things
The Water Cycle
1. ____________________
4. ____________________
2. ____________________
5. ____________________
3. ____________________
6. ____________________
The Water Cycle
• 1.) Name the several different types of
Rain, snow,
sleet, & hail
• 2.) Explain the significance of the water cycle:
__ water cycle is how the Earth’s water recycles itself.
Without water, there would be no life on Earth. All
are composed mostly of water and eventually, all
the water taken
in by organisms is returned
to the
• 3.) Where does the energy that powers the
water cycle come from?
A. plants
C. electrical outlets
The Water Cycle
• *BONUS: Why are the oceans salty?
•As runoff water flows into the lakes,
streams, and rivers, it picks up small
quantities of minerals from rocks and soil.
•This salty water then flows into the oceans,
making the ocean salty too!
•When the ocean water evaporates, the salt
does not evaporate and remains in the
The Carbon Cycle
• The carbon cycle is the
exchange of CARBON
between the environment and
living things (it moves from the
environment into living things
and back into the
The Carbon Cycle
• Decomposition and Combustion
Decomposition – The breakdown of dead materials into
carbon dioxide and water
Combustion - The process of burning fossil fuel or wood
** Both have organic matter that releases carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere.
• Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis– The
by which plants use carbon
dioxide from the air to make sugars
Respiration - sugar molecules are broken down to release
energy  carbon dioxide & water
Organic – molecules that contain carbon
- molecules that
do not
contain carbon
The Carbon Cycle
• Then sketch a diagram
Stages of the Carbon Cycle
• Photosynthesis – The basis of the carbon cycle, in
which plants use carbon dioxide from the air to make
• Respiration – The process by which sugar molecules
are broken down to release energy. Carbon dioxide
and water are released as byproducts.
• Decomposition – The breakdown of substances into
simpler molecular substances. It The breakdown of
dead materials into carbon dioxide and water
• Combustion – The process of burning a substance,
such as wood or fossil fuels. Releases CO2
The Nitrogen Cycle
• 1. The Earth’s atmosphere is made up of78%
percent of nitrogen.
• 2. When organisms die,decomposition
_________________ breaks
down the remains which helps release nitrogen into
the soil for plants to use.
• 3. ________________
in the soil are able to change
nitrogen gas into forms that plants can use.
• Short Answers
• 4. Why is nitrogen essential to life?
Because it allows for the exchange of nitrogen between
the environment and living things. During the cycle,
nitrogen is changed into a form that organisms can use.
Nitrogen is needed to build proteins and DNA for new
The Nitrogen Cycle
• The nitrogen cycle is the movement of
NITROGEN from the environment to living
things and back again because organisms
need nitrogen to build proteins and DNA for
new cells.
The Nitrogen Cycle
5. Describe, in detail, the importance of nitrogen fixation
in the nitrogen cycle.
It is when bacteria in the soil are able to change
nitrogen gas into forms that plants can use.
6. How do animals contribute to the nitrogen cycle?
Animals eat nitrogen contained in plants, which helps
them make protein and new cells. When an animal
dies, decomposition releases nitrogen back into the
soil that can be used again.
The Nitrogen Cycle
Match the organism to its role in the nitrogen cycle.
B Nitrogen fixation
A. Herbivores and Omnivores
D Decomposition
B. Bacteria
A Receives nitrogen by eating plants C. Plant roots
C Takes up nitrogen from soil
D. Decomposers
*BONUS: Do the three cycles you learned about (water,
carbon, and nitrogen cycles) affect each other in any way?
Each cycle is connected in many ways. Some forms of
nitrogen & carbon are carried through the environment by
water. Many nutrients pass from soil to plans and animals
and back. Living organisms play a part in each of the cycles.
• Nitrogen is found in the form of gas in the:
Earth’s atmosphere.
• Since most organisms cannot use the
nitrogen gas, it is changed into usable
forms by Bacteria, lightning.
– This is called nitrogen fixation.
• Organisms get the nitrogen they require by
plants or eating organisms that eat plants.
• When an organism dies the nitrogen is
returned to land by decomposers breaking
down remains.
Changes in Ecosystems:
Ecological Succession
Stages of primary succession
1. Bare rock where nothing lives is exposed
2. Acids from pioneer species creates small particles from rocks that start to
form soil
3. Enough soil forms for mosses to grow which replaces pioneer species and
other tiny organisms begin to live there
4. over time, mosses are replaced by ferns, which are then replaced by
grasses and wildflower; enough soil also allows shrubs and small trees to
5. The soil is deep enough to support a forest
Stages of secondary succession in order
1. A natural disaster causes a major disturbance and destroys a community
leaving only some weeds left to grow
2. Either the wind blows seeds or insects carry seeds allowing new weeds to
3. Small trees (such as conifers may start to grow among the weeds and
continue to grow to form a forest
4. As older trees dies, they are replaced by different trees if the climate can
support them
• Natural, gradual changes in the types of
species that live in an area; can be
primary or secondary
• The gradual replacement of one plant
community by another through natural
processes over time
Primary Succession
1. Begins in a place without any soil
– Sides of volcanoes
– Landslides
– Flooding
2. Starts with the arrival of living things such
as lichens that do not need soil to survive
1.) Compare and contrast primary and secondary succession.
Primary succession is when a small community of living
things starts to live in an area that had no plants or animals.
Starts with bare rock -> organisms living and dying on rock->
rock turning to soil. Secondary succession is the regrowth of
the original plant community in an existing area that was
destroyed by a natural disaster.
2.) Describe what a pioneer species is. Why is it important to the ecosystem?
Pioneer species are the first organisms to grow in an area
undergoing ecological succession. Pioneer species are
important because they allow for the development of an
ecosystem. For example, lichens are pioneer species and they
help break down the rocks during primary succession that
eventually leads to soil.
Primary Succession
Soil starts to form as lichens and the forces
of weather and erosion help break down
rocks into smaller pieces
When lichens die, they decompose, adding
small amounts of organic matter to the
rock to make soil
Primary Succession
3. Simple plants like mosses and ferns can
grow in the new soil
Primary Succession
• The simple plants die, adding more
organic material
4. The soil layer thickens, and grasses,
ferns, wildflowers, and other plants begin
to take over
Primary Succession
These plants
die, and they
add more
nutrients to
the soil
• Shrubs and
tress can
survive now
Primary Succession
• Insects, small birds, and mammals have
begun to move in
• What was once bare rock now supports a
variety of life
Secondary Succession
5. After hundreds or thousands of years,
conifers start to grow into a forest.
Secondary Succession
• Begins in a place that already has soil and
was once the home of living organisms
• Occurs faster and has different pioneer
species than primary succession
• Example: after forest fires, in abandoned
Secondary Succession
1. A disturbance leaves a field abandoned.
Weeds, crab grass grow.
2. Year 2 - Horseweed grows.
3. Year 5-15 – small conifers start and may
form forest after 100 years.
4. Conifers replaced by hardwoods if
climate supports it.
Climax Community
• A stable group of plants and animals that
is the end result of the succession process
• Does not always mean big trees
– Grasses in prairies
– Cacti in deserts